Excellent advice. It's what doctors should tell their patients instead of taking out their prescription pads.

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...talk to your doctor first.

What?? The same doctor who told you the mRNA abominations were safe and effective? Yeah, right - I wouldn't go near one with a bargepole (sans excruciating pain or trauma).

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Alternatively, but check first with health and fitness guru Peter Hotez, 1 POUND OF FRENCH FRIES + 10 OUNCES ROAST BUGS + 1 x SUSTANON 250 (testosterone isocaproate) cycle + 1 x DECA-DURABOLIN (nandrolone decanoate (19-nortestosterone)) cycle, for muscle gain, + 1× DILATEROL (clenbuterol) cycle, for fat loss + 1 x QUART of TATTOO INK + 2 x COMIRNATY (Pfizer jab) + 1 x SPIKEVAX (Moderna booster). I suspect it's what worked for this 28 year old guy (see photo in the article at the link) from Portland, Oregon.

28-Year-Old Rising MMA Star in ‘Peak Physical Condition’ Hospitalized After Cardiac Arrest https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/28-year-old-rising-mma-star-peak-physical/

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That goofy and stupidly ubiquitous musical commercial marketing OZEMPIC to Baby Boomers several years ago was repulsive enough in and of itself to make me resolve never to use that smarmy poison pill.

Brain dead Pig Farma pill addicts, if they read it at all, will skim the list of horrificly possible side effects, and think to themselves, if they can still think at all, "Sounds reasonable!" As the catchy advertising jingle still reverberates in what's left of their minds.....

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Thanks for filling in the blanks on these meds. Not that I would use them but others might. Cost wasn’t mentioned but I know for some of these magic potions it is considerable.

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No. The standard medical advice for weight control is wrong and has caused this epidemic of obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. The human body is not a calorimiter. Eating bad foods like sugar and grains in moderation is terrible advice. Humans should not eat any.

It is no accident that many doctors are obese and ill, like Hotez.

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And death.

Knew that would get a rise from some of you.

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Just another way for big Pharma to make money. Not taking any of their poison.

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..."doctors warn that long-term impacts remain unknown"...that is fricking true for EVERY big pharma drug, vaccine and especially mRNA substance. Show me ONE major study that proves ANY drug is safe and effective for the longer term.

That is why you must find any way possible to never get on the drug merry-go-round...it never stops and you never get off until you are dead from big pharma's toxins and poisons.

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With that list of OZEMPIC side effects, I just knew it had to have been developed by monsters....just didn't know that GILA MONSTERS figured into the mix.......Thanks, Donnah!

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Thank you for this excellent advice Dr Alexander. I’ve had few patients that lost 30 lbs or more on Semaglutide and came off most of the BP meds and insulin. I consider that a success. But, we have to be cautious.

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

"energy in must = energy out" is a silly thing to say. The human body is not a closed system, and calories don't have a perceptible weight. Of course we are all the accumulation of atoms ingested, imbibed, inhaled, implanted... and not yet defecated, urinated/sweated/teared, exhaled, sloughed off/excised...

Metabolism, diet, and lifestyle including exercise, all matter.

Useful advice on the subject guides people towards nutritionally dense and satiating foods, plus a lifestyle that will balance our hormones so that we are healthy and can use our appetite/hunger as a guide instead of weighing every gram of food and tracking every calorie expended.

The following works for me:

1) Eat real food, including plenty of animal-based products and natural oils (like ghee and olive oil).

2) Avoid sugar, corn syrup, and most other natural and artificial sweeteners.

3) Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs and seed/vegetable oils.

4) Stop snacking and investigate intermittent fasting.

5) Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, while avoiding sunburn.

6) Exercise moderately.

7) Sleep long enough each night.

8) Find non-drug and non-alcohol stress coping mechanisms that work for you.

9) Pray.

10) Communicate with friends

I originally set out to practice the above to reduce my evaluated blood pressure (which plagued my parents and some grandparents). It took almost two years to get my BP down into the excellent range, but within weeks I noticed many significant health benefits that I wasn't expecting. That list has grown to about a dozen benefits, including taking ZERO prescription meds and ZERO OTC meds, whereas I had been taking meds for chronic conditions in the past.

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How quickly people forget that this is the same big pharma that produced Fen/Phen

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I especially liked the advice you gave in the last paragraph. Wise and good common sense!

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Brother Paul... can you give the readership here a broad perspective on all the ‘man’s’ being advertised? (Monoclonal antibodies)... fir asthma, CAD....

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