Our only KING is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. There IS none other.

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no doubt but I was sure to say figurative...

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I know what I mean and you know what I mean

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I'm actually SURPRISED he is still alive considering his horrendous drug usage.

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Correct. It calls for a move away from charismatic yet ineffective leadership towards a more accountable and transparent governance model that prioritizes the well-being of its citizens and the health of our democracy.



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Clandestine is correct, this was a joke, to make it look like they were fair...this move is really about 45.

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appease...to bull shit us, as I said, low life pawn for king

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this this, these people sold America out...to highest bidders, selling influence...whores

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There's nothing like smoking crack and banging hookers in the morning time. LOL

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ha ha ha

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Runs in the family.

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Sure does!

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While there are certainly bigger issues than a crackhead buying a gun, there are no bigger issues than a two-tiered legal system where a President's son gets bureaucrats to kill his obvious IRS violations. Hunter got illegal help to get out of tax stuff. Getting convicted on the gun crime at least makes the appearance of justice.

His conviction doesn't matter much. I believe Jill's price for being the scumbag Biden's Nanny was pardons for all. I would bet the first thing that scumbag Biden signed, before they took sharp objects away, was pardons.

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You cut out all the good parts. Or are they that good. Don't want to go there for sure. Hunter is just a poor pathetic rich boy shielded by JOE his Daddy O. Corn Pop or whatever. You use whore with Hunter's name. How about whore master? Because, he gets away from having his name put on the sex offender list. We know someone who is going through hell by being on that list. Trust me you don't want to be on it.

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