but not the deaths; Biden, rolled out the vaccine and wants credit but no blame for the deaths & Weissman wants credit for the mRNA technology with Malone but not the deaths from the mRNA vaccine
Well maybe if they had a family member die unexpectedly, they might be willing to ask some questions. I think a lot of folks on the inside knew not to take it. Especially with all the exceptions granted to Congress, CDC and Pfizer employees.
I’ll never forget that…Sen Sean Casten. But not a word about it possibly being the jab. Just silence forever and no chance to save other children. He’s not that stupid…talk about not being able to live with yourself.
Yes, that maybe even from my state of Illinois, sounds very familiar. And you are right- not a peep!! Like kids die in their sleep all the time.. everyone is so scared.
I wish Trump was "The Guy" to get us out of this mess but he isn't. He won't come clean on the Vax, and he won't pardon Jullian Assange. He DOES NOT support government transparency....On a good note, he doesn't want Globalism to crush American prosperity...what to do?????
Wow .. so wrong .. so wrong.. we will see. Just wait & see what Trump will do when he’s back! The timing is wrong right now for many reasons can’t you see all that’s going on right now?!?!?
Trump only cares about one thing, and it’s not us. Only WeThePeople with God can save us. God sees and knows ALL. I implore anyone who doesn’t know Jesus as their Savior to ask Him into your life, to forgive your sins (btw, we all are sinners)🙏 and to give you a new ♥️ There’s no better time than now. Don’t wait or it may be too late. Jesus will call his “bride” (his followers, his church in a generic sense) up into the clouds ☁️ (aka the Rapture) SOON! Don’t get left behind in this beyond wicked world to come during the 7-yr ‘hell on earth’ Tribulation. He wants to give everyone His gift of Redemption, Salvation and Eternal Life (bought for with His freely spilt precious blood) when He willingly died on the cross, then was Resurrected 3 days later. I suggest that you take Him up on His once-in-a-lifetime offer to live with Him again in Paradise. 🤩
Your statement that Trump does not care for us is absurd and moronic. He has already pledged his life and his fortune to take back America from the deep state cabal that is running it now. If he didn't care, he would not have run again and risked his fortune and his family. They think they can bankrupt him and that will stop him. The ONLY reason they are coming at him with malicious prosecution and fake charges is because they are AFRAID of him, and they know if he runs he WILL win. The vast majority of all voters in America are supporting him, and it will only increase by the election. Trump is the ONLY man in America who has the gonads and character to resist these evil people and bring retribution upon the deep state traitors in our government.
By the way, there will be no "rapture", that is not Biblical. So prepare for the Tribulation, which will be 3 and 1/2 years, not 7.
Only Jesus Christ can Save us from our (collective) ignorant and fallen selves now. Accept Him as your Savior to receive a new heart ♥️ before it is too late. The ‘Rapture’ is definitely biblical, as in Jesus will return for His “bride” (aka His church of disciples/followers) who will be “caught up into the clouds” right before the 7-yrs ‘hell on earth’ Tribulation begins, ending with Armageddon and His triumphant return to rule for a thousand years, during the Millennium, on a renewed earth where LOVE (rather than sin) prevails.
Ohh gresh…ya he really caree about you. Maybe give him some cash to help bail the billionaire out 😂 it’s unbelievable how far his followers will go to believe he cares about you! He has never helped the vax injured or even acknowledged them. That’s disgusting. Biden is a horror. The only one that truly cares sbout humanity is RFK Jr.
RFK-jr is on Epstein List, his wife best friends with Ghislaine Maxwell +20 years, said that RFK's wife has been to more sex partys only second to ghislaine
RFK-jr is a lifelong herion addict
They only let compromised men near wash-dc, deal with it;
Why let Biden off the hook when he’s the guy who threatened the unvaccinated to “get vaccinated” or else! We are coming door to door .. “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated (evil MAGA people implied)”. He forced pilots, military, hospital workers,school children, and tried to force every company to force it as well! Trump never did and never ever would have done that! Trump is NOT responsible for vaccine deaths any more than Ron DeSantis or any other Governor of Senator or Obama, Clinton, and Bush who made TV ads pushing all to do the “right thing” & be vaxxed. Ron DeSantis actually praised Fauci over & over (it’s on video!!) and appeared on the news with a mask praising a 100 year old man saying now he’d live even longer cause he’s Vaxxed! These politicians lined up to be vaxxed and virtue signal.. Trump taking credit for OWS .. which included therapeutics .. which DID AT LEAST STOP THE LOCKDOWNS!!! Anyone who thinks those long-planned & developed jabs weren’t coming out REGARDLESS of anything Trump could have done are full of it! Their timing after another year or more locked down in FEAR could have been even much worse!! Is that what Trump took credit for? He didn’t roll this out and never ever suggested kids or young healthy people needed to get these. In fact every time he spoke of them he said everyone has their freedoms and a personal choice.. never “pushed” them like Biden, all the living ex-presidents, and 80% of Congress and 100% of Democrats in BOTH houses and some Supreme Court justices that forcing military and others with their jobs to get jabbed was just fine! Why always blaming Trump when he actually was the most sane voice about covid vs the entire DC political class... the people who run our country and states! I am sick of putting blame on Trump he has enough false persecution already don’t you think???
IF you want to hold any POTUS or NON-scientist/medical accountable PLEASE make it FAKE corrupt Prez BIDEN, Globalists, dirty politicians, and the media IDIOT PARROTS!!
To bring up the GREAT POTUS Trump who was politically & personally targeted with the PRE-PLANNED fake PANDEMIC & death SHOT that was coming out hell or high water... and demand an apology is total LUNACY! He can “apologize”after every one of the fake doctors, scientists, politicians, and media hacks who pushed the death counts, masks, Trump-hate, and a terror of fear... is held ACCOUNTABLE and brought to JUSTICE!
THEN we can hear what 47th PRESIDENT TRUMP has to say about the deadly scam they put on us!! Until then focus your energy on corrupt Biden the true bad guys!
The 2 men running for President need to come clean. Of course one of them doesn’t know what day it is and needs help getting dressed. So he won’t.
The other is being persecuted with an unprecedented amount of legal battles. So what is he afraid of in the face of all the other battles he is facing? He has nothing to lose by telling the truth about how OWS went down under his direction.
The others are greedy, evil SOB’s, and RM wants his fair share because it was his marvelous invention. He got cut out of the big profits now serves 2 masters.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Bill Gates is planning on what he can do better since he hasn’t been able to take enough of us out yet.
We should make a minnie series out of this nightmare and sell it to Netflix.
MSM in a freefall, Big-Pharma now owns MSM, but Big-Pharma is ran by US-MIL, but US-MIL unlike big-pharma is no longer paying for advertising; The system post 1920's was news was paid by advertisers and the post 1940's CIA told MSM what to say; Now nobody is paying for the news but US-MIL(CIA) is still telling them what to say; IMHO we should see just one BIG PBS - public broadcasting System, fairly soon and no other form of MSM
The politicians have the perfect and easy solution - "Let's don't talk about that" (the deaths).
We talk about it all the time on Substack. But nobody in the mainstream media talks about it .... and, I guess, they still control the narrative.
Voting is like Talking, if either accomplished anything, they would NOT let you do it;
Well maybe if they had a family member die unexpectedly, they might be willing to ask some questions. I think a lot of folks on the inside knew not to take it. Especially with all the exceptions granted to Congress, CDC and Pfizer employees.
A U.S. congressman lost his 17-year-old vaccinated daughter who died in her sleep. He hasn't uttered a peep about the dangerous vaccines.
I’ll never forget that…Sen Sean Casten. But not a word about it possibly being the jab. Just silence forever and no chance to save other children. He’s not that stupid…talk about not being able to live with yourself.
And he never will.
Yes, that maybe even from my state of Illinois, sounds very familiar. And you are right- not a peep!! Like kids die in their sleep all the time.. everyone is so scared.
Until the vaccine roll-out I'd never heard of a teenager or 20-something just dying suddenly in their sleep. It's quite common now.
We just had a 14 year old girl die from cardiac failure on the basketball court. No mention of vaccine of course but it definitely crossed my mind.
Let’s don’t talk about it and let’s keep rolling those two out of three vaccine ads on CNN and MSNBC…holy geeez!
I wish Trump was "The Guy" to get us out of this mess but he isn't. He won't come clean on the Vax, and he won't pardon Jullian Assange. He DOES NOT support government transparency....On a good note, he doesn't want Globalism to crush American prosperity...what to do?????
Wow .. so wrong .. so wrong.. we will see. Just wait & see what Trump will do when he’s back! The timing is wrong right now for many reasons can’t you see all that’s going on right now?!?!?
Trump only cares about one thing, and it’s not us. Only WeThePeople with God can save us. God sees and knows ALL. I implore anyone who doesn’t know Jesus as their Savior to ask Him into your life, to forgive your sins (btw, we all are sinners)🙏 and to give you a new ♥️ There’s no better time than now. Don’t wait or it may be too late. Jesus will call his “bride” (his followers, his church in a generic sense) up into the clouds ☁️ (aka the Rapture) SOON! Don’t get left behind in this beyond wicked world to come during the 7-yr ‘hell on earth’ Tribulation. He wants to give everyone His gift of Redemption, Salvation and Eternal Life (bought for with His freely spilt precious blood) when He willingly died on the cross, then was Resurrected 3 days later. I suggest that you take Him up on His once-in-a-lifetime offer to live with Him again in Paradise. 🤩
Your statement that Trump does not care for us is absurd and moronic. He has already pledged his life and his fortune to take back America from the deep state cabal that is running it now. If he didn't care, he would not have run again and risked his fortune and his family. They think they can bankrupt him and that will stop him. The ONLY reason they are coming at him with malicious prosecution and fake charges is because they are AFRAID of him, and they know if he runs he WILL win. The vast majority of all voters in America are supporting him, and it will only increase by the election. Trump is the ONLY man in America who has the gonads and character to resist these evil people and bring retribution upon the deep state traitors in our government.
By the way, there will be no "rapture", that is not Biblical. So prepare for the Tribulation, which will be 3 and 1/2 years, not 7.
Only Jesus Christ can Save us from our (collective) ignorant and fallen selves now. Accept Him as your Savior to receive a new heart ♥️ before it is too late. The ‘Rapture’ is definitely biblical, as in Jesus will return for His “bride” (aka His church of disciples/followers) who will be “caught up into the clouds” right before the 7-yrs ‘hell on earth’ Tribulation begins, ending with Armageddon and His triumphant return to rule for a thousand years, during the Millennium, on a renewed earth where LOVE (rather than sin) prevails.
Ohh gresh…ya he really caree about you. Maybe give him some cash to help bail the billionaire out 😂 it’s unbelievable how far his followers will go to believe he cares about you! He has never helped the vax injured or even acknowledged them. That’s disgusting. Biden is a horror. The only one that truly cares sbout humanity is RFK Jr.
He leaves his lemmings to die in DC sodomite nigger jails,
Did Trump spend a nickel to free his goyim lemmings? Fuck no
Now trump is begging his lemmings to pay his $300 Million USD fine in NYC for fraud, recall 'trump univ' it was a scam, deal with it;
RFK-jr is on Epstein List, his wife best friends with Ghislaine Maxwell +20 years, said that RFK's wife has been to more sex partys only second to ghislaine
RFK-jr is a lifelong herion addict
They only let compromised men near wash-dc, deal with it;
One would think that a good and faithful Christian would also faithfully obey the 10 Commandments as well, specifically -
"The Ninth Commandment: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" - The Lord thy God
Pivot to ASIA, or die in the ZOG west, stay in the ZOG USA penal-colony is a death certainty;
They have had 70 years to put this plan into motion, ergo it would take 70 years to unwind, but dead men don't unwind;
Ok Bilbo, where should we sail off to?
Who is this WE??
Bilbo always sails alone
I remember a gal from Hawaii name audrey-sunderland, she traveled all the coast from vancouver to aleutians in her 'kayak' alone
She said
1.) You go alone you see 100% and experience
2.) you go with two, you see 50%
3l) you go with 10, you see 10%
See a pattern yet?? To see & know 100% you must go 'alone' on any voyage or travel, so that you may see;
Why let Biden off the hook when he’s the guy who threatened the unvaccinated to “get vaccinated” or else! We are coming door to door .. “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated (evil MAGA people implied)”. He forced pilots, military, hospital workers,school children, and tried to force every company to force it as well! Trump never did and never ever would have done that! Trump is NOT responsible for vaccine deaths any more than Ron DeSantis or any other Governor of Senator or Obama, Clinton, and Bush who made TV ads pushing all to do the “right thing” & be vaxxed. Ron DeSantis actually praised Fauci over & over (it’s on video!!) and appeared on the news with a mask praising a 100 year old man saying now he’d live even longer cause he’s Vaxxed! These politicians lined up to be vaxxed and virtue signal.. Trump taking credit for OWS .. which included therapeutics .. which DID AT LEAST STOP THE LOCKDOWNS!!! Anyone who thinks those long-planned & developed jabs weren’t coming out REGARDLESS of anything Trump could have done are full of it! Their timing after another year or more locked down in FEAR could have been even much worse!! Is that what Trump took credit for? He didn’t roll this out and never ever suggested kids or young healthy people needed to get these. In fact every time he spoke of them he said everyone has their freedoms and a personal choice.. never “pushed” them like Biden, all the living ex-presidents, and 80% of Congress and 100% of Democrats in BOTH houses and some Supreme Court justices that forcing military and others with their jobs to get jabbed was just fine! Why always blaming Trump when he actually was the most sane voice about covid vs the entire DC political class... the people who run our country and states! I am sick of putting blame on Trump he has enough false persecution already don’t you think???
IF you want to hold any POTUS or NON-scientist/medical accountable PLEASE make it FAKE corrupt Prez BIDEN, Globalists, dirty politicians, and the media IDIOT PARROTS!!
To bring up the GREAT POTUS Trump who was politically & personally targeted with the PRE-PLANNED fake PANDEMIC & death SHOT that was coming out hell or high water... and demand an apology is total LUNACY! He can “apologize”after every one of the fake doctors, scientists, politicians, and media hacks who pushed the death counts, masks, Trump-hate, and a terror of fear... is held ACCOUNTABLE and brought to JUSTICE!
THEN we can hear what 47th PRESIDENT TRUMP has to say about the deadly scam they put on us!! Until then focus your energy on corrupt Biden the true bad guys!
Happy to see you finally calling out Trump for his neglect of the vax injured and vax deaths 🙌👏👏
Read my latest post and the one before it "why I refuse the Covid vaccines' there you will find some answers anyway on my free substack
Blame Biden and Biden's underlings. It was THEIR job to monitor safety and respond to the safety signals.
Stop making excuses for Trump. He knew.
The 2 men running for President need to come clean. Of course one of them doesn’t know what day it is and needs help getting dressed. So he won’t.
The other is being persecuted with an unprecedented amount of legal battles. So what is he afraid of in the face of all the other battles he is facing? He has nothing to lose by telling the truth about how OWS went down under his direction.
The others are greedy, evil SOB’s, and RM wants his fair share because it was his marvelous invention. He got cut out of the big profits now serves 2 masters.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Bill Gates is planning on what he can do better since he hasn’t been able to take enough of us out yet.
We should make a minnie series out of this nightmare and sell it to Netflix.
It’s important to so the research and pull the shots until the research is complete.
Pope Francis Appoints mRNA Technology Developer Katalin Karikó to Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/pope-francis-appoints-mrna-technology
Malone wants his cut being the 'father of mRNA", Fauci got billions, and Trudeau got billions off of COVID-19, but Malone only got Millions
Sour Grapes
MSM in a freefall, Big-Pharma now owns MSM, but Big-Pharma is ran by US-MIL, but US-MIL unlike big-pharma is no longer paying for advertising; The system post 1920's was news was paid by advertisers and the post 1940's CIA told MSM what to say; Now nobody is paying for the news but US-MIL(CIA) is still telling them what to say; IMHO we should see just one BIG PBS - public broadcasting System, fairly soon and no other form of MSM