if someone has a knife or gun and uses it on you, there is a 50:50 chance they will miss a vital organ and you will live but then they must run...as attention is there now and they dont want it...so force them...never comply...fight...

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The facts state after being shot one has ten seconds at least left, enough time to kill the perp by plunging a thumb through the eye socket of the perp and killing it.

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also 50/50 they will not hit a vital organ...so I think make them shoot...so fight them like the animal in you to live

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Sep 21
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We kill wild game and buy from livestock owners naturally fed pigs and steers. We grow our veggies and shun fast food.

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I understand your white spaces

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Agreed although I quit Pork and feel much better.

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The problem with oink meat is that it can have parasites which makes it important to cook it well done. It is very high in iron.

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In most jurisdictions, back away initially. If they come towards you, that's aggression. Shoot 'em.

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of course...once life is threatened we can use deadly force.

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Excellent advice.

You must be conscious of this need before leaving your house, your car, your office. Particularly when dark or somewhere unfamiliar. Steel yourself for the possibility before you step outside.

Keys should be effective weapons against an assailant's eyes. Keep them in your hands. A fist slammed into an assailant's nose. A knee or kick to the assailant's groin. Abandon all hesitation and know your life depends upon quick reactions.

Compartmentalize this capacity so it does not impinge upon your normal personality and inate sweetness with your loved ones.

It will become second nature and you will feel more confident in your resolve.

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yes, go for the throat...my posting is to warn, do not wait to the issue to then think 'what to do'....have this animal in your primed always...

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Chew's advice is good. If you see a shark, alligator or crocodile in the water, don't fight it unless you have to do so. Under no circumstances swim out to take a closer look. Preferable to swim straight to the boat or the shore. If it's too close to be able to swim away then fight like hell. If you're shark cage diving, I assume (but don't know for sure) you stay really still when a shark shows up.

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agreed...but the point here too is that if you move from primary scene you will not be going home...not one inch move.

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Yes. Always better to avoid a life-threatening confrontation if at all possible and never to take careless risks or to behave recklessly.

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Good advice but illegal aliens are not the only danger. Americans are ranked below South Africa and Sweden and some other counties for rapists but not too far below. Americans are world leaders in all manner of sexual perversion and homicide. Whether it's Penn State professors raping dogs or architects in Manhatten torturing and dismembering women on Long Island they are out there. Let's not forget that Ted Bundy was a RINO and Republican National Convention delegate.

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agreed too and when I share my view to your daughter, I mean for her to deal with anyone, American even, who threatens your life...anyone.

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Good advice to be wary of anyone attempting to take advantage of your trust.

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Thanks for the reminder!! Muscle Memory to take immediate action, rather than hesitate to, act for protection!

Daughters, Sons, Elderly, and Friends : Be Prepared!

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yes...knowing how to defend in case life is in danger is different than doing it...emotionally we must be there that we MUST kill to live

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Hardest part to become desensitized. You will lose unless you are as criminals never hesitate to shoot or stab while humans consider whether or not to kill or wound for self protection. I went through that process and it became easier to rationalize it would be easier to kill a murderer or rapist than an innocent animal to be used as a food source.

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excellent advice

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I had no knowledge of this until I worked with a man who had been in the Royal Marines, from Scotland who had immigrated here. Life and learning is a voyage and not a harbor. He was way ahead of things and my fellow workers were in awe as I was. It was a time when life was safe and unburdened by leftist loonery. Things seemed simple and straight forward and political correct insanity was not to be found anywhere. If there was corruption it was not apparent. Those I talk to from that era, call the current state of affairs insane. It was a time of safety, happiness and security. Corruption was not common and stupidity was not worn like clothing as it is now on the shirtsleeve of every LIEberal political hack. Police were not corrupt, the legal CYSTem was fair and the political field was not strewn with complete idiots like turdo. Sex trafficking was never heard of and prostitution was not in the open.

One was taught gun safety I recall at town halls or fire departments with a training session and then a practical session at old quarries. I acquired a hunting license at age 16. There was no talk of self defense or shooting people. My hero was a WW2 uncle who returned from Germany in capacity as a gunner in a field artillery unit. The only support group was the Legion and the only treatment from battle fatigue was alcohol. Lots of young men were mentally destroyed from the trauma of killing.

Today I am visiting a real friend and a real man who was raised on a farm who I can trust completely with my wife, my money and my life. He has a year to live and among others such as I, remembers a time when good cops actually existed. BTW my complaint forms for the OIPRD had pages of DIE ver SHITty shit to fill out and bag licking statements I refused to sign.

I never referred to police as pigs until three years ago and now I am not the only one who distrusts and hates the OPP. All it took was one politically correct delusional bureauCRAP, with his DIEverSHITty nipple in his lying mouth, a biased and colored corrupt investigation, lie after lie, a crooked pig I think was an ASSirmative action hire, corrupt prejudicially biased hoplophobic crackers and snowflakes, and a bigoted persecutor with six inch spiked heels and dyed purple hair to turn me and a calculated 136 people who know me for being who and what I am. F*cking OPP pigs have no idea how they are hated yet but the stabbings and shootings in Turd SHITty increase as time passes. Am I a danger? Yes, to home invaders, thieves, and assorted illegal alien criminals as well as the rising class of soy boy sops who grow up to be bag lickers of the CYSTem, scared of their own shadows, stones the size of peas and OPP pigs who can suck and blow like the OPP useful idiots who listened to a bigot and liar using lies in attempts to silence me. The word is out. The future looks to be more and more dangerous for the enemies in the CYSTem who lick their swollen fart sucking lips, display their tattoed wokist wanker tongues and suck the uncircumcised penises of the poor excuses for males in their role as cucks of the CYSTem.

I have heard threats against the slime minister, intent to murder bureauCRAPs and OPP, and threatened desires of otherwise good people against operatives in the CYSTem. Hate is always a two way street.

While you CYSTem dick licking pigs are reading this, I have been advised to beware of entrenched peckerheads in the CYSTem who seek to draw from me comments calculated to be used against me. I knew the KGB was here years ago.

I have been offered "asylum" by several people and advice to leave this shitshow run by turdie boy but decline. I refuse to walk away from dickheaded enemies of Freedom and Justice in the CYSTem, in the OPP pigs, in the biased courts, and everywhere dead seagulls are to be found.

Those who have read my "stuff" would be well advised to beware fake poets in pigskins who have taken an interest in me. I have lots of friends out here, and more than a few in the corrupt CYSTem that under turdo has become a servile hash of paper whores both male and female who regularly sell their souls to secure points in the CYSTem.

All is corrupt and the rot started from the head of the fake father of turdo the slime minister, in 1969. Nuff for now, and a warning to all that things are never as they meet the eye.

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I’m so sick of being censored when I repost Dr Alexander’s important posts. These algorithms don’t want to inform people for health or freedom.

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do not give up...

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each foot from the primary scene decreases chance of survival

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we must have no mercy on these feral beasts

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That is the TRUTH. I saw a show and the same was said. Don't ever let your captor take you to a second place. You more than not will be killed. There was a female realtor that met a man to show a house. He kidnapped her and took her from the house. She was later found DEAD. Terrible.

So, fight like hell, because you stand a chance to live than die.

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I think I saw the same or fundamentally similar program.

It made a strong impression upon me.

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Thank YOU, Dr. Yeadon. It did for me, too. Thank YOU for all you do +

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Just back from estimates and getting a psyclological profile on an asswipe here from a forensic board certified expert psychologist and can hardly wait to tell it the result.

I had the pleasure to see two young mothers with their two daughters and to tell both little girls they were sweet precious little girls. NOPE!!! No complaints or woke wankerist BS from either. Each mother beamed ear to ear from my terms of endearment. But there was a downer. WTF has happened to the white male? I thought about these little girls and the migrant dangers they are subjected to. My feelings? My emotions of soft warmth towards these little girls turned to hate and anger in a moment. Why? Because I considered the stupid bastard turdo and the dangers he is responsible for exposing them to fake migrant sex traffickers, gangsters, moslems and other dangers. I told both mothers to stay close to their children and guard them.

I would kill to protect these little white girls and die for them. The alternative? Looking in the mirror and being a coward by not protecting them. Dying would be a good death if it saved a little girl from harm.

And the damned pig lying wokist wankers can go to bloody hell because I do not need nor want a firearm to good effect. My bare hands controlled by my hatred of pedophile bastards the damned CYSTem protects would be more than enough for me to do the job.

WTF? Most white males have become cowards and are afraid of their own shadow. Even the rough men I worked with would not hesitate to defend a white girl or any girl for that matter. The male white is a mere shadow of itself, a failure, a coward, and soy boy sop. Stay the f*ck away from me, I detest you. Go suck the dick of a fake migrant and join the LPC to meet other cucks. Freaking idiots and likewise for the pigs of the OPP. Did anyone see where an OPP pig here arrested a woman for having a watergun? The stupid bastard had to have been a relative of the pippit in a douche bag.

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Harris will be worse than Biden, Obama, Mayorkas, Bush etc. Once Harris/Walz/Vance have defeated Donald Trump then Harris will start a new war that will radicalize more barbarians. Throughout history female leaders have been more likely than male leaders to start wars. This happens even in those whose brains are not addled by syphilis, alcohol and cocaine.

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I agree fully

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Thank you for the suggestions

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I want to suggest a different approach that will increase your survival. The best defense in a knife fight is to run away. Do not stay if you can leave. Be aware and stay safe.

Guns are a little different, but do not confront if possible.

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Yes. That is why people need to train. People need to work with their fear, so they know how their body will react

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Good advice!

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No Dr. Paul, these animals should be drawing breath. After a through debrief they should be put down like one would put down a rabid animal.

No we shouldn't feed them.

No we shouldn't house them.


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Doesn't hurt to have pepper spray also

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I remember watching a YouTube vid by a self defence guy who said Never go with a kidnapper or get in a car etc. Run , scream defend yourself because whatever happens in the moment will be 100 % better than whatever happens when you comply and go along with the attacker. Their intentions will always be worse. I think this is true. When I was 15 - a car with 3 guys in pulled alongside me as I was walking home. One of the guys said ‘do you know it’s illegal to wear a hat on a Monday’ They kerbcrawled me 200m to my house. I ignored them and as I turned into the gate and ran into my home locking the door behind me, the guy enraged, put his fist through the plate glass window of the door. It was terrifying and still feels like an extremely lucky escape.

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Yes, Paul is right: NEVER allow a perpetrator to move you from a primary crime scene to a secondary.

In training, FBI are shown evidence of what typically happens at the secondary scene, but you don’t need to see it. Imagine it. Yes, they will do that, and that, and even that. Then they’ll kill you young daughter before torturing & killing you.

So no matter the odds, fight for your life on the sidewalk, in your car, in the hotel lobby. Even if you perish at the primary scene, it’s less awful than the alternative.

Forget being reasonable and negotiating.

Rehearse recognising the situation you’re in and practise the mental state you’ll need to inhabit in order to boost your odds of surviving.

God does not want you to be passive.

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The possibility that vexes me is that the Democratic Party will steal the election from Trump.

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