OMG!!!!! It does not get any clearer. The vaccines do not work. They make the virus worse. Two concepts the world must hear. Thank you for explaining this in a very straightforward manner, that even a small child could understand.πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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Dr. Alexander, you are a hero for supporting the truckers, speaking out about the science clearly, and trying to negotiate with the government of Canada who is stuck in an unreasonable reality they have created. I pray for safety and success for you and the truckers - Godspeed!

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Even when we hear people 'on the right side', say Candace Bergen in the Parliament, they all still start with the trope that, of course 'we all know that vaccines are great and work', BUT we have to end the mandates. No, the vaccines are ineffective and dangerous! And the mandates are also antithetical to democracy and our Bill of Rights. These are not two mutually exclusive phenomena. The Mandates are BAD, and so are the so-called vaccines; PERIOD and both must end. All mandates, which would of course include vaccine mandates must end now;

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People would have to be ignorant or evil not to understand. Very clear presentation. Thank you Dr. Alexander. You have stepped up when others remain silent or turn their backs on the oath they took!!!

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