"Legal ones" might not be an option in some states if things keep going the way they're going

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You've heard the saying..

. If they outlawed guns, then only outlaws eould have guns.

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Do you have Schizophrenia?

Previous post : I cannot trust my government anymore, wa wa wa

Now: those Islamists my government told me about are coming for me! For my blonde daughter !🤭

FYI: eyewitnesses said six tall men did the killing. May the victims rest in peace.

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Look to Europe if you want to see the threats. Mass migration from primarily muslim countries has made it terribly unsafe. Look at the rape stats in Sweden. 76% committed by foreign born men! Then look at the jail stats.

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That is called crimes due to poverty. What do you expect?

Not because they are muslims. Not because they follow the Quran. They are doing crimes despite the teachings of the Quran.

Now look at this , what is there excuse?



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Can’t access what you sent me. Poverty doesn’t make people rape infidels, and those are the women that are being raped. Look at radical mosques. They rant against Jews and infidels

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The Koran teaches murder, rape, aggression, intolerance. "Strike at Their Necks"

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https://www2.cbn.com/news/world/muslim-tells-christians-we-tried-warning-you-its-time-wake-about-threat-radical-islam This is an eye opener. We have/had been warned. Thanks Obama for the transformation of your life long goals.

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You mean in Maine?

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What a pathetic face. Get these low life beasts out of our country!

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