Not as safe as the first batch?! Tell that to all those who are dead or dealing with adverse reactions!

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Same thing came to my mind ....oh my!

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There was no suggestion that it's not as SAFE as the first batch, only that it isn't as EFFECTIVE (at warding off infection.)

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These have ALWAYS been touted as safe and effective. Always.

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Sep 25, 2022
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Sounds about right. Trying to spin it.

We see you, Offit.

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Litigation, Paulie. Smell the fear.

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I’m not “sold” on getting any mRNA experimental shot for anything, anytime or anywhere, thank you. We must be very careful in not letting any mRNA “vaccine” becoming “de rigueur” in our society just because a Dr Fauci character promotes it for the next novel disease. In my mind, mRNA has yet to pass definitive risk/benefit testing, and may never do so.

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Please stop giving this asshole any props he is used his position on ASAP advisor to the FDA and CDC for nothing but profit for years. He patented and ram the rotavirus vaccine down everybody’s throat and it killed people. It finally had to be recalled. He said on the panel and Simpson wood Georgia and they discovered that heavy metals and vaccine was linked to autism. Not only mercury, but aluminum, and they all buried it. Offit is going to burn in hell with the rest of them but needs to be prosecuted. S jailed first

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They need to pull them off the market. Now.

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“could erode the public’s trust”

😆🤪😂🤣 ya think?

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It’s only a travesty if you die from Covid-19

Dying from obvious side effects from their kill shots or insane illegal lockdowns is not even worth mentioning

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He’s evil!!!!

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Yes, I would NOT trust Offit as far as I could spit. He sees the writing on the wall & is backpedaling to save his sorry carcass...too little, too late.

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Not so long ago, Offit trolled and posted under the pseudonym of Orac. His nickname was For-Profit-Offit. He didn't offer studies, he ridiculed, disparaged and didn't have the moral dignity to post under his own name, but since all he did was personally attack others, he was probably right to pretend to be someone else. Now. In fear as truths are winning out, he flips sides and pretends there was never a vaccine which he didn't push.

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While this tepid statement may only be a piece of face-saving posturing in anticipation of the crumbling of the house of cards, the sound of such a statement, from someone like Offit, is still pleasing to the ear...

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Ok, I am a little slow on the uptake. Let me get this straight. A horse dewormer such as Ivermectin, which is perfectly safe and effective with numerous studies of its efficacy in all sorts of circumstances, including humans, is not good for humans to be prescribed. This is despite it being available in many non western countries over the counter and very readily.

Now we have these boosters, which have only recently been produced and studied in a total of eight mice. Not 10, not 100, just eight, but now we can be stabbed/inoculated, b/c someone who gets their every need paid for by selling these stabs/inoculations has said they are “safe and effective”.

What does “safe and effective” mean? Who is being kept “safe”? A rat poison is safe for the person wearing the PPE to poison the rats, but is not safe for the rats? “Effective” at what? Poisoning those inoculated/stabbed? I know I am preaching to the choir here, but calling something horse paste and saying never to even think about using it. Then the big turn around to say b/c they “tested” it on eight mice; the results we are really not being shown either; you can have faith in our dogma we have been preaching from Big Pharma’s pulpit and go get your Stab/inoculation/Russian Roulette shot.

Take or leave my words as always, but these are the same hypocrites as described in John 8:44. Insanity trying to pretend it can run the asylum!!!

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Seeing Offit turn into an anti-vaxxer means that truly anything is possible.

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He is not an anti vaxxer by any stretch of imagination. He is just seeing the writing on the wall and is trying, unsuccessfully, to distance himself

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According to the official definition, he definitely is now an antivaxxer. I find this enormously hilarious. But point well taken. He’s been pushing dangerous vaccines for decades. I’m waiting to decide if he’s actually coming around to reason and logic or if he’s just protecting himself. I have been impressed that he’s doing interviews about it at all. The two FDA officials who resigned over a year ago didn’t say much, or at least I didn’t hear about them speaking up. I assume that means they are just protecting themselves. I honestly believe that most of these people have been brainwashed for so long and are so puffed up in their pride thinking that they can figure out a way around natural immunity better than God (or evolution or both?) that they thought they were actually helping people. I know some people are aware of the scam and are in it for the power and profit. We will see how loudly Offit speaks out and how much he tries to warn people.

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The man is delusional, none of the shots are safe for anyone ever.

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Too little, too late. Offitt has been a vocal pro-vaxxer and is trying to figure out how he can perform a Houdini like maneuver to somehow change the narrative into he's always been cautious and appropriately skeptical of the mRNA injections. Too bad for him that video/audio recordings prove he was the exact opposite.

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".... then it's not fair to ask people to take a risk." Wait, there is a risk with these vaccines? I thought there was no risk-- completely safe and effective. They're telling us now that there is a risk?

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What a corrupt POS. He is trying to save his ass while stiil holding on to the quackzine paradigm

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