flag operation that originated within the DoD of the United States government in 1962...commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets...remote control of civilian aircraft..
If you really understood this country, this info about CIA sponsored False Flag would not surprise you. The Gulf of Tonkin 'threat' was another False Flag that got us into the Viet nam war. But these are just 2 well known efforts of the war loving CIA. What about 9-11 which was the 'event of the magnitude of Pearl Harbor" needed to implement the neo-liberal Project for a New American Century which was a soft coup that was effected with the Patriot Act I & II. if you believe 4 guys with barely any flying experience would take down 4 planes with $4 utility knives and hitting those buildings would take them down like pancakes--I have a bridge to sell you real cheap.
Yes and yes. Saying no to operation Northwood and threatening to “dash the CIA into a thousand pieces got President Kennedy murdered by his own government. Cheney and the criminal cabal , with the help of Mossad, pulled off 9/11 to tighten the noose on the American public.
Mossad knew of the false flag 9/11 op, but had nothing to do with the directed energy attack as in no evidence that Israel has any links to DE research up to this point. There's also a slight possibility that Mossad knew nothing until the very day of the 9/11 take-down.
Northwoods did occur under JFK; here JFK made a mistake by not invading Castro. John and RFK had no experience with military ops. The real blame for the Castro disaster and the military-corp complex tether was Ike and Ike knew what was going on with his military-industrial complex exit speech. btw, JFK knew what was going on the CFR when in his Secret Society Speech. Not sure how much he knew about his Church of Rome Jesuits being involved; suspect he might've made that link after talking to Cardinal NAZI Spellman of DC.
So, Cubans today in Cuba live like rats in the dirt, rebuilding our 1950s autos, so on. Castro did send us his Marielito gangs early 80s, as Johnson mandated every Cuban that arrived was an immediate citizen, if I recall. Another story, right there.
No, we weren't immediate citizens, that would go against US Immigration laws.
I'm not sure why Dr. Alexander is writing about Cuba while referencing Wikipedia- a website known for revising history.
I have tons of factual research on Cuba, my father and his family are mentioned in some books written by Cuban authors.
There are individuals within the MFM who have an affinity for Communism and Fidel Castro - they're Progressives who voted for Obama/Hillary/Biden. But we're not supposed to discuss this issue😉
I'm a Cuban Refugee covered under that law. We had to wait for our Visa in order to enter the US. Once in Miami, we filled out Immigration documents requesting permanent residency. After several years of being a permanent resident, we were allowed to apply for citizenship. After paying the required fees and passing the citizenship test, we became US Naturalized Citizens (my sister and I were photographed at the swearing in and our pictures were published in the local newspaper). It was a 12 year journey for me.
Again, we weren't immediate citizens or permanent residents - we had to apply and be approved. And we were forbidden from receiving any financial assistance from the government, my father and mother were exploited by their employers. My family members who came through the Mariel exodus also had to apply for permanent residency and then citizenship - they could've been rejected but they weren't.
We turned Miami from a swamp to a global tourist destination. We dealt with hatred, physical beatings, racism - but we built that city. Gorgeous women from all over the world now call my hood their home.
Trump helped us out when he invested in our hood, he saved many Immigrants from going bankrupt. Many Never Trumpers go bezerk when I thank Trump for risking losing money in El Doral, but Cheeto Man turned it into a successful business venture.
cocaine changed Miami and south Florida...the tv series Miami Vice was almost a documentary...drugs and smuggling of people and arms and drugs...newlr rich people showing up and raising the price of real estate and taxes.
Maybe you don't know the difference between Colombians and Cubans, but hey, you watched Miami Vice😂😂
The ridiculous increase in real estate happened in 2005 when I sold my house for about 250% more than what I bought it for - then the market crashed. I made tons of cash in the South Florida real estate market.
Prices are now ridiculously high again, I can easily sell old homes for a million dollars in my hood. But it has nothing to do with Cubans or cocaine from Colombia- we're no longer in the 1980s😉 South Florida is being turned into the crypto capital and the next Silicon Valley. Real estate here is cheap compared to other big cities but the bros with the cash are determined to take over and our corrupt RiNO Mayor is happy to let them do it, as long as they pay him.
I’m near LaBelle. Our realtor said many are selling in Miami and buying out here or pioneer. & they often pay cash, huge profits from Miami sales. She did mention that many have tax breaks & it’s frustrating when young couples don’t get any breaks.
I've benefited from my realtor license and made money in South Florida's real estate market. But it isn't that different from other booming areas around the country. In the Carolinas, homes are being sold 200-300% higher than 20 years ago - it happens with growth and prosperity. I see it all around me.
The tax breaks that the sellers are getting they have earned. I certainly earned mine when I had a huge profit on one of my properties. We need to stop penalizing success, which is what we do when we tax profitable investments. It crushes the middle class.
Young couples are purchasing expensive homes around Miami - most of them are transplants with very high salaries. Many from California, New York - they're bringing their leftist political views that destroyed the states they're running away from.
Johnson, CFR, MKULTA victim user, victim was Susan Ford (aka Bryce Taylor, her book: Thanks for the memories, must read); Johnson knew of the JFK kill plan but was NOT insider. Check this out; FBI, Hoover, also knew of the death plan, knew Oswald was a patsy, plus more, did nothing. John knew JFK's Secret Service killed JFK, Navy Intel has the tape, Umbrella man had hidden cam. All 100 percent clear. On you tube for a couple days until replaced with the CIA's messed film from second location. So, Johnson gets the job, hates SS, uses FBI agents for personal protection.. He knew of the set up, was accessory after the fact, but did not know entire plan. OK, Connolly was shot seconds before JFK, BY CUBANS.. All this came after JFK screwed up Bay of Pigs by not moving the Navy into position. Entire Cuban refugee group in FL were constantly promised that we're going to take down Castro. Johnson stopped that plan BUT then pulled the instant Cuban citizenship card. Obama, interesting, stopped that program during his second rigged term. So, Cubans wounded Connolly, SS driver shot JFK, Jackie saw it all, went to bail out the back (SS driver stopped limo, as he shot JFK, a second traitor SS agent, on foot, right behind the limo, he jumped out of tailing auto, making certain that Jackie stayed inside the auto with her dead. All planned with military precision. Also, be advised that JFK's SS normal agents yanked out that day. We really don't know who was involved, in terms of SS or simple thugs. Driver was fat white guy, shot JFK with chrome handgun, left handed, over his right shoulder. Connolly recovered, kept mouth shut, he knew, got promoted into DC job, if I recall. FL got stuck with a zillion Vatican Cubans.
I don't go along with the SS shot JFK and Connolly, there were snipers posted in the area and the reason why JFK was shot twice was because the first guy missed his chance and shot him in the neck, another sniper got him in the head and his brains were all over Jackie she went into instant shock and went from cradling his head in her lap to trying to climb out of the vehicle.
I've seen photos from when LBJ was sworn in on AF1 with Jackie and her bloody suit standing next to him in a daze and Lady Bird behind and LBJ and a guy across from them were winking and smirking. LBJ knew what was going on. He hated the Kennedy's everyone knew it. But he had been the Senate Majority Leader with way more power than what they have now.
The reason he didn't run in 1968 was because they had it over him and he was doing things he may not have wanted to do politically, and he wanted out.
They of course they killed RFK and the Chicago Convention was a mess and they ended up with Humphrey, and by then Nixon was being handled by Kissinger.
I read Bryce Taylor's memoirs and it is nauseating.
What people forget is Castro spoke perfect English and was a lawyer. He wanted to trade with the US and when they turned them down the USSR and Krushchev stepped in.
Yes he was a lawyer but not a very good one. He was our neighbor and married another neighbor, the aunt of Jose Diaz-Balart. Yes, we know Canadians have been financially supporting the murderous Castro regime.
I remember as a teenager in the early 70’s thinking the Cuban blockade was silly...flood them with our food, booze and culture and they’d eventually come around. In hindsight, Castro out-smarted us...are we the baddies?
the USSR was the main source of goods etc until it ended and then Cuba really suffered. Canada trades with Cuba including tourism. It's not illegal to buy Cuban cigars in Canada.
We're very aware of Canada's support of the murderous Castro regime. The US has been a trade partner for Cuba, but there's no credit allowed. That's what Castro has been whining about- he wants to cheat the US as he does regularly to other countries. The embargo is about cash payments, a blockade has never happened.
Well of course they live like rats in the dirt when they've been under an embargo by.their biggest neighbour since 1960. The economic hitmen hurt generations of the Cuban people while failing to get rid of communism. If not for the US communism in Cuba would probably have been discarded decades ago.
I think it was when Jimmy Carter was President, Castro released people from prisons and sent them to Miami, my family has lived in Florida since 1975. The crime rate went up asap, there were psychos and murderers who should never have been released anywhere.
I think the big picture painted by this film is powerful and accurate even if there are a few pixels that are off a bit.
I believe RFKJR mentions Northwoods in his books…the “Wuhan” book follows the descent of the MIC to new achievements in moral depravity that trace back in time to Operation Paperclip whereby our very own CIA and military teamed up with bioweapon developers from wartime Germany and Japan.
What extraordinary innovation they showed … they both did this, Paperclip West and Paperclip East: infecting human lab subjects and performing live vivisections. The absence of any moral inhibitions was an inspiration to their new American hosts who were able to adapt to this new way of operating when enough money eased any misgivings one might have, growing up
in a place where normal folks don’t do stuff like this. It did not happen all at once. A false flag here. A psy/op there. Exterminating 1M Americans is something you work up to.
Over decades the legal foundation of democide has been inexorably paved o’ertop the PRESUMPTION of good faith in the service of “We The People” with which our Constitution endows Presidents, Congress, Judges and public servants. In its place, we have this dark mission in the minds of military, industrial, medical and intelligence leadership that regards world dominance by mastery of the death sciences to be our manifest destiny. This is their diseased vision that manifests in mass murder, that is not supposed to happen in America: the lives of citizens forfeit to that mission whenever it suits this shadow government. And in the monstrous national debt accrued by the constant wars as well profligate agency and DOD funding we struggle to pay for but run over budget. The national debt is a testament to the incredible productivity of America left impoverished by waste: wasted on war, weapons and manmade disease, whether by modified life forms or pharmaceuticals that destroy the human microbiome. Even advanced medical technologies constitute a strange irony, an ostensible interest in healing when at the same time we are all expendable, every last one of us, marked for death if “the greater good” by propaganda appears to be served by bloating the wealth of the elites.
As others are commenting, there’s a century-plus US. history of false-flag operations to spur war. The book The True Flag is an excellent history going back and back.
You would have noticed the USA was denatured, and made evil by jews long ago, if you took some time off from defending their murderous atrocities in Gaza. Giving them our money supply was not the brightest move.
You might also try to read about the Irgun, The Stern Gang, and the jewish terrorists who killed innocent Brits and Americans. If you REALLY want to learn about actual history, here is a great Bitchute page: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wXI6ZSo6G5st/ It is all there. Hail Victory.
our government lies so much i dont believe anything they tell us. and what would they expect. our history has so many lies it can be hard to find the truth.
I used Miami Vice as an example but actually no I didn't watch it...and I do know the difference between Colombians and Cubans my brother-in-law is Cuban...I don't need the snarky comments we are all trying to get to the truth here
JFK did approve, but he was going on CFR DefCon McMarara, and absolute stupid NWO fool. Still, JFK was responsible. However, the killing of JFK does not make two wrongs right, in this case. JFK was not perfect, even in his youth, but he was American, and THAT was why CFR, Vatican Jesuits, et al (many players) allied to murder him and RFK later. JFK's ambassador, Cabot Lodge, was also a player that failed to support Diem, if I recall.
The problem was that we failed to sort out Viet Cong and knock them out early on with tons more Army and all material. Then we failed to hit N. Vietnam hard and take down Mao the moment he pulled the N. Korea card, which he would have. Now we have millions living in Marxist slave conditions.
Oh hell yes they did it. Go to Corbett Report and listen to the documentaries on what this country has done. They were going to bomb Miami and say Cuba did it.
They paid for WW1 and 11 they were behind it they have done more crap than people want to believe or except. This is one of the worst Countries and Israel oh and the stupid Britts Evil butt wipes. Iran Iraq Afghans they haven’t did nothing to nobody. Cuba they lie about our history is nothing but lies People need to get there heads out of their asses and wake the fluff up
If you really understood this country, this info about CIA sponsored False Flag would not surprise you. The Gulf of Tonkin 'threat' was another False Flag that got us into the Viet nam war. But these are just 2 well known efforts of the war loving CIA. What about 9-11 which was the 'event of the magnitude of Pearl Harbor" needed to implement the neo-liberal Project for a New American Century which was a soft coup that was effected with the Patriot Act I & II. if you believe 4 guys with barely any flying experience would take down 4 planes with $4 utility knives and hitting those buildings would take them down like pancakes--I have a bridge to sell you real cheap.
yes, thank you
Yes and yes. Saying no to operation Northwood and threatening to “dash the CIA into a thousand pieces got President Kennedy murdered by his own government. Cheney and the criminal cabal , with the help of Mossad, pulled off 9/11 to tighten the noose on the American public.
I could agree here
Mossad knew of the false flag 9/11 op, but had nothing to do with the directed energy attack as in no evidence that Israel has any links to DE research up to this point. There's also a slight possibility that Mossad knew nothing until the very day of the 9/11 take-down.
Northwoods did occur under JFK; here JFK made a mistake by not invading Castro. John and RFK had no experience with military ops. The real blame for the Castro disaster and the military-corp complex tether was Ike and Ike knew what was going on with his military-industrial complex exit speech. btw, JFK knew what was going on the CFR when in his Secret Society Speech. Not sure how much he knew about his Church of Rome Jesuits being involved; suspect he might've made that link after talking to Cardinal NAZI Spellman of DC.
So, Cubans today in Cuba live like rats in the dirt, rebuilding our 1950s autos, so on. Castro did send us his Marielito gangs early 80s, as Johnson mandated every Cuban that arrived was an immediate citizen, if I recall. Another story, right there.
No, we weren't immediate citizens, that would go against US Immigration laws.
I'm not sure why Dr. Alexander is writing about Cuba while referencing Wikipedia- a website known for revising history.
I have tons of factual research on Cuba, my father and his family are mentioned in some books written by Cuban authors.
There are individuals within the MFM who have an affinity for Communism and Fidel Castro - they're Progressives who voted for Obama/Hillary/Biden. But we're not supposed to discuss this issue😉
here for facts:
I'm a Cuban Refugee covered under that law. We had to wait for our Visa in order to enter the US. Once in Miami, we filled out Immigration documents requesting permanent residency. After several years of being a permanent resident, we were allowed to apply for citizenship. After paying the required fees and passing the citizenship test, we became US Naturalized Citizens (my sister and I were photographed at the swearing in and our pictures were published in the local newspaper). It was a 12 year journey for me.
Again, we weren't immediate citizens or permanent residents - we had to apply and be approved. And we were forbidden from receiving any financial assistance from the government, my father and mother were exploited by their employers. My family members who came through the Mariel exodus also had to apply for permanent residency and then citizenship - they could've been rejected but they weren't.
Changed the landscape of Miami and all of Florida.
We turned Miami from a swamp to a global tourist destination. We dealt with hatred, physical beatings, racism - but we built that city. Gorgeous women from all over the world now call my hood their home.
Trump helped us out when he invested in our hood, he saved many Immigrants from going bankrupt. Many Never Trumpers go bezerk when I thank Trump for risking losing money in El Doral, but Cheeto Man turned it into a successful business venture.
cocaine changed Miami and south Florida...the tv series Miami Vice was almost a documentary...drugs and smuggling of people and arms and drugs...newlr rich people showing up and raising the price of real estate and taxes.
Maybe you don't know the difference between Colombians and Cubans, but hey, you watched Miami Vice😂😂
The ridiculous increase in real estate happened in 2005 when I sold my house for about 250% more than what I bought it for - then the market crashed. I made tons of cash in the South Florida real estate market.
Prices are now ridiculously high again, I can easily sell old homes for a million dollars in my hood. But it has nothing to do with Cubans or cocaine from Colombia- we're no longer in the 1980s😉 South Florida is being turned into the crypto capital and the next Silicon Valley. Real estate here is cheap compared to other big cities but the bros with the cash are determined to take over and our corrupt RiNO Mayor is happy to let them do it, as long as they pay him.
I’m near LaBelle. Our realtor said many are selling in Miami and buying out here or pioneer. & they often pay cash, huge profits from Miami sales. She did mention that many have tax breaks & it’s frustrating when young couples don’t get any breaks.
I've benefited from my realtor license and made money in South Florida's real estate market. But it isn't that different from other booming areas around the country. In the Carolinas, homes are being sold 200-300% higher than 20 years ago - it happens with growth and prosperity. I see it all around me.
The tax breaks that the sellers are getting they have earned. I certainly earned mine when I had a huge profit on one of my properties. We need to stop penalizing success, which is what we do when we tax profitable investments. It crushes the middle class.
Young couples are purchasing expensive homes around Miami - most of them are transplants with very high salaries. Many from California, New York - they're bringing their leftist political views that destroyed the states they're running away from.
Johnson, CFR, MKULTA victim user, victim was Susan Ford (aka Bryce Taylor, her book: Thanks for the memories, must read); Johnson knew of the JFK kill plan but was NOT insider. Check this out; FBI, Hoover, also knew of the death plan, knew Oswald was a patsy, plus more, did nothing. John knew JFK's Secret Service killed JFK, Navy Intel has the tape, Umbrella man had hidden cam. All 100 percent clear. On you tube for a couple days until replaced with the CIA's messed film from second location. So, Johnson gets the job, hates SS, uses FBI agents for personal protection.. He knew of the set up, was accessory after the fact, but did not know entire plan. OK, Connolly was shot seconds before JFK, BY CUBANS.. All this came after JFK screwed up Bay of Pigs by not moving the Navy into position. Entire Cuban refugee group in FL were constantly promised that we're going to take down Castro. Johnson stopped that plan BUT then pulled the instant Cuban citizenship card. Obama, interesting, stopped that program during his second rigged term. So, Cubans wounded Connolly, SS driver shot JFK, Jackie saw it all, went to bail out the back (SS driver stopped limo, as he shot JFK, a second traitor SS agent, on foot, right behind the limo, he jumped out of tailing auto, making certain that Jackie stayed inside the auto with her dead. All planned with military precision. Also, be advised that JFK's SS normal agents yanked out that day. We really don't know who was involved, in terms of SS or simple thugs. Driver was fat white guy, shot JFK with chrome handgun, left handed, over his right shoulder. Connolly recovered, kept mouth shut, he knew, got promoted into DC job, if I recall. FL got stuck with a zillion Vatican Cubans.
I don't go along with the SS shot JFK and Connolly, there were snipers posted in the area and the reason why JFK was shot twice was because the first guy missed his chance and shot him in the neck, another sniper got him in the head and his brains were all over Jackie she went into instant shock and went from cradling his head in her lap to trying to climb out of the vehicle.
I've seen photos from when LBJ was sworn in on AF1 with Jackie and her bloody suit standing next to him in a daze and Lady Bird behind and LBJ and a guy across from them were winking and smirking. LBJ knew what was going on. He hated the Kennedy's everyone knew it. But he had been the Senate Majority Leader with way more power than what they have now.
The reason he didn't run in 1968 was because they had it over him and he was doing things he may not have wanted to do politically, and he wanted out.
They of course they killed RFK and the Chicago Convention was a mess and they ended up with Humphrey, and by then Nixon was being handled by Kissinger.
I read Bryce Taylor's memoirs and it is nauseating.
What people forget is Castro spoke perfect English and was a lawyer. He wanted to trade with the US and when they turned them down the USSR and Krushchev stepped in.
Yes he was a lawyer but not a very good one. He was our neighbor and married another neighbor, the aunt of Jose Diaz-Balart. Yes, we know Canadians have been financially supporting the murderous Castro regime.
I remember as a teenager in the early 70’s thinking the Cuban blockade was silly...flood them with our food, booze and culture and they’d eventually come around. In hindsight, Castro out-smarted us...are we the baddies?
There has never been a US blockade on Cuba. The US is one of Cuba's trade partners.
the USSR was the main source of goods etc until it ended and then Cuba really suffered. Canada trades with Cuba including tourism. It's not illegal to buy Cuban cigars in Canada.
We're very aware of Canada's support of the murderous Castro regime. The US has been a trade partner for Cuba, but there's no credit allowed. That's what Castro has been whining about- he wants to cheat the US as he does regularly to other countries. The embargo is about cash payments, a blockade has never happened.
Well of course they live like rats in the dirt when they've been under an embargo by.their biggest neighbour since 1960. The economic hitmen hurt generations of the Cuban people while failing to get rid of communism. If not for the US communism in Cuba would probably have been discarded decades ago.
I think it was when Jimmy Carter was President, Castro released people from prisons and sent them to Miami, my family has lived in Florida since 1975. The crime rate went up asap, there were psychos and murderers who should never have been released anywhere.
Lots of psychotic missions conducted on us always justified as necessary for national security. https://www.businessinsider.com/military-government-secret-experiments-biological-chemical-weapons-2016-9
Don't compliment sage... Extremely lazy intellectually, and I told him so, on his sub
I luuuv the smell of Psyop in the morning...
Dr. Paul please watch this film:
JFK to 911: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick
Written and produced by Francis Richard Conolly (2014)
3.5h but worth your time.
I think the big picture painted by this film is powerful and accurate even if there are a few pixels that are off a bit.
I believe RFKJR mentions Northwoods in his books…the “Wuhan” book follows the descent of the MIC to new achievements in moral depravity that trace back in time to Operation Paperclip whereby our very own CIA and military teamed up with bioweapon developers from wartime Germany and Japan.
What extraordinary innovation they showed … they both did this, Paperclip West and Paperclip East: infecting human lab subjects and performing live vivisections. The absence of any moral inhibitions was an inspiration to their new American hosts who were able to adapt to this new way of operating when enough money eased any misgivings one might have, growing up
in a place where normal folks don’t do stuff like this. It did not happen all at once. A false flag here. A psy/op there. Exterminating 1M Americans is something you work up to.
Over decades the legal foundation of democide has been inexorably paved o’ertop the PRESUMPTION of good faith in the service of “We The People” with which our Constitution endows Presidents, Congress, Judges and public servants. In its place, we have this dark mission in the minds of military, industrial, medical and intelligence leadership that regards world dominance by mastery of the death sciences to be our manifest destiny. This is their diseased vision that manifests in mass murder, that is not supposed to happen in America: the lives of citizens forfeit to that mission whenever it suits this shadow government. And in the monstrous national debt accrued by the constant wars as well profligate agency and DOD funding we struggle to pay for but run over budget. The national debt is a testament to the incredible productivity of America left impoverished by waste: wasted on war, weapons and manmade disease, whether by modified life forms or pharmaceuticals that destroy the human microbiome. Even advanced medical technologies constitute a strange irony, an ostensible interest in healing when at the same time we are all expendable, every last one of us, marked for death if “the greater good” by propaganda appears to be served by bloating the wealth of the elites.
As others are commenting, there’s a century-plus US. history of false-flag operations to spur war. The book The True Flag is an excellent history going back and back.
You would have noticed the USA was denatured, and made evil by jews long ago, if you took some time off from defending their murderous atrocities in Gaza. Giving them our money supply was not the brightest move.
You might also try to read about the Irgun, The Stern Gang, and the jewish terrorists who killed innocent Brits and Americans. If you REALLY want to learn about actual history, here is a great Bitchute page: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wXI6ZSo6G5st/ It is all there. Hail Victory.
our government lies so much i dont believe anything they tell us. and what would they expect. our history has so many lies it can be hard to find the truth.
I used Miami Vice as an example but actually no I didn't watch it...and I do know the difference between Colombians and Cubans my brother-in-law is Cuban...I don't need the snarky comments we are all trying to get to the truth here
Time to disband all the alphabet agencies. They are all corrupt to the core and do not serve the interests of america or her people. 🤡
Did JFK know about assassination of Thuc? Did he allow it?
Diem? Yes, JFK stupidly killed Diem, entire Vietnam scene fell apart right then.
If true, then Kennedy got what he deserved. Thuc was trusted by everyone, even his enemies. His brother key to keeping Catholic Church alive.
JFK did approve, but he was going on CFR DefCon McMarara, and absolute stupid NWO fool. Still, JFK was responsible. However, the killing of JFK does not make two wrongs right, in this case. JFK was not perfect, even in his youth, but he was American, and THAT was why CFR, Vatican Jesuits, et al (many players) allied to murder him and RFK later. JFK's ambassador, Cabot Lodge, was also a player that failed to support Diem, if I recall.
The problem was that we failed to sort out Viet Cong and knock them out early on with tons more Army and all material. Then we failed to hit N. Vietnam hard and take down Mao the moment he pulled the N. Korea card, which he would have. Now we have millions living in Marxist slave conditions.
Why did Roosevelt and Churchill give away E Europe to Stalin?
Oh hell yes they did it. Go to Corbett Report and listen to the documentaries on what this country has done. They were going to bomb Miami and say Cuba did it.
They paid for WW1 and 11 they were behind it they have done more crap than people want to believe or except. This is one of the worst Countries and Israel oh and the stupid Britts Evil butt wipes. Iran Iraq Afghans they haven’t did nothing to nobody. Cuba they lie about our history is nothing but lies People need to get there heads out of their asses and wake the fluff up
btw the official language of the USA is ENGLISH not Spanish