Seems like the vaccines are working as intended, to depopulate! If you think they were to prevent illness, you are so misinformed.

I never thought I would see so much evil in my lifetime but here we are.

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Real evil is rare. But there are millions of willing minions it turns out.

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Mystic - I believe real evil

Is so real we would be shocked at how horrible it really is...but, then I believe in an actual fallen Angel called Lucifer who will

one day be sent to a lake of fire created for him by the only one who defeated death & suffered our hell for our self-will - the God/man, Christ Jesus. Mankind with all it’s self-will & self-righteousness is not our salvation. The love of God for his fallen creation is my one hope. Romans 8:38,39 💟✝️💟

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Yeah right. ‘A thorough investigation’ which will likely place the blame

Squarely on climate change.

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Seems to be the excuse for everything these days…

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Key word "thorough", right?

As if....

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This is so heartbreaking 💔 Someone make this stop!!

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right, feel same way...

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my husband's cousin's wife took the jab at 20 weeks and the unborn baby died shortly afterward (last year). Tragic.... Back in 1987, another cousin's son died at 6 months after receiving a childhood shot, not sure which one. The parents sued and got compensation but money can never compensate for a baby's death.

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I’m so sorry

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Our precious children deserve better. Please stop the shots

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Meanwhile the villains at the WHO pretend they are stumped as to the cause.

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They blame "Covid" for all the side effects of the jabs...how can anyone still believe this?

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And yet WHO wants to take the shot on a regular basis. Hypocrites

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Why do you think pregnant women are told they NEED to get the jab!?!

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Dr. Naomi Wolf goes into this RE wallensky. What a monster (wallensky, of course)

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Yes Naomi's interview with Dr James Thorpe (Ob/Gyn) is an absolute must . Broke my heart 😟

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To save the world environment from us wasteful humans. Global unelected rich want to be gods.

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I know the OB MD's are seeing it now. Maybe before "they didn't know" BUT NOW!


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I’m sure the WHO are laughing their heads off

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partying it up I"m sure

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.. ..."prompting a THOROUGH investigation.’ "

Uh, yeah - sure.

Should we hold our breath ?

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This is so sad.

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Been around 50M abortions since 1973, with the "Conservative Reagan Years" the highest on record. You know, the same Reagan who literally was a member of the communist Party, led the communist Screen Actors Guild, was a Democrat, became a Republican, and then went to consecutive Bohemian Grove Moloch rituals in the NoCal forest, practicing sex magic with men.

This entire fucking world is disgusting to me.

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Oh it can’t be our precious vaccine now could it?.. effective at maiming and killing...authorised by a bunch of idiots.

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I would be looking at the batches used on the mothers for a forensic explanation. I expect contamination or temperature induced fragmentation.

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