Our medical doctors, criminals they were in COVID, try to say they want AMNESTY, as were just following orders...yeah, like the Nazis...Elizabeth Hart once again drops a MOAB, enjoy this scholarship,
support her: "Just ‘following orders’? Who in the medical profession stood firm against the moral disintegration?" Support Elizabeth's scholarship...
Elizabeth Hart, author, start here, support her:
‘The Covid debacle over the past nearly five years vividly displays how so many willingly ‘followed orders’, and uncritically accepted the Covid narrative of a ‘killer virus’ that didn’t actually kill most people…
This is shown to most devastating effect by the collaboration of the medical profession, with doctors, nurses and pharmacists willing to engage with coercive and mandatory vaccination, betraying their legal, ethical and moral obligation to ensure voluntary informed consent for vaccination, as per any medical intervention.
The medical profession was effectively conscripted to inject the population, with many vaccinators participating wholeheartedly in the destruction of personal autonomy and bodily integrity via coercive and mandatory vaccination.
The medical profession should have refused to collaborate with a plan that ostracised people who refused to submit to the injections, from ‘No Jab, No Job’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’.
Why did so many willingly ‘follow orders’ to inject without question?
Why did so few medical folk openly resist this travesty, which supported excluding from society critical-thinking people who refused to submit to this bodily assault?
This isn’t just about the vaccinators who inserted the needle. Other members of the medical profession not directly involved with vaccination stayed silent, despite witnessing obvious wrongdoing under coercion and mandates - the violation of voluntary informed consent for vaccination. They too ‘followed orders’ with their cowardly silence.
This prompted me to look for other examples of blindly ‘following orders’, for instance the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War. This is the most notorious war crime in modern American military history when, on 16 March 1968, US Army Lieutenant William Calley,
led American soldiers of the Charlie Company on a mission to confront a crack outfit of their Vietcong enemies.
Instead, over several hours, the soldiers killed 504 unresisting civilians, mostly women, children and elderly men, in My Lai and a neighboring community.
This account reports:
...Vietnamese women were raped; other civilians were clubbed and stabbed. Some victims were mutilated with the signature "C Company" carved into the chest.
One soldier would testify later, "I cut their throats, cut off their hands, cut out their tongues, scalped them. I did it."
"A lot of people were doing it and I just followed. I lost all sense of direction."
Only one American was injured - a GI who had shot himself in the foot while clearing his pistol.
This is how mass wrongdoing happens…
"A lot of people were doing it and I just followed. I lost all sense of direction."
I was particularly interested to find out about the soldiers who refused to follow immoral orders, who actually acted against such orders:
In one incident, a soldier, Robert Maples, refused an order to fire his machine gun on people in a ditch, even when his commanding officer trained his own weapon on him.
Hugh Thompson, a helicopter pilot, had threatened to fire on the American troops in order to rescue Vietnamese women and children from the slaughter. After seeing U.S. troops advancing on a Vietnamese family, he landed his helicopter, called in gunships to rescue the civilians, and ordered his gunner to fire on any American who interfered.
Robert Maples and Hugh Thompson, despite the shocking moral disintegration around them and threat to themselves, they held firm... Heroes such as these are shockingly rare.
Another soldier, 22 year-old helicopter gunner Ron Ridenhour, was instrumental in exposing the massacre, a year later writing letters to 30 congressional and military officials detailing the events at My Lai. Otherwise it’s likely the My Lai massacre would have been covered up. Who will provide evidence to expose the Covid debacle?
While coercive and mandatory COVID-19 vaccination is not graphically violent like the My Lai massacre of 504 civilians, it is an assault on the personal autonomy and bodily integrity of billions of people. This action destroyed freedom, and caused enormous political, social, economic and moral damage around the world.
‘Covid’ was used as a cover to make the global population compliant, imposing subservience via on demand lockdowns, vaccination, testing, quarantine, and masking/muzzling, with people in many countries, e.g. Australia, having to ‘show papers’ to work and participate in society via the infamous ‘vaccine passport’.
It appears ‘Covid’ was an integral part of a plot to install a global totalitarian regime via the WHO, the UN, the World Economic Forum, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Five Eyes, and others, to control and exploit the entire global population.
The collaboration of the medical profession was a key part of this dastardly plan that included capturing the population for eternal compliance to vaccination, testing, and masking/muzzling edicts, and constant surveillance.
The medical profession was conscripted to ‘follow orders’ that went against their legal, ethical and moral duty to obtain voluntary informed consent.
Where are the Robert Maples, Hugh Thompsons, Ron Ridenhours of the medical profession?
Who stood up at the beginning of this thing and refused to follow immoral orders?
Who instead exercised critical thinking about a disease it was known from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people, and tried to protect the community from the assault of loaded needles, weapons that were used to destroy the vital principle of voluntary informed consent, to destroy freedom?’
Just ‘following orders’? - by Elizabeth Hart (substack.com)
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NO AMNESTY. THEY ARE STILL PERSECUTING THE HONEST DOCTORS. https://drlf.substack.com/p/we-have-lost-dr-jackie-stone
Thank you so much for your article, Dr. Alexander! By comparing the doctors who were “just following orders,” you have so well expressed exactly what we feel. We felt betrayed by most doctors who were “following orders” and were not even telling patients who had not been vaccinated, and did not want to be vaccinated, that they would be vaccinated when they would go in for whatever the procedure they were in the hospital for. If a patient said he/she didn’t want to be vaccinated, nor be given Remdesivir, the doctor or nurse would play dumb and say, “Of course not, we would never do that.” In some cases, they did anyway.
It is not just immoral but criminal!