Strange, that I just had my husband's 70 yr old cousin move in a couple months ago to help him since he only gets ~$800 CPP + Old Age and can't afford to rent anywhere to survive, and I am proceeding to get him off all of his harmful pharma drugs. He was practically a snail moving zombie 2 mos ago. He is now extremely alert, aware, moving around, doing chores and no longer cognitively impaired.

Took him off of;

- statins

- initially reduced his ozempic to half the huge double doses they had him on

- daily insulin needle, as it was crashing him nightly to dangerously low levels

- eliminated Ozempic a week ago, and he is LOSING weight, not gaining it, but then, I started a Keto diet a few weeks ago, and he has been following it somewhat. Mostly his meat consumption is UP and carbs are significantly lowered. He is also more full, due to the meat content, and not eating the oatmeal cookies he was before.

And what blows my mind, is that he has been on metformin 500mg 2x/d for years and a few weeks ago, he went to pickup refills (not his metformin), yet they gave him a big bottle of new pills that said "TRIAL" on it. Not on his prescription list and never had them before and his Dr. didn't discuss anything with him about a change or increase since his sugars are in control and bloodwork all came back good at his last 3 month appt. I looked up the medication and it is 1000mg metformin + another medication 2x/d, effectively DOUBLING his dosage of metformin daily, to the maximum of 2000mg/day!

When I looked up the 'indications' for this medication, it said;

- NOT to increase seniors over 65 yrs to the maximum dosage

- to do increases gradually at 500mg/week!

- only to be used if the current dosage was not working to keep sugars in check

He is always in the normal acceptable range, as he has a constant monitoring device in his arm. He is keeping to his diet regime very well and not tempted by any sugars in my house, as I have been off sugar for years.

So, why in hell would the pharmacy try to kill him with this overnight doubling (ultimately possibly TRIPLING!) of metformin without any instructions on any reasons for the increase, and how to safely increase the dosage in increments. If he had been in the dopey shape I found him in originally, and gotten that bottle of pills, he would have just started adding the 1000mg metformin dosage 2x/day to his current 500mg 2x/day for a total of 3000/day...well beyond the maximum dosage limits and he would have been shitting his pants all day long. Because that is what he said happened when he first started the metformin. It was horrible. They might have killed him!!

Also, 1 of the first things I did, was get him on high doses of liquid VitaminD and large doses of Vitamin C.

Our medical system is totally f*kked!!

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That's what happens when you screw with your LIVER! I just got off entivio and prednisone...my ass fell to the ground surrounded by gobs of cellulite. AND high triglicerides, high blood pressure, pre diabetes, weight gain, muscle weakness and failure....etc....yippeeee..long road back to health. And no help from my doctor...Doctors are just drug dealers now...Thanks to the socialist Canadian Health care system...it's FREE and it's DEADLY..LOL!!!!

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Hi Paul,

You lose weight by:

1. Consuming less sugar laden crappy processed food and beverages.

2. Getting off your lard arse and moving around.

People struggling with weight, I've observed, always eat so daintily, cutting their food into small mini bite sized morsels and eating very slowly and chewing endlessly.

I've observed this many times when lunching with heavily overweight clients and colleagues, and it always strikes me as some sort of pantomime act performance, as if to say: "I'm not a greedy vacuum cleaner guts slob. I have legitimate metabolic conditions".

However, back at the ranch and in private, they're wolfing down whole roasted chickens and bottles of mayo and loaves of white bread, and that's just for starters before each proper meal.

Being overweight and being fit is also OK. I know people like this, who enjoy their food, alcohol and their lives and who have huge personalities and are a joy to be with.

You want to be a happy person with a healthy appetite and do some form of exercise. Not a sad feeder looking for love at the bottom of a double chocolate milkshake.

Also American junk food portions, at the lower end of economic class, are simply massive. How can people eat so much?

Many years ago, my wife and I were traveling in the US and we went to Orlando for a weekend. The amount of overweight young people was astounding. My wife lost her rag when some young bloke in a wheelchair got to the front of the queue for a popular amusement ride. She screamed out from the back:

"Why's he getting to the front of the queue? Is he really ill? Or is he just a greedy slob who can't stop shoveling his gob with food?"

She hadn't been drinking, because it was around 10am in the morning and she only kicks off at 12 midday. But the area was dead quiet after her rant. You could literally hear a Big Mac drop onto a wooly carpet.

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Yes, I had a laugh in a store recently, when I came across a new product for bootie firming .

But from a more serious side, this smacks and leads to more unethical work in the eugenics/transhuman surgery field.

Yes. You get it. Invent a disease or health issue and then sell the cure .

Truly sickening and hard to believe how some people fall for this crap.

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For maintaining ideal weight, the following works for me:

1) Eat real food, including plenty of animal-based products and natural oils (like ghee and olive oil).

2) Avoid sugar, corn syrup, and most other natural and artificial sweeteners.

3) Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs and seed/vegetable oils.

4) Stop snacking and investigate intermittent fasting.

5) Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, while avoiding sunburn.

6) Exercise moderately.

7) Sleep long enough each night.

8) Find non-drug and non-alcohol stress coping mechanisms that work for you.

9) Pray.

10) Communicate with friends

I originally set out to practice the above to reduce my evaluated blood pressure (which plagued my parents and some grandparents). It took almost two years to get my BP down into the excellent range, but within weeks I noticed many significant health benefits that I wasn't expecting. That list has grown to about a dozen benefits, including taking ZERO prescription meds and ZERO OTC meds, whereas I had been taking meds for chronic conditions in the past.

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Still better than Olestra

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Thanks for the infotainment ...

It's a nice break from the march towards extermination.

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I am a Type 2 diabetic and Ozempic was prescribed to me and i took it for about 6 months. During that time, I started to lose my sight, so that driving any one of my 3 cars became problematic and when I had a test for new glasses, my Optician was so concerned that he sent me to his Specialist, I thought to lose my Drivers License for good.

In the meantime, it occurred to me that the cause for my loss of eyesight could be the Ozempic injections, so I stopped those and my eyesight slowly improved ,so that when I eventually agreed to see the Specialist, my eyesight was as good as it was ever going to be and I passed her tests with flying colors - to such an extent that mt Drivers License was renewed for another 2 years (standard practice here) and a further 4 years after that, which is most unusual, only subject to a physical which I can easily pass.

I am 76 now, so that puts me in the Drivers seat for another 6 years forwards to 82 at least - awesome!!

Ozempic sucks - I saw my Doctor a few days ago and told him to cancel Ozempic scripts - I told him it was my body and he would do what I wanted him to do without argument - he got the same treatment from me re vaccines - he looked like a stunned mullet - sort of, not used to being told what he will and won't do, regarding my health and welfare.

Ozempic, so far as I am concerned, sucked.

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Thank you for explaining. I am very sceptical of any kind of energetic healing. People in that realm have stated that "illness is a decision". I find that problematic, to say the least.

I hope you get better soon.

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