After two years of this, I am now firmly in the conspiracy theory camp. Omicron has not evolved from the previous variants but was released, just like the first one. I’m still not clear on why and how omicron propels their evil plan when it looks like it might be the end instead but obviously this is part of it. The fact that the omicron “vaccine” doesn’t work isn’t going to stop them just like everything else not working didn’t stop them. I fear that nothing can end this as everyone is either captured or in the mass formation psychosis except for us few. Sorry to be so doom and gloom but this might just be the end of the world. I will hold onto my faith in God and salvation through Jesus Christ.

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Look at Israel facing otherwise benign Omicron after 4 jabs, and you'll see the reason. God bless!

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It was released by the White Hats to end the Covid plan.

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Cornering demand and supply does make for a hell of a business model.

Particularly when the government pays for the development and supply, and mandates the Shots. While prohibiting treatments that work.

Almost like a vast criminal conspiracy is playing out before our eyes.

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I am saddened to see the animals are being poisoned and experimented upon...

We know the shit is junk

How would you feel if it were you?

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The only way this stops is if they're stopped . . . permanently.

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Surely it is obvious by now - this is purposed to extinct the human species.

Because we are hitting the Limits to Growth and BAU will collapse and we will go 'Rwanda' on each other when there is no electricity or food.

How else do you get every world leader on board for something like this?

This is the right thing to do. There is no other good choice

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Not quite. Elites need a permanent slave class for all the necessities of modern life. Including subservient child sex slaves.

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Extreme wealth inequality is the problem.

When 6-8 people hold more wealth than 1/2 of the global population it is obvious that the system is unbalanced and unsustainable. There is enough on this planet for all, and it would not take the imposition of a global technocracy (4th IR) to see us on a sustainable path.

Allowing those select Effetes to exist with less competition from us Useless Eaters, so that their greed can continue unabated (BAU) for another generation or two is the answer from an evil soul not fit to co-habitate on this planet.

Authoritarianism has many masks but ultimately it is driven by a thirst for power, for control over people and things.

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Why is every govt on Earth participating? Mass human experiment to fast track gene therapy ahead of an incoming ELE.

"Darwinian Chemical Systems: In a post-extinction event we want to see if we can mRNA to write into DNA the code to start human evolution again. That’s the 10-year grant that started Moderna."


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Precisely!!! But the profit potential is HUUUUGGE since there’s no end to creating & chasing variants

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As long as the world follows Austria in making jabs mandatory. So, robbing humanity economically while destroying it physically - a win-win for the depopulation agenda cabal. What can go wrong?


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experimenting with animals is never good, but this sort of experiment is going to put evolutionary pressure on omicon to adapt again, its ducking stupid!

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Dr. Alexander, how would you explain Omicron-specific 3rd jab faring worse than 3rd Moderna shot? Seems paradoxical. Instead of inducing better antibodies, the immune system says "shoot it, I give up!" Maybe, with OAS, it is to be expected? As the pathogen is not quite same, so no need for as strong a reaction as after the 3rd Moderna (original) boost? On top of not inducing more specific ABs, it induces less of the original neutralizing ABs - like, "what do you want from me now?!" Pretty cool discovery. The whole myth of BigPharma being able to tailor boosters on top of the original jabs to continuously fight endless variants is totally obliterated, debunked, annihilated.

Let's see what the CDC, Fauci, and fact-checkers come up with this time trying to explain this away.

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Никаких говнидов и омикронов нет

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A тьі как же? Самьій что ни на есть.

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Neither provides any protection. So one does not provide more than the other.

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Maybe 'they' - those behind this - do not have the best interests of the majority of people in the Western aligned world. Maybe they are evil sods?

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