Someone could have showed up with athlete's foot and it would've been thrown under the Covid umbrella.

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The “vaccine” backfired alright and not how we like it. Maybe vaccine resistance/ADE has something to do with it along with the down regulation of the DNA repair and immune system due to the spike protein entering the nucleus of the cells.

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Possum, if you have link, or links I'd love to read up. Sincerely, not skeptical of your comment, just to get a better understanding. Thanks.

Something is definitely wrong with this whole thing.

Case in point - Marks trying to knock out efficacy rule to vaccinate children under five. So any info is appreciated.

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Merogenomics 18 mRNA vaccine update. Youtube. Major game changer in molecular biology. Swedish study out early November 2021. Spike protein enters the nucleus of the cells. Down regulate DNA repair? Implications for the immune system? They have since found out this is definitely so. As for vaccine resistance then ADE, antibody dependent enhancement, I do a lot of things from memory because I have to organise my huge disorganised supply of info. Paul Alexander and Geert Vanden Bossche, here on Substack, are best for this. (I will try and dig it out). One about vaccine development and virus Enhancement which is good to spray around is a two minute one by Fauci because he is hard to censor. https://youtu.be/81nsjv7E-OEg

It also shows they know what they are doing. From memory, young children have a naive sterilising natural immunity. This very soon becomes more innate, learning and adaptive and if well maintained becomes very strong. A bit like early brain development - monkey see monkey do. The vaccine is non sterilising very out of date (designed for the Wuhan strain) and confuses and misdirects the immune system because of immune pressure buildup driving new viral immune escape variants. The virus evolves faster than the vaccine can be developed (assuming the vaccine design is correct which it is certainly not). When we get more elderly, our innate/adaptive immunity becomes less. Geert Vanden Bossche believes it is dreadfully wrong to inject the children because their naïve immune system is best placed to learn, adapt and deal with the virus, offering hope for natural immunity. As we know, the virus hardly if at all affects young children. The experimental “vaccine” is becoming more obviously harmful, negative efficacy, increasing red flags (autoimmune vaccine related CD8 - T cell dominant hepatitis etc) and certainly should be illegal for under age children if only because there is definitely risk and no informed consent.

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I intend to read that and more.

Thank you for taking the time and effort. I appreciate it.

I was very troubled to hear that they were trying to do away with the 50% efficacy rule so they could vaccinate children under age 5.

I agree, there is no way they can claim ignorance, knowing the data on children and yet taking the wrong direction in this act of regulatory malfeasance.

Thanks again.

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Figures don't lie, but liars figure...

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