Yes, our government health officials tried to kill us & killed many, including kids with fraud deadly COVID mRNA vaccine! Hard to accept but they did & now we must punish them with ballot & courts!
I call it MURDER. And they will not stop until gates's/WHO/UN/global elites/WEF/Dod/HHS and the deep state's goal of 5-6 billion murdered is accomplished.
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: I've seen some, some of your work* and it's really, really impressive, you're fighting a very good fight along with Thomas Renz.* And you've actually been waging this battle for much longer than two, two years, from what I've been able to find. Can you give us a little bit of background about that?
DR. PAM POPPER: Yeah, so this is a second career for me. I was in business before I was in healthcare, and I was a training director for a large company and got interested in health, decided to get some education, started a health care company. And I was looking for a niche, and what I decided was the thing that was needed, the service that was needed, was informed medical decision making.
And what I observed at the time was that people make decisions about important things differently than they make decisions about medicine, which is a very important thing. So I, I've watched people look up Consumer Reports before they buy a blender, and check different companies and prices, and then, and then a doctor says, you need an 80,000 dollar operation, and people go, OK, how about Thursday? You know, it just, absolutely no thinking going on.
So we decided that our niche was going to be helping people learn how to read the medical literature and evaluate risks and benefits before they do something. And sometimes that involves pulling them out of the medical mill by looking at the decisions that have already been made and figuring out what's good, what's bad, you know, what changes need to be made, OK.
So while doing that, I did a lot of research while building the company to create articles and decision-making tools and videos. We have thirty-six hundred [3,600] hours of video and classroom material. We started a school to train health professionals how to do this. I appeared in a lot of documentaries, I wrote a couple of best-selling books*** and while I doing all of this, I learned really how awful the medical system is.
And I learned a lot about this terrible partnership between drug companies and medical institutions and the government, and how it's been abused for decades. And worked on some legislation, I mean, I dabbled around the edges of trying to change things. It, it seemed almost impossible to change at the time, but I was informing other people about it. And I also dug out a lot of information on how the medical profession has declared fake pandemics in the past.
And so, when this started in March [2020], I knew in a nanosecond what it was. And I posted a video, I think it was the second week of March, explaining what it was, that it was a fake pandemic, China did it, why they did it, what was going to happen. End game is vaccinations, forced vaccines, and then, here we are.
If there's ever a time I have wanted to be wrong about something, it would have been that. But unfortunately, I was right about it. And here we are.
But I feel that, you know, as I've lived through this whole thing for two years, I feel like I was training for this for my entire career, and that when this happened, I had a great responsibility to act on what I what I knew to try to help solve this, first in my country, and then for the rest of the world. And we're starting to export what we're doing here to other countries now.
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: That's great. I mean, one of [inaudible], I'm, I'm in Israel, as I'm, as I'm sure you know, and the fake pandemic seems to have vanished out of thin air. Last, last week or two weeks ago, they were talking about ten, 10,000 cases a day, I mean, cases, we all know, means really nothing. But 10,000 cases a day, and it's really terrifying, and now all of a sudden, you have something going on with Russia and that's dominating the headlines, and nobody's saying a word about all these sick people, overflowing hospitals. The pandemic has magically been, been cured, it seems in, in—
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: — record time, it just vanished. Any thoughts—
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: —about that? And how the media seems to have just turn, turn, turn, turn, turned a blind eye to everything? And even more scary to me is the fact that people don't seem to realize how they've been played, like nobody's even talking about omicron or delta anymore. Delta's ancient history. And just—
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: —just, you know, the the the changing news, news, news, news cycle means that people don't even realize what happened yesterday still exits or still matters, or it should matter that it doesn't matter.
DR. PAM POPPER: Right. Right. Well, in terms of, of who's on board, I'll just start there. From the beginning, I thought, here in the United States, for example, and I suspect it's this way everywhere, there were about 30% of people who just bought this hook, line, and sinker. And then, and if the government had told them, listen, you have to stand on your head on the front porch of your house every day at noon in order to avoid the virus, people would have done it. You would have seen them do that.
Then you have 30 percent of people like you and I who knew what was going on, and said, this is terrible, we have to get busy right away to fix it.
And then in the middle you have this bystander population, that's what I call them. The bystanders are coming our way. In other words, the sheep aren't picking up any customers, we're picking up a lot. So I think that that's giving us an advantage right now. And our group, believe it or not, with the restrictions going away, we're growing faster than, than we did before.
And, and I'm going to come back to this, what they're going to do next, because we shouldn't relax too much.
But, but what the problem was, globally, it wasn't just in the United States, it was in Israel, it was everywhere, is that the ability to control people was starting to go away.
And by way of example, the, the school district in the suburb I live in here in Ohio lifted its mask mandate, said, masks are optional. You know why they said this? They said, it, it wasn't because of any new scientific knowledge or anything like that, or any change, they said, too many of the kids don't wear masks and then kids come from other schools that don't enforce the mask mandate, we just can't get these kids to wear masks. So it was compliance. And it's better to give up control than to admit that you lost control.
So I think that what happened is that this Russia-Ukraine thing was very convenient because it could shift the news focus away, instead of having news, newscasters, I don't know how curious they're ever going to be again, the people that we have now, but, but somebody might have actually said, what's changed? I mean, why all of a sudden is it OK for us to not have vaxx passports? Why is it OK for no masks, you know, that sort of thing. So everybody's concerned with Russia and Ukraine, and it keeps them from having to answer those uncomfortable questions, which I don't even know if the media would have asked.
But they're going to do it again. And I read a document this morning, made a video about it in fact, I think should put a, a chill up and down everybody's spine and keep people pretty motivated to be working on this still.
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: Hmm. Well, one one one of the other things we're not hearing about anymore is the truckers in Canada, and also in the US, there's a trucker's convoy going on in the US, and I haven't heard anything about that.
DR. PAM POPPER: Right. Well, the mainstream media will never cover anything about any of it. The truckers in Canada were forced because they, they brought in brought in UN troops. I mean, there were, there were people in, in combat gear that were trampling old ladies with walkers, I mean, it was the most appalling thing you've ever seen.
And but, again, good news, there's always some good news in everything I try to focus on now, Trudeau had declared an emergency, like a wartime emergency situation, and that's what allowed him to bring those people in. So what he was asking was his parliament to approve it so it could be extended because they were going to go after people's bank accounts and all that kind of stuff. They did a little bit of that, but the lower chamber of parliament approved it and it came clear when it got to the upper chamber, and I mean, we call it the House and the Senate, I don't know what theirs are called, but anyway, it was not going to pass. And so he was faced with the embarrassment of having declared this wartime emergency, not having the legal backing to keep it in place, and then have to back off.
And so what matters to these politicians, more than anything, is saving face. I have to be in charge, I have to be the person that, that decides, I have to appear powerful.
So he then said, well, we solved the problem now, so we don't have to have the emergency declaration anymore.
So, so this is, all, all of this stuff is being done right now is really posturing. And as soon as they fall back and regroup, they will come at us again with renewed vigor, and having figured out how to keep the humans from, from rebelling, like they did this time.
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: Right, see, that, that's actually the the biggest problem I think, is that when, when people achieve these small victories, and they really are small victories, like they lift the mandates, they lift some of the re, requirements, people say, oh, we, we won, you know, game, game's over, when they don't realize, they're just back to the previous step. They haven't actually won anything. And—
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: —until the people who are re, responsible for this pay, pay the price, and I mean all of them, from top to bottom, everybody who had, who had a role in this, pays, pays the price, then we haven't won, and we can't stop pushing. Because—
DR. PAM POPPER: [inaudible] so right.
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: —we're not fighting, no war in history was ever won without a side going on offense at some point. We've, we've been playing defense for the last two years, trying to backtrack, get back to a previous step. But that's not victory, that's just reclaiming lost, lost ground. These, these people have, have, have to pay the price. And I'm wondering if the public is, is, is really ready for that, to actually go on the offense.
DR. PAM POPPER: They are.
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: And I don't mean physical violence, but pushing back and making sure that these people lose their power and are held accountable for everything that, that they've done over the last few years.
DR. PAM POPPER: Yeah. The public is ready for it and the public demands it. And the, and it really won't be settled until that happens. And we've already started doing that.
So we filed a lawsuit. We had an interesting win in Boston, and I'll tell you what happened, because this is fun, and we're going to do more of it. We're going to do a lot more of it.
So the mayor of Boston*** is a terrible human being. She must just hate people, I'll tell you. So she did a lot of things in Boston that were pretty terrible, one of which was to require all city workers and first responders to get a vaccine, and the other was she instituted this vax, vaccine passport for all businesses in Boston.
Well, the problem was, you know, obviously there was a problem, people just won't do it, they won't go to these places. But the bigger problem in Boston is that all you had to do was drive 20 minutes outside of Boston, you could go to Cambridge for dinner, you could go to the Planet Fitness in Salem, and that sort of thing. So she was literally like, starving out her city, right?
So Wednesday, two weeks ago this happened, on Wednesday, the city workers and school employees got a restraining order to prevent vaccination until a court date. And she did a press conference on this Wednesday, it happened on a Wednesday, and she dug in her heels, by gosh, we've got to follow the science, people are at at risk, we've got to save lives, you know, the whole nonsense that you've heard so many times, makes you want to throw up, right? So that's on Wednesday.
And then on Friday at two o'clock in the afternoon, we filed a lawsuit against her personally and her health director personally for money damages for all of the businesses that had suffered in Boston during this period of time since December 20th. Alright?
We also called for the disbanding of this health board which was illegally formed, there was no legislative authority for it. And then a whole bunch of other claims that we made in the lawsuit.
So this is Wednesday's she's digging in her heels, two o'clock Friday we file. At 7 o'clock on Friday, she held a press conference and said she was lifting the vaccine passport mandate. Now that could be coincidental, but I don't think so.
Pam Popper is President of Wellness Forum Health, Co-author of the new book "COVID Operation: What Happened, Why it Happened and What’s Next", and part of the Make Americans Free Again Movement (
** Solving America's Healthcare Crisis, Bristol Woods Publishing, 2011, and with co-author Glenn Merzer, Food Over Medicine: The Conversation That Could Save Your Life, BenBella Books, 2014. In addition, Popper is co-author with Shane D. Prior, of COVID Operation: What Happened, Why It happened, and What's Next, Hitchcock Media Group, 2020.
Great energy, great ideas, great action taken by Dr. Pam Popper. Thank you for introducing us to her and her work.
And btw, Dr. Popper is absolutely correct about what "a horrible human being" the current tyrannical Mayor of Boston is. Her name is Michelle Wu and she is insanely and heartlessly authoritative.
When Dr Jordan Peterson talked about the gulag archipelago, I read the books and thank God for that, for it helped further strengthen my resolve to not willfully and blindly follow the government and their demands like a sheep. No experimental shots for me ever
They really did, and they still are trying to kill as many people as possible via 'vaccines', denial of health care and Net Zero lunacy. This really is a 21st century Holocaust/Holodomor/Great Leap Forward. By the time these globalist psychopaths are done, the Great Reset will probably eclipse all 20th century genocides combined.
You mean “still trying”, right?
I call it MURDER. And they will not stop until gates's/WHO/UN/global elites/WEF/Dod/HHS and the deep state's goal of 5-6 billion murdered is accomplished.
This is from 2022, but I found it well worth attending to today, perhaps readers here will as well:
Episode 29 Medical War Crimes: Rabbi Chenanya Weissman interviews Dr. Pam Popper
Posted March 2, 2022
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: I've seen some, some of your work* and it's really, really impressive, you're fighting a very good fight along with Thomas Renz.* And you've actually been waging this battle for much longer than two, two years, from what I've been able to find. Can you give us a little bit of background about that?
DR. PAM POPPER: Yeah, so this is a second career for me. I was in business before I was in healthcare, and I was a training director for a large company and got interested in health, decided to get some education, started a health care company. And I was looking for a niche, and what I decided was the thing that was needed, the service that was needed, was informed medical decision making.
And what I observed at the time was that people make decisions about important things differently than they make decisions about medicine, which is a very important thing. So I, I've watched people look up Consumer Reports before they buy a blender, and check different companies and prices, and then, and then a doctor says, you need an 80,000 dollar operation, and people go, OK, how about Thursday? You know, it just, absolutely no thinking going on.
So we decided that our niche was going to be helping people learn how to read the medical literature and evaluate risks and benefits before they do something. And sometimes that involves pulling them out of the medical mill by looking at the decisions that have already been made and figuring out what's good, what's bad, you know, what changes need to be made, OK.
So while doing that, I did a lot of research while building the company to create articles and decision-making tools and videos. We have thirty-six hundred [3,600] hours of video and classroom material. We started a school to train health professionals how to do this. I appeared in a lot of documentaries, I wrote a couple of best-selling books*** and while I doing all of this, I learned really how awful the medical system is.
And I learned a lot about this terrible partnership between drug companies and medical institutions and the government, and how it's been abused for decades. And worked on some legislation, I mean, I dabbled around the edges of trying to change things. It, it seemed almost impossible to change at the time, but I was informing other people about it. And I also dug out a lot of information on how the medical profession has declared fake pandemics in the past.
And so, when this started in March [2020], I knew in a nanosecond what it was. And I posted a video, I think it was the second week of March, explaining what it was, that it was a fake pandemic, China did it, why they did it, what was going to happen. End game is vaccinations, forced vaccines, and then, here we are.
If there's ever a time I have wanted to be wrong about something, it would have been that. But unfortunately, I was right about it. And here we are.
But I feel that, you know, as I've lived through this whole thing for two years, I feel like I was training for this for my entire career, and that when this happened, I had a great responsibility to act on what I what I knew to try to help solve this, first in my country, and then for the rest of the world. And we're starting to export what we're doing here to other countries now.
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: That's great. I mean, one of [inaudible], I'm, I'm in Israel, as I'm, as I'm sure you know, and the fake pandemic seems to have vanished out of thin air. Last, last week or two weeks ago, they were talking about ten, 10,000 cases a day, I mean, cases, we all know, means really nothing. But 10,000 cases a day, and it's really terrifying, and now all of a sudden, you have something going on with Russia and that's dominating the headlines, and nobody's saying a word about all these sick people, overflowing hospitals. The pandemic has magically been, been cured, it seems in, in—
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: — record time, it just vanished. Any thoughts—
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: —about that? And how the media seems to have just turn, turn, turn, turn, turned a blind eye to everything? And even more scary to me is the fact that people don't seem to realize how they've been played, like nobody's even talking about omicron or delta anymore. Delta's ancient history. And just—
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: —just, you know, the the the changing news, news, news, news cycle means that people don't even realize what happened yesterday still exits or still matters, or it should matter that it doesn't matter.
DR. PAM POPPER: Right. Right. Well, in terms of, of who's on board, I'll just start there. From the beginning, I thought, here in the United States, for example, and I suspect it's this way everywhere, there were about 30% of people who just bought this hook, line, and sinker. And then, and if the government had told them, listen, you have to stand on your head on the front porch of your house every day at noon in order to avoid the virus, people would have done it. You would have seen them do that.
Then you have 30 percent of people like you and I who knew what was going on, and said, this is terrible, we have to get busy right away to fix it.
And then in the middle you have this bystander population, that's what I call them. The bystanders are coming our way. In other words, the sheep aren't picking up any customers, we're picking up a lot. So I think that that's giving us an advantage right now. And our group, believe it or not, with the restrictions going away, we're growing faster than, than we did before.
And, and I'm going to come back to this, what they're going to do next, because we shouldn't relax too much.
But, but what the problem was, globally, it wasn't just in the United States, it was in Israel, it was everywhere, is that the ability to control people was starting to go away.
And by way of example, the, the school district in the suburb I live in here in Ohio lifted its mask mandate, said, masks are optional. You know why they said this? They said, it, it wasn't because of any new scientific knowledge or anything like that, or any change, they said, too many of the kids don't wear masks and then kids come from other schools that don't enforce the mask mandate, we just can't get these kids to wear masks. So it was compliance. And it's better to give up control than to admit that you lost control.
So I think that what happened is that this Russia-Ukraine thing was very convenient because it could shift the news focus away, instead of having news, newscasters, I don't know how curious they're ever going to be again, the people that we have now, but, but somebody might have actually said, what's changed? I mean, why all of a sudden is it OK for us to not have vaxx passports? Why is it OK for no masks, you know, that sort of thing. So everybody's concerned with Russia and Ukraine, and it keeps them from having to answer those uncomfortable questions, which I don't even know if the media would have asked.
But they're going to do it again. And I read a document this morning, made a video about it in fact, I think should put a, a chill up and down everybody's spine and keep people pretty motivated to be working on this still.
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: Hmm. Well, one one one of the other things we're not hearing about anymore is the truckers in Canada, and also in the US, there's a trucker's convoy going on in the US, and I haven't heard anything about that.
DR. PAM POPPER: Right. Well, the mainstream media will never cover anything about any of it. The truckers in Canada were forced because they, they brought in brought in UN troops. I mean, there were, there were people in, in combat gear that were trampling old ladies with walkers, I mean, it was the most appalling thing you've ever seen.
And but, again, good news, there's always some good news in everything I try to focus on now, Trudeau had declared an emergency, like a wartime emergency situation, and that's what allowed him to bring those people in. So what he was asking was his parliament to approve it so it could be extended because they were going to go after people's bank accounts and all that kind of stuff. They did a little bit of that, but the lower chamber of parliament approved it and it came clear when it got to the upper chamber, and I mean, we call it the House and the Senate, I don't know what theirs are called, but anyway, it was not going to pass. And so he was faced with the embarrassment of having declared this wartime emergency, not having the legal backing to keep it in place, and then have to back off.
And so what matters to these politicians, more than anything, is saving face. I have to be in charge, I have to be the person that, that decides, I have to appear powerful.
So he then said, well, we solved the problem now, so we don't have to have the emergency declaration anymore.
So, so this is, all, all of this stuff is being done right now is really posturing. And as soon as they fall back and regroup, they will come at us again with renewed vigor, and having figured out how to keep the humans from, from rebelling, like they did this time.
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: Right, see, that, that's actually the the biggest problem I think, is that when, when people achieve these small victories, and they really are small victories, like they lift the mandates, they lift some of the re, requirements, people say, oh, we, we won, you know, game, game's over, when they don't realize, they're just back to the previous step. They haven't actually won anything. And—
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: —until the people who are re, responsible for this pay, pay the price, and I mean all of them, from top to bottom, everybody who had, who had a role in this, pays, pays the price, then we haven't won, and we can't stop pushing. Because—
DR. PAM POPPER: [inaudible] so right.
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: —we're not fighting, no war in history was ever won without a side going on offense at some point. We've, we've been playing defense for the last two years, trying to backtrack, get back to a previous step. But that's not victory, that's just reclaiming lost, lost ground. These, these people have, have, have to pay the price. And I'm wondering if the public is, is, is really ready for that, to actually go on the offense.
DR. PAM POPPER: They are.
RABBI CHENANYA WEISSMAN: And I don't mean physical violence, but pushing back and making sure that these people lose their power and are held accountable for everything that, that they've done over the last few years.
DR. PAM POPPER: Yeah. The public is ready for it and the public demands it. And the, and it really won't be settled until that happens. And we've already started doing that.
So we filed a lawsuit. We had an interesting win in Boston, and I'll tell you what happened, because this is fun, and we're going to do more of it. We're going to do a lot more of it.
So the mayor of Boston*** is a terrible human being. She must just hate people, I'll tell you. So she did a lot of things in Boston that were pretty terrible, one of which was to require all city workers and first responders to get a vaccine, and the other was she instituted this vax, vaccine passport for all businesses in Boston.
Well, the problem was, you know, obviously there was a problem, people just won't do it, they won't go to these places. But the bigger problem in Boston is that all you had to do was drive 20 minutes outside of Boston, you could go to Cambridge for dinner, you could go to the Planet Fitness in Salem, and that sort of thing. So she was literally like, starving out her city, right?
So Wednesday, two weeks ago this happened, on Wednesday, the city workers and school employees got a restraining order to prevent vaccination until a court date. And she did a press conference on this Wednesday, it happened on a Wednesday, and she dug in her heels, by gosh, we've got to follow the science, people are at at risk, we've got to save lives, you know, the whole nonsense that you've heard so many times, makes you want to throw up, right? So that's on Wednesday.
And then on Friday at two o'clock in the afternoon, we filed a lawsuit against her personally and her health director personally for money damages for all of the businesses that had suffered in Boston during this period of time since December 20th. Alright?
We also called for the disbanding of this health board which was illegally formed, there was no legislative authority for it. And then a whole bunch of other claims that we made in the lawsuit.
So this is Wednesday's she's digging in her heels, two o'clock Friday we file. At 7 o'clock on Friday, she held a press conference and said she was lifting the vaccine passport mandate. Now that could be coincidental, but I don't think so.
# # #
Rabbi Chenanya Weissman's webpage is
and his rumble channel is
Pam Popper is President of Wellness Forum Health, Co-author of the new book "COVID Operation: What Happened, Why it Happened and What’s Next", and part of the Make Americans Free Again Movement (
Her webpage is
Her rumble page is
Her introduction to MAFA:
* Tom Renz's law firm's page is
His Substack is
** Solving America's Healthcare Crisis, Bristol Woods Publishing, 2011, and with co-author Glenn Merzer, Food Over Medicine: The Conversation That Could Save Your Life, BenBella Books, 2014. In addition, Popper is co-author with Shane D. Prior, of COVID Operation: What Happened, Why It happened, and What's Next, Hitchcock Media Group, 2020.
*** Michelle Wu. See:
Great energy, great ideas, great action taken by Dr. Pam Popper. Thank you for introducing us to her and her work.
And btw, Dr. Popper is absolutely correct about what "a horrible human being" the current tyrannical Mayor of Boston is. Her name is Michelle Wu and she is insanely and heartlessly authoritative.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for your comment. I see now, thanks to your comment, that I accidentally left off the footnote:
*** Michelle Wu. See:
I just went back and fixed that.
Time for the trials to begin again
Get a good money guy to organize a brigade of trial lawyers like RFK Jr
Yes...I want to see them jailed or hanged.
We will provide the money. Just get us the lawyers.
When Dr Jordan Peterson talked about the gulag archipelago, I read the books and thank God for that, for it helped further strengthen my resolve to not willfully and blindly follow the government and their demands like a sheep. No experimental shots for me ever
Well done, Ryan. Let us not forget Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Great substack! But why don't we worry about getting the 1st indictment before worrying about "Did we miss anybody".
They really did, and they still are trying to kill as many people as possible via 'vaccines', denial of health care and Net Zero lunacy. This really is a 21st century Holocaust/Holodomor/Great Leap Forward. By the time these globalist psychopaths are done, the Great Reset will probably eclipse all 20th century genocides combined.
These psychopaths are rooted in both parties. The two-party system must be dismantled to have any hope of saving our country.
Ballots can be rigged and judges can be bought. Execution is the only solution for these evil misanthropes.
I pray the elections are uncompramized.
Hang the demons in the piazza .
Everything in exhibit 8 (for our active court case) shows that we are under a premeditated military attack on the population: