I love you Eleftherios, as a humanitarian, a soldier in this, a true intellect and someone we can learn from. thank you. I dont love in a gay way, know this.
Thank you so much for your article, Dr. Alexander! By comparing the doctors who were “just following orders,” you have so well expressed exactly what we feel. We felt betrayed by most doctors who were “following orders” and were not even telling patients who had not been vaccinated, and did not want to be vaccinated, that they would be vaccinated when they would go in for whatever the procedure they were in the hospital for. If a patient said he/she didn’t want to be vaccinated, nor be given Remdesivir, the doctor or nurse would play dumb and say, “Of course not, we would never do that.” In some cases, they did anyway.
The Dems held the presidency during Mai Lai and consequently Lt Calley remains a hero to many Americans today. At that time America was, in words that I disapprove of but which Lt Calley probably used, "on a mission to kill gooks for America." And in the end the communists won.What America did in Vietnam was no worse than what the Nazis did in occupied Europe and North Africa. What Mai Lai has in common with the jabs roll-out is it happened under the Dems.
kaboom, love you ANW, always on point and your white spaces are stellar. thank you for provoking us to think deeper and to unravel this nightmare. you are the best!
Unfortunately the US doesnt know RESTRAINT, which is a big problem. No wonder many people just hate the US for its parasitic expensionalism behavior. Many people and civilians dead for essentially nothing. But hey, we feed money into the military-industrial complex, many got rich, we can show our "magnificiance", look our military. The problem is that millions people died under Bush, Republican. Global war on terror costed hundreds of thousands if not millions dead CIVILIANS. No feedback to Bush or the military personal at all. The Global war on terror is still under way, now in your town by taking your free speech away, Why? Because you free speech is or can be seen as TERROR. People dont understand what "war on terror" really means. Its stated by Bush that it will be the last and most important battle. "Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated." (Bush). Lt Calley was the only soldier convicted. Nixon (Republican) then even pardoned Calley Jr., imagine that. The system is broken. You expand, kill (like Israel) without discrimination and then DONT EVEN get punished for it. Eye for an eye. But it doesnt work that way, no? Seemingly some "better people" may kill without "feedback" at all. This is a problem. I wouldnt differentiate between DEMS and REPUBLICANS here, because hundreds of thousands of people got killed unnecessarily under BUSH, as stated. Republicans are generally seen as more "war prone", as of this fact. Nation first, US first. This is OK as long as you dont combine that with "Our nation first, we must now invade foreign countries". Many conservatives and republicans dont seem to be able to that. ONLY Trump somehow transitioned many republicans to the "US first, but here local". Still many war mongers, war criminals and neo-cons exist, from both the Democratic Party and Republican party. Its a state of mind. So I wouldnt attach the My Lai massacre to the DEMS per se, but to specific individuals who seemingly dont have a problem to kill innocent people in foreign lands. I dont see how this will end well, because you cant do this forever. As stated, I would argue that the most CIVILIAN deaths in the last 30 years happened under a REPUBLICAN Government. Its not that you are a Terrorist, but you COULD be a terrorist. Just look the Gaza genocide by Israel with support of the West. Did you see the lately attack on the hospital in Gaza, people buring alive while needing medical care, how is that even possible? 7th October maybe 1100 dead (if you assume it was a real and not false flag attack). So now Isreal is allowed to kill 40000 civilians, many children and babies? War criminals. Same like the massacre of My Lai, but SOMEHOW no "feedback" to the war criminals.
I hope you read my balance Bulwark...there are many working behind the scenes to get peace...and you too....you write, you agitate, you inform...stand up as you do here...thank you
When common sense protocols are tossed away with the bath water, be it the medical professionals or collecting trash, those in position of responsibility, “Ask Questions”!
Blindly going along is not an excuse! Especially when you know something is wrong. No one can tell me that the Doctors and Medical Professionals involved with following orders didn’t know something was wrong.
They knew, they didn’t care about their patients and the “carrot” called money, was too difficult to resist! So they played along even to the point of “listing” non-compliance individuals! Yes Dr Alexander these people are part of and a gigantic part of, this entire scam called “Covid”!
We may never get to the bottom of this, other than what we already know.
Below is, in part, a new peer reviewed analysis of the “Covid” ingredients. Recently published. This validates “exactly” what most of us knew three years ago.
A “Worldwide Nanotechnological Experimentation”!
Yes Dr Alexander, this is exactly why, we will never be able to get back to any sense of “normalcy” due largely in part to, “Morality” and the lacking thereof!
Our “TRUST” has been broken, severed and in millions of ways “murdered”!
The ‘Secret Ingredient’ in COVID Vaccines Has Been Found
New peer-reviewed study makes an unexpected discovery.
A peer reviewed study published Friday documented 55 undeclared chemical elements which have been detected in the exotic Covid gene therapy technology from brands Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm and Sputnik V.
“A total of 55 undeclared chemical elements were found and quantified with ICP-MS. Combining these findings with results from SEM-EDX, altogether 62 undeclared chemical elements have been found in the various products,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.
Given the exotic nature of these findings, the researchers deduced that the novel Covid gene therapy technology injections are in fact, part of a secret worldwide nanotechnological experimentation program.
“Given the diversity and notable presence in all brands, along with the peculiar characteristics of the elements found, it is extremely unlikely, in our judgment, that the findings reported in this paper are due to any fortuitous events such as contamination, or accidental adulteration.
We do not believe that accidents owed to chance could occur so consistently and pervasively across the various brands of vaccines that we studied. Whereas the appearance of the daunting diversity of undeclared chemical elements remains strange, the clues seem to be pointing to some kind of worldwide technological experimentation,” the study said in the ‘Discussion’ section.
“Because the lanthanides, as we have noted above, are known to be extremely cytotoxic, their being discovered in significant quantity, and across the whole array of vaccines we have studied here, is suggestive of some kind of nanotechnological experimentation.”
Detection analysis was preformed via ICP-MS technology which uses an ionization source to fully ‘decompose’ a sample into its constituent elements, transforming those elements into ions. Those constituent elements can then be identified.
Notably, most of the specific elements discovered were alarming, as they’re known to be detrimental to the body.
“…among the undeclared elements were all 11 of the heavy metals: chromium was found in 100% of the samples; arsenic 82%; nickel 59%; cobalt and copper 47%; tin 35%; cadmium, lead and manganese in 18%; and mercury in 6%,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section. “In all brands, we found boron, calcium, titanium, aluminum, arsenic, nickel, chromium, copper, gallium, strontium, niobium, molybdenum, barium and hafnium.”
The researchers began by summarizing the Covid vaccination program and its ill-fated consequences.
“The experimental vaccines supposedly invented to combat COVID-19 were coercively forced upon the global population beginning late in 2020.
They have precipitated innumerable and varied disease conditions ranging from mild to lethal. This increase in health disorders and sudden deaths began to manifest concomitantly with the number of people inoculated and doses administered per person,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.
Detection analysis was preformed via ICP-MS technology which uses an ionization source to fully ‘decompose’ a sample into its constituent elements, transforming those elements into ions. Those constituent elements can then be identified.
Notably, most of the specific elements discovered were alarming, as they’re known to be detrimental to the body.
“…among the undeclared elements were all 11 of the heavy metals: chromium was found in 100% of the samples; arsenic 82%; nickel 59%; cobalt and copper 47%; tin 35%; cadmium, lead and manganese in 18%; and mercury in 6%,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.
“In all brands, we found boron, calcium, titanium, aluminum, arsenic, nickel, chromium, copper, gallium, strontium, niobium, molybdenum, barium and hafnium.”
The researchers began by summarizing the Covid vaccination program and its ill-fated consequences.
“The experimental vaccines supposedly invented to combat COVID-19 were coercively forced upon the global population beginning late in 2020. They have precipitated innumerable and varied disease conditions ranging from mild to lethal. This increase in health disorders and sudden deaths began to manifest concomitantly with the number of people inoculated and doses administered per person,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.
boom, exceptional seminal writing here, we need this always...I liked this statement "Blindly going along is not an excuse! Especially when you know something is wrong. No one can tell me that the Doctors and Medical Professionals involved with following orders didn’t know something was wrong."
As a nurse of 47yrs it was greatly apparent to me that the WHOs' and Governments' 'Health Orders' would compromise my Nursing Practice.
Registered Healthcare Practitioners' had to decide whether to Breach their Duty of Care and Professional Code of Conduct, and ignore Evidence Based Best Practice, abandon Informed Consent Policies OR to refuse to follow arbitrary inappropriate, unacceptable potentially harmful 'health' orders'. If they used their brains, critical thought and training maybe millions of people would have been saved from injury, longterm disability and death. Sadly, their decision to comply with the covid 'health' orders and the toxic jabs makes them complicit in the atrocities inflicted on the people's of the world and guilty of professional malpractice.
FACEBOOK V BMJ GETS FACT CHECKED!? BY WHOM?-----REUTERS/FULLFACT PERFIDIOUS SCUMBAGS? By now everybody must have seen all sorts of articles that have had notices added saying this or that is not fact etc and had been done by FACT CHECKERS etc. Who are the FACT CHECKERS. We have FULLFACTS! WHO ARE THOSE SCUMBAGS? Does REUTERS supply some of the SCUMBAGS?
MENLO PARK, California — For anyone watching Facebook’s public struggles over the past few years, the opening months of the coronavirus crisis marked a head-spinning change. Suddenly, a company in a defensive crouch after a long set of embarrassments and public relations battles was putting itself out everywhere.
In February, Facebook used its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, to host a summit of World Health Organization officials and tech companies about managing the so-called infodemic of fake health news. In early March, before much of corporate American had decided how to handle COVID-19, Facebook shut its offices, sent its 45,000 employees home, and canceled major events more than 13 months out. In April, it waded directly into the political storm around reopening the country, pulling down ads for anti-lockdown protests in places like New Jersey and Nebraska, sparking outrage on the right. Last week, it dramatically announced, in the New York Times, a new “oversight board” to guide its decisions on removing content, made up of an unapologetically globalist mix of academic experts, journalists and political figures.
And Big Pharma is still advertising their poison, experimental mRNA vaccine (shot) on television, hospitals, and pharmacies! I guess there are no consequences for their crimes and they carry on making their $$$$!
Have said before-------If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder
Posted By The White Rose UK On 04/10/2021
By Roy R M McIntosh
After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!
Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…
So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!
Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
'The Nazi Doctors' by Robert Jay Lifton published in 1986 is a step by step history of how German medical society was corrupted to accept the Holocaust and all that went with it, from euthanasia to experiments. Every doctor and pharmacy who had a sign in his office advertising Covid vaxx is complicit. I see none give back their ill gotten gains from pushing the killer shots. BTW, don't think for a moment that the psychiatrist, Robert Jay Lifton, sees anything relatable to what the Nazis did (everyone hates Nazis). He's a far left loon. It's nice to be able to pigeonhole one holocaust from another that you favored.
Hate to thank you for the reminder of the My Lai massacre but it was such an atrocious act on a part of our military that it should NEVER be forgotten. The analogy with the murdering medical complex is inescapable. You overlooked (unless I missed it) that the med people got PAID to jab. Hospitals were paid, doctors were paid and without a doubt the AMA was bribed too. They are all part of this giant kill event. NO amnesty! Start at the top with the AMA then the hospital administrators. Walgreens, CVS Walmart and I'm sure all grocery pharmacy stores were incentivised too....again, NO AMNESTY.
NO AMNESTY. THEY ARE STILL PERSECUTING THE HONEST DOCTORS. https://drlf.substack.com/p/we-have-lost-dr-jackie-stone
I love you Eleftherios, as a humanitarian, a soldier in this, a true intellect and someone we can learn from. thank you. I dont love in a gay way, know this.
Also targetting Dr. Didier Raoult: https://lecourrier-du-soir.com/gros-scandale-en-france-severement-condamne-didier-raoult-interdit-dexercer-la-medecine-pendant-2-ans/
Didier is a giant, intellect. did lots to help us.
Thank you so much for your article, Dr. Alexander! By comparing the doctors who were “just following orders,” you have so well expressed exactly what we feel. We felt betrayed by most doctors who were “following orders” and were not even telling patients who had not been vaccinated, and did not want to be vaccinated, that they would be vaccinated when they would go in for whatever the procedure they were in the hospital for. If a patient said he/she didn’t want to be vaccinated, nor be given Remdesivir, the doctor or nurse would play dumb and say, “Of course not, we would never do that.” In some cases, they did anyway.
It is not just immoral but criminal!
immoral, our medical doctors killed us...betrayed us...thank you for being here.
Thank you for speaking the truth through all of this, Dr. Alexander. It encouraged all of us who sought the truth.
Elizabeth Hart warrants credit, for her outstanding work always.
Really clever article using MaiLai as a comparison
Agreed. Perfect analogy.
The Dems held the presidency during Mai Lai and consequently Lt Calley remains a hero to many Americans today. At that time America was, in words that I disapprove of but which Lt Calley probably used, "on a mission to kill gooks for America." And in the end the communists won.What America did in Vietnam was no worse than what the Nazis did in occupied Europe and North Africa. What Mai Lai has in common with the jabs roll-out is it happened under the Dems.
kaboom, love you ANW, always on point and your white spaces are stellar. thank you for provoking us to think deeper and to unravel this nightmare. you are the best!
Unfortunately the US doesnt know RESTRAINT, which is a big problem. No wonder many people just hate the US for its parasitic expensionalism behavior. Many people and civilians dead for essentially nothing. But hey, we feed money into the military-industrial complex, many got rich, we can show our "magnificiance", look our military. The problem is that millions people died under Bush, Republican. Global war on terror costed hundreds of thousands if not millions dead CIVILIANS. No feedback to Bush or the military personal at all. The Global war on terror is still under way, now in your town by taking your free speech away, Why? Because you free speech is or can be seen as TERROR. People dont understand what "war on terror" really means. Its stated by Bush that it will be the last and most important battle. "Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated." (Bush). Lt Calley was the only soldier convicted. Nixon (Republican) then even pardoned Calley Jr., imagine that. The system is broken. You expand, kill (like Israel) without discrimination and then DONT EVEN get punished for it. Eye for an eye. But it doesnt work that way, no? Seemingly some "better people" may kill without "feedback" at all. This is a problem. I wouldnt differentiate between DEMS and REPUBLICANS here, because hundreds of thousands of people got killed unnecessarily under BUSH, as stated. Republicans are generally seen as more "war prone", as of this fact. Nation first, US first. This is OK as long as you dont combine that with "Our nation first, we must now invade foreign countries". Many conservatives and republicans dont seem to be able to that. ONLY Trump somehow transitioned many republicans to the "US first, but here local". Still many war mongers, war criminals and neo-cons exist, from both the Democratic Party and Republican party. Its a state of mind. So I wouldnt attach the My Lai massacre to the DEMS per se, but to specific individuals who seemingly dont have a problem to kill innocent people in foreign lands. I dont see how this will end well, because you cant do this forever. As stated, I would argue that the most CIVILIAN deaths in the last 30 years happened under a REPUBLICAN Government. Its not that you are a Terrorist, but you COULD be a terrorist. Just look the Gaza genocide by Israel with support of the West. Did you see the lately attack on the hospital in Gaza, people buring alive while needing medical care, how is that even possible? 7th October maybe 1100 dead (if you assume it was a real and not false flag attack). So now Isreal is allowed to kill 40000 civilians, many children and babies? War criminals. Same like the massacre of My Lai, but SOMEHOW no "feedback" to the war criminals.
I hope you read my balance Bulwark...there are many working behind the scenes to get peace...and you too....you write, you agitate, you inform...stand up as you do here...thank you
you are right, Bush killed many needlessly, he IMO is a criminal, I do not admire him and he did drop the ball in Katrina...
God deals with each of us as needed
Yes, you are correct. Well said!
When common sense protocols are tossed away with the bath water, be it the medical professionals or collecting trash, those in position of responsibility, “Ask Questions”!
Blindly going along is not an excuse! Especially when you know something is wrong. No one can tell me that the Doctors and Medical Professionals involved with following orders didn’t know something was wrong.
They knew, they didn’t care about their patients and the “carrot” called money, was too difficult to resist! So they played along even to the point of “listing” non-compliance individuals! Yes Dr Alexander these people are part of and a gigantic part of, this entire scam called “Covid”!
We may never get to the bottom of this, other than what we already know.
Below is, in part, a new peer reviewed analysis of the “Covid” ingredients. Recently published. This validates “exactly” what most of us knew three years ago.
A “Worldwide Nanotechnological Experimentation”!
Yes Dr Alexander, this is exactly why, we will never be able to get back to any sense of “normalcy” due largely in part to, “Morality” and the lacking thereof!
Our “TRUST” has been broken, severed and in millions of ways “murdered”!
The ‘Secret Ingredient’ in COVID Vaccines Has Been Found
New peer-reviewed study makes an unexpected discovery.
A peer reviewed study published Friday documented 55 undeclared chemical elements which have been detected in the exotic Covid gene therapy technology from brands Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm and Sputnik V.
“A total of 55 undeclared chemical elements were found and quantified with ICP-MS. Combining these findings with results from SEM-EDX, altogether 62 undeclared chemical elements have been found in the various products,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.
Given the exotic nature of these findings, the researchers deduced that the novel Covid gene therapy technology injections are in fact, part of a secret worldwide nanotechnological experimentation program.
“Given the diversity and notable presence in all brands, along with the peculiar characteristics of the elements found, it is extremely unlikely, in our judgment, that the findings reported in this paper are due to any fortuitous events such as contamination, or accidental adulteration.
We do not believe that accidents owed to chance could occur so consistently and pervasively across the various brands of vaccines that we studied. Whereas the appearance of the daunting diversity of undeclared chemical elements remains strange, the clues seem to be pointing to some kind of worldwide technological experimentation,” the study said in the ‘Discussion’ section.
“Because the lanthanides, as we have noted above, are known to be extremely cytotoxic, their being discovered in significant quantity, and across the whole array of vaccines we have studied here, is suggestive of some kind of nanotechnological experimentation.”
Detection analysis was preformed via ICP-MS technology which uses an ionization source to fully ‘decompose’ a sample into its constituent elements, transforming those elements into ions. Those constituent elements can then be identified.
Notably, most of the specific elements discovered were alarming, as they’re known to be detrimental to the body.
“…among the undeclared elements were all 11 of the heavy metals: chromium was found in 100% of the samples; arsenic 82%; nickel 59%; cobalt and copper 47%; tin 35%; cadmium, lead and manganese in 18%; and mercury in 6%,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section. “In all brands, we found boron, calcium, titanium, aluminum, arsenic, nickel, chromium, copper, gallium, strontium, niobium, molybdenum, barium and hafnium.”
The researchers began by summarizing the Covid vaccination program and its ill-fated consequences.
“The experimental vaccines supposedly invented to combat COVID-19 were coercively forced upon the global population beginning late in 2020.
They have precipitated innumerable and varied disease conditions ranging from mild to lethal. This increase in health disorders and sudden deaths began to manifest concomitantly with the number of people inoculated and doses administered per person,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.
Detection analysis was preformed via ICP-MS technology which uses an ionization source to fully ‘decompose’ a sample into its constituent elements, transforming those elements into ions. Those constituent elements can then be identified.
Notably, most of the specific elements discovered were alarming, as they’re known to be detrimental to the body.
“…among the undeclared elements were all 11 of the heavy metals: chromium was found in 100% of the samples; arsenic 82%; nickel 59%; cobalt and copper 47%; tin 35%; cadmium, lead and manganese in 18%; and mercury in 6%,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.
“In all brands, we found boron, calcium, titanium, aluminum, arsenic, nickel, chromium, copper, gallium, strontium, niobium, molybdenum, barium and hafnium.”
The researchers began by summarizing the Covid vaccination program and its ill-fated consequences.
“The experimental vaccines supposedly invented to combat COVID-19 were coercively forced upon the global population beginning late in 2020. They have precipitated innumerable and varied disease conditions ranging from mild to lethal. This increase in health disorders and sudden deaths began to manifest concomitantly with the number of people inoculated and doses administered per person,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.
boom, exceptional seminal writing here, we need this always...I liked this statement "Blindly going along is not an excuse! Especially when you know something is wrong. No one can tell me that the Doctors and Medical Professionals involved with following orders didn’t know something was wrong."
they knew
Common sense Dr Alexander has seemingly been replaced with, “How Much Money”!
My own Doctor did this to me, although she knew she was not winning the battle! She DID NOT!
Thank you Dr Alexander.
Excellent reply.
Thank you for all the time you took to investigate this evil.
Thank you Wild Flower, I appreciate your reply.
same here, we appreciate your scholarship
Elizabeth Hart is exceptional as a writer and great scholarship here
Thank you for your support Paul.
We really do have to get this 'informed consent' scandal addressed.
If the wretched medical 'profession' had done its duty and stood up to defend informed consent, we wouldn't be in this mess.
always, I am so inspired by your writing
Elizabeth is a giant, often unsung, I must give credit where it is deserved.
As a nurse of 47yrs it was greatly apparent to me that the WHOs' and Governments' 'Health Orders' would compromise my Nursing Practice.
Registered Healthcare Practitioners' had to decide whether to Breach their Duty of Care and Professional Code of Conduct, and ignore Evidence Based Best Practice, abandon Informed Consent Policies OR to refuse to follow arbitrary inappropriate, unacceptable potentially harmful 'health' orders'. If they used their brains, critical thought and training maybe millions of people would have been saved from injury, longterm disability and death. Sadly, their decision to comply with the covid 'health' orders and the toxic jabs makes them complicit in the atrocities inflicted on the people's of the world and guilty of professional malpractice.
excellent sharing
FACEBOOK V BMJ GETS FACT CHECKED!? BY WHOM?-----REUTERS/FULLFACT PERFIDIOUS SCUMBAGS? By now everybody must have seen all sorts of articles that have had notices added saying this or that is not fact etc and had been done by FACT CHECKERS etc. Who are the FACT CHECKERS. We have FULLFACTS! WHO ARE THOSE SCUMBAGS? Does REUTERS supply some of the SCUMBAGS?
MENLO PARK, California — For anyone watching Facebook’s public struggles over the past few years, the opening months of the coronavirus crisis marked a head-spinning change. Suddenly, a company in a defensive crouch after a long set of embarrassments and public relations battles was putting itself out everywhere.
In February, Facebook used its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, to host a summit of World Health Organization officials and tech companies about managing the so-called infodemic of fake health news. In early March, before much of corporate American had decided how to handle COVID-19, Facebook shut its offices, sent its 45,000 employees home, and canceled major events more than 13 months out. In April, it waded directly into the political storm around reopening the country, pulling down ads for anti-lockdown protests in places like New Jersey and Nebraska, sparking outrage on the right. Last week, it dramatically announced, in the New York Times, a new “oversight board” to guide its decisions on removing content, made up of an unapologetically globalist mix of academic experts, journalists and political figures.
stunning addition to this scholarship, thank you
Really consice to-the-point summary of the PLANdemic Global Genocide - part of B Hates Mankinds plan for Global Population Reduction “If
Two words: "ZERO AMNESTY!"
They absolutely *MUST* pay dearly for their part in the largest crime ever inflicted upon humanity.
Not a single doctor, politician, banker, law enforcement official ... no one gets off. NO ONE!!!
Clear enough?
zero amnesty is correct
they must all pay and pay hard
fuck yeah, not one gets off
And Big Pharma is still advertising their poison, experimental mRNA vaccine (shot) on television, hospitals, and pharmacies! I guess there are no consequences for their crimes and they carry on making their $$$$!
Howard, we will get them, dont you worry! 100 years and we will get them.
Thanks Dr Alexander I sure hope so
Have said before-------If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder
Posted By The White Rose UK On 04/10/2021
By Roy R M McIntosh
After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!
Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…
So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!
Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?
again, excellent
exception sharing...superb paragraph
I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!
'The Nazi Doctors' by Robert Jay Lifton published in 1986 is a step by step history of how German medical society was corrupted to accept the Holocaust and all that went with it, from euthanasia to experiments. Every doctor and pharmacy who had a sign in his office advertising Covid vaxx is complicit. I see none give back their ill gotten gains from pushing the killer shots. BTW, don't think for a moment that the psychiatrist, Robert Jay Lifton, sees anything relatable to what the Nazis did (everyone hates Nazis). He's a far left loon. It's nice to be able to pigeonhole one holocaust from another that you favored.
Thanks Doc, for bringing this issue forward. We are making some progress, slow as it is, there is some progress. Let's keep on. God bless you Doc.
Hate to thank you for the reminder of the My Lai massacre but it was such an atrocious act on a part of our military that it should NEVER be forgotten. The analogy with the murdering medical complex is inescapable. You overlooked (unless I missed it) that the med people got PAID to jab. Hospitals were paid, doctors were paid and without a doubt the AMA was bribed too. They are all part of this giant kill event. NO amnesty! Start at the top with the AMA then the hospital administrators. Walgreens, CVS Walmart and I'm sure all grocery pharmacy stores were incentivised too....again, NO AMNESTY.