Most people I know just don’t seem to know about these deaths. They certainly don’t connect anything back to the jabs. Also, they’d like me to not tell them about it.

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It’s difficult to believe that entire countries are filled with people that are so willfully blind that they can’t put 2 and 2 together & see how improbable this is. Young people dropping dead for no reason all of a sudden. Even their families. My mind just can’t make sense of it. It’s almost like they put stupid medicine in the water.

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Read Belgian psychoanalyst/statistician Mattias Desmet's new 'Totalitarianism'. It will make more sense. (Although, how diaspora Jews all suddenly forgot 75 years of 'Never Again' still blows my mind.)

But not just the Jewish community. WHERE was EVERY group that had suffered a genocide at the hands of its leaders or others? Armenians, Ukrainians, Russians, Cambodians, Chinese, and a few African nations? SILENCE from ALL.

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I agree about diaspora Jews, but I am more shocked about Israeli Jews.

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@LeslieBenjamini, I hear you. I poked around and found Israelis on social media who weren't jabbing and could explain. Said Israelis were hyper-conditioned to follow gov dictates (plus everyone does military service and no better rules-following training than military) as a result of decades of existential threats. Plus, Schwab had burrowed himself into Israeli biotech and gov; so WEF had planned far in advance how to capture Israelis. But how that overrode 'lived history' is still beyond me. Primal brain: the same reason everyone everywhere reacted directly from fear.

Israeli-American Ilana Rachel David is fantastic and has done three seasons of reports for RFK Jr's Children's Health Defense; and Reiner Fuellmich's Corona Investigation Committee speaks to as many Israelis as they can find. (Fuellmich and his team were in Israel recently, but I haven't heard that episode yet.)

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Thank you for your reply.

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I can’t wait to hear that episode.

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

Shalom Zelda and Leslie,

I recently read that book by Desmet.

I feel blokes like Dr Malone (who himself has zero credibility because he got vaxxed twice) misquote the book for their own purposes and ends, because it's not about covid. It's an all encompassing treatise on totalitarianism and brainwash - with the covid era being a mere example.

As regards Israel, I have a Jewish doctor mate who is a surgeon in Frankfurt. We spoke about this very same subject a year ago and we came to the very dark punchline that - if anyone was going to be able to kill the Jews - it had to be the Jews themselves (think Masada if you will).

The holocaust metaphor doesn't hold water for me either. It's hardly in the same league. And it's not fair on victims and their families to make such a comparison.

The covid counter-story is just as twisted as the grand story if you try step completely outside the BS on both sides.

You only have to be responsible for yourself. Not to preach or dictate to others. Simply put - nobody wants to be told what to do.

Personally, I don’t care for discussing vaccines and their risks any more – if you are over 18 (legal age in South Africa) and you can sit on the toilet bowl and your feet can touch the bathroom floor – then you can make up your own mind to take a vaccine, or cocaine, or fentanyl, or MDMA.

My issue was lockdown - and I do not ever want to be under house arrest ever again in my life in South Africa.

Shalom aleichem ladies ;))


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@BarryVarkel, Sorry for cliché, but there's 'lots to unpack' there.

I haven't seen Malone misquote Desmet. That would be peculiar, since they all know each other personally. I saw Desmet, Malone, and Vanden Bossche gather and discuss together on 'Headwind' documentary.

I would go 'darker' than you/your friend: a spiritual 'take' is that Nazi Schwab is trying to finish what was started [and Israel was 'deer in headlights', presented with what was sold as 'killer pandemic'].

I dismissed the 'Sabbatean-Frankist' thing as crazy conspiracy til 2020. I dismiss no more. If true, they've been trying to take out the Jews for hundreds of years.

Why shouldn't we compare covid tyranny to the Holocaust? It presents all the features. If Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav is okay with it, I'm okay with it. Further, Israel's gov (which is WEF, like EVERYWHERE) is now trying to forbid Israelis from making the comparison, which is the stamp of approval that it IS indeed an appropriate comparison. ALL govs/WEF are on the wrong side of everything.

I have children, so I don't have the luxury of 'not caring' to discuss vaccines. Big Pharma (inextricably linked to all the other Bigs) is THE existential threat to the world. And even if I wasn't a mother I hope I would be soul-connected to our earth and universe enough to know that this is a spiritual war for God and the nature we're part of.

Finally, less importantly but still connected, is the issue of plying populations with synthetic recreational pharma. I live in a neighbourhood of a city that's supplied people with free heroin for 20 years; and in a province that's decriminalizing personal amounts of meth/cocaine/fentanyl/MDMA next year (weed was already legalized nation-wide). 1, It becomes everyone's problem locally; and 2, It's part of WEF's larger transhumanist/eugenicist plan, so it becomes everyone's planet-wide problem.

There's no solid basis to shrug off anything, or even to compartmentalize and shrug off parts. It affects us all, one way or another. WEF and its allies waged war against humanity, so here we are. No way around it.

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I find it very creepy that Israel was chosen to be the “Worlds Lab,” as Bourla put it. So I go with the darker take on this one. And to go farther now, the Israeli whistleblower who came out recently, Steve Kirsch is covering this on his SUBSTACK, with the evidence that the Israeli MOH withheld vital information from the the Israeli people & the world on the danger of the death shots puts Israel on the chopping block for withholding information. Was this a set up by Pfizer?

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Leslie, Yes, it was only after Israel fell to this genocide campaign that I figured out, retroactively, why Israel had been funded to become such a powerful biotech hub over the past 20 years.

Remember seeing over the years all the advanced tech and biotech out of Tel Aviv Technion and its endless biotech sprouts? Israel was a big pawn. Like you say, total setup. "See? It's the Jews' fault, as usual." As if there's a shortage of Jew-hate online. The last socially acceptable form of hate, and the entire political spectrum partakes.

I've gotta read that Israeli whistleblower MOH thing. Have been too busy. But I think I get the gist. And of course Israel, because it's a spiritual war.

Sorry to hear that you lost your relationship with your brother.

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Shalom Leslie,

I remember Bibi (Netanyahu) trying to save his own scumbag tochus from the Courts by punting the injections, thereby distracting a population into thinking he was perhaps the new Jesus. Apparently he used to call Bourla up at all hours of the night saying:

"I want 6 million falafel balls, two thousand tons of humus and one ton of pastrami and pickles each. Oh and I almost forgot, 12 millions of your shots shel mavat (of death). Make sure you put my USD 50 million fee in my usual account at Bank Hapoalim, Tel Aviv and reference it as "shish kebab payment".

I watched a South Korean doccie programme last night about telegram chat rooms involving young girls who were blackmailed into providing nude and compromising pictures of themselves. The guy who ran the chat room made millions in crytocurrency from the people who were in the group who requested these sordid pictures.

Where I am going with this, is social media and the media have a lot of responsibilty to bear in the promotion of the shots, but ultimately the human being who made a decision to take the shot, despite what he/she was told about alleged safety and efficacy, also has a certain amount of responsibilty.

If you believe everything you are told in this world, then you are just a potz. And that goes for the story's thread on the other side - Substacks etc - the alleged "counter-narrative".


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Hi Zelda,

By misquote, I mean Malone bangs on about mass formation psychosis as being the ark of the covenant to suit his story. And yes, it is applicable, but no, Desmet's book is not about covid, it's about understanding covid in the context of institutionalised modern day brainwash/totalitarianism.

All the same, I hear everything you say, but, as a lawyer, I can tell you one needs solid evidence, and right now there is none of the WEF/WHO/Kill Bill science fiction plot, and, if you read Desmet carefully, he says the "conspiracy" of parts moving together in agreed unison is equally suspect.

The WEF/WHO/Kill Bill science fiction plot is simply a theory - an attractive one perhaps - but still a theory.

The more one bangs on about it, the less it helps society, because one plays right into the hands of big pharma, tech, media and biz, who simply say "crackpot" and it ends right then and there.

Rather build a case from the ground up, instead of trying to reverse engineer a conclusion when the game is still in play.

Thalidomide took ten years to manifest.

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Barry, Thanks. I hear you. Have you been following Reiner Fuellmich/Viviane Fischer and their Corona Investigation Committee episodes? People like to call it 'Nuremberg 2.0', but Fuellmich refuses the label. They've done over 100 episodes (groups of interviews) by now. The information they've gathered is exhaustive; and it's not a frivolous exercise in podcasting.

Rather, Fuellmich repeats that our justice systems are all so completely corrupt everywhere that a conventional trial isn't even possible. So he's gathering evidence outside the confines of any system. But he has zero doubt, and complete confidence, that it is indeed a long-planned plot, and that those responsible will be held accountable.

Your comment reminded me, because the episode last week included an interview with a member of the Polish parliament who said that this is "conspiracy praxis", not theory. The more of us who bang on about WEF/WHO the better! One of Canada's contenders for the very mainstream and centrist Conservative Party leadership just brought it up last week. The more it's talked about openly, the more credible it will become for sleeping normies.

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Not a theory. Apparently you have not heard of the 12 Canadian young doctors who just happened to have dropped dead in two weeks. Or all the young athletes just dropping dead in the news. Or all the SUBSTACK’s by Steve Kirsch, Dr. Paul Alexander, Brucha Weisberger, In G-ds Army, There is only Truth, SUBSTACK, Dr Meryl Nass, SUBSTACK & so many more.

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I thought of that as well, taking Hitlers solution to its final end. Schwab is capable of that & ironically he has that evil Yuval Hariri working with him, of Israeli background ( which makes it even more heinous.) ‘They’ have been trying to take out the Jews for actually 2,000 years. It’s not unknown that the enemy from within is sometimes more to be feared than the enemy from without, even if they are from a long time & distance away. We in America have Schumer & Schiff in the government who would stab Israel in the back in a heart beat, they are JINO’S as well. And there are more. 60-70% of progressive socialist democrats are JINO’S. Look no further than Bernie Sanders.

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Leslie, First time hearing JINO! Ha! Yes, Hariri is a monster. Jonah (I'm getting very confused about my threads) linked me to a conversation an American podcaster did with Dr. Zelenko (May his name and memory be blessed), where Zelenko slams Hariri. Have you seen? And Ilana Rachel David also talks about Hariri on her reports on Children's Health Defense (CHDTV). Agree, we were led astray and led ourselves astray (talking about myself and those who are/were on the left, not you) by committing to the left.

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Masada is a very poor comparison, IMO. That was in a war & its was in an odd twist in order not to be taken captive as POW’S.

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

Hi Leslie,

My ex-wife was Jewish. We were constantly at war. One day, I thought about Masada, suicide and the enemy within.

Then Joshka appeared and said: "Steady on fellow Red Sea Pedestrian, you're a good person, so I'll send you a golden Shiksa. And there she appeared at my law-office. She told me all her ex's were Jewish. So I said: "that's wonderful - so it makes you Jewish by injection".

We're a people of top draw humour and we must never lose that gift.

Nice chatting with you ladies.

Kol hacavod ve behatzlacha.


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Back atcha, Barry! I hope the golden shiksa had nice calves.

Yes, Leslie, Substack 'likes' appear glitchy, but they work. They show when you refresh the page.

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I keep trying to like your comment but the heart won’t light up.

Kol haKavod ve behatzlacha to you as well!

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Jews are in on it!

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Dear Jaci,

You just threw Semtex onto the nuclear reactor.

Watch this kick off now...

As your South African Jewish attorney, I advise you to get a local Jewish attorney :))

RIP Jaci.

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It was only a matter of time until the usual sleeze of bigotry oozed out from someone. It’s on every social media platform, I was hoping substack was above that intellectually? Too much to hope for.

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You can't make this shit up. Eyeroll. "Jews are in on it!" (Note the excited punctuation of the hyper-hater.)

Haha, Barry, I had to look up Semtex.

Leslie, true, but FAR LESS here than elsewhere, so 'small mercies'. Open Jew-hate appears to be the last remaining socially acceptable brand of hate (acceptable on both far left/far right), and the low-IQ know it.

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Just because someone has a Jewish name or some ancestral connection to ‘Jewish’ doesn’t make them ‘Jewish.’ The high profile so called Jews that you refer to are all soulless atheists & have nothing remotely connected to what being Jewish is. Are we going to tar all Christians because of pedophilia in the Catholic Church? You think those are G-d worshipping Christians? They are just as soulless as the JINO Jews you are referring too.

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I agree!

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I agree! I cannot for the life of me understand the obvious willful ignorance! For over a year my response is there must be something in these jabs that makes people deny any wrong doings!

Maybe they can’t wrap their heads around” the government is intentionally killing/maiming us”…

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Mockingbird media brainwashing?

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@Annie, I MISCALCULATED from Day 1 how difficult-to-impossible it is for people to accept that their governments/schools/medical systems/media purposefully lie to them. PURPOSEFULLY. INTENTIONALLY. You'd think people would go, "Oh, wow, I never realized it before." But they don't. Their minds go into hypnotic trance-state. "No,", they say, "that's impossible, and you must be crazy."

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Well, this Canadian is not drinking that water...but many are under mass formation psychosis...people just don’t even want ‘ to go there’ as I was told last night by friends we had not seen since 2019...I don’t know...so they change the subject...head into the sand...

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@BrendaButchart, Or this Cdn here! That must've been an interesting conversation! (I take it they haven't woken up, ie they STILL 'don't want to go there'?)

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They did! Fluoride reduces IQ significantly. Many believe they did this intentionally to dumb down America, since fluoride is shown not to reduce tooth decay.

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@DeborahButler, BOOM. Indeed. Canada, too.

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Or God has closed their eyes and ears…

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@JaciJohnson, The good news is that we're all God; so we're all responsible for opening our eyes and ears! We'll WIN. :-)

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Sorry, but you err on this 🚩🚨🆘🤌.. we are not all God!

"For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,

1 Timothy 2:5

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And Truth wins!

Gods Truth!

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@TruthWins, Truth and God win; we agree on that. :-)

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Exactly. The last line. They know or fear in their subconscious they made a mistake.

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Yea I agree. Some will bite your head off for mentioning reality. Must. Stop. Truthers.

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People just do not want to know anything that would require them to act.

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

I lived like that for a long time—until just over a year ago in fact. But I had just enough circumspection to get suspicious, and that started a snowball that then triggered an avalanche. If I hadn't known of and respected Bret Weinstein I don't know where I'd be now.

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Bret Weinstein, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Robert Malone are all much smarter than I am, but I knew 6 months before they did how toxic these jabs would be because I listened to what Luc Montagnier, Sherri Tenpenny, Judy Mikovits, Stephanie Seneff, Bobby Kennedy, Sucharit Bhakdi, Christiane Northrop, Joe Mercola, Mike Adams, Larry Palewski, Vernon Coleman, and others were saying over 2 years ago. Mike Yeadon was way ahead of the curve on this too. They are all heroes.

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But even before I heard the warnings from many great scientists, I knew better than to ever take medical advice from depopulation fanatic reptiles like Bill Gates. and Klaus Schwab.

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Agreed once they know then they are convicted....have to mentally ruminate on something unjust

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Being oblivious is easier.

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But only until it catches up with you.

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That’s the thing

Cant happen here

Do you know that this is the general


Cant happen here click short circuit

Cytokine storm floored meet the


If if what literature says spike proteins

Will catch up to you

Ohhh no not here

Not me

Dude you’re a Fn doctor read the GD

Science 🧬

Just bc your a md does NOT make

You impervious to Mr Spike


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As a medical laboratory technologist in BC Canada, I am only of the 5% out of 10,000 staff that refused the jab. I was terminated October 26,2021. I absolutely can't understand why so few staff, doctors, nurses,etc understood the science behind this situation and see it for what it really is...a depopulation exercise

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I've tried to explain in a limited way my ideas of why so many "professionals" who know better went along with this disaster.


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Or an IQ test

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They probably fear that they will be next

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If I were in their shoes I would

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Next for what?

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Vax injury / death

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Death by mandatory vaxx how fn cruel

Trudea curses to you

You little pretty boy prick

Lord forgive me but I detest bullies no matter their hair style

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I find that once people get the shots, they don't want to hear the truth, as it scares them. Two of my sons had to get the shots for work, and even though they had been attending and demonstrating alongside my husband and myself at protest marches etc, once they were jabbed, they don't want to talk about it anymore!

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Mine too tolerates ZERO discussion on the subject.

He bit the bullet & rolled up his sleeve. His cousin twisted his arm, so that they could see the new Spiderman film last November...

The QR code "pass" mandate for sitting in restaurants, being allowed into the Y gym (but the POOL? Come on in!), movie theaters, bars etc was in effect.

I kid you not. "Consented" in order to go see a MOVIE!

The boy broke my heart, and I fear for his health daily, but he's "a grown man" now, and I need to allow him to dig his own grave.


(WRONG!! I will continue to shoot straight from the hip! Until my dying breath.)

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I hear you.

Cooked dinner for my son last night. As we sat down, I broached this very subject matter, but he held up his hand and said:

"Mum! No more COVID talk!"

I said it's not Covid talk.

It's vax adverse event stuff. As in, REALLY adverse. Like Sudden Death. Permanently?

He cautioned me again.

Imagine. Having to shut my pie hole because the boy I nearly died birthing says so.

(As he's stuffing his pie hole...)

Shouldn't it be the other way around? 😉

Remember the good old days?

"Be quiet!"

"Why mum?"


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I decided some months ago not to antagonize the CovIDIOTS in my life... they won't listen + even if they would it's too late.... it's a done deal - we are all on borrowed time.

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I shut my pie hole, when told to.

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It’s infuriating. You’re the adult, he should have some respect.

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Yes, they like all young people think they know best. There will be no satisfaction in the future when he tells you that you were right. I have a 50 year old son who has finally told me that he should have listened. A bit late, if you ask me. The damage has been done.

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It is sad...BC this story is well Earth shaking. IF I don't know about IT...I can pretend everything is OK.

I have a Son he tolerates my venting. My room mate she will have none of IT. My friends and family

dead silence on the matter. I figure ok well i keep waking the wake and let the woke continue to sleep. I saw this video on David Martin yesterday which I had no idea on most of this. Here it is

I want people to follow up these bad guys: And shut their pie hole


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There is another video where Dr. David Martin talks about how many will die from this. And he has a lawsuit in Court against all the players in this nasty business. He is determined to win at some point. The not so good news about this case is that there was supposed to be a Court hearing on July 6 & there has been no word. I wish I had the link to the video, he is an admirable man.

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I have seen this video too. But I did not save it. However here is his website I want to dive in to this tomorrow morning. He is to the point. Wise. Sharp. Hoping he can make a significant impact.

I have not seen anyone so candidly put up the true enemy with such detail.

Hope Your well. Its a lonely road being a Truther .....we have Substack tho....only regret not finding this sooner.


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Thank you for this.

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Welcome. I want to share Dr David Martin with everyone.

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I have not heard a word on this trial either?

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Exactly. I mentioned this to a friend in conversation yesterday. She has had 4 shots. Her reaction? They must have caught a virus in the hospital.

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After 4 shots. Does the futility of the shots, if they are correct, not cause them some pause? Of course not. The vast majority of the human race are practitioners of double think.

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Is the failure of the shots not widely known? The fear must be deep in people to go out and get a 3rd or 4th shot. The mantra "but they prevent severe illness and death" is all I hear when I say to people I know "why would you get another shot when the first two didn't work?".

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Known? Certainly not admitted if known.

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I did not know about them until September. The media, big pharma, and government are still propagating the "safe and effective" lie.

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My new attitude is 1. When you get to God at the pearly Gates ...that will be your moment of clarity between you and God.

2. As Jesus said "let them bury their Dead" these people are dead already.

Oh I get it perfectly ...live with one who totally denies everything....and friends who own pfizer stock etc. I tell them Meet Dr Red Pill. David Martin....

These are people on the Titanic water up to their neck and say I can't believe the ship is sinking ...they said it was unsinkable...all the while i am getting my lifeboat in order ...think all ya want the thinking days are over......

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None of this is unique to covid and the shots.

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I know about Mattias Desmet. Also I am Jewish. From the moment I heard about Israel signing on to be the first experimental country for these mRNA Injections I was horrified. My first thought was “What! The Holocaust wasn’t enough for us?” I still to this day do not understand the logic behind it. At the time the number of deaths was about 6500 out of over 9 million people. It wasn’t a pandemic, the fear had been planted just like everywhere else. Israeli’s are usually very smart people, it’s like they have lost their minds. I have family there.( some did not get jabbed) I have spent my life traveling back & forth from country to country. At one time I considered moving there. I don’t see myself ever going back now. I am unjabbed & I don’t know what the regulations are at this point but I don’t understand the country anymore. Having said that, I also don’t understand my country, the USA anymore either, or the world for that matter. I am very well read & up on things so when I say I don’t understand, it’s not that I don’t know, it’s a visceral thing, it’s like G-d put us to the test AGAIN & we are failing. We are watching AGAIN, on a much larger scale, man’s inhumanity to man, & the people who could stop it won’t. It’s depressing beyond belief.

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I feel the same way. As a human race, have we not learnt anything from the past?

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I agree with the feeling of the world changing under my feet. I grew up in a poor country and I thought that people by now distrust the lies and the corruption, after living through fascism then communism then corrupt disaster capitalism.

Instead most educated people swallowed the insane narrative. Surprisingly though, most poor people saw the similarity with the past and refused the jab. Can you imagine they closed the churches? Not even the commies at their worst dared do that.

I was so shocked by the last 2 years that I read a lot of history. How many people were punished for the nazi genocide? 17 or so. Isn't that a joke? I see most people are trying hard to blame everything on the reptilian overlords (or oligarchs or...).

I disagree. I think every single person that pushed the insanity despite all their training and principles are guilty and should be punished - that includes police and teachers and doctors and journalists...

I suffer of an incurable empathy. I put myself in the people in a concentration camp. Do I care about some boss in Berlin? Or do I see the inhumanity in every guard, doctor and worker in the camp? I am sorry if that sounds harsh but I think they were (and are) all guilty.

Of course americans could not do a real trial at Nuremberg because so many US politicians and companies actively helped the nazis. By the same token, today the whole system (justice, army, govt) is implicated into the genocide. So who is gonna bring justice? That does not change the principle involved and I won't compromise to please people that see their own families turn into totalitarian cultists and feel the need to defend them.

"Fiat justitia et pereat mundus."

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You are correct, actually I see Fauci as the basis of this Gain of Function research, along with Baric, Collins, the woman Chinese researcher, DARPA, the University at Chapel Hill in N. Carolina, etc. DARPA is very dangerous, they are behind the Biolabs in Ukraine & elsewhere that we are not aware of as mere citizens of the country. The doctors, nurses, hospital workers, injectors of the death shots, everyone that could have spoken out & didn’t is equally guilty. The mockingbird media I especially guilty. Big Tech. I’m not making excuses for China but I don’t think it originated there. It might have been brought there to spread from there. Maybe.

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A little known fact - two Chinese scientists left Canada in 2019, having been working at the military research facility in Winnipeg, Manitoba. They took something with them. The Canadian government has refused to say why they were "let go". What did they take with them? A very good question. We will never get the true answer.


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Terrible! It’s all too frequent. Prayers go out to all the families that have lost loved ones this year.

From yesterday... The article did say an autopsy would be performed.

The City of Huntsville has confirmed that a Huntsville Fire and Rescue cadet died on Thursday.

In a press release from the City of Huntsville, it was announced that Bryant McGowan, 31, died at Huntsville Hospital. McGowan became medically distressed after completing a training exercise on Thursday.

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So sad…

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Isnt that how it is happening to the young and athletic, when they are strenuously participating in the sport, its too much on their bodies after the jabs?

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Dr Peter McCullough theorised that their blood moves at a higher velocity through their bodies and for a longer period of time, as their heart works faster, therefore it causes more damage to the blood vessels. (I think I got that right, but check him out). He is a cardiologist.


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The hospitals are already saying it wasn't the vaccines. How would they know? The denial suggests they know it is.

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Doesn't their desperation show? Isn't the fact that that's the first question they answer, and with such speed and vehemence, telling? Doesn't it indicate how much they fear the public's concern? Do they think the public will readily be reassured by such pronouncements? Doesn't it all indicate that there IS cause for concern?

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Trudeau knows time grows short, he's not been 100% effective in getting Canadians to poison themselves, his boss Klaus Schwab is not happy with him and has ordered he double down on booster mandates and now Monkeypox. They must meet their quota of death.

When enough people have died and others put 2 and 2 together there's going to be no place to run for Trudeau, Tam, Mendicino and his other cronies.

Provincial health officers should also look over their shoulders frequently, especially the one in BC.

Word is getting out and no amount of intimidation by Trudeau will spare him from his fate.

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It's so tragic, beyond belief what has transpired. My own son and new daughter in law ,who is head nurse in our hospital was diagnosed with miocardious on their honeymoon and my son who is a local teachers assistant has had a migrate of health problems since the vaccines. I'm just grateful there still alive.

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I have a relative who bragged about the shots a year and a half ago. He has a history of 13 yrs ago having bypass surgery and maybe 30 lbs overweight and is 67. A short time after booster he had to go on injections for diabetes, In july 21 needed another heart bypass operation for blockages and told me yesterday he now has high PSA and level 4 prostate cancer. I think his immune system is in the toilet as he always would take any flu shot etc. and the clot shot was the tipping point. But what do I know I refused flu and other shots the last time I had the discussion with my primary care was sept 2019 and so glad i told her then i didn't want to mess up my immune system. The relative by the way is someone I have known all my life and my brother. Breaks my heart to know some can't make the connection that in my mind is at the very least a contributing factor.

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When I first started dating my wife in 2007 among topics like politics I told her "you can't trust your government" and " we need to just follow the constitution". She now thinks like me, and no shots for either of us but we are the black sheep of the family with every one else praising them.

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It’s easy to fool someone.

It’s difficult to convince them they have been fooled. Every Sunday I peruse the San Diego obits.

For months now I have been seeing many 40-70 year old men & women dying unexpectedly.

Been noticing an uptick in 20-30+year olds starting to come up dying unexpectedly!

Yet they are doubling down with new & improved vaccines for the new variants.

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Soon it be be hard to brush under the carpet. Deaths seem to be increasing especially as time passes and more people are boosted. The level of brainwashing is unbelievable.

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It’s like a cult. People who are in the cult do not see what it is really like.

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

So sad. What a waste of a very productive, valuable, invested human being. The loss of this woman is incalculable. The same applies to thousands of others struck down suddenly by the Covid -19 vaccine, with no explanation.

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Ya Know these people are NOT replaceable. Trudeau is a tyrant on mandates. I bet he has not had 1 real shot.

RIP these Docs are much too trusting and stuck between a rock and hard place. I

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NOT replaceable lol

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

Recently, my husband’s doctor told him he “doesn’t need to” get a booster. After heartily recommending the first two rounds of poison. Maybe some are waking up finally. I’m grateful, because my husband does whatever he is told. He trusts his doctor 100%. I of course do NOT.

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I declare September 1 , 2022to be Jab death & injury awareness day.

& honor those gone.


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Just crazy. Especially if you're in Ontario to not demand answers and this sweeping under the rug is so irresponsible.

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