At what point do these people think the general population is going to figure out the “vaccines“ don’t work? 5th dose? 7th dose? I was pretty sure the 3rd dose would wake most people up but I was wrong. Hopefully the 5th will do it.

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Dr Moore needs to be arrested for Crimes Against Humanity and put on Trial for his Crimes.

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I have a friend who has had 4 shots and she now has kidney disease and when I suggested that it was the shots she told me her doctor told her it was 10 years in the making and I suggested her doctor was lying. that did not go over well. What doctor would even look at kidney disfunction as an adverse effect? People blindly believe their doctors so no wonder they still believe in the vax being harmless. We need to get the docs to come forward but they are hiding. Where is their character?

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He needs to be fired as he is not following any data! He is Trudeaus puppet!!!

They had years to create more beds!!!! Covid and influenza should not be a reason to shut anything down!!!!

Shame on Ford keeping this guy!!!!! Shame on Ford for not being prepared!!!

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Haven't they told people that surgical and cloth masks do not work?? Public health officials told us that. Not that they had to as there has been many outbreaks through periods of mandated masking! If you have a functioning brain you can literally see that masks do not work. Neither do the jabs! We have had worse outbreaks after the jabs rolled out with mask mandates in place!! Sometimes I feel kike I'm going crazy!

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Who the fuck is he to say that my choices are not acceptable? This clown needs a rude awakening, I sure as hell hope that nobody follows his mandates so that he understands who decides what is acceptable

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The WEF is strong in Dr. Moore! He’ll push until he meets resistance. I don’t think all of Canada will go along quietly this time though. Fool them once shame on Trudeau/Moore, but fool the people twice, shame on them.

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Just what people want - to be treated like a child. Take your shot kids or Daddy will make you wear your face diaper.

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Don't quote me on this because I can't cite sources, but I've gathered Dr. Moore is... "compromised"...? to say the least? His connections with Big Pharma are known, but you may have to dig for them.

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Put that bitch in prison!

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Another failed doctor. Canada has more public health officers than any other country. Waste of tax payers money. They are dangerous parasites for the local economy.

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Robert Malone has lots of interesting things to say in connection to this, at this link: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-boundary-is-children?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=583200&post_id=78058967&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

I'm not sure if it was Dr. Malone or his associate Glenn Jung who said people won't wake up until their children start dying.... Trouble is children are already dying, and I'm not noticing any outcry. 🙄

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It’s policymakers opportunity to make money off your death.

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It’s supposed to be taken till death occurs so the gas chambers aren’t needed this time, like the ones use by the Nazi government.

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Thanks Doc. You’re the best. ❤️

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Who picked him to be top doctor? Moronic to think masks reduce viral aerosol. They are fear-mongering and ever so slightly more enslaving.

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