Dr Paul, I'm glad you finally saw what I've been seeing... But regarding Ladapo, I have one serious question: Desantis is Governor correct? Ladapo has access to the vaccine information database for Florida correct? Desamtis has the power to release the death certificate database. Between the two of them they have the power to provide access to both death certificates and vaccine information database', correct? With that information there would be no doubt what's murdering people.

Why don't they do it?

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Lockdown Ron is head honcho. He comes across as a control freak. He's the one who could provide the access, require autopsies etc.

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Indeed. Same question. Why not drop the Moab?

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Well, there's his history. If the data show that people he pushed to get jabbed are pushing daisies now or cremated it may not look good for him.

DeSantis urges public to get vaccinated: These shots are ‘saving lives’ | The Hill


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You are a Deep State Plant as I have already pointed out with all your fake info posts!!

Fake News ! Fake! Fake! So obvious.

Now watch your post disappear!

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Angry dude,

Did you review the fake “ evidence “ post in its fake entirety ?

Does the voice match his lips moving? Do the words ( lip snd mouth movements )match what words he is speaking ? This is the worst fake I have ever seen. Like not even 3 letter agency quality but they have been making some really laughable moves. So hard to tell if it is shear stupidity ( most of the time ) or by design. That is the beauty of their job and why these evil POS love their jobs , it covers for their incompetence.

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Freedomisnotfree is a Lincoln Project RINO and NeverTrumper. It is butthurt that DeSanTARD is out and is now all in for Neocon Nikki. Its real agenda is to get Pedo Joe reinstalled.

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Freedomisnotfree is a Lincoln Project RINO and NeverTrumper. It is butthurt that DeSanTARD is out and is now all in for Neocon Nikki. Its real agenda is to get Pedo Joe reinstalled.

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You are so obvious with your Deep State Fuckery. Go back to school you amateur dumb ass.

Who is your boss? They must be as dumb as you are.

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Are you talking all cause mortality?

You can call their office and ask your questions. They are usually receptive and have people on staff for this purpose. Best to go to the source,


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What I'm talking about is looking at everyone who's now dead post jab roll out and checking there jab status pre-death. Then taking those that were jabbed and now dead and doing a deep dive on what killed them. All in order to find the signals I know are there.

There isn't one state in this Union that's willing to either do that analysis, let someone else do the analysis or they've done it and won't release the results because it's not good.

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Death certificate lists two causes.

That is your deep dive for the ones over 3 days dead.

Dr. L knows this. He also knows how some of the doctors were instructed on filling out the death certificates. When previously they could use their own brains. Part of the cover up.

You know right ? The guy who dies in a motor cycle accident , dead in the road mid 2020. Taken to hospital and they want to collect another hundred plus on the dead man do they stick a bogus “covid “ test ( owned by b. hates and Soros ) to get a fake positive.

So now the doctors are told by their two bit asshole dumb shit hospital administrators that were always at the bottom of all their classes , to write in as cause of death “ COVID “.

Little bit more complicated then this but you get the jist.

The gov ( Fraudci and friends ) quickly gave the deceased family $ 10,000. to cremate snd bury the body pronto. Families were thrilled to get the payout. Some more then others ...

They ( The Evils ) thought of most everything and have tremendous redundancies.

Hope this helps.

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We have much bigger problems right now!!

Look at this !

Look forward , they are coming for you quickly.


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Wait until the Awakenot woke Federal gov employee Deep State lifer reads that his Health Insurance is not going to cover him soon.

Guess we shouldn’t have helped the bad guys huh?


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Do you think you can break everyone’s Hippa Regs post humous for the Injection status pre death?

Where exactly will you find it and in what medical record? Many did curb side drive through they were so crazy brainwashed. Injected by who knows who , with who knows what.

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Freedom dude, I don't want to sound snotty about this but I've done quite a bit of work on this problem and I can tell you unequivocally that correlating death certs to vaccination status/dates it will become apparent very quickly what people are dying from and what caused the death. How many death certificates have you looked at from 2021 or 2022? I've looked at all of them from a particular state. Wouldn't it be interesting if an individual was "vaccinated" and "COVID" is listed on a death cert? Either the medical examiner would have committed fraud and the "vaccine" caused the death or the "vaccine" failed to prevent the death from"COVID". Either way it's not good.

Please do a search on exhibit F John Beaudoin on law suits in Massachusetts.

He has a substack here as well that's very much worth reading.

Best Regards.


If you know anyone who's died and you have access to their vaxx card please consider uploading a pic of it to vaxxdatabaseproject@proton.me

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Yes, yes, yes, it is all a given.

You are right.

Look forward also at what I just send you/posted.

They don’t give a shit about the dead people , they are quickly trying to create more!! Don’t get blindsided trying to prove what we already know.

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They've been called I assure you.

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Paul, letting him get to you will just cause you discontent, you said what you said now I think it's time to let it go. We all know Dr P. McCullough is a good guy, he's helped many people at a cost, so when Sage attacks him we just laugh because we know he's (Sage) is full of shit.

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I don’t laugh, but did unsubscribe to SH. He takes things people said three years ago as their current position. And the riddles get really old.

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I also had subscribed, due to Paul's recommendation, but unsubscribed when he/she attacked Dr. Kory. I was reading the EVMS updates from Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik since April 2020; they were the only academics that were giving monthly updates trying to crack the puzzle of how to treat hospitalized patients. They got some stuff wrong at first (mainly got hoodwinked by the anti-HCQ papers at first), they got some right, self-corrected, but made tremendous contributions. Same with Dr. McCullough. He did a lot of good work from the very beginning, although he didn't break into the public eye till a little later.

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Unsubscribed this morning! No one other than dangerous controlled opposition would bad mouth Dr. McCullough unless they are pro-death jab!!!! God bless him and keep him safe!

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I highly recommend this video on rumble with the latest hearing on the deadly jabs: https://rumble.com/vt62y6-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html. Share this far and wide. Many doctors speaking out about the atrocities and what Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Astrazenka,the CDC and the FDA have lied about and all the deaths that are attributable to them!!!!!

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The hearing video is now over 2 years old, but still true and applicable.

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Sorry about that. Normally they put the year when it is a prior year, but all still applicable. What’s worse is too many doctors, hospitals, the CDC, FDA, etc. are still pushing the jabs and now are after the children who were never at risk.

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I ought to have unsubscribed and have taken him up on his offer to refund my year’s membership subscription, before he banned me and removed all of my comments.

When someone shows you his (or her) true colors, believe what you are seeing.

Personality aside, what’s the guy revealing? What’s his shtick? Gloom and doom. All is lost. Everyone who sees himself or herself as part of a resistance movement is deceived. It’s all over. The only thing to look forward to is death or enslavement. That sure looks like resignation and defeatism to this fool (me).

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Yes, agreed! What any one of us may have quipped or thought for a day or a week years ago has CHANGED by now. Hello! This is standard procedure for thought processes and intelligence derivation based on logic, and more information.

SH either does not get this ?? ( cannot imagine someone that can demonstrate intelligence could be so blind ) or she makes this her/his MO to confuse, divide and conquer. Possible that she/he does have inside information also. That says a lot when it is first hand. But she appears to attack from behind the safety of her computer screen and ridicule with her team of juvenile ridiculers. She has ample opportunity to question in person or on video or in writing them.

It really is a simple concept when it comes to Dr Pierre Kory also and that is....". yes I was fooled for a very short while so " ( not many knew the World Wide ( Global ) Billionaire Banker and US dod PLOT to kill the population systematically and enslave those not killed, it was not common information at least ? ). So everyone has had their " Ahhh ha " moment or moments and now we know. Let's unite to fight the common enemy, we know who they are exactly. Some are still hiding behind curtains but we can follow the money trail and private jet trails to locate them. They breath, eat, sleep and dress just as we do. They also have bad habits which make them easier to track. Yes, there are traitors among us, not a new concept, and it is a dynamic sliding scale for some with no backbone and moral integrity so we must remind ourselves of that and watch our backs and other's backs. Here is where SH goes overboard, perhaps, and does so admit.

As my strong Christian friend said, we are going to be surprised in the end of those that turned out to be good and of those we thought were good, and ended up forsaking humanity. ( participation in the Genocide and enslavement of fellow humans ).

Silence and Cooperation with the corporate and gov Cabal is complicit behavior.

Yes, we all know this and will out you.

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Well said!

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The more I try to get my head around the narratives that are swirling around us,

the more baffled I become. I just can't get all of the puzzle pieces to fit together into a coherent image. Like several puzzles mixed together in the same box, with some pieces missing and a few odd ones tossed in that do not fit anywhere. My narrative is assembled from bits I've gleaned from David Martin, Mike Yeadon, Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough, RFK Jr., and many others.

This is the crime line as I see it.

In 2015 Fauci was funding Ralph Baric at UNC working on GOF of

Horseshoe Bat Corona viruses, and concurrently developing what became

Remdesivir which Fauci later got approved for EUA use, even though it never

worked and mostly caused renal failure.

Then when Obama put the heat on US biolabs, they moved the show to Wuhan.

David Martin documents all of their shenanigans with patent filings and research papers. But, I think all of this is somewhat of a Red Herring,

as I do not believe there was an actual virus spreading around the planet.

They attributed every symptom they could think of to Covid, and they used

invalid tests to confirm huge numbers of 'cases' when most people were not

even sick with anything. And since they never proved that anyone had an actual virus sample in any lab anywhere, I do not see how they could develop a test.

All they had was an in silico genomic sequence cut and pasted together in China.

Then apparently the DoD developed their 'Vaccine' bioweapon and pushed them out through Pfizer and Moderna, neither of which had ever produced a vax before.

There were lots of people that had foreknowledge of the Plandemic.

Gates spoke of it in 2015, and put on Event 201 in 2019, also purchasing

$55 million in Pfizer shares. There was the SPARS document in 2017,

and Fauci informed us that there would be a 'surprise' outbreak during

during the Trump administration. He was proven correct, but in reality

there was never a virus, only a 'casedemic' and a pandemic of fear.

They killed a lot of people with hospital protocols, but I do not think many

people died from Covid at home untreated.

Lots of people have reported having unusual symptoms in 2019 and 2020.

Perhaps there was some type of bioweapon released in certain populations.

In any case, it is indisputable that all of the Pandemic countermeasures were

nonsensical, and the vaccines were always intended to be a bioweapon for

depopulation purposes.

Many people have awakened to what is happening, and many still have not.

But I do not think any of the perpetrators will be held accountable for all

of the death and destruction. Two decades after 9/11 we still have not tried

and convicted a single person for that crime of the century.

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Exactly, I saw the same thing and had had enough of his bullshit.

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i recently contributed to Sage meltdown... the person is wise but also a bit unhinged... in their mind only Sage is telling any truth at all...everyone else is horrible, etc. he basically also thinks every goddamn med ever created is awful including famotidine which i mentioned helped my family... when all you have is a hammer...everything is a nail

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Sage does what it is instructed to do by its paymasters in Langley. Sage is a whackjob magnet. There are some good people following Sage's stacks but man there are a lot of whackjobs doing so too.

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Todd Callendar on SGT report will explain a lot regarding lockdowns, insertion of 5G no one talks about and operating system insertions. Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s darkfield microscopy shows metallic blinking lights and other things that self assemble. There is more to this that is not being explained.

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Highly likely they are frauds especially " Ana ".

Total construct. They are making it up as they go along!

No schooling published, no degrees, no thesis, no specialties, no colleagues, no answering questions " too busy ", no debates ( like Fraudci - did/would not because their cover would be blown ). One has to research these things right away and if nothing exists it is a " made up " construct which is the Evils specialty. They love to make up words and phrases also. Easy to spot once you learn how to see the way they work(MO). These people/entities are not real they are " constructs " fabricated to get you to believe something ( Propaganda ) and they have a mission. These are 3 letter agency programs. ie Epstein ( spy, blackmail program ).

Don't fall for the fakes. Do your own original source, uncensored research.

They want you dead.

Do Not Comply.

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Yes..I feel as is ‘nothing has been explained’. But I believe this was a desperate experiment to see how far ‘Them’ could force tyranny on humanity’ to accept the real ‘Mark’ now being introduced by the ‘power demons’ You will not buy or sell..ect..🙏🏽

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I believe Sage is an anarchist, pointing out chinks in the landscape and damning everyone that has an imperfection in their past. This activity will further sow discord and discontent. Sage's actions are by nature destructive to the objective of health freedom and liberal exchange of ideas.

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Sage is a liberal and a misanthropist. Anarchism is a political ideology beyond libertarianism and the minimal state. Anarchists want more than for small government or for government to get out of the way. Anarchists advocate for a stateless society, often characterized by voluntary associations and cooperation among individuals, as well as opposition to hierarchical authority and coercive power structures. But I get what you mean and I agree.

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Anarchy -- as political philosophy -- is incredibly misunderstood. Thanks for the succinct description.

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How is it you are always available 9-5 pm , Monday thru Friday except gov holidays ?

What GS # are you?

9 ?

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Sage questions everything, not a bad thing in my opinion.

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Sage questions everything EXCEPT him/her/itself and the thoughts in his/her/its head.

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Yah but it’s his stack.

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And he/she doesn't want to engage in healthy debate.

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I’m sorry!

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YES..........but if a subscriber questions HIM .......... he goes crazy .

like, right away . no foreplay :-)

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I agree, but the raw data is noise not signal.

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It is difficult to keep up with who are the “good guys” and who are the “not so good guys” in this movement.

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That’s the idea! The plan



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Yes..you shall know them by their fruit’ it is written. I believe Dr. Alex is the ‘good apple’. 🙏🏽

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The good guys have been good all along. You had to have been at it at the beginning or go back and study it from the " beginning ".

Planet Lockdown Documentary 2020 Catherine Austin Fitts. Many interviews.

Always pay attention to what does not make sense, not so much what does, you already know that.

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That's what I wanna know too. Dr. McCullough has been incredibly resilent, and managed to do well through the last 4 years, and some people find that suspicious, but there is nothing to it. He reaches out and tries to help and support MANY other people, and law of karma works: what you put out into the universe returns back to you. The attacks against him and many others are detailed in his book, and they are infuriating.

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I recommend this video of Ron Johnson’s recent hearing where Dr. McCullough and other doctors spoke about the horrific lies about the death jabs by Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazenka, J&J, the FDA, and the CDC: https://rumble.com/vt62y6-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html

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The Plandemic was for one reason only: to coerce unwitting, frightened people into accepting the "shot" to make them an extension of the IoB (internet of bodies.) By Using the "materials" in the solution, it has made us like conduits to the control grid that is being created around us (an inner space belt and road if you will.) I am not a scientist nor academic, just a concerned person who is watching my fellow humans march compliantly towards their own demise and I'm heartbroken. I've come to the conclusion that this is their end game and they need to get us connected to the grid before too many of us wake up and tell them to go f$&k themselves. Sadly, many have died (I can list some but do a little digging and you'll find their graves on the www.) And many more will die trying to get the word out. Those people are the heroes in this fight. Taking up the mantle to save humanity puts you in grave danger because these psychopaths can't risk a mass awakening. It will derail their plans which go back further than written history. It goes back to Genesis and the fall of man to YHWH's #1 adversary-satan himself. He tempted woman but not with an apple, but by sex and creating the seed war. For more in depth information, please visit theserapeum.com. Educate yourselves on what this is REALLY ABOUT. We've been gaslit into thinking it's about climate change or human rights, whatever bs they've fed us. But the bottom line is it's about the ultimate control of earth and everything on it. The new tech is an inventory control program and guess what? YOU/WE ARE THE COMMODITY.

Wake up, speak up, level up🙏🏿🙏🏾🙏🏽🙏🏼🙏🏻

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My question is why so many exempted: Congress, Senate, Illegal border crossers, USPS workers, etc....Attorney Todd Callendar explains once the system was inserted those people become “chattal” owned by the patent holder. So many unanswered questions.

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All the questions have answers. Not hard. Follow the money trail and dead body trail.

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Covid was the seasonal flu period full stop. Look at data for 2020, the flu miraculously disappeared! Or the number of influenza cases was minimal. How is that possible? Well, it's possible bec the flu is/was covid. Does anyone know what "covid" stands for? Idk for sure and am looking for your answers. I saw a video of one of the 5G boxes they were installing en masse, and inside the box was clearly stamped: covid-19. Imho, Covid was a black op designed to get those fake vaxx'es into our bodies so we become part of the electronic surveillance system grid. Military, govt, private entities were all complicit bec that's the only way they could've foisted this on people. The lockdowns were essential so they could get the infrastructure in place without our nosy selves getting in the way. In my neighborhood, there is a mad rush to install new lines on our telephone poles. They're working basically 24/7 to get these things up. What's the rush? Don't we already have sufficient bandwidth to run our wireless devices?? Is that happening in your area? Please reply I'm so interested in hearing from you. YHWH and Yeshua bless all of you and your loved ones. I pray for us every day 🙏🏿🙏🏾🙏🏽🙏🏼🙏🏻

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Jan 29, 2024
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What did your nurse friends have to say about them being overwhelmed with covid cases? Many of my nurse friends said they never had a deluge of covid cases that it was bs to deny early treatment.

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Dr. Paul, when you aligned yourself with this "sage" person I was astonished, and wondered at your inability to see them for what they were. One read of their site and I was done, no need to look further ...and I quit opening your stacks referencing this "sage's" posts. I am glad to see your eyes have been opened.

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Honestly, I don’t even know anything about Sage...or perhaps I subscribed to him and then unsubscribed. But I agree that he should not be criticizing brilliant Dr. McCullough or TWC entrepreneur Coulson. They are IN the fight.

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I've been waiting for this little exercise with Sage to turn to shit.

Was always going to happen, old mate of mine used to say " never let mugs upset you"

Your a good guy Paul, jury out on Sage.

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Paul, Sage Hana is a troll... you are wasting time and energy every-time you respond to her trash..

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Exactly - “Don’t feed the trolls.”

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SAGE HANA is a Petulant Child and a FRAUD!

He tried to match SARCASTIC quips with me yesterday regarding Paul's rebuttal.

I took his (or is it hers) SORRY ASS to the woodshed.

Here's how the little BABY replied when he (or is it a SHE) couldn't tackle debating the REAL issues (Globalist Elites, VIRUSES ARE FAKE, Chemical poisoning is rampant, USE CASH, STAY AWAY from prescription meds, etc.).

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Right, I unsubscribed from Sage because of unfounded attacks like this.

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That's correct!

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