I admire the fine writing, and the artwork is interesting, but don’t find the argument compelling, at least not literally. Maybe it’s intended to be allegory, and may have some value as such.

We measure heat, not cold. We measure light, not darkness. We measure substance, not emptiness. And so we should measure goodness, not evil. Evil is error — departure from the divine path. Sin is deliberate evil — willing departure from the divine path. Iniquity is habitually-embraced sin.

The dark, empty iciness of evil, sin and iniquity may only be dispelled by the light of truth, the substance of beauty and the warmth of love, for those are the enduring realities, the Divine Reality that will eventually and inevitably prevail in the hearts of men. Though perhaps long delayed, their triumph will not be thwarted.

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All Wars are Bankers Wars. Blaming the common citizens is deflection. We the people are the victims not the aggressors. https://youtu.be/5hfEBupAeo4?si=Cg5iuOa2vSbmn464

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It’s all quite simple, these same people who, in the past told Americans, “You Didn’t Build That” or “You’ve Made Enough Money” are utilizing the same exact, thereabouts tactics Chairman Mao used. I posted Xi Van Fleet’s interview with Tucker Carlson to my home page. If anyone believes this isn’t what’s happening, what has been building, I’ll say it again, “You’re Part Of The Problem” or “You’re Completely Blind”! There’s far too many similarities, too many to mention here. Xi Van Fleet explains what happened and why it happened in China. Americans / America are being “Rebuilt” by these same type of people! Indoctrination of children, removing our past, attacking law abiding citizens, overthrowing the country with illegal invasion! On and on and on! Far too many examples to mention here, but I do believe most people are aware of the damage being inflicted upon our GREAT NATION! The questions are, “how can we stop this”, “ how can we prevent further violence from happening”? We need to remember, these people are “HELLBENT” about rebuilding the greatest nation on planet earth! They will not stop and they will utilize anything and everything to achieve their goals! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Excellent read. We are living in a battle between Good and Evil. Revelation is playing out just as written in our Bible. All claim Jesus as Savior had better get very busy pulling in the remnant before the rapture.

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Paul and all,

How to reclaim America from Obama at this late date…

This IS the most important 2024 issue for Americans to get involved in…make the time for your country!

Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA for all future generations!


For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



Please help with this most rewarding project for Freedom and Liberty!

P.S. Get to work Americans!

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Paul and all,

How come citizens do not understand NATURAL BORN CITIZEN at this late date?

ONLY natural born citizens can be president or VP. KEEP UP WITH LEX GREENE, AN IMPORTANT WRITER…


P.S. I believe ONLY natural born citizens should be allowed into any political office…should be changed when We the People reclaim America!

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Wasn't the creator of the Dalek's named Davos?

With all those ill-fitting human (monster) looking masks bobbing about with emotionless (sometimes black, sometimes lizard looking) eyes, one could think that we quite possibly be in a Dr Who series. Should we be listening for the sounds of the TARDIS.

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Profound and timely. Thank you Dr. Paul.

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