Dr. Judy Mikovits has been telling the truth all along. PCR has always been unreliable and set up to always come up as a positive. I have taken a test, put water on it, and was falsely positive. But that was the only method accepted by the mainstream media medical government. All this did was kill many innocent people, via the remsdvr to the over sedation and put people on ventilators and blow out their lungs. Separating loved ones not allowing their loved ones in the hospital, and then declaring people deceased of covid deaths even though they died of heart attack. You cannot state that there was no flu cases that is impossible. Parts of chicken, monkey, cow, and anything else have been included in the vaccines. CMS still has a bounty of 20% bonus of Covid diagnosis that needs to be stopped immediately. They started this junk in Italy since they didn't have money to take care of the seniors so lets kill them. All the animals in the mRNA experiments all died and it's safe to give to humans so much bull sh*t not safe to be utilized in animals to animals mammals. STOP the FRAUD NOW!

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I always thought that Dr. Judy Mikovits screamed the truth. She is a legend.

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The only way they could get away with the PCR false positive lie was if the inventor Kary Mullis, wasn't around to blow the whistle. Mullis was on record about how overcycling made false positives and about how he truly disliked and distrusted Fauci. So, the timing of his 'pneumonia' death a few months before covid-19 was presented....too perfect. imo the Nobel Prize winning man was murdered.

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He was also very outspoken about what a moron fauci is. Don't forget they also used pcr to doagnose hiv/aids so they could melt people from thr inside out with azt.

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Dancing Naked in the Mind Field...

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See my world exclusive substack on Scottish COVID inquiry which proves the real causes of excess deaths in care homes.

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Is this not an IQ test at this point? We barely got past a massive democide attempt and yet there are people dumb enough to fall for this twice, back-to-back?

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The powers

To be are counting on it.

Scarf bitch is starting the trend, many brainwashed will listen to her . Sure you are sick with no symptoms.

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Dr. Alexander,

Thank you for agreeing with Dr. Judy Mikovits’ statement on OAN this morning at 0830 EST.


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So they used AZT to poison people with HIV.

Then poisonous Remdeisivir for covid.

Wondering what their poison of choice will be this time.

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Maybe this will help. Andrew Wakefield, formerly Dr. Wakefield, made a movie discussing vaccine manufacturer fraud. Please see it if you can.

Wakefield proves again you can't keep poking a bear. Eventually they will fight back.

New film. Andy Wakefield joins Mike Adams to talk about his new film called ‘Protocol-7’

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There is no standard process for making vaccines. Sometimes, medicines get caught for lead or sawdust added when people in large numbers are ill or die. All the human and animal parts put into it with the good old radiator coolant, lead, mercury, embalmer fluid of the dead, hydrosol, polysorbate 80, and all the other ones just can't remember. Last but not least, venom-like peptides that anyone can purchase. Gov and authorities let the industry police itself. Recently, an NFL football player had another heart attack on the field, almost dropping dead on the field. SIDS for babies now SAID for adults they let the pilots fly with a jab 2 days prior and they suffer heart attack stroke while up in air unsafe.

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SV40 is one of their favorites as well.

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Yes, SV40 monkey kidney was found to cause cancer. Did they ever mention cancer guaranteed slow death.


SV40 is an abbreviation for simian vacuolating virus 40 or simian virus 40, a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans.

Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that sometimes causes tumors in animals, but most often persists as a latent infection.

Class: Papovaviricetes

Genus: Betapolyomavirus

Family: Polyomaviridae

Kingdom: Shotokuvirae

Realm: Monodnaviria

Species: Macaca mulatta polyomavirus 1


It was also used in the polio vaccine



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Agree pandemic of the PCR!!!

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Bird flu is feared by bird brains. Prove me wrong.

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Kary Mullis is rolling over in his grave with rage...

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Exactly! 😉. PCR was never designed as a diagnostic tool. Kary Mullis dies right at beginning of scamdemic from some respiratory disease 🤨?? How could the elf push forward if Mullis was watching?

So, where were PCRs manufactured and distributed from 😙? (Perhaps 🇨🇳?)

Couldn’t it be possible that such a test was actually tainted with something infectious and THAT something was introduced deep into the nasal mucosa 🤔??

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Most definitely. So it can vet through the blood brain barrier. Very possibly as dangerous as thr shot.

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Diagnostics creates problems... in every industry. Think about it, do you believe the car dealer’s evaluation of your car when they come back and say you need $750.00 of repairs when your vehicle is running just fine? Well Checks are looking for seasonal products to give you. Do you look for a diagnosis if you’re not hungry? Checking for alcohol at a roadblock is a form of diagnosis... no crime was observed until the reading came in. Go to your financial person and ask for a diagnosis of your investments and see what they say.Diagnosis will ALWAYS cost you money!

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Wonderful analogies!

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