They are all foot soldiers and are following orders! Identifying the controllers and send them to the moon!

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We'll need a hundred tonne rocket to send a few to the moon. We can send each to the bottom of the ocean with a couple of pounds of concrete.

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Which is MUCH more cost effective! 😊

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The replacement is usually worse than the one being replaced.

As long as things are in the hands of those with an oath to the corporation, religion, CCP, or secret society, nothing will change.

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At least they are consistent. 🤮

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Not lunatics, just prostitutes of freemason easy money!

In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen almost every single Secretary of State: they only need to infiltrate or bribe the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (only 11 of 20 members), and influence the Senate.

Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.

In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4

Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.

Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed the 5 year CFR membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason RINO Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by the WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because of her age: she had turned 38 (41 in 2023), while the “young” freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, too, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17


The CFR is just a small piece of a large puzzle of thousands of organizations, trusts and funds

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!


FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !

15 million watched the first one in 3 days!

Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!


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Scientific Progress, you absolutely rule.. Thanks for all the info gong to save everything, every point LOL.. What you realize and I realize, but most people don't or won't is that these people are like GANG members in a corporation, they all want to move up and their way of kiss a***** to move up is committing crime and lying, they more they do and the more they do not care about people, the harsher they are to people and the more unrelenting they are about lying and killing people , the higher they rise in these EVIL organizations.. They all know the TRUTH, but they cannot rise in these organizations with TRUTH, only lies and murder...

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Right on spot! Just like the mafia, though it's a Satanic one.

God willingly, I'll publish a book about them this year (it's half cooked =)

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LOL Half Cooked is actually better then anything out there anymore because you actually have a brain and are using it along with Critical thinking, because people no longer think solutions, they treat the symptoms across all fields and nobody ever asks why is this happening, we need to investigate and find out the root cause problem, so we can come up with a solution or " CURE".. But of course these corps are not interested in any cures, no money in that.. Only peddles LIES and make money..

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She's a whacko!

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No surprise. I'm yet to meet an idiot who, miraculously, wakes up smarter one morning. Their stupor always goes the other way.

The only way we turn this ship around is to toss all these idiots out.

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These people know exactly what they are doing, they know they are living a lie, and we are dying over LIES, but that is how these EVIL people rise in these EVIL organizations and get more money, luxury's, status, titles, etc., etc. you know like selling out for your 30 pieces of silver.. The know the worse they are then their predecessors the higher they go. Its that simple for them, they are out to impress their bosses.. They know exactly what they are doing.. The TRUTH burns them like a vampire is burned by sunlight.. They stay in the dark and avoid sunlight at all cost, same for these EVIL people when it comes to truth.. They stay in the darkness of LIES, and avoid the truth at all costs, but after awhile they have to be replaced because after awhile the darkness of the con-science bothers them, so they are no longer effective, follow that con-SCIENCE LOL..

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Mandy Cohen in her own words on video:


Quoting a commenter on Twitter regarding the video clip:

"New CDC Director Mandy Cohen recalls how she and her colleagues came up with COVID mandates during her time as NC Health Director. “She was like, are you gonna let them have professional football? And I was like, no. And she’s like, OK neither are we.” (Cohen discussing a telephone conversation with her counterpart in Massachusetts.)

As Megan Basham (Daily Wire) posted on Twitter re the same video clip:

"Turns out “following the science” is just two junior high girls checking in to see what the other is wearing to the party."

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Bidens picks have all been terrible. binary trans freaks and zero experience diversity equity all bad.

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“A high quality, 3 ply surgical mask” - what an utter moron!

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For children! And the vaccinated!

Neither Cohen nor Walensky are qualified for a position giving medical advice. They are nothing more than PR spokesmen for Pharma and the Biden Administration.

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Interesting how no one here has noticed the large proboscis in the room:


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Out of the frying pan into the fire. From bad to worse. The Shrestha et al Cleveland Clinic study has shown that is the jabbed who are catching and therefore spreading COVID-19. VA data reviewed in the latest Igor Chudov substack show that what Shrestha et al found also extends to death. A new IgG4 paper indicates that a tsunami of turbocancers, autoimmune myocarditis and other iatrogenic disease from the jabs is coming down the pipeline. Cohen has been on the wrong side of history and needs to resign now.

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It seems like we are experiencing some unsettling times that resemble the dark periods of history such as Nazi Germany or even the East German Stasi era. It's worth noting that the Germans developed advanced methods of monitoring their citizens, and Obama's administration went even further by allowing the US government to spy on its people and use propaganda against them.

Encl. https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY


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Bilderberg plan, this one layer that focus' upon front line managers, want 'team players' that are obedient and dumb. Across the board. Why our Trump terrified the Bilderberg cartels, rigged the 2020, and gave us the well known post child of stupidity, Pedo and his entire freak show and homosexual agendas with the direct attack upon Americans pulling the fake white superiority card. Then orchestrated 10,000,000 Vatican Invaders to run the borders, with all the perks.

The Chem trail mind control nanos have to be working just for the incredible level of tolerance displayed by Americans.

Meanwhile, RINO Kevin hands Squatter all the cash. lol~

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Until we understand, recognize and appreciate that these so called DingDongs and incompetents were following military orders, that there has been a BioSecuirty State/DoD/CIA coup d'etat in the USA - we will not have a course correction.

Yes, they were paid and made promises that will never be kept. They sold themselves and will end up with less than nothing, but that is their problem.

Our problem is to get the word out what just happened because as of this moment no one has been held accountable and they are planning their next event (which will be food shortages and false flag cyber attacks).

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