It's such a shame people didn't think to research these bioweapon injections first, if they had, no one would have taken them. I feel like Im on an island, was I the only one early on who knew the truth, day one I knew it was a scam. I believe God gave me that knowledge which He has done my entire life, I just had to listen.

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Ditto. I share your experience as well. God gave me the same knowledge. We’re the lucky ones; I feel great empathy for those that had no clue.

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Jan 20, 2024
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We know. They've been doing it to pigs for over 10 years and are now doing it to chickens. YOu can also call it "no antibiotics used" when you purchase...it means they used the MNRA.

Also they are DNA plasmids. Check those out for a bit. Those have been getting used for over 70 years.

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Luckily , I was a Health Care provider who specialized in infectious Diseases. EVERYTHING we were told in March 2020 made no scientific or medical sense. Reason in my household we are "unvaccinated". But the CIA Cabal in charge of operation CONVID19 SCAMDEMIC are experts in COLOR REVOLUTIONS and fooled a substantial amount of the populace:



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They did use a "color revolution" against the American people in 2020, using antifa and blm terrorist groups. There was also the one incident at night where they tried to storm the White House and take it, and CCP operatives were recorded participating. This is when, imo, President Trump called it an attack on America and instituted the CoG plans.

And it was our own "deep state" department under Obama and Nuland that committed a color revolution in Ukraine in 2014 toppling THAT government.

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Yes indeed .

Biden is not at all worried about the '24 election . He is convinced that the CIA will easily steal the election again.

Victoria Nuland - US Taxpayers - paid $5,000,000,000.00 for Ukraine's Maidan Revolution.


The US also tried to conduct a color revolution in Syria wherein they manufactured the Syrian "Civil War"

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They'll steal it but not for him. He's not even wanted by the lunatic left. All being cue'd up to install michael obama, possibly with the carpet munchery killery. In essence, it would be barry's 4th term. Americas first dictator, gay dictator.

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YUP. Glad you know this too. Keep saying it.

Until the American people get it through their thick heads.

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Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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My experience was/is the same.

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Likewise, after all we went through in 2020, I was skeptical of a vaccine rollout, since those who had researched Covid and the fake PCR tests knew this was treatable, and was not deadly, and there was no reason for a vaxx.

The real wakeup came when there was this universal push of tyrannical vaxx mandates and passport nonsense. To any clear-thinking person who was not brainwashed into believing everything spouted on the "news", this was more reason to NOT comply.

And as you say, I was also given a "word of knowledge" in January 2021 when the vaxx was being rolled out here - when I said, out of nowhere to my dear relative - "don't take it, it's deadly".

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Esp for a virus less deadly than the usual annual flu.

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Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Amen Hannah. I was aware of most kf the governments bs bit I was confused about the whole convid thing, even though I realized I had already had it. One morning I woke up after a lot of prayer and was driven to search nih.com and other sites as well. I wss shocked to find a patent for c19 tracking and testing, approved Oct 13, 2015. Owned by Richard Rothschild. How could it be "novel" when there were patents and other papers written on it. I immediately did a search, and different "fact-checking" websites had different explanations for thr "false rumors." Rightthen and there, 5he jig was up. I thank my Lord God every day for the truth he exposes for us. I search for it in EVERYTHING!

God bless you!

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Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Jan 20, 2024
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Im sorry you were harmed by the jabs.

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I have some suggestions about targets if you want.

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This was obvious the first 90 days of lockdown, IMO. Research informed me that 1. mRNA was and still is problematic due to an unresolved inflammation issue and 2. Blood clotting, more specifically micro-clots. If I was able to learn this early on and refuse to be injected, why in Gods name didn’t anyone in the “KNOW”, we’ll know? I am still skeptical about any information I learn or I read, until I “triangulate” and verify, information is has been and continues to be distorted or modified to appease those involved. Maybe I’m wrong but yes my intuition made me refuse this so called Covid Vaccine or as Dr Francis Boyle called them “FRANKENSHOTS”! So many simple points from the onset told me things weren’t adding up. Now, nearly 4 years later and the truth is coming out. Not for better I might add. I do believe the world is at the precipice of far more deadly attacks. And not the typical attack such as guns and weapons, but something we can’t smell or taste or see or hear! Something “biological” something which will only evade those who know what it is. Lastly, when the CDC wanted all of the data involving the “UNVACCINATED” shouldn’t that spark something on larger scale? Why? Oh they’ll make sound sincere and in the best interest of humanity, but any half awake person should know, their sinister actions perpetrated against unsuspecting people should “shut down” any and all propaganda outlets, that is if we were living in “normal times”! Unfortunately, the world is under attack by desperate and delusional, maniacal individuals! Beginning of this post by Dr Alexander points to a few names, though there’s many, many more involved. May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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The problem is most Americans are addicted to the tv, and espeically the nightly news. Which is just now owned by govt and progpoganda.

You can't convince them that the MSM has nothing to do with news....because they all say well if this was true it would be on the news.

I despair.

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Yes, the "boob tube" has always played a big part in the brainwashing op's.

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Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Duchess, you hit the nail on the head beyond the simplest truth! Exactly! I stopped watching any news whatsoever before Obamas first term ended. I learned early on, we were being manipulated and as Trump said, whether you like or dislike him, “The MSM is the Enemy of the People”! Your statement exemplifies exactly why 1. So many people lined up and rolled up their sleeves for an, “untested and Experimental Injection”! 2. Why the elites have been able to try and destroy America and the world for their gain and everyone else’s loss! One statement is the main reason for everything happening. When the masses believe everything they’ve been told and line up like “cattle to slaughter”, how can the world stay together? Who can anyone believe in or trust? I commend you and your most obvious statement, yet so obscure and divisive and blinded have millions been and who can’t see the forest past the trees! The world is being thrown into chaos, for the betterment of a handful of maniacal ideologues, narcissistic and evil individuals, who want nothing more than to have us eat crickets and bugs while they eat filet mignon and caviar! The list of destructive acts are endless. The crap they’ve thrown at the “Hearts of humanity”, will take years to disinfect, most have already infected society and the air we breathe! I can only pray, those people responsible, “suffocate from the stench” they’ve created, before every God fearing, Patriotic American and those around the world who seek “freedom from tyranny” do.

Thank you Duchess!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Of course. The Nazis were not "defeated" in WWII. The US brought many back here in Operation Paper Clip. Ostensibly because they were scientists and needed. That was the beginning of NASA for example.

And the Bush family were Nazi sympathizers. No wonder that GHW Bush became head of the CIA. This was the beginning of the deep state infiltration of the USA. To think, we endured a Nazi President - GHW Bush, AND his son. No wonder the Bush's are anti-Trump; old man Bush, it is believed, was executed for treason, and did not die from natural causes.

These evil people like to call Trump and MAGA supporters "nazis", when in fact, THEY are the actual Nazis. They are with us today in the guise of the W.E.F. and the W.H.O. Some call them the Fourth Reich.

Much of their history can be found in the excellent Substack by Will Zoll, called PrussiaGate.

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Klaus Schwab’s father was a uniformed Nazi. Schwab’s THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION is a kinder gentler version of THE FOURTH REICH ... he knew calling it THE FOURTH REICH would get most governments and Israel extremely angry. INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION makes it sound much more inviting & appetizing.

In regards to the Bush Family .... look up the videos of Bush Sr’s funeral. Take note of all the note passing amongst the group in the front rows. In particular there was envelopes left for key figures in the funeral handout. Also note at the end of the service and the casket is being moved down the aisle George Jr. , Laura Bush and George’s brother, are opposite the aisle across from Trump, and his wife. Someone from the row behind the Bushes passes a note ( from the envelope I believe) up to President Bush, his bother and Laura Bush. When they read the note they look like that been told something of grave significance. I think, as you stated above, it was that Bush Sr was executed for Treason.

The video of the service with narration is online. One needs to watch it as it’s a critical piece validating there was and is an internal battle for power in Washington DC and against the shadow government.

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Yes! Will Zoll does such a thorough and compelling job with Prussia Gate... hope all will review and subscribe to his stack. The unraveling of our veiled and bastardized history.


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I’d encourage everyone to read the document he mentions. I don’t even know the extent to which it’s true but I prefer to hold hope in my heart, not fear. I especially like the last half of page 19.😏


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I follow Derek Johnson, and one cannot argue with his knowledge. I add his input, to the work done by Jon Herold with his Devolution series. There are too many "coincidences".

I prefer to believe that Trump is in his "second term", and will have a third term. This was all allowed to happen for a reason.

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I hope you’re right. I don’t follow this topic nearly as much as I could/should. I’ve been super focused on the fake pandemic. But the one thing that has always stuck with me is this…why would a billionaire loved all over the world (even by Oprah!), in his 70’s, with resorts and golf courses and several grand kids, give up all that to jump into the biggest, nastiest hornets nest you could imagine and take all those arrows? When I put myself in his shoes about the only thing I think could convince me to do that would be to save my country for my grand kids, and to have assurances that no matter what bullshit got thrown at me I’d be safe and everyone would know the truth at the end of it.

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"Gleichschritt": Led by the re-incarnated Attila and Our Huns, and Jeanne d'Arc, millions of Americans will exact retribution. Sweeping across America from Sea to Shining Sea, they will cleanse OUR country of ten million Fauci-China Virus Fascists.

Lock and Load.

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I rather doubt honestly anyone is coming to rescue 5.7 billion walking dead. I also doubt the evil plan failed. 5.7 billion injected is not a failure. Mind control worked. We wait to see the exponential die off by 2030. You gotta do the job folks or forever wail waiting for a Messiah. Rouze up and set your heart and mind against the Ignorant Hirelings.

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This was a disappointment to them....they haven't gotten the population down yet to half a billion.

What is next for us?

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They know the die off takes time. The main damage has been done. Nations have been shown to simply be passive holding companies -sheep pens-populations sheep. So the first order of damage the idea that the politicians are rubber stamps. Today for mass murder and no words, no votes, even protests in the street alter this fundamental fact. And sadly this was well understood before Covid and really almost as obvious. Self governance is mainly consumerism. We are not going home to 2019. We will be lucky to escape civil war and total collapse while morons pick the team most fit to hasten collapse..

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I really like what you are saying. I do feel like a sheep in a holding pen waiting for my dispatch.

I agree with your assessment...we are not going home to 2019, and it doesn't matter what we do or say.

I think by 2025 somehow despite our protests and letters and congress, the WHO treaties and regulations will be a fact...whether or not we manage to exit the WHO. We are not important. Congress has no authority except to usefully pass laws in the middle of the night taking away all our rights.

And then the real slaughter will begin.

CBDC Vaccine passports One Health...it will be a living nightmare. And the sheep won't even bleat.

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The biggest elephant in America after 4 shameful years and over 17 million deaths globally…

Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections in America?

Get to work Americans… https://newswithviews.com/how-the-republican-party-became-the-rino-party/

God bless those willing to use their talents and blessings UNITED, repeat UNITED with strategic planning Leaders!

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Why did you put out this Truth at the beginning of this substack…

The motive behind their actions becomes clear when we examine their unified support for the injection of a Bioweapon disguised as

an experimental mRNA Gene-altering substance into over 5.7 billion individuals worldwide. This coordinated effort, known as Lockstep or Gleichschritt, draws disturbing parallels to Nazi terminology…and then put out misinformation/lies???

Misinformation and lies…

The Current Wartime President Trump is our Retribution for High Treason and Democide by corrupt rogue government element, WHO – This is the total Obliteration of the globalist Deep State.

My response…Trump is not our wartime president YET!

A decision was made to dismantle the global deep state through a strategic alliance known as the War Generals Alliance, consisting of 33 nations’ militaries operating under the leadership of the US Space Force, commanded by CIC and Wartime President Donald J. Trump.

My response…Total misinformation!

DISCLOSURE The TruthStream Show, USA: “Donald J. Trump is the Wartime President and Commander in Chief of the United States of America” with Derek Johnson

My response…Derek Johnson is a nutjob putting out misinformation!

What happened to serious vetting anything and anyone BEFORE trusting???

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Excuse me but we are in a war, have been for many years.

The election was stolen, so in effect, Trump is our wartime president.

Your country was stolen from you and you are living in hostile terriroty now.


And they want Trump dead. They cannot let him be president again because all the crimes

will come out and they will be in trouble.

Pray for President Trump.

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Trust me, Trump could be installed as President tomorrow and nothing would be done. Especially in regardd to covid. In 2019 (cue'ing up convid) he signed an EO to "speed up and modernize quackscenes. He said he took the shots, after having comvid=assinina and possibly not true. He was warned by RFK jr about quackscenes, he met with Gates and then the investigation disappeared. He also accepted 1/2 million from pfizer for his innauguration. He now considers himself the "grandfather of vaccines." He's also offered ramaswamy, wef and big pharma guy a positiin in his next administration.

No one is going to rescue the country, or us.

Thr Bible tells us many times throughout not to put faith on man.

Don't fall for it. Elections, preidents are all smike and mirrors. Seem too coincidental for you?


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BS blackpiller, take your FUD elsewhere...

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Covid will never go away now..we vaccinated into a pandemic. It is now endemic, and given the amount of jabbed people, who will carry it as asymptomatic spreaders, what we will see is more and more sick people, shorter periods between infection, but hopefully not a virulent or deadly virus. Maybe if there was never a real lab made covid virus...it will go away, which is my hope.

But the jabbed immune systems are ruined and we will have to wait and see for how long.

In the meantime, get your vit D levels above 60.

I am not looking for a miracle from Trump...he obviously hasn't got the sense God gave a head of lettuce....but if the border doesn't stop, we are over as a real country (actually we have been over for a while), and there are 50000 Chinese men waiting for a signal. Not to mention all the other crap that has invaded....and lets' not forget antibiotic resistant TB.

we ahve a long slog ahead of us..even with Trump. What we need to hope for is that Obama won't get a 4th term...and that people realize that we are at the 4th Turning....we have since before 1913 lost the constitution, and every institution /etc is thoroughly corrupted.

Fiat currency is at an end There is not more petrodollar, and if the best happens, which is the globalists lose, we have a lot of hard years ahead of us, and a country we will not recognize. The future is now the young....and I am not sanguine about it. They havent' got a clue. Everything you can think of - Education, Judiciary, all the Federal centralization....its gonna take 4 generations to even get through any changes...and the changes are not gonna all be good. China bought us.....Europe is over, the West is over, and birthrates are plummeting.

Everything we thought we had, or knew, is wrong. It will take years and a bit of luck to surface the idea of a government for the people, by the people....I just hope some small corner of the world makes is.

And I know what you are saying...and I think I agree. I want to live another 20 years...ask me then. I hope to go with a glimmer of hope.

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Given how clueless you are about President Trump, I suggest people ignore your giddy blackpilling efforts here...

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Yes…the Bible says do nothing when you see mountains of evil slapping all Christians in the face on Sunday of all days!


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Derek Johnson is a very knowledgeable young man, and speaks the facts as he knows them. Yes, he is emotional, he's a good ole southern boy. But I can't argue with his statements.

Whether his idea of a CoG, or Devolution, is true, we will have to wait to see how this all plays out. One thing I'm sure of, Trump did not leave office in Jan 2021 without putting in place some kind of plan, knowing that the deep state had stolen the election and installed a puppet resident. He is loyal to the American people and to the Constitution.

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Me…the only plan I know of is THE PEOPLE better stop sitting silently and QUICKLY…go and help Trump get in with free, fair, lawful and transparent elections!

It is up to The People doing the right things for anything PRODUCTIVE to occur in this country!

Waiting for Trump for some special plan of his? Not so….except his re-election with the help of The People!!!

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🦅Psalms 37:1-40 Amen🦅



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Indeed. Klaus "Ein Fuhrer" Schwab and his death squads are so concerned about the Honorable Donald J Trump that they are planning to neutralize him by any means necessary.


Their message is loud and clear - President Trump must be elected in November.

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How on earth did this get published on CNBC???????????? I can’t believe they published it because they are fake news and were part of coercing everyone to take the bioweapon injections, and they are culpable as well.

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It didn't....I was quite disappointed to learn this was posted on cnbcusa.com which is owned by some rando. Now I have to wonder about the sources I thought were solid who shared this story...were they duped, or are they trying to make us look crazy?

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Great read. May God see Donald Trump and the Space Force through their mission. Amen.

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Dr Alexander, why did you share this?

This is one of those situations which extraordinary claims must be backed up by extraordinary evidence. I have not seen such, yet. Merely writing articles and connecting dots is no longer enough for me. I, like many, many others, hope that this is true and would welcome this change. It seems plausible given the info on the EOs, etc.and yet, it's still just words. I guess time will tell.

This does leave me with questions, one of which is why would CNBC print this? If it was written by Pascal Najadi, it makes no sense for them to print it. UNLESS, Pascal is doing this for the same reasons the globalists tell us what they are going to do. In this context, it's almost like they are letting us in on the war going on behind the scenes. Did CNBC print this to mock those who want this type of change to happen? To have the masses become hopeful, to then squash them even more when it does not come to fruition? I could see that.

Another question I have is, if Trump was/is still the CIC, why would he wait to act after 5.7 billion people had been injected? To answer my own question, I feel this had to happen in order for people to wake up; as horrible as it seems, it usually takes a dose of reality for people to see what's truly in front of them.

I just don't know what to make of this. As I already stated, I hope this is true and would welcome this change because I don't know how else you woud unseat these socio/pyscho-paths from power. Ultimately, time will tell. Until then, whatever awaits us in 2024, we must all do our best to not comply with globalists, even the smallest actions add to the sum of the whole.

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Please help!

Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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I shared the same doubts about why the world had to get the poison injections if "patriots are in control". I can see evidence of CoG and Devolution playing out, but fake articles like this (cnbcusa is not CNBC) deflate me.

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What we all need to do is realize there are forces at work here who will continually do their best to deflate us, deceive us for their own personal gain. And there is a method to their madness, and that is to wear us down. I will read, or listen to words, but these words need to be backed by actions. No actions, then they are full of shit. So, what can we do? We need to push back, in small ways, consistently, because these acts undermine the large structure they have built. Undermine a foundation and the structure crumbles. And take heart, because it is happening, all around us. Look for it and you will see it more. Time is what we needed and have been given. Time has provided the reality of those who have died, are dying, or been disabled due to the "vaccine", it grows daily and ppl notice (very sad it has to happen this way); the sheer number of ppl awakening to what is happening has led to lack of booster uptake worldwide, court decisions are coming out now favouring freedom and rights, etc. There is evidence everywhere.

I think the other important thing to remember is there are no heroes coming to save us. WE are the heroes. WE, together, are heroic. A clear example of this is when WE support good ppl, who have more depth of knowledge than us, i.e, medicine, who are speaking out against what we know and feel is wrong, WE are the ones who are heroic for supporting these folks speaking truth. WE give them strength to carry on. So, no more being deflated; be aware of the tricks being played. And most importantly, be the hero you are by doing what you do to undermine this, for lack of better words, evil structure put in place to enslave us. It is all adding up creating positive change.

That's how I feel. Be strong and courageous.

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Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Gotta love Qtards.

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Has anyone been watching Rumble (mainly) all the interviews "Pascal Najadi" has been doing with various people? Does this "Pascal Najadi" resemble the quiet, eloquent, elegant Swiss gentleman, intelligent former high level banker who made all those videos and interviews 18months or so ago when he was bringing those cases against Alain Berset and Pfizer in New York? Is he on some sort of medication that affects his speech, his appearance and his mind? This "Pascal Najadi" now claims to be JFK (Senior, the assassinated president) and says he never died and JFK is in him, Pascal.

JFK would be 107 now. What is going on here? Are we seeing the real, the original Pascal Najadi in all these videos, perhaps gone slightly unhinged in the head as a result of three arm needle punctures and maybe some medication?

Pascal Najadi's original Rumble channel where he did all the interviews 18+months ago was called "neutralswiss". This channel has now undergone a complete character change, as has Mr Najadi himself, if what we are seeing now is the real Mr Pascal Najadi. If not, where is the original Pascal Najadi and is he well and at liberty? Or has his outspokeness and urge to seek punishment for Berset and Pfizer and all the Davos crowd left him vulnerable to being removed from the streets as was Reiner Fuellmich (imprisoned in Germany) and early in the Plandemic, Dr Binder, who was confined to a mental institution to "correct his thinking" about the Plandemic, having been outspoken against it.

I am asking these questions of readers here because I am concerned for the wellbeing of Mr Najadi. He is either being impersonated and with some good AI/CGI/rubber masks, in which case, where is he and is he safe, or he has fallen hook line and sinker into the zealotry of the Q/White Hat/Paytriot movement?

Actual members of Space Force and military veterans are coming out and claiming the whole Derek Johnson phenomenon is a fake, an "Operation Trust" and one huge grift as all the people following him are video interviewing one another other and selling product to earn a living online. There is a whole series of four videos on Rumble about this. Here is Episode 4 which sums up everything and explains why this cannot be devolution and a "military operation". You can watch the first three or not, up to you. But I urge everyone caught in the gap between the White Hats coming to rescue us and Nobody's coming to rescue us we're on our own, to watch this fourth one. The man running this has a sense of humour, bear with him. He's solid. And has been as confused as the rest of us.


I also urge readers to look at a few of the recent interviews on the "neutralswiss" Rumble channel and examine carefully the man calling himself Pascal Najadi, then scroll back through the video list to the earlier videos of 18+ months ago and give me your honest opinion as to what has happened to this man.

And by the way, I did a search on Rumble recently and there are now 23 other channels purporting to be Pascal Najadi.

Be discerning. Be vigilant. Please let me have your comments. Thank you for reading.


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If any of you people think The Duck wasn’t part of this psych op and that he’s the answer for the future you are as sick as those who perpetuated this genocide and he can’t help you forget it move on find descent leadership in your party ... good luck with that ... he takes credit for Operation Warp speed have you forgotten .... 😵‍💫this Trump Cult has to end .... 🤬

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Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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