It must have killed the NYT to have to run this story....well, wishing it HAD done so.

Like a stake through the vampire's heart.

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It’s Classic. When caught lying, keep lying.

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As one of the most esteemed universities in the US, and even the world (ranked not far below Oxford in the UK), Harvard has to uphold US values of wokeness. Is Gay nor a biological male, pretending to be a woman, like Sage Hana? I get that she's black, which is a necessary attribute for her job. But it's not sufficient. If she is not a transgender then why is she in the job? Even if she is a transgender, is she a pedophile? It is hard to imagine a top US university not being led by a pedophile. Even Jeffrey Epstein apologist "Freedom Lover," a frequent contributor to this stack, would qualify on the criterion of needing to be a pedophile or pedophile apologist.

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At least a pedophile apologist, kinda like Communist Dictator apologist.

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Why tell the truth, when a lie will do as well.

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A lie is the truth now. People are allowed to lie because cows are farting and people aren't experimenting with gene altering biological experiments, and water is wet, and blah, blah, blah.

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Such fun when they tie themselves in knots through continuous hogwash

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No, no..Harvard can’t fire their triple-token!

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I heard Carol Swain say Miss Gay should not be called Dr anymore.

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The philosophy of CRT (critical race theory, which Gay represents) holds that logic and "truth" are just white man's tricks to keep people of color subjugated. Thus, logic, truth and even honesty depend on narratives (of oppression) and Gay would counter that her narrative is fighting back against whiteness and therefore is justified and acceptable, just as ending racism in the view of CRT requires a new racism, i.e., against "whiteness."

Yes, it's confused and let's hope the focus on Gay is part of the dismantling of the insidious philosophy that pretends that logic is a white man's trick, when we know that China and India developed their own logic, not to mention Arabic math (built on the fundamental logic of identity and contradiction.) One couldn't even use language without basic logic. What they wish to do is to dismantle all this and pretend that it's all a trick, and they wish to do this so they can set up "narratives" as expressions of truth, and they wish that people would be so stupid as to give a pass to blatant contradictions in narratives so that the people promoting CRT can gain power and control over others (do what we say!) without having to answer for blatant falsehoods.

Gay epitomizes this agenda of usurping the rational for the irrational, in the pretense that all of this somehow adds up to "truth." It's high time to stop this nonsense.

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Harvard's just ticked that Gay was citing Carol Swain's work - they hate that wonderful conservative woman who rose to top scholar and academician from abject poverty. Gay was a coddled spoiled child from day one - graduated from Exeter and became tenured with the absolute bare minimum of required scholarship -- something like 11 papers and no books published. Gay's crime is citing the very source they hate with the red hot hatred of a million suns.

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Just keep going, leftists. The counter to your 133 or so years of infiltration of US institutions as devised by WDP Bliss, implemented through his coalition of American socialists and collectivists called the American Fabian League, known subsequently as “the great march through the institutions” and plagiarized by the Muslim Brotherhood (who had been hired by Barry Obama to work in his administration) as social jihad, will have to be extreme.

Imagine BLM and Antifa’s actions against America’s memories of its past through their desecration and removal of commemorative statuary being practiced against America’s enemies such as Antifa, BLM, and the DNC.


They have no commemorative statuary?

Okay, then just remove them from every position of public trust, jail them for insurrection, identify and reverse their actions of the past 133 years, use RICO laws to seize all their property and assets, and then redistribute it to their victims, the American people.

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The degree of STUPIDITY at the top of American Universities is breathtaking - now how would you possibly expect, that intelligent, honest & highly capable beings, for solving life's problems - may come out of such rotten to the core education . . . ?

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Democrats can’t win anything without cheating. They sow division and push death cult agendas. When will the average brainwashed, in a trance, American democrat wake up to these facts?

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Excellent question, Dr. A - "When does the scandal factor exceed [the] wokeness quotient?"

I think we're about to find out... lol.

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This is what "it" looks like when someone gets their job based on being a freak of color. Also what satan looks like. Moral confusion, gender confusion, social confusion. Author of confusion, satan.

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Trashing of our instruions and rubbing it in our face!

They'll enjoy every aspect, even her ouster!

God, Let it be used against them!

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