McCullough has been a/our leader in many ways to our movement to fight the tyranny of the globalist agenda, with oracle Dr. Harvey Risch at his side always, Dr. Angie Farella with us standing guard!
The day of the Defeat the Mandates rally in D.C. was a turning point for me in the midst of what seemed like the end of the world. It gave me courage. I was never going to let anyone give me an mRNA shot and was frightened of the legal and medical consequences. (I'd already had a severe case of covid in mid-February 2020, so did not fear covid.) I stopped being afraid of doctors and the government because I knew I could say that you and the other speakers supported my position. I cannot emphasize enough how much that knowledge changed my life and the lives of my family and friends who look to me for guidance and support.
I think I had it in early January 2020 although it was mild except for the feeling of drowning and the later weird chest sensations. I also declined the mRNA and other shots, even though it hurt me financially through loss of work. This is a new virus and it's still in gut and gallbladder tissue more than 12 months later and reports are coming in that it degrades cartilage. Interestingly, there have been some reports that those who get it severely during the acute infection phase and survive have less problems long term. And vice versa, so you may be lucky. It produces some changes in the immune system that are similar to HIV. It may not just be a mild respiratory virus. Have regular cancer and other screens would be my suggestion.
Yes sir! I can’t believe that I know as much as I do about geography now and about politics and about healthcare and about the human body functions! I find myself talking about stuff that I should not even know about!
People wanna say anything negative about President Trump, they have to understand who woke us all the hell up!
Truth is, Lincoln was a tyrant, and likely gay. However, I get your point Dr. Alexander! McCullough is a great ally, and I applaud each of your tireless efforts to get the dim bulbed/jabbed minions to overthrow this Communist world order!
Is that not Dr Angie Farella behind you as well in the first picture? She too has made tremendous contributions to this fight.
The Defeat the Mandates rally in DC a year ago and the subsequent panel with Senator Johnson were extraordinary events that brought hope and courage to so many of us. McCullough has been relentless, brilliant and a heroic leader. But all who spoke that day and the next shine brightly as well. And you Dr Alexander, are also a fearless and relentless leader whose light burns brightly exposing the darkness of covid. All those bringing ttuth to this era have a secured place in history as heroes on the side of justice and goodness
As such, do we know how it is that Dr. Risch remains at Yale, a corrupt criminal organization whose latest round of criminality demands the forced "booster" injection of its students, but gives a pass to faculty, such as Dr. Risch? It's a bad look...
The day of the Defeat the Mandates rally in D.C. was a turning point for me in the midst of what seemed like the end of the world. It gave me courage. I was never going to let anyone give me an mRNA shot and was frightened of the legal and medical consequences. (I'd already had a severe case of covid in mid-February 2020, so did not fear covid.) I stopped being afraid of doctors and the government because I knew I could say that you and the other speakers supported my position. I cannot emphasize enough how much that knowledge changed my life and the lives of my family and friends who look to me for guidance and support.
I think I had it in early January 2020 although it was mild except for the feeling of drowning and the later weird chest sensations. I also declined the mRNA and other shots, even though it hurt me financially through loss of work. This is a new virus and it's still in gut and gallbladder tissue more than 12 months later and reports are coming in that it degrades cartilage. Interestingly, there have been some reports that those who get it severely during the acute infection phase and survive have less problems long term. And vice versa, so you may be lucky. It produces some changes in the immune system that are similar to HIV. It may not just be a mild respiratory virus. Have regular cancer and other screens would be my suggestion.
I remember your speech that day, watched all of you online. Very proud, deeply moved and so very grateful to all of you for what you are doing.
Do you ever sleep? You should have joined the Twitter live discussion about Project Veritas discussion on Pfizer employee. It was fanatastic.
Yes sir! I can’t believe that I know as much as I do about geography now and about politics and about healthcare and about the human body functions! I find myself talking about stuff that I should not even know about!
People wanna say anything negative about President Trump, they have to understand who woke us all the hell up!
Truth is, Lincoln was a tyrant, and likely gay. However, I get your point Dr. Alexander! McCullough is a great ally, and I applaud each of your tireless efforts to get the dim bulbed/jabbed minions to overthrow this Communist world order!
Is that not Dr Angie Farella behind you as well in the first picture? She too has made tremendous contributions to this fight.
The Defeat the Mandates rally in DC a year ago and the subsequent panel with Senator Johnson were extraordinary events that brought hope and courage to so many of us. McCullough has been relentless, brilliant and a heroic leader. But all who spoke that day and the next shine brightly as well. And you Dr Alexander, are also a fearless and relentless leader whose light burns brightly exposing the darkness of covid. All those bringing ttuth to this era have a secured place in history as heroes on the side of justice and goodness
Oops, I don’t see Dr Harvey Risch in the photo with you and MCullough
standing normally, but in this event he was not there....but where we are Dr. Risch is our oracle
As such, do we know how it is that Dr. Risch remains at Yale, a corrupt criminal organization whose latest round of criminality demands the forced "booster" injection of its students, but gives a pass to faculty, such as Dr. Risch? It's a bad look...
A new report says misinformation about COVID-19 contributed to more than 2,800 Canadian deaths and at least $300 million in hospital and ICU visits.
This is on CTV today. The narrative is being shifted to blame those who refused the clot shot.
Dr Paul if you read the comments you should address this lie.
Bravo to all !!!! Brave , dedicated, caring men : all 3 !