I will never trust western medicine

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Good for you Ciara. Why would it make sense to trust it? I don't trust western or alternative .medicine. I don't even trust me. "If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid ... distrust yourself" - Imperator Ceasar Marcus Aurelius Antonius Augustus - 16th Roman Emperor, Meditations.

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Thank you Paul for the warnings on these drugs.

I see them advertised by Big Pharma every day on TV.

They list many side effects that always sound worse than the problem they are trying to help!

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Simple facts of life:

1. Make sure your outlet is as big as your inlet.

2. If it's too good to be true, then it's BS.

3. All drugs, whether licit or illicit, come with risk.

4. Vanity is gonna kill you way quicker than Ozempic and Wegovy will.

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So appreciate your tireless effort in exposing the big pharma traps. Thank you so much!

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Such bizarre times we live in.

We live in a world where we're told to avoid sunlight, avoid red meat, butter, cholesterol, animal protein.

We're told synthetic supplements are healthy when in reality they're a waste of money nor do supplements match up to real food.

We're told synthetic pills can help you lose weight but no mention of diet and lifestyle changes.

These poor women sadly believed in the Big Pharma marketing propaganda and lies their doctors told them.

No pill or supplement can replicate real food, movement, fresh air and sunlight.

Our ancestors lived out in the natural world where they moved their bodies in the fresh air and ate real food.

The modern world is a much different world. We stay mostly indoors in artificial light and eat junk.

It's simple; get outside, get some sunlight, move your body, eat real food like steak, butter, eggs, raw milk, avoid processed garbage and synthetic supplements, avoid seed oils, connect with people, turn off Netflix.

Modernism has brought a lot of harm to humans.

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All Nations Will Be Deceived by Pharmakeia.

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This reminds me of those potato chips that were touted as fat free fat burning chips that taste great. The problem was you had to be sitting on the throne while indulging or else. May very well have been a ploy to sell adult diapers

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Have a friend on it; while I would like to share, it’s like sharing about the jab. They will have to live and learn. 🙏🏼

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