How can any sane nation condone the appointment of two leaders whose combined IQ does not even reach 20?

It is unthinkably insane and criminal that it was allowed to fester for so long, completely obliterating the credibility of a once great nation!

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very nice view here...it is still IMO the greatest nation but the unthinkable can happen, it can fall...we cannot withstand 4 more years of this...and if Trump does not remove the 20 million illegals, USA is done....

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the unfortunate facts are that the American people have been being lied to about many core materiel matters for generations, the original Ku de tah that really changed the nature of the Federal Government that led to a commercial global system of Economic and financial tyranny and a Global Government by treaty under the United Nations to control all world commerce, in 1988, which practically no one today is aware of, and all that goes along with that historically, and they also are not aware of how all these events were set up, and carried out by way of hijacking the law system, tax system, funding-spending system, under the General Welfare Clause, that was predicted by Farmers- Anti-Federalists, as well as other founding fathers who also warned they would steal this Government, take away the rights of the people, and enslave them ! Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson as well warned about the stealing or overthrow from within of this Government ! I have all the research and proof of who, what, where, when, how, and why they did it !

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good sharing....very interesting

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

I listen to radio 4 in bed last thing and first thing so I can keep up to date with the propaganda. Last night BBC radio 4 decided to tell us all what a truly incredible president Joe Biden had been and what a long distinguished career the man had had because he had achieved so much - I had to turn the radio off before I felt any sicker. This morning radio 4 continued that Joe Biden had the best achievements of any president ever, had always put his country first, which Donald Trump never did,

and his decision to step down was a totally selfless act. They then continued with a eulogy to Kamala Harris the woman who was breaking barriers by being the first woman of colour vice president and someone who had already shown herself to be a capable leader in her roll as VP. I know it is propaganda but it leaves me speechless.

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bullshit...he has no accomplishments...no, zero...did you keep the radio or throw it out?

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Exactly I was screaming at the radio - please list Biden's accomplishments and then went into a rant about all of his crooked dealings, disasterous foreign policy errors, endless lies, racist remarks, Obama's supposed comment of 'never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up' and then finished with and he is a demented sock puppet - then I turned it off. I do like to keep a bit up to date with the BBC propaganda so I know what 'normies' think so I still have the radio.

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We had a chance in the last election to set things right. But someone blew up the back of the Batman building (the AT&T Tower)

In Nashville TN. That was where the Dominion voter machine files were.

They never found the bomber, and the surveillance cameras magigcly had their tapes wiped.

They never found the bomber, but they did find an unnamed homeless dude that was killed while sleeping across the street..

If they can't find a bomber how can we jail any of the bad guys?

Is it time for a Basstile Day?

We'd have to have a common threat first

That's why we all must find a common thread, to uninifie under.

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yes, very excellent post and we have to start jailing bad guys, not Bannon not Navarro

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Unifying such a divide would be like connecting mars to earth!

As I agree Darkstar with your statement, think about how many tentacles are spread out in so many different directions? Each tentacle has a specific purpose of which, when combined, they encircle a specific objective.

Layer after layer of encircled targets have created such a dire undertaking for a divided nation to come together and dismantle.

Except one, I believe you called it “ Bastille” and yes built as a medieval fortress, the Bastille eventually came to be used as a state prison!

This sounds exactly like what’s needed! Lock them all up! First,

“Who’s the all”? and second, how to lock them up?

One thing I know for sure, those “evildoers” have been working round the clock, year after year, eventually getting their way! Their way not “We the People’s”!

We’re their enemy! We’re their detour! And each time they have a work around. The reason I believe this is their “ hail Mary” is two fold.

One, the voter blocks are changing quickly. The elderly are dying off.

Two, they’ve been able to “brainwash” the 20 somethings that “communism” is special, is great and all will live as equals. No one person will have more “soup” than the next.

“Everyone gets a trophy”!

“Everyone is a winner”!

“Everyone is equal”!

Sadly, these twenty somethings are playing right into the “Globalist” hands. They’ve been raised and bred to accept such nonsense. This is why the NEA must be “vaporized”! As well as many other

“government entities” designed to “tear down these walls”! And boy oh boy they’ve done a great job!

I know there’s an answer, i don’t know how, other than an all out “civil war”! Which leads me to believe this is why so many, under cover “Chinese Military Men” are making their way into America.

There’s more at stake here than ever in my lifetime. Maybe there’s a peaceful solution, honesty Darkstar I can’t see how!

Thanks for you insight into the clouds of darkness Darkstar.


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this is an important sharing...this is a clear punishing statement "Two, they’ve been able to “brainwash” the 20 somethings that “communism” is special, is great and all will live as equals. No one person will have more “soup” than the next." for it is so accurate

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On July 14th 1789 The French Revolution began.

The unarmed Frenchmen and women stormed Bastille towers and stole weapons from the armory. Thus ar.ed they fought and won their freedom.

All we need is a common enemy.

Then nature will take her course.

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hhhhmmm...the French revolution was something indeed

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Yes it was Dr Alexander.

We should note the French Revolution was one of the few successful Revolutions ,that did not have an

" interested third-party"

Suppling arms intelligence and funding .

Consequently their was no one to guide young France into a lawful order.

Thus the Red Terror was born and many innocent people died.

A point to deeply think on when we think about our future.

If Civil War comes to the nation, the after effect will be worse than we can Imagine.

That's why I support Trump. To save the Empire.

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I forgot to mention Darkstar about the sudden, software update failure! You know the one I speak of? The one that suddenly brought down the world’s computers infrastructure?

This mishap, ( if you believe that) along with various so called mishaps with AT&T cellphones, 911 and the rest of our technologically superior antiquated systems and device infrastructures can, in a NYC heartbeat, takedown all communications. Unless you’re connected to satellite communications systems or other non dependent commercial networks.

This is one “enemy”

“We the People” have no control over! As Newman from Seinfeld said “when you control the mail you control information”!

Good Ole Newman.

Yes electronic mail is of course, information we can’t control.

I thought I’d mention that. I don’t believe the “Blue Screen” outage had anything to do with “software updates”.

Time will tell. For now Darkstar keep your head on a swivel and eyes in the back.


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Common enemy is key Darkstar. Do you think the influx of millions of migrants from all walks of life along with varying degrees of jihadist terrorist, criminals, of all walks are willing to side with and take up arms against a common enemy?

I see a “Pisscum”! You can’t do both at the same time, conundrum type of situation we’re facing. Who knows honestly what’s going to happen.

What I can say and do know is this. Overwhelming our inner cities and all the governmental systems is part of “our enemies” plan. In conjunction with a complete societal collapse. Our “enemies” must create chaos in order to keep themselves and their power disguised. Having hope and faith, a positive attitude are all important.

Closing one’s eyes to reality is all but guaranteed destruction. Thus the MSM and a lot of media pundits continue to ignore reality! Or at best say as little as possible, the minimum amount to keep calm the “Waters of Society”! Don’t ripple the waters!

In the end? Who truly knows what will become of America? Of the world? Of humanity?

Lots of questions, very few answers. What’s happening is of a “Spiritual Awakening” and people must recognize this. As the saying goes for the definition of Insanity,

“keep doing the same thing over and expecting a different result”

Yes I do believe the world has gone mad. Insane!

Find our common enemy and know their weaknesses. Thanks Darkstar.


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No, Joe Manchin only does what benefits Joe Manchin. I've seen too many votes where he gets something for his vote. Nope, no thanks. President Trump 2024.

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Funny.....JOE and Manchin go way back. Wonder what happened? Could it be the word


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If these stupid republicans would stop sitting on their hands this could have been done 4 years ago. We all saw slipping Joe, in more ways than one. Laws needed to be passed on coattails of some junk that dems rushed through that Biden must submit to cognitive test with doctor of congresses choosing, and the findings made public. But no, hem and haw, get nothing done. All of the politicians need to be replaced with term limits in place a modest salary and NO PERKS! Then we will get good people. So tired of electing them and all promise this and that and only promote themselves! The world knew he was not there, yet no one did and still does nothing. He cannot function, REMOVE HIM NOW! Hold whole administration accountable for not doing their job, get rid of ALL.

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Yes, even world leaders knew he was mentally gone. But do not worry. Your overlords will still be in charge.

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they all lied to us and were prepped before with promise of money and 'things'...they are as filthy and criminal as our local leaders

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The club runs deep.

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There’s much greater forces at play here! As we’ve heard names such as the “Deep State” or the “Cabal” or any other name, this is about voters, about you and me or “We The People”. This is all about a group of “Globalists” elites, Kabillionares for lack of any normal sounding word.

Disgustingly filthy rich parasites such as Bill Gates, Yuval Hariri, Schwab, Obama, Clinton’s Blackrock. The list is long, the money deep and their combined goals are to “Control Humanity”

“One World Order” of sorts!

Ask yourself why hasn’t anyone in Congress done a damn thing about two, migrating groups of people? Why?

One group, literally poor people from all over the world. The second group, “Chinese Military Men”! Figure it out. A dark and possibly bloody picture appears.

Maybe not bloody based on how many people lined up and “complied” for an unknown, untested, “Bioweapon Injection”!

If half of these people would have done a little research before lining up to take an unknown shot, then 5.5 billion may have been halved. It’s quite sad so many people follow in lockstep.

The world is being played. Something far worse is happening. Biden never won, Harris received .007 % of votes when she was running for President. Call it 1% of her home state, California! That’s pathetic!

So does anyone really believe the “President & VP” are appointments? Appointed by

Who? “We the People”? Nope! Sorry it all sounds great but this isn’t the way it’s happening. At least the last election.

Money is power and right now America and the American people have been “Raided”! Our taxes stolen, spread all around the world, except America! Why? The reality is our tax dollars have been laundered around the world! Back to the same people who tell you and me who won the Presidency!

Truth is “We the People’s” powers were taken away long ago! Everything isn’t what it seems to be. The “Evildoers” of the world and most people know who they are will not stop until they succeed! Until they have their

“One World Order Government”!

Then the SHTF!

Evil will ultimately lose this battle! This “Spiritual War”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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The intelligence of leadership is in the low level the most 3, The importance of leadership is doing what is right by the people. Stop being the laughingstock of the world get a spine and walk upright with character. Will they ever be held accountable for crimes against humanity of the world? Will he resign before the end of the term? If he goes to the end of term if incompetent would he have capacity to give a pardon or not. When will the politicians stop the lies. Would there be reforms about voting for donors side in legal cases or contracts coming forward even the insider trading to gain advantage over others. Can the companies telling government what to do will stop or will we stay captured agency at the president whims. Would Kennedy run as VP with Harris?

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Of course! Since 2016! We all knew it, you know they did too. They let him be a loon at the debate because they have something else planned. They also want Trump dead, thanks to Obama, Jarrett, Brennan, Clapper and Holder all weaponizing the entire federal government.

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A friend posed this frightening scenario and I hope it's not possible:


The rematch of 2016: TRUMP V. CLINTON

The 25th Amendment provides the scenario by which Hillary Clinton could end up being the un-elected President of the UNITED STATES and on all 50 ballots this November 5th despite the democrat deadline for presidential candidates needing to be listed on the ballot having already past in 18 states.

Section 1

In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

Section 2

Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

Would Kamala nominate Hillary Clinton?


According to Section 3 & 4, the President can decide he/she is unable to discharge the duties OR the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers (Cabinet) transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, the President is unable to discharge the duties of that office, then you can remove a sitting President.

Here's where it gets interesting. According to Article II Section 1 Clause 5 of the Constitution,

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Kamala Harris was born on October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California, to Donald J. Harris, a Jamaican immigrant, and Shyamala Gopalan, an Indian immigrant. At the time of her birth, her parents were both non-citizen immigrants making the current Vice President ineligible to assume the office of the President. (H/T Ron Bouchard, We The People 2)

So if a constitutional challenge were to be brought asserting that Kamala Harris is unable to serve AFTER she were to nominate Hillary as VP, and then result in her removal of office, we would be left with Hillary Clinton on the democrat ticket as President going into an election on Nov 5, 2024, in a Clinton v. Trump rematch.

Under this scenario, there are only 2 scenarios I can see left happening at this point going forward. And we know they CAN NOT left Trump win.

1. MASS CHEATING based on various methodologies including illegals voting by the millions, ballot harvesting, machine fraud etc.

2.A declaration of a National Emergency before the election resulting in martial law effectively suspending the election leaving President Hillary Clinton in place until further notice.

More war gaming must be done in order to avoid this outcome. Without control of 2/3 of congress, we still need states like AZ, PA, GA to decertify the electors from 2020. We still do not have courts that will grant standing as they are administrative and not common law therefore not recognizing the "man" before them.

STAY TUNED....we are in for a very bumpy ride America.

We the People must come together to alter or abolish the current government as our Declaration of Independence demands:

That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

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I must add to my prior comment, which I forgot, Abraham Lincoln is quoted by historians as saying in the late 1800's : "Corporations have been enthroned. An age of corruption will follow." ! and the rest as we know , is history, establishing Lincoln as a prophet, his prophecy coming true not only in this country, but all over the whole wide world !

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by now we should all know that all this is only a stage show, acting by a bunch of circus clowns who are paid off by Bribery & Murder Inc. Global, to act ignorant, dumb, stupid, incompetent, with an overflow of negligence to put the cap stone on the pyramid ! “Follow the money” is the old mantra we should be following right now, who got paid what from who, and how long will they continue to get the big bucks before they are offed, or thrown under the bus…..yes we know the drill, same shit, different day…..

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I am hoping now that Elon Musk is moving X from CA to Texas, that he release the Crime scene that he bought. The truth will prevail. IMO it's a coup to take over America by a bunch of Communists.

By a Democratic Party that screams, President Trump is the threat to democracy. During his term the world was a safer place and middles class Americans were starting to do better.

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Does that council and law legally have to pick Kamala as first choice ? any chance at bringing tthepolls up and to win the election would be to put Michelle Obama there. Yup. Their only "hope" to fly high the continuous lies.

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