The pretend President, the puppet President, is UNFIT to hold any office, both mentally, physically and morally. He should be impeached ASAP.

Yes, the whole "indict Trump" thing is not only malicious prosecution, but it is election interference by a brazen criminal regime. AND it is a distraction from real events, like the Biden bribery crime, the proxy war in Ukraine, the Epstein client list, etc.

But this won't work, so then they will have to come up with something else. An internet blackout caused by a solar flare? An alien invasion? A nuclear meltdown in Ukraine that was CAUSED by Ukraine and the deep state?

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Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023

Perhaps Brandon tripped over a bag of Ukrainian cash 💷 💵 💰

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Pres Trump was speaking somewhere when he was told by someone in the audience that Biden had fallen again. Pres Trump was very nice in his response by saying he hoped Biden wasn't hurt. I think he actually meant it. And hey, it could happen to any of us old folks... I still think Biden's wife should be locked up for allowing Joe to be humiliated and tortured... 'tho he deserves it.

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My old friends who are helping with Bidens fundraising don't want to hear or see anything negative about him. They believe the stories about the money from Chinese sources are lies, and refuse to see that Biden has become a total banana republic puppet, and worse they believe there is nothing wrong with the c19 vaxxines.

They think he is as good as Obama and this is their golden chance to get some recognition at last from Biden

They are boosted a few times on top of that graphene nanobot poisoned flu, shingles and c19 vaccines.

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Biden is the BEST [they] had to maintain [their] control of raping America and using US to destroy others.

[THEY] are not in a winning situation at all now. They are WOUNDED from a thousand cuts and bleeding out, but they will thrash and do as much damage as possible because [they] are committed and CAN'T REPENT. EVER!

Beware of the thrashing tail of the BEAST.

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The way things have been going, I wouldn't be surprised if he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize --- responsibility for mass murder seems to be a big consideration...

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I feel sorry for the old man. He still hasn't realized that his sun set before he ran for president the first time. But I feel so, so much immeasurably sorry for all the agony, anguish, & hell, hell, hell & more hell he's caused to too, too many people in the world,& is still causing, & will continue causing!

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I have no sympathy for that evil old man.

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The epitome of our government in one picture.

My Photo Title: "Corrupt and Confused President Propped up by All Branches of Military and Law Enforcement."

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Check the photo of the guy in the background laughing. Multiply that by 330M. Nobody respects Biden.

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The original narrative said that Biden had tripped over a sandbag, but no sandbag can be seen in the photo of several picking him up. I still say that he collapsed without tripping, which indicates a neurological deficit rather than a lack of coordination.

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That is one of my biggest worries Paul, expose him, remove his protectors. I think we aren’t the only ones worried about this. The evil cabal probably has a plan. Or that he may “die suddenly”.

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China watched and know the US is weak.

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Where is the bag that Biden allegedly tripped over?

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Paul, just a counter punch. Mace had a head's up warning that this would happen, but we have to impeach Pedo. The problem is the Senate. Bottom line is that the committee, or at least some, knew Trump would be head faked if they got showed that Biden has the gun.

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