Children don’t need flu vaccines. I’ve NEVER had one and NEVER will! This WRECK their immune systems. Fools

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

Wrecked immune systems practically guarantees life long patients for the drug industry. And that is their game plan.

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Let's check back with that beautiful sweet baby and see what the health status shows. I

can't believe parents would do that to their children. Praying for this child +

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This is sick and worrisome. What I am hoping happens is flu vaccine uptake plummets to 7% along with the clot shot uptake, and this is from someone who had taken the flu shot every year since on clinical rotations in med school. i.e., 1975., nearly 50 years.

I wonder if that is why I have developed asthma in mid life????

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At this point, that is child abuse. To think your beautiful, healthy, bright eyed baby needs to be injected with poisons to “keep her healthy”, is negligent at best. Can people just find their common sense & maybe do a lot of research before making such a stupid decision? We, the deplorables, have to look at what the establishment is doing to us daily. Look around. It’s the same group of billionaires, from the same blood lines, pulling the strings of the governments round the world & working with those governments to control populations through wars, genocides, biological weapons (vaccines), open borders, corruption galore, etc., etc. It’s time to wake up & protect your babies from this tyrannical government cartel.

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Yes, I agree. I read this story of a Mother in the US who took her beautiful Baby Girl to the

Doctors for a check up and to get vaccines. It was the most saddest story that I ever read.

The Mother believed in the Doctor that the vaccines were necessary. The Mother wrote that

her Baby was crying and she held her down so the Doctor could give her the JAB. It's

murder. It was not too long after that the Baby passed away. The aid rendered when

her Baby was unresponsive at their house was unforgiveable, too. I will never get that

happening out of my head. RIP Sweet Baby Girl + What happened to:

DO NOT HARM that the Doctors swear to uphold?

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"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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Or in this case, to die for their government

Flu and COVID-19: one visit, two vaccines. It's not too late—get your flu shot and updated COVID-19 vaccine. Find VA and in-network health locations


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The VA acts like they are doing us a favor.

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If a vet passes away then that vet no longer has the hassle of potentially filing more claims.

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And whatever monthly VA payments they receive will stop.

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It is time to put some serious questions towards the people who say that multiple injections together is a good idea.

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Walgreens pharmacy is advertising in central Florida Get both ! My elderly mom pulmonologist told her he’s not getting the covid vaccine and his family isn’t either, she still wanted a gift certificate for getting hers all at once. She had to wait a few days for the rsv. (I cherish every holiday more than ever)

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Where do you live in Central Florida? I do, too. You couldn't talk your Mother out of getting the shot? Unfortunately, I can't spend the Christmas Holiday with my Brother.

He died suddenly on 9/5/23 at age 65 in Tallahassee. You know that died suddenly thing! His son made him get the JAB or he couldn't see his grandson. It's just too many years

to live without him. RIP Brother+ A Casualty of the COVID 19 JAB.

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My step dad got 4 shots in one arm: Covid, RSV, Flu and Shingles. I am heartbroken.

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That is so sad, and maddening that someone would be so gullible and trusting.

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Hope for the best. I do with my elderly mom. She’s so stubborn.

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why do people today still believe the home tests for covid are valid??

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But you have been warned!

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If you're into flu jabs but not covid jabs you may know that just the flu jab alone produced a 90% reduction in the risk of severe covid in this study of HCWs in Qatar and its not the only study to report such a result:

"In conclusion, recent influenza vaccination is associated with an appreciable reduction in the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 severity. "

Effectiveness of influenza vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare workers in Qatar


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How do you measure “risk of severe disease” in a disease that has no risk of severe disease in 99.9% 🤔

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Smart observation :-)

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Good question.

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No thx! Best not to get any shots...ever...again.

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I'm feeling the same way. I never was "vaccine hesitant" before. Thank goodness they mandated the clot shots and ran an over the top propaganda campaign about them and censored opposing voices or I might have been dumb enough to take them!

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Absolutely agree. Before all this I was asleep - but thankfully now, after the last 3 years, I have woken up and would probably say that I am now completely anti-jab. (must get round to reading Turtles All The Way Down too ). 😉

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For the monsters behind this desperate push to vaccinate the hell out of everyone , is population control, not just for profit , they filthy rich already, and guess who is the main creep behind this all ? The whole world knows..

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Hate to say it, but I’ve reached my limit with some people. They still believe in it? Fine. I’ll no longer try to talk sense into them. At this point, I just think “Whatever. Maybe there’ll be one less shedder in the world soon. Darwin needs to come claim his own, and the species will be stronger for it in the long run.”

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I’m seeing elderly generation “ polio vax” crowd, so bamboozled. The majority of her retirement community and a local (mostly elderly)Methodist church.

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Same here. Where is the wisdom that comes with age? They survived everything just fine before the vaxx blitzkrieg gained momentum

Over the past five decades or so. Now they’re scared literally to death over the flu. None of them would have worries about it if the government hadn’t made such a freaking fuss over it. Just goes to show that most people really aren’t their own agents. They’re really just empty vessels at any age, waiting to be filled by whoever wants to take charge of them.

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The problem is only a mere 58 "likes" to this article, it should be 58,000. Be sure to repost this on all social media. These ignorant people simply don't know. They don't know about the deaths and injuries. Yes, they do live under a rock

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Go ahead and light that match!! Your only sitting in an old fuel tanker. Go ahead!!!

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You know that it would be untrue, you know that I would be a liar, if I was to say to you, Ron we couldn'tjab much harder, try now we can only lose, and pfizer's fuel becomes a funeral pyre, come on baby light my fire, try to set the night on fire ...

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Unfortunately, the fire is still burning.

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Today the company I work for, is having walgreens coming to give the Flu, Moderna covid shot and RSV shot All together if you want.


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It doubles your chance of dying suddenly, and some have died the same day.

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Folks remember why the flu shot was developed. Business noticed how many people were not at their jobs due to being sick. The flu shot was developed to increase productivity not to improve your health. Many companies mandated the shot as did state governments for its mployees.

A double shot will overload your immune system. Tread carefully! Ask questions before you take.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

The CDC article says, “Getting multiple vaccines at the same visit may increase the risk of some side effects from vaccination.” The one I always think of is, dying.

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No, thank you, I'll pass!

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