If it had not been for all the fraud, trump would have been our president in 2020. Biden stayed in his basement yet he “won?” No, the Chinese flipped the numbers in the machines that were online and were not supposed to be Innes into the internet. Doesn’t it make perfect sense? On day one, Biden threw out all of Trump’s policies leaving room for CCP to take over our nation incrementally just like they have vowed.

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Is Trump going to admit his error in telling us that the Covid "vaccines" are safe and effective and compensate those he murdered by lying to them? He has yet to stop endorsing the "vaccines."

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You are aware they will rig the election, aren't you? Most states still have drop boxes and mail-in ballots and no verfication. In thiose states, how can he win when they stuff the boxes?

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Coming from the guy that brought us operation warp speed and oversaw lockdowns. What has he done to help the J6 prisoners? I am a patriot but I won’t just blindly follow this guy

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People don’t realize what was going on. Fauci had been in the administration through 5 presidents. No one even had heard much about him until he started coming out with all these political and anti science statements. If you could rewind you would see that Trump saps publicly that on Easter everyone should open all the schools and businesses. He reiterated it! But the science team was very strong as they seemed to know everything. So over Trump’s pronouncements and suggestions, Fauci pushed his agenda and the weak willed governors listened! Not all. Ron DeSantos said NO! I live here. Gavin Newsom’s in-laws moved from CA to Naples, FL. Beaches were open. Schools open. Restaurants open. I can attest that Florida did not listen to Fauci

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Yes! Trump gets a crowd. How come Biden does not?

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He has stopped endorsing the vaccines....and what about Kennedy apologizing for being part of the slave party....or about being a global warming supporter with a clip saying those who do not believe should be in jail with a cot never to come out....Trump has also said that he will be helping medically all those that need it....that is a hint....we have no idea about how and why things go down with Trump but now after being deceived so much every word that he says has meaning....nothing is said by mistake.....nothing is left out by mistake....people are shallow and fickle....if not for Trump and a very few others we would be totally destroyed by now....totally....

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What the left and the RINO'S fear is coming to pass,Trump will be re-elected and they will be punished for their crimes against the American people.I can't wait.

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I respect you, Dr. Alexander, but on this point with Trump you are dead wrong. It may take you a month, a year, or 5 years to discover and admit that fact to yourself, but one day it'll happen. Trump bamboozled us all - that's coming from a guy that voted for him twice. I won't ever be fooled again by Trump. If you don't want to listen to me that's fine, read most of the other comments posted here, maybe that'll help. Feel free to ask if you need more discussion on the matter.

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Wow, this time Dr Paul's post seems to have lanced a boil, judging by all the comments below.

Can I take a page from Trump's book and say "There are good people on both sides [of the pro-Trump / anti-Trump divide"? 😁

Here's how I see it:

1) Trump was an excellent president 2017-2019

2) Trump was not up to the challenges of 2020

3) Trump was wrong about OWS

4) Trump failed to pick the right Covid advisors

5) Trump lacked a good BS detector to see how wrong Fauci and Birx were

6) Trump's team failed to prevent the rigging of the 2020 election

7) Trump's team failed to prove the election was stolen

8) Trump doesn't see to have a plan to prevent the rigging of the 2024 election

9) DeSantis's record on Covid was better than Trump's

10) Biden is the worst president in US history

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There is a huge problem with the Rhinos everywhere but now in CA especially....Laura Loomer wrote an article that there is going to be a closed meeting where the GOP will change the laws in CA for the GOP where majority takes all....this is so that DeSantis gains .... McCarthy is part of that as well as many big wheel Rhinos in CA....we have bigger problems than the vaccines alone.....(not to minimize the effects ) if we get our country back, the vaccine issue will be taken care of....Trump will clean it up....i know he hired Kennedy at the beginning to let him know the hazards of vaccines but then suddenly it got dropped and we don’t know why....but once in office T will address all of this...the vaccines are not the main issue....our Constitution is....the deep state ......our rights....and Trump always supports our rights.........clean up the deep state and the vaccines and agencies will dissolve....no one but Trump can fight this hard and fight this much evil....it is not the vaccine alone as many of the comments say.....though if you are injured or know someone or not it is important , very important to address but it is not what will take care of this country....addressing vaccines alone will in no way take care of this country and Trump has proven himself in many many ways that he can take us forward...

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Indeed he will!

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Trump will not be in the White House in January 2025. The election fraud mechanism was never really corrected. Three swing states will continue their cheating and it is more conducive to cheating now, PA, WI, and MI. Dems will just punch the voters in the face again. They will prep perception like they did in 2022 September by saying "the race is tightening". This will allow them to phony up the vote totals again and say that people once again rejected " radical Trump" and maybe the Republicans would have had a chance if they nominated " someone more moderate". People on our side will aim their ire at Trump. It is so predictable. Left just keeps using Alinsky tactics. People on our side who don't fight them are also part of the problem. Without a spiritual awakening first, American will be unrecoverable as a place of freedom. And pointing to the Supreme Court recent rulings just highlights the damage that the Left can get done for years before a potential ruling pushes back some. The Dems will take "two steps forward and one step back" all day long.

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Regardless of who runs, the election manipulation was not fixed. The Left remains in control. It is all Kabuki theater until we have only identifiable voters voting.

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Biden will put boots in Ukraine, his approval will sink to 4-6 % and he'll still get 90 million votes. People are slowly waking up but they'll need to see the steal for themselves before they'll demand meaningful action

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Trump is incapable of admitting that the vax has destroyed and continues to destroy the lives of millions.

He is afraid that doing so will cost him political capital.

At this time we need a U.S president who can admit that the vax is dangerous ,makes you more likely to get COVID and that everyone who worked to get it developed and administered needs to go to jail charged with negligent homicide.

We need a president who will ban the MRNA vaccine technology and,Gain of Function Research .

We need a president who will disband the FDA,CDC ,NIH and NIAID,put their members in jail .

We need a president who will disband DARPA and jail its members.

We need a president who will ban pharmaceutical advertising.

We need a president who will reverse pharma's blanket immunity from prosecution for MRNA products in general vaccines in particular.

Trump will do none of those things .

I don't know who will do any of them

Will JFK ?


Will DeSantis?


But Trump won't ever..

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