That sounds awesome, hopefully they won't get any pushback from the government and be allowed to operate freely.

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I see Trudeau putting the brakes on this, he wants us all jabbed and dead so this company will not fair well here, sadly.

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Excellent plan. Hope you all succeed. 👍 That path is real restorative medecine.

Dr. Berg on utube tackles the fraud with excellent education on diet & the consequences of dietary choices. Healing by eating & natural supplements. Dude amazes me.

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Good to see The Wellness Company being promoted in Canada and the Caribbean. It will hopefully also expand throughout all the 5 eyes countries.

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Thank you so much Dr’s.

Much respect !

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This Action will not be openly tolerated

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Good you had a laugh with the clan😂BTW If your son tried flipping my first cell phone he'd still be on crutches. It was the mil spec "Brick", about a foot square & weighed under 10 lbs, supposedly, but it worked up to 60 miles from a tower. Find that range these days. Analogue ruled for range, digital won for👁️.........👁️As for Ted, he was a laugh, until the end. He loved golfing, called it "whack-f👀k"🤣 I always reminded him that golf was the definition of Insanity- doing the same dumb shite repetitively but expecting different results. He died in his early 30s. Last I heard from him was "I'm going home to die" , and Damn it, he did, the next day. Miss him, till we meet again...

Anywho, Take care! the pleasure was mine

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👍👍🍻 A brief moment in civilization when you really could choose to live free, mind your own business, survive & even thrive on real food you grew & knew your neighbours too. Nutters & A 🕳️'s were the exception not the norm. These generations have absolutely no idea what's been lost in the last 30+ that's the real tragedy.

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Can we buy your products from the uk?

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