Green Hornet reminded me that Nazi ideology was only defeated militarily and temporarily in WW2. Dulles, Hoover and the rest of the Nazi lovers in the US made sure it lived on. The genocidal
We have not been a free people with a representative government since shortly after WWII. The then-deep state cabal imported nazis to America under the guise of using their scientists and technology. Soon after we were given Von Braun and the NASA "space" program, one of the first false narratives of many to come. They used the so-called space program to brainwash and deceive an entire generation of school children, the Boomers. (we now know we never went to the moon)
The CIA under Bush was for many years the true enemy of the people. Bush had nazi connections. We have been under their control fir decades. Only since Trump brought us "The Great Awakening" have we obtained the knowledge and will to fight back.
And the many decades of black budget allocations supposedly going to N ot A S pace A gency was undoubtedly used to keep building DUMBs where the nazis had made secret deals with not human Beings. They were working to allow not human Beings to take over the planet and depopulate the humans.
I don't mind being a light bearer because the collective consciousness can bring good things to pass by knowing the truth rather than kept in darkness.
I heard a guy one time say..."they treat us like mushrooms... they keep us in the dark and feed us a bunch of bullsh*t."
Excellent Video - tells what it does in the body with the negative magnetism
Of proteins attracting positive something (can't remember exactly) and causing clots to form. Presented by a brilliant lady scientist with many degrees, and she knew it was harmfull and told how it worked in the body.
And then there is this article from Patrick Wood, Technocracy News.
I hate to rain on everyone's parade, but we have to wake up and smell the coffee.
I think that the ones about ready to take over our government couldn't be worse for the American people. IMO, they are absolutely unfit to lead our country.
"Technopopulism: When Technocrats Take Over The Government"
BOOM! BOOMBOOM!! You just hit the nail squarely on the head Dr A. And I have studied both the Military Industrial Complex and the Vaccine Industry for a good many decades and I can state unequivocally that We The People have not benefited from either! The true benefits have all accrued to the BANKSTERS who fund both sides of EVERY war with a complete disregard for how many citizens die in the process. And for the eugenicist maniacs who have been in the forefront of EVERY "vaccine" ever produced. A thorough investigation of almost every vaccine, with the POSSIBLE exception of Tetanus, shows quite clearly that the claims of benefits are not born out in the evidence. Herein lies my hope for the Trump administration and I truly believe that if they don't take on this EVIL Leviathan that we have been calling our government and if they aren't wildly successful as well, this Republic will go the way of every great Empire that preceded her. Thanks for another great post Paul.
It appears that pre-pandemic pharmaceutical research deals ( citizen experiments ) - Albert Bourla and Nentanyahu agreed with help from Elon Musk implemented similar plans
All they do is rename something in a vain effort to make it seem "O.K." "Vaccines" are arguably 'bioweapons' because they are classified as 'dual purpose'...yet with negative efficacy. There is no controversy about this fact. They call them (the bioweapons) vaccines, not only in ignorance, but for duplicity. Mosby's 7th Edition, the premiere medical dictionary, clearly defines 'vaccines'...and the Covid 19 mRNA does not meet the of course in September (2022 was it?) they simply changed the definition. It has always been about eugenics...the "elites" have prescribed culling of the population continually, and historically, and have carefully managed to extract the most financial gain before relegating the useless eaters to the grave. It was reported today that over 48% of the government sponsored suicides in Ontario are from the poorest parts of the province. Where have Fauci and Gates concentrated their "vaccination programs" the most? The poorest areas of nations. I hope everybody wakes to this evil agenda and objects to it.
We have not been a free people with a representative government since shortly after WWII. The then-deep state cabal imported nazis to America under the guise of using their scientists and technology. Soon after we were given Von Braun and the NASA "space" program, one of the first false narratives of many to come. They used the so-called space program to brainwash and deceive an entire generation of school children, the Boomers. (we now know we never went to the moon)
The CIA under Bush was for many years the true enemy of the people. Bush had nazi connections. We have been under their control fir decades. Only since Trump brought us "The Great Awakening" have we obtained the knowledge and will to fight back.
BOOM, Bush senior IMO was dangerous to USA...CIA...I agree with your assessment.
we have hope in Trump.
And the many decades of black budget allocations supposedly going to N ot A S pace A gency was undoubtedly used to keep building DUMBs where the nazis had made secret deals with not human Beings. They were working to allow not human Beings to take over the planet and depopulate the humans.
Linda E. - I rarely go there with my comments, because too many are still asleep. But there is truth to what you say.
I don't mind being a light bearer because the collective consciousness can bring good things to pass by knowing the truth rather than kept in darkness.
I heard a guy one time say..."they treat us like mushrooms... they keep us in the dark and feed us a bunch of bullsh*t."
MARSHMELLO EFFECT MK ULTRA, Dr Jack Kruze Darpa and Iarpa and US Patent No. 4,104,470: Theremin Frequency Generator and. A list of laws, regulations, guidelines, and recommendations related to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and electromagnetic fields (EMF) from various countries and organizations around the world.
++++++ some more Entrainment how its done + ELF and RFR .How to fix the entrainment
yes MK Ultra is real, real assassin program. trains Americans or whomever to be assassins
Also, remove the i in Trains
Excellent Video - tells what it does in the body with the negative magnetism
Of proteins attracting positive something (can't remember exactly) and causing clots to form. Presented by a brilliant lady scientist with many degrees, and she knew it was harmfull and told how it worked in the body.
What's REALLY In the mRNA Vaccine?
thank you for this excellent post, informative for us
And I am awfully sorry for posting so much not-so-hopeful information, but we can't fight what we don't acknowledge!!
"StarLink: The Ethical and Technical Landscape with Daniel Vasku"
And then there is this article from Patrick Wood, Technocracy News.
I hate to rain on everyone's parade, but we have to wake up and smell the coffee.
I think that the ones about ready to take over our government couldn't be worse for the American people. IMO, they are absolutely unfit to lead our country.
"Technopopulism: When Technocrats Take Over The Government"
Most people are not up-to-speed on where we are at. This technology is way more advanced than anyone can imagine.
While we have been sleeping, they have been working. I think it is high time we start paying attention.
We have much more to fear from within than we do from without.
"War? What war?
command, control, computers, communications, intelligence, surveillance and targeting"
BOOM! BOOMBOOM!! You just hit the nail squarely on the head Dr A. And I have studied both the Military Industrial Complex and the Vaccine Industry for a good many decades and I can state unequivocally that We The People have not benefited from either! The true benefits have all accrued to the BANKSTERS who fund both sides of EVERY war with a complete disregard for how many citizens die in the process. And for the eugenicist maniacs who have been in the forefront of EVERY "vaccine" ever produced. A thorough investigation of almost every vaccine, with the POSSIBLE exception of Tetanus, shows quite clearly that the claims of benefits are not born out in the evidence. Herein lies my hope for the Trump administration and I truly believe that if they don't take on this EVIL Leviathan that we have been calling our government and if they aren't wildly successful as well, this Republic will go the way of every great Empire that preceded her. Thanks for another great post Paul.
It appears that pre-pandemic pharmaceutical research deals ( citizen experiments ) - Albert Bourla and Nentanyahu agreed with help from Elon Musk implemented similar plans
All they do is rename something in a vain effort to make it seem "O.K." "Vaccines" are arguably 'bioweapons' because they are classified as 'dual purpose'...yet with negative efficacy. There is no controversy about this fact. They call them (the bioweapons) vaccines, not only in ignorance, but for duplicity. Mosby's 7th Edition, the premiere medical dictionary, clearly defines 'vaccines'...and the Covid 19 mRNA does not meet the of course in September (2022 was it?) they simply changed the definition. It has always been about eugenics...the "elites" have prescribed culling of the population continually, and historically, and have carefully managed to extract the most financial gain before relegating the useless eaters to the grave. It was reported today that over 48% of the government sponsored suicides in Ontario are from the poorest parts of the province. Where have Fauci and Gates concentrated their "vaccination programs" the most? The poorest areas of nations. I hope everybody wakes to this evil agenda and objects to it.
Deceptions and lies from every bureauCRAPCY in existence.