Kinda like Event 201...just a year later and for 'real'

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Some one else highlighted Gates investments up to Event201 in October 2019. Insider trading??? Sure made a good profit but saving lives, not so much!!!

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Dr David Martin... intellectual property expert who spoke at the EU Parliament. He's got the skinny on them all...

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He's made Vlad the Impaler look like a Boy Scout.

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This is the Paul that I know keep this up and thx no Israel

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I assume they will throw a few minor puppets under the bus but what needs to happen is the head of the snake needs to be held accountable... The UN/WEF/BlackRock.

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This is why I didn’t stop reading & following you like I have with the other Freedom Drs ...

I had a gut feeling based on your writings that you not give up until you get the full truth ...

Not there yet .. but we all coming along 🙏🙏

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The "COVID protocols" which initially included ventilation were certainly deadly. One case with which I am familiar involved an elderly gent with pneumonia who was brought to the ER by his daughter. He was struggling to breathe but the first thing they did was stick a mask on him thereby reducing his O2 intake by an additional 15-20 percent. Almost all of the original elderly "COVID" patients who were ventilated died (those who didn't were finished off with remdesivir). High pressure ventilators damage the lungs, in patients with already diseased lungs. IMO that's not good practice. But what do I know, I'm not a Medical Professional

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As one that pays attention, Doc, it is my opinion that you are indeed correct. Thank you for standing up for the truth and being a real man, one who makes a difference in this world, and one who fears God and His judgements. The curses of God are upon the politicians, lying scientists, bureaucrats, doctors and all who do not love the truth. God bless you doc.

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I caught a glimpse of a commercial in which martha stewart and other Hollywierdos are still pushing on the brain dead. Pharma Ads should be banned just like cigarette ads.

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ombine this with the financial incentives to call everything covid- you have RICO.

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These deranged nutcases get an F-, grading on a curve.

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Indeed, the pandemic-that-never-was. It was, among other things, a cover story for that radical restructuring of the global economic, social, and political order colloquially known as The Great Reset. A lot went on in the shadows of the universal lockdowns and our world will never be the same. And yes it was also the pretext for the installation of Ol' Yeller, Darth Vader in Depends, the senile, child-groping, incontinent-of-feces Leader of the Free World. And what really went on in that Wuhan lab? A "leaked" DARPA document referenced an "aeroslized self-propagating bat vaccine" but no "novel" virus. Also "spike proteins". The references were quite disconnected. IMO the "lab leak" story was, as J. Rappaport said, a cover story of a cover story. It was reinforced by that brave Chinese virologist who escaped and made it her mission to warn the world. Tucker Carlson, that (occasional) champion of truth, had her on. Twice. Attractive and bright she was right out of central casting. Or Marvel Comics: "Evil Chicoms made virus more deadly! More contagious! We all going to die! OMG!" Many, especially on the "right", lapped it up. There are other elements to this, all subsumed under the name "COVID". Many of the Wuhan victims reported not being able to breathe but upon examination had perfectly healthy lungs, uncharacteristic of pneumonia but suggestive of diaphragm paralysis. Further suggestive of a neurotoxin, an analog of certain snake venoms, delivered via an unknown vector. As well as certain targeted batches of Safe and Effective. A couple years ago a healthy 18 year old girl in my town got jabbed. Two days later she said she couldn't breathe, rushed to hospital, died. It was reported that she died "after a short bout of pneumonia." Healthy 18 year old girls just die of pneumonia. Especially in mid-summer which is peak pneumonia season. It happens all the time. Nothing to see here. A while back CDC announced, "quietly", that US life expectancy had declined by almost three years since 2019. A jaw-dropping figure. One theory is that this is due to "alcohol abuse in Native Americans." Yeah, that must be it. But clearly "more research is needed." We are part of an experiment that can't be reversed. The US is done IMO. Nothing to do but pick up the pieces and carry on

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One of the many Arrows in nasty nancy's quiver. Covid, jabs, J6th, lockdowns, all to force Trump out of office.

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Hey, Doc A? I have read myself into a corner. Quick history, vaccine and two boosters over a year ago. Tested positive per “the test” and was prescribed Molnupiravir. My wife was prescribed Paxlovid. I cleared in two days, the wife, rebound infection and still dealing with fatigue, etc.

I now have a respiratory issue that is producing. The quandary is the path to take. The reason for the Molnupiravir was my cancer issues along with the pain med interaction with Paxlovid. I feel I need to clear the spike, but lack direction. Any ideas? Sorry for the spotlight; not my intention.

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How will we hold them accountable so many know among the unjabbed , but they must pay for their deliberate murder

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COVID doesn't exist

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