Sigh. Until you recognize the devil and give him his due you’re going to mischaracterize the proceedings. It wasn’t a failure. It succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in corralling the bovine compliant, thinning the herd, and getting the unruly passengers - aka, scientists and physicians of principle - off the train. And it did so largely with guaranteed immunity to the perps who were only emboldened to put more crap into action. All of this shit has been in development for decades; manipulation of Covid goes back to 1965, at least. There have been all manner of war games played out so as to anticipate every imaginable contingency short of the fact that there were more of us onto their shit than they imagined.

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Love that….. more of us onto their shit…..


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Calling them out by name. Talmud morality. https://www.bitchute.com/video/7M94RW388PSa/ via BitChute

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Wish you would all STOP using the word PANDEMIC there never was one. it was a pandemic of PCR testing

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Ya, Prosecute "dr." Fauci for crimes against humanity

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It was not safe but very effective, on purpose.

Dr Alexander, can you explain how many vaccines designed for herds of animals sheds through the herd By Design?

I had problems being around injured vaxxed family members and I didn’t get the shots.

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Huh? Very effective st what?

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Killing & injuring us

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Dr alexander, yes, But then, it all makes sense if you realize they WANT US DEAD. ALL OF US.

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Calling perpetrators out by name.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/7M94RW388PSa/ via BitChute

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