May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

The games being played during this epic moment in political history are unprecedented. The infiltration, corruption and subsequent capture of our key regulatory agencies is also unprecedented. The leadership has gone rogue awaiting their multimillion dollar walk through the revolving door between Big Pharma, Big Med, Big Corp, Big NGO, Big Foundations and the federal agencies that are supposed to regulate them, including a DOJ that apparently will not prosecute because the favors can be repaid with cush positions in big law firms and general counsel and regulatory affairs gigs with the big pharma/med mega corporations.

The scandal and the problem is transnational. It’s an emerging cartel more dangerous than Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Cartel & Trusts that resulted in the Taft-Hartley and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to bust up malignant monopolies in the national economy.

We have been set upon by a malignant ad hoc monopoly of financial interests gone rogue. The illnesses are real. The deaths are real. The radical PCR overcycling and inflated case counts are real. The non-lethality of the virus is real. The lethality of the experimental nRNA inoculations and patent medicines (royalties to Fauci/Collins et al) is real and so is the apparent willfully fraudulent monopoly media narrative.

Nothing like this has ever happened before. It’s as if HIVAIDS and Swine Flu were the tune up exercise for The Big Lie to hide The Big Cull and resulting The Big Payola flowing into the pockets of the monopolists involved. Then there is The Great Game to successfully establish an unprecedented global monopoly over the governments of the modern world.

Yeah. They are quite apparently that depraved. Such people are sick sick sick.

It’s such a difficult thing to accept that such evil could occur with all the institutional protections intended and currently in place. Yet they have turned it on its head. Like any other successful 5th Column, the protagonists have infiltrated and inverted the function of the subject institutions for ultimate personal gain.

The graphs tell the truth. So does the greater story.

How easy it is to become what we say we hate.

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https://youtu.be/pBY89mF7o-k spread the word

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May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

I really enjoyed the soliloquy at the link. Trudeau and those like him desire high office because they have and insatiable need for narcissistic supply. Robert Malone and Jill Malone just published lists of WEF YGL and other Schwabby indoctrinaires. I was taken aback at the number of Canadian and other 5EYES national governments and monopoly media that have apparently been systematically infiltrated by WEF 5th Column sycophants. These may be nationals of their subject nations, but they seem foremost to be a form of foreign agents devoted to an institutional agenda to betray their electorates on behalf of alien foreign interests seeking hegemony and capture of the network of governance from the private resident to the nation.

What do they seek? A restoration of pernicious oligarchy; the old world order is the new world order.

They seek taxation without representation. They intend revocation of individual sovereignty and related property rights. They are the high-functioning mentally ill in a insatiable pursuit of narcissistic supply. You see it in Canada, the USA, Great Britain, New Zealand, EU and Australian emerging government cultures.

They want the absolute death of The Enlightenment. Our independent lives, our unique spirit and personal property are merely in the way of their neuroses and psychotic delusions of a greater good.

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Love, "they want absolute death of The enlightenment" Well put.

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It would have been much worse without the lockdowns. Or was it with the vax? Or the 4th booster? Or the closures? I don't remember.

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It would have been much better WITHOUT the stinking politicians and fauci the worm

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The North/ South Dakota graph is from the excellent Ian Miller book “unmasked” which through simple data proved the useless nature of masks and indeed lockdowns.

The really sad and indeed worrying part is I have cousin who is a trained nurse yet still 100% believes masks work ie she has swallowed without thinking the government narrative….

One has to question therefore in turn the training.

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May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

Excellent point. At what point does indoctrination cease to be training; cease to be education?

Indoctrinated, not educated. Seems to be a thing these days.

I used to say "credentialed, not educated" but I've since come to understand it's all about the indoctrination. In today's institutionalized life one has to prove their indoctrination bona fides to get the credential. It works for them, as long as somebody else pays for it.

Submission to doctrine is a poor substitute for disciplined good faith inquiry and learning. Competence has been replaced by rote compliance and conformity.

That definitely creates a diversity of competence within the organization. Some apparently see that as a desirable thing. To me it looks more like compelling evidence of disordered thinking masking a personality disorder. It works for them as long as somebody else pays the price.

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Hate to say it but at this point in it all that first Australian graph had me guffawing with laughter.

This is my take on the whole situation...

The Mad Hatter's tea party re-writ by Kafka set in a shit show staged in a dumpster fire continues apace.

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Same everywhere

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Communist agendas. Social tyrannical idiots with compliant citizens. Wake up. https://youtu.be/pBY89mF7o-k 10 days to Geneva where IHS regulations decimated your constitution. Find Karen's substack

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