My op-ed: I repost for the lockdown lunatics are coming at you again with masks, these do not work and never did...I go based on the science...see below...face diapers that harm children; included url
Not to be vulgar but people deserve the truth it’s the only thing that’s worth it. All wars are spiritual, and all inversions of truth have a pscho-sexual component. Yes the ruling elite pedophiles go after essence and they do it through spiritual exploitation. When you play the news media scripts in a mash-up you will hear the voices all saying did you get in a mask debate today? With a man? A woman? A child? They also say the Great mask debate and it literally means masturbate...say it 5 times fast and you’ll hear it and then they offer you a stimulus package through Congress. Sorry but it’s true and only a fraction of how it works. New year’s resolution 2022 first get the child out of the house of the abuser! Much love
Do you do yoga in a mask? You’re not exactly getting the story here. If you accept one lie you accept them all. Pannavimutta🧡
Not to be vulgar but people deserve the truth it’s the only thing that’s worth it. All wars are spiritual, and all inversions of truth have a pscho-sexual component. Yes the ruling elite pedophiles go after essence and they do it through spiritual exploitation. When you play the news media scripts in a mash-up you will hear the voices all saying did you get in a mask debate today? With a man? A woman? A child? They also say the Great mask debate and it literally means masturbate...say it 5 times fast and you’ll hear it and then they offer you a stimulus package through Congress. Sorry but it’s true and only a fraction of how it works. New year’s resolution 2022 first get the child out of the house of the abuser! Much love