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Over 1300+ COVID Vaccine Publications & Case Reports showing adverse effects, harms and deaths after COVID mRNA (Moderna & Pfizer) and adenoviral vector injections; please share widely
© 2024 Paul
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Dear Dr Paul,
There are now almost 2000 such articles. As of April I reviewed, studied and categorized 1,366 peer reviewed medical journal articles Document teen significant adverse events including death after the cove at 19 vaccinations. I linked our publication below documenting these. In this publication is a second link below which enumerates a categorize table arranged alphabetically by the exact medical complication.
Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Thorp EM. COVID-19 and the Unraveling of Experimental Medicine - Part III. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1):118-158.
Thank you For your terrific work Dr. Paul Alexander. Please keep it up
James A Thorp MD
Board-certified obstetrics and gynecology
Board-certified maternal fetal medicine
Labor of love. Thank you.
Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup
C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal:
The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the
Physician-Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046-
Thank you.
Destroying between 1 to 10% of life on earth is not a concern to the controllers!
Their marketing theme .... "For the Greater Good" !!!
👎 It’s creative drug marketing and
not about good health!
I know ... my comment was sarcasm -- however, I have heard this theme that's it's for the greater good being spewed by those pushing the drug.
Dr. Bonnie Henry. B.C.'s Covid Guru, just get jabbed already, all you hold-outs:
"So that we can ALL be together. Again."
The commercials were positively heart melting... young Asian child, masked, in a car, waving behind glass, to dear old masked grandpa...
Eliminating the useless eaters. Need to cover up the social security insolvency, and the insolvent underfunded and unfunded pension obligations.
I can’t even share this with my own husband. He will not believe me. 😢
So many of us have family & friends in denial. I know it’s hard on you. One day he’ll realize you were right.
Educate or leave em! ;)
Thorp KE, Thorp MM, Thorp EM, Thorp JA. COVID-19 & Disaster Capitalism – Part I. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1):159-178.
Hallelujah! Dr A, Bri, and team : ) You all deserve a Great Big Thank You!
Well, team mRNA sure is kicking the shit out of Thalidomide at the Frankenstein Medical Olympics.
Dear Rose,
As your attorney, I advise you to get off the meth ;))
Are you being serious?
Thanks so much Anacara for sending this.
This copy reminds me of the series Mad Men, and the lies peddled by Madison Avenue ad agencies, acting essentially as proxies for their mercenary clients.
Nothing really has changed in the past 60 years other than - with the touch of a few buttons - big tech, big pharma and big media can peddle out 8bn souls' worth of dangerous and gravely-risky-to-health lies.
Man truly is a savage species.
9-Year-Old Dies Two Weeks After Taking COVID-19 Vaccine: VAERS
Governor Gavin Newsom today (Aug 1) declared a State of Emergency to bolster the state’s [MonkeyPox] vaccination efforts.
Pritzker of Illinois has done same! Both think they are Presidential materiel!
It’s all about ego and no common sense or concern about the Covid con or the negative impact on the human race!
Unfortunately, in the current world of fraudulent elections and many of the voting public being as bright as a burned out light blue, they are presidential material.
Technicality to get federal $$$ for his friends
No, to get govt money
Yes. The “k” in monkeypox is silent.
Good one 💰💸💵🤑
Can’t claim as my own! But it’s smart.