no wonder Pee Wee Herman Mike cannot tie his shoes; no wonder he screwed us good with 90 billion foreign aid bill to penis piano playing cross dresser Volodymyr yet NO money for US border security?
How is it that SO MANY of We The People have been bamboozled for SO LONG and keep “selecting” members of the USAA (United States AGAINST America) for these federal and state offices? The Fed-surrection started long ago with the Civil War & 14th Amendment, and substantially locked in by the events of 1913. … So we’ve had over a HUNDRED YEARS to recognize what was going on and DO something about it. And there were MANY people and organizations putting out MANY and WELL-educated warnings. But to many of We The People just played “We The Sheeple” and went along with everything. … And Here We Are, with nearly ALL of those warnings overtaking us Right NOW. … Is it even POSSIBLE to unravel and undo 150 YEARS of Sheeplehood???
You are correct sir, in everything you said! However, there's something that hasn't been recognized until fairly recently and it's being changed rapidly as we speak. Nearly half of ALL conservatives simply got so disgusted by the direction of the country that they just checked out of politics over the same time period you mentioned. A few short years ago more than half of the Hunters, Trappers, Fisherman, etc were not participating in politics at all! Not a single State in this country could boast even a 50% vote out of these traditional conservative groups! The same thing can be said of the Evangelicals, especially in the south. This problem is finally being corrected and add that to the facts that are going through the courts right now regarding what really happened in 2020 and there's reason for hope again. The next few months are going to be shocking and somewhat dangerous but we're going to fix this effing mess.
Ryan and Bone Head are just two puppets that play the game. They do what they are told.
He's related by marriage to that Ketanji who is illegitimate. JOE didn't win. Bone Head did nothing but drink while he was in office. He was drunk half the time.
Drunk crybaby Boehner is emotionally unstable. Speaker Johnson is helping him sell his new book. What does Johnson get in return? That's what this is all about.
Lynn, I never use the title "Christian because it is the most misapplied word on the books. I have three fake cousins and three sibblings who go to church every Sunday and sing Jesus Loves Me but the other six days of the week they lie, defraud, steal, backbite and fight over dead seagulls.
me too, I have family who sit in first bench in all churches, if these bitches could sit on the altar they of my family who I know is a hard crook in islands, I saw her get up and take the basket and collect money and then give out communion...then I knew its a joke for she is a fucking thief. and her actions and her husbands hurt people. all of them...I have family who are crooks.
Mitt cannot be talked about here for there are not the right number of cuss words to use so for now, keep that beelzebub out. but these people worry me...for they have influence and they are taking USA down
Paul the reason that scum like Johnson, Pence, Fauci, Biden, etc... are around as the front men for evil, is because nothing bad ever happens to them. They have no fear of punishment.
Paul, the mafia has an expression when someone needs to be removed, the say I have a rock in my shoe.
We have lots of rocks in our shoes Paul. When the tribunals are done, and these sewer vermin are singled out, charged, prosecuted and convicted of genocide, democide, mass murder.
When the executions in mass are taking place, at that point the sewer vermin will stop their genocide, beg for mercy, none will be forthcoming, and they will run for the hills.
When the sewer vermin feel real suffering and pain, this will stop.
Their destruction in totality will be a great day for life.
well, as you know my thoughts on this, I am for brutal punishment, suffering too, once courts take their stab, and judges juries rule...not you or I...once they say death penalty, I dont care who it is, you must face it...can you imagine Fauci is now saying that while he knew the 6 foot distancing was crap and made up, was not his role to address that aspect...just enforce it...and people fucking died due to this 6 foot
yes, 100%...I hope America knows it rules the world and with law and order and rule of law, we have to fix the world...USA first and the world follows but fix is a must. retribution is coming and I will find my ways in and out needling 45 to be vicious yet legal...
yes, we have an issue with this...I did not like that....45 should have not said anything, sometimes he should stfu...and also, yes, 45 must close the border and mass deport, he said he will and I trust him...USA is over if he does not
Of course Trump can be trusted! He did everything he said he would do when he was in office. Trump is a negotiator and leader and in that way, he is resistant to burning bridges. He needs to be able to have Mike Johnson in his back pocket. We can trust him over any other candidate because of his track record.
Besides Trump’s support of the policies Johnson promotes, Johnson is controlled by handlers. It can be seen in the decisions Johnson makes like the incentives he has received, the continued aid to the Ukraine that now stands at $113billion (a lot of which goes to prop up the military industrial complex, some laundered into the pockets of oligarchs, and politicians, etc), no attention to the border crossing of military aged illegals into the US, Trump’s support of the death jabs, etc. What do you expect to happen “if” Trump becomes president? I know he is the presidential hopeful for many Americans, but I have seen too much to give him credence anymore.
Your choice is RFK jr or Biden, so go ahead and pick your progressive and watch our economy crash. It looks like you like gun control, cancellations of student debt, open borders, universal childcare, abortion for full-term babies etc. etc.
Please don't make the mistake by thinking I endorse anything the good for nothing Joe Biden has destroyed. "Crooked Joe" has not contributed anything beneficial to the US. He, and Obama the puppet master in the background pulling Joe's strings, brought a lot more death to the nation; death that was already achieved under past presidents and their leadership. Trump tried to make a difference, but the damage was already done especially by consecutive democratic party leadership up until Obama, although, some republican presidents were also complicet in the demise of the US. Under Joe, the rollout of the covid-19 vaccines was, and still is, a vicious death knell brought upon the US, including the world, at the behest of his handlers. Joe should have been in prison a long time ago. The reason he is not is because he is still a useful idiot, easily manipulated, and beneficial to the oligarch's objectives to achieve dictatorial rule.
But let's not divert the focus away from "hopeful 47". Besides the corruption of Joe, Hunter, and his family that benefitted from the presidential leverage he used to achieve his corrupt goals, influences of control have been applied to all US presidents, and Trump is no exception. Trump, like every president there has been are cut from the same clothe for a different fit, but for the same objective, so it benefits the oligarchs. Let's not be in denial of this obvious fact that not only I can see, but everyone. Trump was bought and paid for many years ago by shady operators that made him the billionaire he is today. During Trump's presidency it was pay back time. Although I believe he tried to dodge what the deep state expected of him to advance their criminal objectives, one cannot escape them for too long. If you attempt to avoid them, they lash back in different ways and discredit you. When the deep state became afraid of the reform through Trump's MAGA intentions, which gained tremendous momentum, the deep state launched the covid-19 saga and applied their death wish on the world. I'm surprised Trump is still alive after having exposed the deep state the way he did.
With all due respect Paul Alexander, most of us would love a president that can make the changes Trump achieved during his presidential tenure, but they were not lasting because the deep state prevented it. The deep state is too strong for Trump, or any individual for that matter. Even though he can promote and encourage change, and excite the nation to the challenge for honest change and governance, unless their is a big body of like-minded people to oppose the oligarch's, the deep state will continue with it's nefarious objectives until the US, and nations whom they have captured, are completely subdued by them.
When the deep state helps someone achieve worldly success, for example, DJ Trump, and the property billionare magnet he became, freemasonry is the direction in which the deep state lead their proselytes. That person is then required to genuflect at the altar of the deep state, and be initiated into their circle. Freemasonry is an evil religious ceremony that gives allegiance to the devil. Trump has subjected himself to this requirement, and is perhaps trying to escape their control. Once a person is locked into the system, there is only one way of escape, and I will get to that. Observe today how they are harassing him with all the dirt they have on him. Once a person has pleaded to deep state allegiance, and their dark sinister objectives (Satan's domain), they come under the grip that only Jesus Christ can set them free from.
Trump is compromised, and answerable to the establishment, and no doubt sold his soul to them a long time ago. They wanted payback from him during his presidency, and he tried to avoid them as much as possible, but he cannot escape them unless he surrenders to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Its time to stop flogging the dead horse Paul Alexander. Every individual must make a meaningful stand to resist the onslaught against them from corrupt government. If the corruption is permitted to continue, the world is guaranteed subjugation to tyrannical dystopian conditions, some of which is already being felt. They will impose more dictatorial measures if we twiddle our thumbs and remain spectators in hope that "the saviour" Trump will deliver us. Its time to get onto the field and be participants in the game they are playing against us, become game changers, and win for our good the game of evil they are playing against us.
How is it that SO MANY of We The People have been bamboozled for SO LONG and keep “selecting” members of the USAA (United States AGAINST America) for these federal and state offices? The Fed-surrection started long ago with the Civil War & 14th Amendment, and substantially locked in by the events of 1913. … So we’ve had over a HUNDRED YEARS to recognize what was going on and DO something about it. And there were MANY people and organizations putting out MANY and WELL-educated warnings. But to many of We The People just played “We The Sheeple” and went along with everything. … And Here We Are, with nearly ALL of those warnings overtaking us Right NOW. … Is it even POSSIBLE to unravel and undo 150 YEARS of Sheeplehood???
boom, excellent post
It is because we have no real journalists stating the facts. Thank God for Dr. Paul doing the yeomans work of exposing corruption!
well, with you, we are a team...
You are correct sir, in everything you said! However, there's something that hasn't been recognized until fairly recently and it's being changed rapidly as we speak. Nearly half of ALL conservatives simply got so disgusted by the direction of the country that they just checked out of politics over the same time period you mentioned. A few short years ago more than half of the Hunters, Trappers, Fisherman, etc were not participating in politics at all! Not a single State in this country could boast even a 50% vote out of these traditional conservative groups! The same thing can be said of the Evangelicals, especially in the south. This problem is finally being corrected and add that to the facts that are going through the courts right now regarding what really happened in 2020 and there's reason for hope again. The next few months are going to be shocking and somewhat dangerous but we're going to fix this effing mess.
Yes, and Ted Nugent, well respected among hunters and sportsman, is right now working on getting those people voting! And He’s The Guy To Do It!
Ryan and Bone Head are just two puppets that play the game. They do what they are told.
He's related by marriage to that Ketanji who is illegitimate. JOE didn't win. Bone Head did nothing but drink while he was in office. He was drunk half the time.
most of the time bone head was drunk in congress...pelosi too
Drunk crybaby Boehner is emotionally unstable. Speaker Johnson is helping him sell his new book. What does Johnson get in return? That's what this is all about.
quid pro quo
It's always about the MONEY....
No doubt. (And power -- even when they don't know how to exert it.)
Right....very disappointed in Speaker Mike Johnson. He claims to be this
Christian. If so, doesn't he know that the DEVIL has taken him over?
all he has done so far is a failure...he got the job and dropped he ball...why?
Lynn, I never use the title "Christian because it is the most misapplied word on the books. I have three fake cousins and three sibblings who go to church every Sunday and sing Jesus Loves Me but the other six days of the week they lie, defraud, steal, backbite and fight over dead seagulls.
me too, I have family who sit in first bench in all churches, if these bitches could sit on the altar they of my family who I know is a hard crook in islands, I saw her get up and take the basket and collect money and then give out communion...then I knew its a joke for she is a fucking thief. and her actions and her husbands hurt people. all of them...I have family who are crooks.
Then how do you apply the word Christian?
What does he get? He gets a big ass kiss from Johnson and a bad case of public hairs between his teeth.
hhhmmmm you are an interesting writer
No kidding. OMG.....After reading about Johnson, and that guy they adopted, I wondered. I always had this feeling about Ryan and those laser eyes.
Mitt Romney can be added to the mix, too. WOW!
Mitt cannot be talked about here for there are not the right number of cuss words to use so for now, keep that beelzebub out. but these people worry me...for they have influence and they are taking USA down
Yes. People need to understand this if they want change.
Lyin Ryan and Boner. A likely pair whose home in the Scrotal Palace is well fitting to them.
Ryan worked like hell to damage 45, each action...he destroyed 45's first 2 years on behest of Obama who he prostrates to
What a PAIR? What are we talking about here :-)
Who’s the drunk? And who is related to Ketanji?
most of congress
Boehner and :Paul Ryan through his wife's family.
Paul the reason that scum like Johnson, Pence, Fauci, Biden, etc... are around as the front men for evil, is because nothing bad ever happens to them. They have no fear of punishment.
Paul, the mafia has an expression when someone needs to be removed, the say I have a rock in my shoe.
We have lots of rocks in our shoes Paul. When the tribunals are done, and these sewer vermin are singled out, charged, prosecuted and convicted of genocide, democide, mass murder.
When the executions in mass are taking place, at that point the sewer vermin will stop their genocide, beg for mercy, none will be forthcoming, and they will run for the hills.
When the sewer vermin feel real suffering and pain, this will stop.
Their destruction in totality will be a great day for life.
well, as you know my thoughts on this, I am for brutal punishment, suffering too, once courts take their stab, and judges juries rule...not you or I...once they say death penalty, I dont care who it is, you must face it...can you imagine Fauci is now saying that while he knew the 6 foot distancing was crap and made up, was not his role to address that aspect...just enforce it...and people fucking died due to this 6 foot
YES, they died! Depression, suicide, addiction, loss of work and loss of hope were all consequences of social isolation.
The uniparty traitors are running scared...they know retribution is coming!
yes, 100%...I hope America knows it rules the world and with law and order and rule of law, we have to fix the world...USA first and the world follows but fix is a must. retribution is coming and I will find my ways in and out needling 45 to be vicious yet legal...
Wolf in sheep's clothing?
Disgusting and revolting!!!
Trump stands with Mike Johnson amid rebellion from right. Can the orange man be trusted, or is it all smoke and mirrors – theater?
Johnson's salary was bumped up from $174,000 annually to $223,500 – almost $50,000. Is he a loyal GOP, or a RINO, a SINO, and a swamp creature?
It's time to close the border and take the USA back.
yes, we have an issue with this...I did not like that....45 should have not said anything, sometimes he should stfu...and also, yes, 45 must close the border and mass deport, he said he will and I trust him...USA is over if he does not
Of course Trump can be trusted! He did everything he said he would do when he was in office. Trump is a negotiator and leader and in that way, he is resistant to burning bridges. He needs to be able to have Mike Johnson in his back pocket. We can trust him over any other candidate because of his track record.
agreed, 45 is the ONLY option and best among all and all I know too, I can say he is a good man....America benefits from him
excellent reply again...I trust him, 2.0 will be staggering
Besides Trump’s support of the policies Johnson promotes, Johnson is controlled by handlers. It can be seen in the decisions Johnson makes like the incentives he has received, the continued aid to the Ukraine that now stands at $113billion (a lot of which goes to prop up the military industrial complex, some laundered into the pockets of oligarchs, and politicians, etc), no attention to the border crossing of military aged illegals into the US, Trump’s support of the death jabs, etc. What do you expect to happen “if” Trump becomes president? I know he is the presidential hopeful for many Americans, but I have seen too much to give him credence anymore.
Your choice is RFK jr or Biden, so go ahead and pick your progressive and watch our economy crash. It looks like you like gun control, cancellations of student debt, open borders, universal childcare, abortion for full-term babies etc. etc.
excellent makes no sense
my question to Neil is can they point to how Biden has benefitted USA? just one.
Please don't make the mistake by thinking I endorse anything the good for nothing Joe Biden has destroyed. "Crooked Joe" has not contributed anything beneficial to the US. He, and Obama the puppet master in the background pulling Joe's strings, brought a lot more death to the nation; death that was already achieved under past presidents and their leadership. Trump tried to make a difference, but the damage was already done especially by consecutive democratic party leadership up until Obama, although, some republican presidents were also complicet in the demise of the US. Under Joe, the rollout of the covid-19 vaccines was, and still is, a vicious death knell brought upon the US, including the world, at the behest of his handlers. Joe should have been in prison a long time ago. The reason he is not is because he is still a useful idiot, easily manipulated, and beneficial to the oligarch's objectives to achieve dictatorial rule.
But let's not divert the focus away from "hopeful 47". Besides the corruption of Joe, Hunter, and his family that benefitted from the presidential leverage he used to achieve his corrupt goals, influences of control have been applied to all US presidents, and Trump is no exception. Trump, like every president there has been are cut from the same clothe for a different fit, but for the same objective, so it benefits the oligarchs. Let's not be in denial of this obvious fact that not only I can see, but everyone. Trump was bought and paid for many years ago by shady operators that made him the billionaire he is today. During Trump's presidency it was pay back time. Although I believe he tried to dodge what the deep state expected of him to advance their criminal objectives, one cannot escape them for too long. If you attempt to avoid them, they lash back in different ways and discredit you. When the deep state became afraid of the reform through Trump's MAGA intentions, which gained tremendous momentum, the deep state launched the covid-19 saga and applied their death wish on the world. I'm surprised Trump is still alive after having exposed the deep state the way he did.
With all due respect Paul Alexander, most of us would love a president that can make the changes Trump achieved during his presidential tenure, but they were not lasting because the deep state prevented it. The deep state is too strong for Trump, or any individual for that matter. Even though he can promote and encourage change, and excite the nation to the challenge for honest change and governance, unless their is a big body of like-minded people to oppose the oligarch's, the deep state will continue with it's nefarious objectives until the US, and nations whom they have captured, are completely subdued by them.
When the deep state helps someone achieve worldly success, for example, DJ Trump, and the property billionare magnet he became, freemasonry is the direction in which the deep state lead their proselytes. That person is then required to genuflect at the altar of the deep state, and be initiated into their circle. Freemasonry is an evil religious ceremony that gives allegiance to the devil. Trump has subjected himself to this requirement, and is perhaps trying to escape their control. Once a person is locked into the system, there is only one way of escape, and I will get to that. Observe today how they are harassing him with all the dirt they have on him. Once a person has pleaded to deep state allegiance, and their dark sinister objectives (Satan's domain), they come under the grip that only Jesus Christ can set them free from.
Trump is compromised, and answerable to the establishment, and no doubt sold his soul to them a long time ago. They wanted payback from him during his presidency, and he tried to avoid them as much as possible, but he cannot escape them unless he surrenders to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Its time to stop flogging the dead horse Paul Alexander. Every individual must make a meaningful stand to resist the onslaught against them from corrupt government. If the corruption is permitted to continue, the world is guaranteed subjugation to tyrannical dystopian conditions, some of which is already being felt. They will impose more dictatorial measures if we twiddle our thumbs and remain spectators in hope that "the saviour" Trump will deliver us. Its time to get onto the field and be participants in the game they are playing against us, become game changers, and win for our good the game of evil they are playing against us.
God help us!
So many of them are controlled by the deep state by either bribery or blackmail .
We have a johnson being mentored by a boner.
We are being punked.
Clown World by design.
this is so very funny...I love it...big props for this
WOW its really becoming nightmare in the daytime! Canada 🇨🇦 & America 🇺🇸 are the 1st casualties!
Awful. In 1945 Europe, they had 'Quislings' everywhere. They chose to hang them at the outset of WWII.
White House Lawn, every Friday at noon.
Well of course...what else would we expect? 😅🤣
gots to have it
Yup 👍
Just look to his pac’s! 10 million in 3 months!!!! Pretty good haul for a “broke” congressman! He sold out! Just as everyone else! Christian? My ass!
this biotch could not find one $ for US border security but 90 billion for Taiwan and Ukraine, the cross dressing freak
even money for Israel in that aid bill I was against
stop pimping off uncle Sam
Emergency ; Steven K Bannon sentenced to Jail for 4 months to keep him silent before the Nov election.
thank you, I did a quick stack...lets hope he appeals first and now...thank you for being here and being a true soldier.
Another instance of the Democrat's disgusting lawfare as transparent election interference.
The swamp is deep.