He may be “controlled opposition”, or paranoid from the neurological issues caused by the COVID shots. We may never know. He may not even know, honestly. The neurological issues from these shots are completely changing people - their IQ, logical thinking skills, and even their personalities. He may be a sad and unfortunate example of “unintended consequences “ of his own scientific discoveries! This has to be hard to swallow.

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He fits the bill for "litigous paranoia," a form of psychosis that could have been caused by the mRNA shots he says he took. Normal people don't perseverate themes about the CIA, DARPA, controlled opposition, psyops and so forth. He does. This is further evidence of psychosis. These are whack job themes perseverated by delusional paranoiacs. Plus he sues like other people change their underwear. Those who the jabs destroy they first drive mad!

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Dr. Robert Malone is obviously highly intelligent, not "normal people".

He actually has worked with these people and departments, as he has talked about previously, so I don't think things he talks about regarding CIA, DARPA, psyops, etc. are part of any psychosis, but are probably based on facts. When you work with these people, you do KNOW things that others have no clue about.

I think he takes a lot of heat because the foundation of this whole event was technology he was originally involved in creating, and he is probably going on the offensive because of people holding his feet to the fire.

I honestly doubt he knew this technology would be used in a Global Mass Depopulation Event (seriously, would anyone tell a bright, young scientist this type of information up front if they want their help developing something to murder 95% of the population of the Earth?). Although, look at all the global evil collusion that must have happened around the world to get these dangerous mRNA shots into most of the world. Doctors and nurses are just starting to "wake up" and reporting that they had "doubts", but didn't want to speak up earlier for fear of losing their jobs, being discredited, or being called "crazy".

I see OBVIOUS IQ lowering in people who are multiple COVID vaccinated. Seriously, it is VERY obvious and although people talk about the neurological issues, hematological issues, blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, cancers, et cetera - no one is doing testing of the obvious drop in intelligence following COVID vaccination and/or combined with "long COVID". I can see it in the statistics area of the Wordfeud game on my iPhone and confirm the person got a COVID shot and/or infection in the chat area. We are talking about a HUGE drop in scores between 25-30% after the second or third shot! This should NOT be ignored. These people obviously continue to function, but at a MUCH LOWER LEVEL. Based on what I see in my own life with family and friends COVID-vaccinated, and stories from people I play with on my iPhone, they appear to have problems keeping their lives organized, finances in order, careers on track, but plug along, obviously dealing now with a limited IQ. Realize the AVERAGE person with an IQ of 100 is now trying to function in our now more dangerous, ever changing world with an IQ at moron level. These people are running our government, in charge in the military, flying airplanes, making decisions on the healthcare of others, and teaching our children and grandchildren.

This is much bigger than anyone is talking about...

This means that literal MORONS are now running the world!

Hell, most of us had doubts about them before... now it's an absolute nightmare to think about!!!

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The people who most prolifically perseverate themes about the CIA, DARPA, controlled opposition, psyops and so forth are some of Malone's critics and many of them are delusional whack jobs. I use the device of irony. As regards the detrimental effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection in intelligence, including its role in dementia, studies have been done that confirm the drsmatic effects. Do a quick literature search.

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Yes, I have done the research. I agree, but I am saying EVERYONE may be affected after the 2nd of 3rd shot; or over time... NO ONE may escape these effects, given that Dr. Ana Mihalcea is now finding these weird artifacts in the blood of the unvaccinated. Oh, it may take a bit longer... but eventually, we are ALL going to end up drooling, blithering idiots at the rate it is progressing...


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I’m sure of those Malone is suing have been told to not reply from their lawyers as to not jeopardize their cases.

Malone’s lawsuit against Dr Ruby was thrown out. The rest will probably follow

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He's gone stark, raving mad. He's paranoid and delusional. He's talking about controlled opposition, psyops and the CIA, just like nut jobs do.

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Guilty conscience makes people very irritable.

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Malone is a philosophical adherent of “the best defense is a good offense” (in every sense of the word). And he’s got plenty to be defensive of. But hey, for a time it worked for him. Look at how you initially couched your sentiments.

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Well he will probably be paying the Breggin’s and Dr. Jane Ruby’s lawyer fees for his [frivolous] dismissed law suit IMO.

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