The bioweapon vaxx is the variant , mRNA jabs need to be halted all together, bur they would not..

The Real Face Of Evil: 17-Year-Old Sean Hartman Was Killed By The Pfizer Jab. Twitter Removed His Dad's Account For Speaking The Truth


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My momma always told me it was rude to spit...

I think what you say here makes perfect sense

I always feel better after a hot or cleansing beverage or fresh air gets mucousal pathways cleared up

I read early on that the extent/amount of viral load that was in the exposure event is related to whether illness results... Less load is less likely to produce Illness but an immune response short of that....for protection.

So the most safe and effective course is to shun the needlerape and go for natural exposure when God says your turn

Melatonin is useful when that occurs, I posit


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Ichilov is the largest acute care hosp in Israel. Dir of its C19 Ward: “(C19) Vax HAS NO SIGNIFICANCE REGARDING SEVERE ILLNESS...Right now, most of our severe cases are vaxxed. They had at least 3 injections. Between 70 & 80% of serious cases are vaxxed.”


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Assuming true what would the long term impact be for the vaccinated? On going viral illness or more?

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What makes me angriest at this point is that they continue to push these injections which were designed for the orignal Wuhan virus....which is LONG GONE and as Dr. McCullough said, obsolete. There is no point to them any more. They are useless against Omicron.

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This explanation does not explain why the vaccine seem to "work" for a couple of months and then stops being effective.

By vaccine working I mean it stops the disease from getting severe, However it does little to stop the infection from growing and infecting others as its multiplying locally still not circulating yet.

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While the locational response to infection is an issue bring raised , I did not think it was at all typical for was I’d referred to OAS. My understanding , that is just reading a bunch of you guys write about it , is that Ab is produced as a response to a variant , but is actually

Not effective to the new variant . And because the immune system is building a response that is ineffective , it uses immune resources and time while the virus has the opportunity to proliferate .

The location is a problem on top of OAS and within the broader category of vaccine infection/induced enhancement .

And , the bigger problem that some are now pointing to , and unlike the OAS associated with foi vaccines , is that the vaccinated are not only

More susceptible to infection but also becoming repeatedly infected . Suspecting many to surmise that the mrna shots are actually

Doing something new and catastrophic . They are preventing the system from developing antibodies to the infection . The consequences of which could be repeat snd endless infection .

Worst case scenario , It may be that the mrna shots increasingly cause chronic immuno deficiency the more shots are taken

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Mortal Antigenic Sin" is a better term.

MAS psychosis.

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Thank you Dr. Alexander. Best description of this process I have read.

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Good explanation for the layperson.

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This is making sense — apologies for amateur-hour on my part, but think this is why if we plot a vaccine efficacy over time in some US states it spikes very low then somewhat recovers. Vaccinated leads the outbreak, with a highly infective spike, then the Ev ratio recovers a bit as the rest of the population slowly catches up: https://drflurmgooglybean.substack.com/p/boosters-are-peachy?r=r6d2x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web I will edit and add a link back here!

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There is a medical science conspiracy against this explanation. Dr Luc Montagnier whose contribution to the world is merely co-identifying HIV virus exposed this a few weeks ago after having predicted it about 1 year ago. But according to the narrative, he lost his marbles.

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