Isn't it *OBVIOUS* what they've done, are doing, and plan to do? I mean, O.B.V.I.O.U.S !!!

The Plan proceeds on schedule: "Destroy the USA towards ultimately taking over the entire planet."

The Bush's contributed, so did the Clintons, Obama, and Biden. Trump??? Remains to be seen.

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all those named yes did this...Obama was IMO top dog

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I’m right with you, Jorge.

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Why would they intentionally do this?

They know exactly who these people are and what they are doing. They are encouraging this lawlessness and are themselves outlaws.

Create the problem, then offer the solution. Problem - Solution.

The next lockdown could happen when they "bring in the National Guard" to restore order for the problem they themselves created. Lock everyone down and this time it's permanent. This is obvious now.

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very accurate text Decode...thank you

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Next are the takeovers of the dwellings of the citizens, as has happened in Aurora, CO; and that's the one we are told about. I'm sure there are others that the [[media]] is suppressing. Look at S. Africa and what the tribe did to that country. Then you'll know what ]}they[{ are doing here.

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we should have left people where they are...come around in 500 years

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these are animals

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Chicago and now Dallas! Surprised they would dare: don’t mess with Texas [sardonic]

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Yes. In the meantime all of this creates chaos and damage to our people, leaving all of us demoralized, and looking for answers (hopefully not from "them").

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sure are right

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Aren't many of the unvetted ferals being bused into NYC from Texas? What attracts them to the US in the first place is that the US is the land of Sam Brinton, Rachel Levine, Dylan Mulvaney, Lia Thomas, Pete Buttigieg etc. Such individuala are not acceptable role models in their own countries.

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kaboom on the money

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That's because Abbott is completely in on the deal to destroy America.

He is sending enemy soldiers to pert near all the Northern states.

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I agree, I think Abbott is a Trojan

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Exactly right on Abbott. Abbott is a member of the WEF and was previously a featured speaker st the WEF. I said from the beginning he was deliberately distributing these thugs all over the USA to help destroy from within. He could've shipped their butts out of the country. So many cheering him for bussing them all over not realizing the agenda. My God people wake up, investigate before cheering. I offer this map from Zerohedge today showing all the planned chaos by these thugs. Again, wake up! https://cis.org/Map-Sanctuary-Cities-Counties-and-States?&utm_source=email&utm_medium=social-media&utm_campaign=addtoany

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Thanks for that link,Judy.

😊 😃 😀

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Hi Judy, I've got a good link for you.


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Thanks for the link, interesting. Peggy Traeger Tierney is on substack and we've emailed each other for about 5 years. I receive her free email newsletters. She's also on Facebook which I got rid of. She said yesterday that she felt our government not only brought these murdering thugs to America but trained many to kill us and are supplying weapons. I agree. Especially, since many have machine guns. She also feels dirty Mike Pompeo is Q. I never followed Q.

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Why do u think that about him? Because he could have stopped it all fm the start?

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dont trust him, he is a Manchurian...talks a good talk

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Abbott is very much in on.the overthrow of the USA

While cameras are all focused on Eagal Pass

The border is wide open just a few miles west .

They even took the gates down. How could Abbott not be in on this?

He also knows where all the safe houses are for cartels to hide in

The maps are on the FBI gang list.

I've got a good video on it in my files.I dig it up and share it with you,after we come back from the grocery store.

Just like in the older days of Arizona, I always strap on my 45,when we venture outside

😃 😀 😄 😁 🤣 😂

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nice, this is how we gots to move

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especially our daughters

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one of the best statements:

'Abbott is very much in on.the overthrow of the USA'

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NYC is a mess, it is fast Yemen

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Wowwww. Ok. Happy shopping. Stay cool and safe


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Hi there Elusive , the video I had in my archives got taken down by YT.

This one is pretty good ,it shows a GPS map of the many open gaps in the Texas-Mexico wall.

So why do people go to Eagle Pass? For the free stuff the aid workers hand out.

Why does Abbott make such a fuss when he knows damn well that people come across the unwatched parts of the Rio Grande every day.

It's the money. It's always about the money.


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Oh by the way.

The wife says hello 👋

She had a great time shopping with all the Mexican women.They all get together and compare dresses and fandoras,

while the men stand back and watch the ladies twitter around , filling up their grocery carts.

It's quite fun for all 😁 😂

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Abbott is a member of the WEF... see my post.

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Thank you Judy!

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I hadn't thought of that aspect, ANW. I thought it was all the goodies, paid for by the deplorables.

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All by design. WEF Soros globalists

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This is by design. They want these kind of people here. It will create scared citizens dependent upon government for their alleged safety. They do not want strong independent minded citizenry.

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yes, you are 100% correct

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they want us to disarm...

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US 2nd amendment is what has kept USA standing

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has kept the world afloat

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if they get our guns, we will then have to kneel 5 times a day

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Friends who work nyc told me its done over caput

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yes, I was there recently its done. you go at your own risk

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Chicago (Chi-raq) from which I escaped is same. Idk, but ithe running similarity seems to be a leftist controlled kinda thing. Was taking place ever so slowly under the radar with their insane policies and taxation. Then up many notches with a bang ---- with their LOCKDOWNS. Been going on ever since.

Citizens, businesses moving out. Illegals, gangs moving in. Taxes of every type, new and old, coming in. :/

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yes, it is equally and maybe worse...they did bad shot there for the lockdowns.

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We're still trying to find something affordable in a free, non sanctuary, state east or south east of Illinois. We want out of hellinois.

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yes, it is hell

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Yes! DO IT!! Never too late😁

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This is how the demons destabilize a country and that is their goal. Armed invaders are going to cause untold misery around the country, stay locked and loaded at all times.

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It's quite troubling. A number of them appear to be distressed sell-outs.

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and our wives, daughters must be trained to kill if life is threatened...dont even think twice...just kill

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I do not understand why we ask these questions. A cabal, decided to take down the USA and started a colored revolution plus mass immigration of the most nasty of the nasties and blocks and blocks of military operatives of all strips. THe plan, and no secret, is to launch a chaotic red dawn style attack before the election and certainly afterwords to complete the destruction of the USA.

THese are traitors, foreign agents, Jacobins and worse..

Should we need to ask what they are doing?

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Why? Because this is what communists do. They use able bodied men as mercenaries to create chaos and unstability. The communists running these “sanctuaries” for lawlessness and disorder either deny deny deny what is obvious or they taunt the MAGA American saying, “what are you going to do about it.”They want war in the streets. Once the Constitution is completely destroyed they will use these same men, UN troops, BLM and ANTIFA types as a national police force to terrorize, gulag, and eliminate Christians or anyone deemed a threat to their power.

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these are Obama's brown shirts, his black shirts...45 must put them down...once and for all

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Real men need to step forward and defend our women. I did years ago from a trash sub human who threatened to kill a mother and her pre school child. Police came, detained and interviewed me and then gave me my firearm back. I did not have to use it. The OPP pigs and the damned CYSTem would have arrested me and jailed me for daring to defend a defenceless woman and her child. Fack the OPP pigs. Fack the CYSTem. And many people I have talked to both hate the corrupt OPP pigs and the prejudicially biased corrupt biased CYSTem.

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raised many issues for us in the trucker convoy

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but then I met some good ones too

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I have but few in number. When a shithead corrupt defective detective illegally detains and the place is filled with regular cops who cannot meet my glance, you know there is something amiss and I will prove this was a set up orchestrated by several people. My complaint to the OIPRD was ready BUT I FOUND MORE VIOLATIONS including perjury. Need to add it. The OPP pigs stole my digital camera in their search and I am raising hell about that. All I talk to hate that detachment and I am starting to clean house.

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Your law enforcement are not like the pigs up here, they are far better. Never met a bad cop on the many trips to the USA over the years, all good guys and gals from state troopers to Sheriff's departments.

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Sadly we do have dirty cops. Recently a Sangamon County deputy outright murdered Sonya Massey in her kitchen. She'd called for help at 1:00 AM for a prowler outside her home. He shot her in the face and again in her left eye. They released the body cam of her being shot. Right before he shot her she looked at him and said, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. The sheriff, Jack Campbell, finally retired after thre protests because he'd hired the deputy. The deputy had a previous bad record, had not completed all the training required of police and had several arrests including DUI's. He never should've been hired. He's in jail but there will be no justice for Sonya's family. Bad cops abound.

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This sub human trash needs to be executed or shot dead, whatever works legally.

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Why? Because the elite view you as cattle.

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Yes. You all are energy sources for their lavish lifestyle.

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Of course they knew! They pretend they didn't but we can't believe anything coming from their evil, disgusting lieing traitorous sorry selves.

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That's why we should spend the next few weeks getting ready for the storm. No matter who wins we will have a gigantic mess to deal with.

Don't worry though, it'll be fun 😉

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No. Not fun for some of us, Darkstar. But as for me, I know that God is with me and I'll do my best.😁

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How do I joinn?

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Here’s one example of what they’ve done! Only one example because it’s mind boggling how many of these situations have been unreported!

At the end of this article, I did a small math calculation based on 380 million Americans divided by 74,000 criminal Illegal Aliens crimes.

Only those who were caught!

Imagine, just imagine how quickly and how bad this situation will escalate in America? We’ve seen situations in Colorado and Chicago.

The entire article can be found https://bluestatebluesnews.com/

“Mob of illegal aliens force school district in this deep blue state to change one policy”

September 4, 2024

Statistics show the devastating impacts of “migrant crime”

Illegal immigration has exploded under the Biden-Harris administration.


The consequences of the administration’s failure to secure the border have been as far-reaching as they are devastating.

Now a California school district has made big changes to policy after the actions of illegal aliens.

Over ten million illegal aliens have crossed into the United States since the beginning of the Biden-Harris administration.

They have migrated to communities all across the continental United States and have contributed to an increase in criminal activity.

“Biden-Harris’ open border is creating new worries for parent!”

Now, recent events out of California are causing concern for parents.

Last Tuesday, three men walking tried to stop a school bus in the middle of Highway 94.

The bus driver was able to successfully navigate around the group to ensure students’ safety.

The very next day, a group of approximately twenty illegal aliens attempted to storm a bus.

They were unsuccessful thanks to the actions of quick-thinking parents on the scene.

The school district reported both incidents to the local and state police as well as the U.S. border patrol.

The incidents have caused a change in policy in the school district.

Two separate incidents have occurred where groups of illegal immigrants have attempted to force their way on board school buses near San Diego.

Statistics show the devastating impacts of “migrant crime”

In a two-week span in January of this year, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested 171 illegal aliens convicted of crimes including first-degree murder and child rape in an operation.

While the agency didn’t name the illegal aliens, the locations where they were arrested ranged from El Paso, Texas, to Tacoma, Washington.

Several high-profile offenders were identified by age and nationality.

Patrick J. Lechleitner, the agency’s Deputy Director said, “The results of this weeklong effort are a testament to [ICE officials’] commitment to protecting the homeland through the arrest and removal of those who undermine the safety of U.S. communities and the integrity of U.S. immigration laws.”

In 2023, 73,822 criminal aliens were charged and convicted with 290,178 crimes. 

Among those crimes were 1,713 charges or convictions for homicide, 4,390 for sex and sexual assaults, and 1,655 for kidnappings.

Immigration and border concerns continue to rank near the top of the list of voters’ concerns as they get ready to cast their ballots in this year’s presidential election.

“Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.”

End of article:

Out of curiosity I decided to take a rudimentary calculation of what’s at stake / the risks for

“We the people”?

Based on current immigration numbers from this article we have a .0008 chance of becoming a victim of a “Criminal Illegal Alien” crime!

This number only includes those who have been caught.

Some may say, that’s not so bad now is it? Depending on what your definition of “Not So Bad” is. IMO, Yes it’s very bad! Why?

Simply because we wouldn’t be approaching 1% chance of an attack by an illegal invader if our government did their freaking jobs and secured the borders!

What’s worse, the numbers above do not reflect the full number of attacks across America. No, no, no, there’s far more “UNDER-REPORTED” illegal criminal attacks! EVERYDAY!

They’re flying under the radar, of which, most are suppressed, deliberately and for bad reasons!

Because this “SHINES A LIGHT” on how serious and dangerous our “OPEN BORDER BIG GOVERNMENT BUSINESS IS”!

Does anyone honestly believe a “Harris / Walz” Presidency gives a damn about you or me or anyone in America? If Harris was SO CONCERNED, the border would have been closed! NOT WIDE OPEN, WHILE PROVIDING APS ILLEGALS ON HOW TO GET INTO AMERICA PLUS PLENTY OF TAXPAYERS MONEY TO DO WHATEVER THE HELL THEY WANT TO DO!

I won’t get into the “child sex trafficking” at this point! It’s TOO DAMN SICKENING! THESE ARE THE EVILEST BASTARDS ON PLANET EARTH, EVER! What this administration has done is DISGRACEFUL AND MURDEROUS! Yea and TREASONOUS TOO!

I have only one question which is an absolute honest question I’m asking all


Yes I believe this is a perfect description of how Y’ALL think and what Y’ALL believe about OR HOW Y’ALL HATE AMERICA, the Greatest Nation on earth!

And for all Y’ALL “DNC-Party-Goers” all I can say is this: if any of you have “Half-A-Brain”, RUN!

Run as fast and as far away as you possibly can! And while you’re running, grab a friend or two, heck all of your friends! Wake them up! “Neo-Marxism” better defines / describes what’s happening today in America! IMO, it’s all of the “ISM’s” combined, except Patriotism and Capitalism! These two fundamental guiding principles, along with our US Constitution, Bill of Rights and our Declaration of Independence, have been instrumental in our success for nearly 250 years now!

Wake up all “Lunatic-Leftist”! Wake the hell up or you are


If in fact, Y’ALL HAVE been

drinking “Kamalaid” while you’re

“Walz-ing” towards some nonexistent “Utopian Future”, please be warned, I know it hard to believe and something you should know about “UTOPIA”,

“unicorns don’t really fly, nor are there any pot’s of gold at the end of the RAINBOW Y’ALL WERE TOLD TO BELIEVE! Yes I’m sad to break the news to Y’all, but the good thing is, “Santa” will still bring you presents, for all you hypocrites out there!

Be warned, again be warned, of who you think you know, is not who “CACKLES” says she is. In fact she’s really the

“Devil in Disguise”, lying to your face, while looking you in the eyes!

Yes, she’s the “Devil In Disguise” lying to your face,

while she looks you in the eye!

“Evil Has No Shame”

nor “Harris / Walz”!

Y’all have been warned!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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