I have to say when I look at the UK I find it heart breaking that our heritage is not only being lost but it’s being hijacked. I used to want to visit. I wanted to see where my great great grandparents lived. I wanted to see the hills in Scotland where my grandfather was a shepherd. Most of all I wanted to see the Scotland my grandparents bled for. My grandfather was in a body cast during the war after shielding another soldier from a grenade. His wife left(long story) and he raised four children. He sacrificed the majority of his life for his country and his family. He loved Scotland.
Those in power now are destroying are homelands. Everyone in the world is allowed a place they call home. Except white people because apparently that’s racist.
I can relate, as I also have English and Scottish heritage. The globalist cabal is behind the forced immigration into European nations, with the expressed agenda of destroying their heritage, history, and sovereignty.
The globalist death cult is anti-human and must be stopped.
I’ve seen this. I can’t understand why the fact these Ashkenazi Jews that hold political positions and the Jewish members of Pfizer , UN, CDC, NATO and the WHO have an issue with everyone knowing this fact. How are facts antisemitic? It’s a valid question. Why are all these Jewish people with dual citizenship with Israel holding so many positions of power? Why are these people making decisions to destroy predominantly white Christian nations? I think many are smart enough to figure it out. History is not what we think. We need to start asking why they are doing this. Is it just white Christian’s they hate or is it God? Or both? I know many Jews standing against this tyranny . It is a “special” type of Jewish person perpetrating these crimes against humanity.
I am certain the endless cycle of jews corrupting, poisoning a white nation, and then being expelled...is nearing its inevitable end. This time, we should count, and not use wooden doors.
I agree. Many jewish families just want peace. They are also at risk in Israel. These elites that call themselves Jews , are not what they proclaim to be. They are committing crimes against humanity on ALL religions. The pope is in with them and they are all satanists. May God help us all.
I will post this here, as it may be ILLEGAL to tell this truth in your horribly occupied nation. It likely soon will be illegal here as well. War is coming...
David, Thank you for your kind words. The truth is that White Guys like myself are pushed into the Corkboard like a Thumbtack. Over the last 23 years of Feeding Communist China for profit there have been many occasions where I could make ANYTHING but a Living. Somehow this Husband and Father of 8 grown children has been able to recover, no matter what life has thrown our way. I thank God every day for the gifts I was given including American Cowboy Father and English Mother's upbringing. Dad taught us how to Ride, trim & shoe horses, work in the Forge to make new horse shoes as he was a Blacksmith and Licensed Farrier. Dad taught us to respect Women and never hit a Lady. He inspired me to work with Metal. I just chose Modern Tools. Mom taught us Arts & Crafts, Ceramics, Photography, English riding, proper manners and proper English. She may not have allowed me to have a drum set and stuck me with a Clarinet but I learned Music Theory along the way. It has been quite a ride. As Dad would say, "If you get bucked off, get back on". Have a blessed day. John
The S&P 100 is driven purely by Greed and Corruption. The Stock Market is the world's largest Casino. All invested in CLEPTO Currency will lose just like owners of FTX Crapto Currency. The thieves and murders figured out how to gain control of 388 Cons in Congress who voted "NO" to a 10 day pause after the obviously STOLEN 2020 election. I join the Common Sense Army at a young age and have always questioned medicine, medical doctors and our Visibly Corrupted government. More recently I have taken steps to minimize the damage they had done to our family while preparing for the worst and Praying for the best outcome once WW3 is over. Many are in denial that WW3 started with the release the WuFlu from Wuhan, China. Real or pretend, The result is devastating globally. As Nasty Nancy Pelosi said in public, "We have many arrows in our Quiver". Looking back it is clear that she was referring to J6th, Remdesivir, mRNA jabs and DARK MONEY from US government coffers, Big Pharma, WEF, CDC, NIH, NIAID and Vents employed in Hospitals across The USA to get rid of ELDERS who knew history and vote. Those who were a burden to a financially and morally bankrupt Tyrannical government who uses funds collected from The US Citizens they now seek to kill off before they themselves are Found and Ground. #DepopulateTheDepopulatorsFirst #TheyAreFewWeAreMany
Personally, I have committed my life to the complete annihilation of the filthy, oft expelled Tribe responsible. It will require my people, the Race with the most accolades in human history, to cast off its pathological altruism, and really fix the problem.
To know the enemy, one needs to understand exactly who they are, and are not. The ones going by names such as Rothschild and others are not Jews. They hide behind that claim. They are Khazarians. There is a long history of them emanating from Prussia. They are the ones behind the WEF and the global banking cartel.
Common people who identify as Jews by heritage are not to be blamed. They are simply maintaining their religious belief in the Torah, albeit they have been misled by the Talmudic Rabbis.
The main point to remember is this > there were/are 12 Tribes of Israel. The Jews are descendants of only two of those. The descendants of the other ten tribes lost the knowledge of who they were after hundreds of years in captivity, and then migration.
All Jews are Israelites. Not all Israelites are Jews.
It happens that today there are hundreds of millions of Israelites in many nations, most notably the UK, Western Europe, Canada, Australia and America. This knowledge is part of the current Great Awakening.
Dave, I have heard this EXACT spiel from so many apologists, perhaps 666 of them at least. :-)
Look, how about this, you call them whatever name befits these shape-shifters, and I will consider it an ethno-religion. We have the names of their leaders, as they are some of the wealthiest, most powerful, and corrupt humans on the planet. Their hubris, ensures we know them by name. Let's round them up, you can do the long term genealogy you require, create a somber looking kangaroo court, and I can sharpen the guillotine blades. White men working in tandem, despite our minor differences.
I can tell you from my company that all hiring managers have to take a course in racism and how it can affect hiring. Of course, it is taught by a black person. What is happening now is know different than the terrorism done by the KKK. It is just that the people under the hoods are now black.
Very compelling article, with graphs and stats. Obviously this is happening. It's an end result of decades of indoctrination in public schools and universities where the woke grads gain positions in the Corporate world as HR directors.
The cartoon with "Tyrone" is humorous, but is an over-the-top stereotype.
I was on the hiring board for the last 10 or candidates to fill positions at my fortune 500 company. The number of "Tyrones" hired was about 5. The other 5 were "Shaniquas". None of them were the highest qualified applicant.
This could very well backfire in the long term. These white guys will have to start businesses in order to survive which will once again concentrate the ownership of businesses in the hands of “unemployable” white males.
This White Guy was self employed from 1989 through 2002 before being CRUSHED by APEC or The Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation treaty. We let go 14 employees. I worked the next 12 years for Corporate America, getting lied to and screwed along the way. In 2015 I resumed self employment and remain INDEPENDENT ever since. It is still a Hell Ride although it is MY Hell Ride. I am in as much operational control as I can be under the circumstances. Today we continue to design, build and run tooling to manufacture product components in The USA. We stamp 3 components used in Jet Airplanes, have been stamping parts used to assemble GM Cars, we make new and replacement tooling for global packaging of steel in steel rolling mills and warehouses. our most recent big ticket R&D job was 20Gbps wafer development in our model shop for Molex for whom we developed wafers for both Single Card and Dual Card 76 pin connectors that have since helped Double the speed of the Wired Internet. INDEPENDENCE is the key to survival today. This White Guy is not employable by Corporate America because they are unwilling to pay me what my time is worth. This White Guy invents things on the spot, saves Failed programs like The IRIDIUM PHONE which bankrupt and was bought out by Motorola which moved to Communist China and was Devoured Whole since. With 20 satellites in outer space and 7,000 dysfunctional phones they couldn't imagine how to fix the failed program. It literally took me 2 minutes to arrive at a solution, 4 weeks to tool our miniature electronics fabrication line and a few weeks to wrap out the first 7,000 Receptacles to rescue the Iridium Phone. We never heard from Motorola again as they moved to Communist China a few months later. Another former top 500 company lost to Greed & Corruption.
Except in universities where the best aren’t being hired for the job. This means the students aren’t necessarily getting a quality education when people are hired for reasons other than being the best at their job. Seeing this at the highly ranked university husband works at and it’s a hard fight to make with younger professors wanting diversity and not caring so much about quality research.
Interesting. How many people here have looked up the criteria that the EEOC employs for evaluating a discrimination claim?
Here is the first question they will ask: Are you a member of a protected class?
White men cannot even make a discrimination claim. How is that for an eye opener?
White women’s sole basis for a discrimination claim is being female.
So the EEOC is supposed to ensure civil rights are not violated for minorities.
I wonder if women realize they waived their constitutional guarantees for “minority status?” Minority as in someone who never bothered to exercise his or her freedom to adopt the State of the American Union.
I wonder if white men even comprehend the power in having constitutional guarantees as opposed to civil rights that MLK fought and died for. Or should I say Malcom X? For example, rightful state citizens waive their Constitutional guarantees that comes with the power to enforce the public law against corporations and federal agencies to adopt civil rights afforded to federal dependents.
Who needs civil rights when they have the power to enforce the Constitution? Only a stupid person would do that. Right?
Notice there is no commission on the Bill of Rights. There is a commission on human rights, but not one commission to Enforce the Constitution. Gee I wonder why that is. IThat is because the Constitution is enforced by the People of this country. That is a separate political status than that of a “protected class.”
Equal rights is a scam. Equal to who? Why should I be asking for equal rights when I’m the equal to the gov made them fight for. It is a scam. Now look what we have. People forgot who they are.
This article is almost a script of my life. I got diversity hired out of my job. I was welcome to stick around and watch all the diversity candidates get promoted over me but decided it was time to leave. One year later they call me up and are offering me twice my previous salary to come back as a contractor. I will now be working 6 months a year making as much as I made before. Silver linings folks.
Oh my gosh, what a file you got there!!!! In Montreal this phenomena is very alive and well. For decades we have been "favorably discriminating" Quebec males by introducing/prioritizing hiring of haitians and arabs because they were French speaking. Now we have the French from France who happily convert their francs into dollars with such great advantage that they buy houses and appartment buildings here. French, Arabs (banking and education) and Chinese investors are the only ones able to buy houses. Montreal has seen rents and home prices go sky high, to our Quebec potent home owner' s detriment. They find upscale jobs right after they get off the plane. Our architecture firm here is a reflection of this new hiring trend. Story doesn't say if our firm benefits from subsidies for their hiring. In Quebec the paperwork is so complicated, taxes and rents so high to start a business that entrepreneurship is a deterrent for our young generation. This invasion and discrimination has been in the brewing for a long time. Our new generation graduates from universities with the first thought of taking vacations as they find new jobs (which they will leave soon without any fidelity as they jump into another job opportunity).
That is why, probably, the quality of services dropped, the stores, offices, restaurants, public transportation, you name it, are shabby and poorly maintained. You can feel the lack of love for the country. And the lack of consideration for each other. You can hear around whatever of languages, but not English. And when they call federal services contractors there is an option for language line request. This is how a nation should look like? All western countries are unrecognizable.
I had a worker tell me the other day he is tired of doing favors for me. Years of asking him nicely to do the job i pay him to do as if it was a favor has resulted in him actually believing he does favors for me. I was taught to ask nicely instead of give commands. But people do not understand this anymore.
Nobody likes white guys. Not even white women. Well, especially not white women.The clsssic illustration of this was during the Berlin Olympics in Nazi Germany in 1936. The visiting African American athletes were treated as virtual sex gods by the German women who threw themselves at them, much like they did at the Red Army troops when they entered Berlin in April 1945. Straight after WW2 ended, Hitler's favorite film maker Leni Riefenstahl heaed straight for African villages to live among the tribes there. She couldn't get enough of the "culture."
1945, Berlin: "Heidi, the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming. Those Slavic brutes. Is my lipstick ok?" "Yes, Ingrid. Do you think they'll give us chocolates, cigarettes or new stockings? We must do whatever they want. Should I wear this low cut blouse, or this one?
USA, 2020-2023: "Gretchen, BLM are coming, BLM are coming. We must show them we're nit racists. We must do whatever they want. Do I look good in this thong? Yes, Kathy. Should I go commando, or wear this slinky lingerie?"
That's never beenna problem but for white men who do hsve that problem I recommend spending a lot of time in the sun (with appropriate UV protection of course) and becoming very, very dark. Look, I'm not suggesting sll white women prefer men to look like Mike Tyson but the liberal ones definitely do. Have you not noticed?
I have to say when I look at the UK I find it heart breaking that our heritage is not only being lost but it’s being hijacked. I used to want to visit. I wanted to see where my great great grandparents lived. I wanted to see the hills in Scotland where my grandfather was a shepherd. Most of all I wanted to see the Scotland my grandparents bled for. My grandfather was in a body cast during the war after shielding another soldier from a grenade. His wife left(long story) and he raised four children. He sacrificed the majority of his life for his country and his family. He loved Scotland.
Those in power now are destroying are homelands. Everyone in the world is allowed a place they call home. Except white people because apparently that’s racist.
I can relate, as I also have English and Scottish heritage. The globalist cabal is behind the forced immigration into European nations, with the expressed agenda of destroying their heritage, history, and sovereignty.
The globalist death cult is anti-human and must be stopped.
And the King is front and center of all of it with William right behind him
hang their children first...make them watch...then hang THEM
And then that makes you no different than the monsters fighting to take control of the world. Nasty.
Dave, I found some "Globalists!" Oy vey...
I’ve seen this. I can’t understand why the fact these Ashkenazi Jews that hold political positions and the Jewish members of Pfizer , UN, CDC, NATO and the WHO have an issue with everyone knowing this fact. How are facts antisemitic? It’s a valid question. Why are all these Jewish people with dual citizenship with Israel holding so many positions of power? Why are these people making decisions to destroy predominantly white Christian nations? I think many are smart enough to figure it out. History is not what we think. We need to start asking why they are doing this. Is it just white Christian’s they hate or is it God? Or both? I know many Jews standing against this tyranny . It is a “special” type of Jewish person perpetrating these crimes against humanity.
"Is it just white Christian’s they hate or is it God?"
Both is correct.
Antisemitism is a falsehood utilised by those who call themselves Jews when if anything it should be anti-Jewish.
And there are Jews who call themselves Jews but are not but are of the synagogue of Satan.
I am certain the endless cycle of jews corrupting, poisoning a white nation, and then being expelled...is nearing its inevitable end. This time, we should count, and not use wooden doors.
Take your anti-Semitism away.
I agree. Many jewish families just want peace. They are also at risk in Israel. These elites that call themselves Jews , are not what they proclaim to be. They are committing crimes against humanity on ALL religions. The pope is in with them and they are all satanists. May God help us all.
Take your Communism away, juden.
Fellow Warrior4Truth,
I will post this here, as it may be ILLEGAL to tell this truth in your horribly occupied nation. It likely soon will be illegal here as well. War is coming...
I am white, married to a white woman.
I have 5 grown children over the age of 26. I have one grandchild.
There's the problem
WORD...we have 5 adult kids as well ...we should have 10++ grandkids but only have 4
All think they have great lives.
And they do.
For now
David, Thank you for your kind words. The truth is that White Guys like myself are pushed into the Corkboard like a Thumbtack. Over the last 23 years of Feeding Communist China for profit there have been many occasions where I could make ANYTHING but a Living. Somehow this Husband and Father of 8 grown children has been able to recover, no matter what life has thrown our way. I thank God every day for the gifts I was given including American Cowboy Father and English Mother's upbringing. Dad taught us how to Ride, trim & shoe horses, work in the Forge to make new horse shoes as he was a Blacksmith and Licensed Farrier. Dad taught us to respect Women and never hit a Lady. He inspired me to work with Metal. I just chose Modern Tools. Mom taught us Arts & Crafts, Ceramics, Photography, English riding, proper manners and proper English. She may not have allowed me to have a drum set and stuck me with a Clarinet but I learned Music Theory along the way. It has been quite a ride. As Dad would say, "If you get bucked off, get back on". Have a blessed day. John
The S&P 100 is driven purely by Greed and Corruption. The Stock Market is the world's largest Casino. All invested in CLEPTO Currency will lose just like owners of FTX Crapto Currency. The thieves and murders figured out how to gain control of 388 Cons in Congress who voted "NO" to a 10 day pause after the obviously STOLEN 2020 election. I join the Common Sense Army at a young age and have always questioned medicine, medical doctors and our Visibly Corrupted government. More recently I have taken steps to minimize the damage they had done to our family while preparing for the worst and Praying for the best outcome once WW3 is over. Many are in denial that WW3 started with the release the WuFlu from Wuhan, China. Real or pretend, The result is devastating globally. As Nasty Nancy Pelosi said in public, "We have many arrows in our Quiver". Looking back it is clear that she was referring to J6th, Remdesivir, mRNA jabs and DARK MONEY from US government coffers, Big Pharma, WEF, CDC, NIH, NIAID and Vents employed in Hospitals across The USA to get rid of ELDERS who knew history and vote. Those who were a burden to a financially and morally bankrupt Tyrannical government who uses funds collected from The US Citizens they now seek to kill off before they themselves are Found and Ground. #DepopulateTheDepopulatorsFirst #TheyAreFewWeAreMany
Personally, I have committed my life to the complete annihilation of the filthy, oft expelled Tribe responsible. It will require my people, the Race with the most accolades in human history, to cast off its pathological altruism, and really fix the problem.
The Truth, is out there. https://www.gtvflyers.com/
Hail victory.
To know the enemy, one needs to understand exactly who they are, and are not. The ones going by names such as Rothschild and others are not Jews. They hide behind that claim. They are Khazarians. There is a long history of them emanating from Prussia. They are the ones behind the WEF and the global banking cartel.
Common people who identify as Jews by heritage are not to be blamed. They are simply maintaining their religious belief in the Torah, albeit they have been misled by the Talmudic Rabbis.
The main point to remember is this > there were/are 12 Tribes of Israel. The Jews are descendants of only two of those. The descendants of the other ten tribes lost the knowledge of who they were after hundreds of years in captivity, and then migration.
All Jews are Israelites. Not all Israelites are Jews.
It happens that today there are hundreds of millions of Israelites in many nations, most notably the UK, Western Europe, Canada, Australia and America. This knowledge is part of the current Great Awakening.
You and I are Israelites.
Dave, I have heard this EXACT spiel from so many apologists, perhaps 666 of them at least. :-)
Look, how about this, you call them whatever name befits these shape-shifters, and I will consider it an ethno-religion. We have the names of their leaders, as they are some of the wealthiest, most powerful, and corrupt humans on the planet. Their hubris, ensures we know them by name. Let's round them up, you can do the long term genealogy you require, create a somber looking kangaroo court, and I can sharpen the guillotine blades. White men working in tandem, despite our minor differences.
I can tell you from my company that all hiring managers have to take a course in racism and how it can affect hiring. Of course, it is taught by a black person. What is happening now is know different than the terrorism done by the KKK. It is just that the people under the hoods are now black.
That's about it.
Very compelling article, with graphs and stats. Obviously this is happening. It's an end result of decades of indoctrination in public schools and universities where the woke grads gain positions in the Corporate world as HR directors.
The cartoon with "Tyrone" is humorous, but is an over-the-top stereotype.
I was on the hiring board for the last 10 or candidates to fill positions at my fortune 500 company. The number of "Tyrones" hired was about 5. The other 5 were "Shaniquas". None of them were the highest qualified applicant.
This could very well backfire in the long term. These white guys will have to start businesses in order to survive which will once again concentrate the ownership of businesses in the hands of “unemployable” white males.
This White Guy was self employed from 1989 through 2002 before being CRUSHED by APEC or The Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation treaty. We let go 14 employees. I worked the next 12 years for Corporate America, getting lied to and screwed along the way. In 2015 I resumed self employment and remain INDEPENDENT ever since. It is still a Hell Ride although it is MY Hell Ride. I am in as much operational control as I can be under the circumstances. Today we continue to design, build and run tooling to manufacture product components in The USA. We stamp 3 components used in Jet Airplanes, have been stamping parts used to assemble GM Cars, we make new and replacement tooling for global packaging of steel in steel rolling mills and warehouses. our most recent big ticket R&D job was 20Gbps wafer development in our model shop for Molex for whom we developed wafers for both Single Card and Dual Card 76 pin connectors that have since helped Double the speed of the Wired Internet. INDEPENDENCE is the key to survival today. This White Guy is not employable by Corporate America because they are unwilling to pay me what my time is worth. This White Guy invents things on the spot, saves Failed programs like The IRIDIUM PHONE which bankrupt and was bought out by Motorola which moved to Communist China and was Devoured Whole since. With 20 satellites in outer space and 7,000 dysfunctional phones they couldn't imagine how to fix the failed program. It literally took me 2 minutes to arrive at a solution, 4 weeks to tool our miniature electronics fabrication line and a few weeks to wrap out the first 7,000 Receptacles to rescue the Iridium Phone. We never heard from Motorola again as they moved to Communist China a few months later. Another former top 500 company lost to Greed & Corruption.
I cannot express my gratitude and admiration for your hard work and determination to remain free of the woke corporate world.
Except in universities where the best aren’t being hired for the job. This means the students aren’t necessarily getting a quality education when people are hired for reasons other than being the best at their job. Seeing this at the highly ranked university husband works at and it’s a hard fight to make with younger professors wanting diversity and not caring so much about quality research.
Universities for the most part are going extinct.
Interesting. How many people here have looked up the criteria that the EEOC employs for evaluating a discrimination claim?
Here is the first question they will ask: Are you a member of a protected class?
White men cannot even make a discrimination claim. How is that for an eye opener?
White women’s sole basis for a discrimination claim is being female.
So the EEOC is supposed to ensure civil rights are not violated for minorities.
I wonder if women realize they waived their constitutional guarantees for “minority status?” Minority as in someone who never bothered to exercise his or her freedom to adopt the State of the American Union.
I wonder if white men even comprehend the power in having constitutional guarantees as opposed to civil rights that MLK fought and died for. Or should I say Malcom X? For example, rightful state citizens waive their Constitutional guarantees that comes with the power to enforce the public law against corporations and federal agencies to adopt civil rights afforded to federal dependents.
Who needs civil rights when they have the power to enforce the Constitution? Only a stupid person would do that. Right?
Notice there is no commission on the Bill of Rights. There is a commission on human rights, but not one commission to Enforce the Constitution. Gee I wonder why that is. IThat is because the Constitution is enforced by the People of this country. That is a separate political status than that of a “protected class.”
Get the joke?
Yep, that is why there is a new push for the ERA. https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/us-equal-rights-amendment-blocked-again-century-after-introduction-2023-04-27/
Equal rights is a scam. Equal to who? Why should I be asking for equal rights when I’m the equal to the gov made them fight for. It is a scam. Now look what we have. People forgot who they are.
The best and only true path is Meritocracy . Common sense must prevail.
To right the ship fire all the politicians especially the WEFers that is the source of the evil
By the end of Trump's next term there will be massive class action lawsuits showing a bias in hiring, resulting in huge fines and settlements.
This article is almost a script of my life. I got diversity hired out of my job. I was welcome to stick around and watch all the diversity candidates get promoted over me but decided it was time to leave. One year later they call me up and are offering me twice my previous salary to come back as a contractor. I will now be working 6 months a year making as much as I made before. Silver linings folks.
Oh my gosh, what a file you got there!!!! In Montreal this phenomena is very alive and well. For decades we have been "favorably discriminating" Quebec males by introducing/prioritizing hiring of haitians and arabs because they were French speaking. Now we have the French from France who happily convert their francs into dollars with such great advantage that they buy houses and appartment buildings here. French, Arabs (banking and education) and Chinese investors are the only ones able to buy houses. Montreal has seen rents and home prices go sky high, to our Quebec potent home owner' s detriment. They find upscale jobs right after they get off the plane. Our architecture firm here is a reflection of this new hiring trend. Story doesn't say if our firm benefits from subsidies for their hiring. In Quebec the paperwork is so complicated, taxes and rents so high to start a business that entrepreneurship is a deterrent for our young generation. This invasion and discrimination has been in the brewing for a long time. Our new generation graduates from universities with the first thought of taking vacations as they find new jobs (which they will leave soon without any fidelity as they jump into another job opportunity).
That is why, probably, the quality of services dropped, the stores, offices, restaurants, public transportation, you name it, are shabby and poorly maintained. You can feel the lack of love for the country. And the lack of consideration for each other. You can hear around whatever of languages, but not English. And when they call federal services contractors there is an option for language line request. This is how a nation should look like? All western countries are unrecognizable.
I had a worker tell me the other day he is tired of doing favors for me. Years of asking him nicely to do the job i pay him to do as if it was a favor has resulted in him actually believing he does favors for me. I was taught to ask nicely instead of give commands. But people do not understand this anymore.
Nobody likes white guys. Not even white women. Well, especially not white women.The clsssic illustration of this was during the Berlin Olympics in Nazi Germany in 1936. The visiting African American athletes were treated as virtual sex gods by the German women who threw themselves at them, much like they did at the Red Army troops when they entered Berlin in April 1945. Straight after WW2 ended, Hitler's favorite film maker Leni Riefenstahl heaed straight for African villages to live among the tribes there. She couldn't get enough of the "culture."
You funny
1945, Berlin: "Heidi, the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming. Those Slavic brutes. Is my lipstick ok?" "Yes, Ingrid. Do you think they'll give us chocolates, cigarettes or new stockings? We must do whatever they want. Should I wear this low cut blouse, or this one?
USA, 2020-2023: "Gretchen, BLM are coming, BLM are coming. We must show them we're nit racists. We must do whatever they want. Do I look good in this thong? Yes, Kathy. Should I go commando, or wear this slinky lingerie?"
It’s not funny.
Can't get laid ?
That's never beenna problem but for white men who do hsve that problem I recommend spending a lot of time in the sun (with appropriate UV protection of course) and becoming very, very dark. Look, I'm not suggesting sll white women prefer men to look like Mike Tyson but the liberal ones definitely do. Have you not noticed?
Yes black men are in fashion right now.
Much like black purses.
Si the Germán women threw themselves at the AA women ?
The only solution is overthrow of the Regime and the lustration of those responsible for this condition.