Wow, Yale actually did the right thing?

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I hope I helped them to make the decision to fire her because she was very unprofessional and way outside of that profession's code of ethics, so I blew her away on social media and exposed her

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Im overwhelmed that Yale took the right action regarding this truly deranged bandy X lee, she needs to seek psychiatric help for her delusional diagnosis of a man she never met.

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Yes, the Osmosis Diagnosis.

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At the time I dismissed her as bubbling of someone who got hold of the wrong mushrooms and thought that most people will see it that way. Also, notwithstanding that, she must have been well paid for it What worries me is that in the last three years there are not many public assessments by the scholars of the wrong prompters, hair colors, different earlobes, "where do I go now", "president Harris", "salute Marines" and on and on as the papers will take and videos show.

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But once again this action by Yale will not reach the mainstream media and therefore the damage to character.continues.

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Claiming psychological unfitness is right out of the communist playbook. The Russians would do that do those in public they wanted to shut up.

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The US does the same thing. A favorite dodge of evidence from the NSA.

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Excellent point Dr. Alexander! This lady is a shriveled worm of humanity.

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Kudos to Yale for standing up for what’s right

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Dr. Lee unintentionally raised an issue that has gone over literally everyone's head. Lee's defense was that she wasn't diagnosing Trump, she says she was raising questions about his mental state that could impact his fitness for office. But what diagnosis could she have made that would have deemed him unfit for office? Trump easily fits all the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) as defined in the DSM - but then so does three-quarters of Congress and probably every head of every major bank and trans-national corporation in the world and every major member of the WEF.

Being a narcissist - even one that is clinically on the far end of the spectrum - is a prerequisite for being a "leader" in this modern world. It's what makes people think that they can turn the planet into a debtor's prison without any negative consequences for themselves - and not care about the mass murder and mayhem that it unleashes on the rest of the world.

It is with stunning irony that she missed all that murderous megalomania in so many WEF members, and instead focused on the guy who doesn't seem to be a party to those aims.

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I found information on this case in Wikipedia. It has been the subject of debate for years. There's a law called the Goldwater law and Bandy herself has a page. It is not a cut and dried case and it looks like it is not over.



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