I took Chantix when it was new. I had 2 episodes where I suddenly had the urge to 1 crash into a tree driving home and 2 I was in the shower and suddenly thought I need to jump out my window. I called my doctor and told him I was stopping the medication immediately. I didn’t know enough to report it as a side effect. It stayed on the market for years until it was finally pulled.

I’m glad I knew the thoughts were not my own & must be related to the medication. What good is quitting smoking if you’re dead by suicide?!

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Well, what do people expect? The Malone, Weissman, Kariko et al. mRNA technology based fraud shots make people fat. LawyerLisa did a stack on it the other day. Great news if you have an anorexic daughter, some may think, but obviously the jabs are going to turn many to Ozempic and then when they get the Ozempic side effects on top of the Malone, Weissman and Kariko et al. mRNA based technology fraud shot side effects some people are going to want to top themselves, especially given when they wake up every morning they're confronted with the reality that they're living under Biden.

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A friend, in her sixties, who should know better... Necrotic gall bladder and pancreatitis. Almost died. She says mRNA is poison and pharma is corrupt, yet takes the weight loss shots??? I don't get her reasoning. And she swears it wasn't the Ozempic that did her in! Yeah, right! On the list of side effects is pancreatitis. 😵‍💫

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Omg! Why isn’t it off the market by now. Right here is enough information to do so.

I have a nephew on it.

Some of these younger people have been so traumatized by lockdowns and shots that I don’t think they care much about themselves.

Is this the drug that gives pancreatic cancer in 5 years?

Take this off the market.

In the 1980s when SSRIs were put on the market suicides and even homicides went up. Were they taken off market. No.

The kids that killed at Columbine were on SSRIs.


In fact I think it’s part of the plot to get rid of guns. Put kids on meds, let them kill and then say it’s the gun’s fault.

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

duh, ozempic side effects...'Common (1% to 10%): Constipation, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, gastritis, flatulence, abdominal discomfort' drugs.com ...Even this ol'mechanic is privy to the brain-gut axis, which btw, has been known for 5k years in TCM&Ayurveda, so these death wishes come as no big surprise...'The gut brain axis is the collective term for all the channels of direct and indirect communication now known to exist between the brain and the intestinal tract, providing a pathway for thoughts and feelings to influence the operations of the intestinal system and for the state of the viscera to affect all the ways the brain works. Over the past few decades, researchers have discovered [sic] that the brain and the gut communicate in many more ways than once thought and they talk about many things, from hunger to happiness to how much power your brain cells need to generate your thoughts...'


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Have these people tried eating less and walking ?

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Not shocked by anything at this point

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Wow!!! Thanks for posting this up. I put in an inquiry with my PCP re Ozempic as a weight loss possibility but she has yet to reply after two weeks. After reading this post, If she ever bothers to reply, I think I’ll go full Emily Litella of the old SNL with a loud “NEVER MIND”

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When will people wake up and understand that the Big Harma Petrochemicals waste products don’t cure chit! What’s does cure is real one ingredient organic foods, clean pure water, sunshine, and excerise. Get away for the seed oils, fast foods, sports and energy drinks. Eat and drink the way nature intended.

As Hippocrates said, Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food!

Think about it since when has any harmacuiticles cured anything? Hmmmm like never!

The answers are simple and easy, but the brainwashed pill poppers just cannot comprehend good old common sense these days.

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I wonder if there could be an association of the diet shot and those who received the vaxx? I didn’t do any jabs. And yes, it’s crazy to reject the jabs vehemently and then take the diet shot. However, I had uncontrollable blood pressure and kidney issues. The weight has to go and I was at the end of my rope. As Jeff Childers says..don’t cancel me!

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I have not been perfectly healthy over my life, but overall done pretty well. I attribute it more to a lifelong aversion to using pharmaceutical drugs than any other one thing.

Does anyone have an answer as to why suicidal (and homicidal, in the case of SSRI's) thoughts would be provoked by some of these drugs? Thanks for this information Dr. Alexander.

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023

I was given Prozac for depression when I was caring for my disabled baby. I desperately needed sleep even though my husband and I took turns listening for her IV pump alarm at night. I only took 2 or 3 doses because I was despondent. Crappy thing to give someone who is desperate for sleep!!!!

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Callus you say? Hmmm know nothing about obesity? And you know all of this how?

Maybe I’m in a wheelchair , maybe I weigh 500 lbs, maybe I do know a thing or two about diet, excerise and nutrition. Maybe I know a thing or two regarding the death and destruction of Big Harma drugs. Maybe I have zero patience for stupidity? Your pretty fast to kick my ass but have zero facts. Mocking Mary, no I’m calling her out for her stupidity and contradictory comment.

So, she was smart enough to understand the vax kills, yet goes for another drug that does the same? Those are the kind of things best kept to yourself, I’m my humble opinion.

Get off your high horse, it is you who are the problem today, the quick to judge. Oh, it’s not your fault kind of people, who wouldn’t know responsibility it it bit them in the ass!

What was Mary expecting with the asinine comment? Seriously?

If your fat do something about it, yet the first step is to find out where the problem starts, not jump on the first Big Harma pill and expect a miracle, because it’s not going to happen.

People like yourself and Mary need a kick in the ass and one hell of a big dose of reality!

I’m not callus, I call a spade a spade, and really don’t give a shit what people like you think.

I’m sick of the bullshit going on today, it’s not your fault….. really now?

Go back to your liberal snowflake, puppy and crayon life and step off…..

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Is Ozempic in the same classification as Reglan for Type 2 Diabetes? Is Ozempic given to Type 2 Diabetics?

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People genuflecting and bowing before the idol we have made of the Medical/pharmaceutical Cartel eventually get symbiotically trauma bonded to it.

So the last thing they want is to become well and independent from daily communion with It in the form of meds that the idol repeated tells them they literally must take in order to live at all.

If they do not break free by repenting and turning Back to God Their Creator and Sustainer as their source of life here and Eternally, they will be taken down

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My husband has been on ozempic for a year. Although he doesn’t have depression or suicidal thoughts from it, it does not stop his cravings. I want him to go back on trulicity or victoza that worked better for him.

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