there is great power, there is great evil. And where there is great evil, it’s turning out that systematic child abuse is a hallmark.”; "The greatest human evil of all and America's Involvement"
By this period in history, the *fact* of child abuse (in many forms) is or should be *unquestionable*. Only ignoramuses, pathological liars, or those practicing the crime would deny that statement.
Therefore, the **ONLY** thing that matters now is, *WHAT WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT*.
You and I can only take actions within our small sphere of influence.
Those with LOTS of authority, resources, and power can do a great deal but - guess what? - those creatures are often the VERY SAME participants of that crime!!! (think Bill Clinton) What that means is that they (Fat Rats) will mostly do **NOTHING** to end that crime.
So for example, J. Epstein was a global-level pedophile - a fact known for decades. Heads of state (Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc.) often traveled to Epstein's "Pedo island" to do their dirty deeds with kids, but Epstein remained free as a bird despite all evidence. It was only *AFTER* things became too hot to remain under control that Epstein was 'offed' by "suicide" - otherwise, Epstein would still be supplying kids to Fat Rats around the world.
Epstein certainly kept the US in the world news and took the spotlight off advances in economic development, technology and human rights in other countries including protection of children in other countries but even more disgusting than the fact that Epstein was an American and that so many Americans including a former POTUS and other politicians availed themselves of the opportunties he created for them to f*ck kids is the fact that he spread this American depravity world wide.
What was the relationship between Zelenskyy and Epstein and how many of today's Ukraine supporters, hostile to Putin and his policies, which are very anti-pedo,and who have never forgiven the Russians for rejecting and replacing communism and for bringing in free and fair democratic elections, were at some stage on Pedo Island, whether or not they travelled there by Lolita Expresss or other means?
That's what we need to know.
Some of these people, within the US, may call themselves "Constitutional Conservatives."
They need to be reminded that although, as was determined by the SCOTUS in Lawrence v Texas, the US constitution, uniquely among the constitutions of all nations, confers on American men the so-called "right" to sodomize and be sodomized, this constitutional "right"cannot be used by them as a justification to f*ck kids.
I am SO glad that the movie, “The Sound of Freedom,” with Jim Caviezel, shed light on this crime. It took how many years after filming was done before they could actually release it, 5-6 years? I have to wonder if it’s because the rich who are involved in such horrific acts did not want it to be seen. Then we found out about Epstein’s Island… What is wrong with those people? Adults are supposed to protect children, not abuse them.
The Breggins are to be commended. This dangerous paraphilia occurs worldwide but the USA is the wellspring from which it originates. This American practice has for decades infected other countries such as the Netherlands etc. The Russians are currently defending their borders against it and other American imperialism in Ukraine.
Supporting President Trump including WRT his foreign policy goals in Europe is one way to change things for the better. Also required will be to support President Trump in ensuring that the Vindmans, Kinzinger, Cheney and Zelenskyy along with the Bidens are brought to justice.
Any replies I may make are in response to the content of another commenter's post. I never make "accusations" and protest your false characterization.
You should be aware that I do not hold grudges against anyone or lash out at them with profanities for past remarks or perceived slights. Your behavior is unsettling and a little scary. Please don't do it again.
I'll make a mental note to ignore your future posts to avoid another similar personal attack.
From 4 years ago - - A Call to Action: Stopping Sexual Abuse by School Employees - She did a report on teacher sexual abuse in 2004. No one listened. Liberal media kept this news about the liberal educational system quiet.
Peter Bregan, Dr. MD, is correct regarding health. All the sickos that abuse children, in my opinion, in a hypothetical would be dead. Too many around the world are trafficked for unthinkable crimes. The First Nation people have been abducted around New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada along the forsaken highways, leaving dead scattered. Sometimes, animals get to the bodies in shallow graves, if that. It doesn't matter the sex or the age of who gets taken. Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco are some of the hot spots of abduction in the state of California.
Nathan Reynolds not long time ago, revealed details on he rituals performed on children of the upper echelon families. I read it then but can't can't find now. Shadow-banning...
Nevertheless he described sexual 'initiation" not imaginable by the lower echelon....
As an adult he abandoned his family, is married, have kids and seems to be free and happy.
Here is another abuse but this one kills little children!
A few decades ago I was in a public housing area of a city of 100,000 people. I was waiting for a relative to meet me there after I had dropped her off to visit her mother who lived alone.
While waiting I noted some of the senior teens lounging on front lawns owned pit bulls and were setting them to attack trees. The trees were about a foot diameter and I watched one dog jump and bite the tree a good six feet up and locking its jaws, severed the bark and tore long chunks off.
This of course angered me because those trees were worth about $535 dollars each. My relative soon came out and we went home.
I was a regular on a site at that time as a member of a support group of abused young women. There was a psychologist on that site and her and I used to have disagreements. This went on for awhile until one day some sob came on and posted "All you women need is a good f*cking. That of course enraged me and I had course words for that fool and he was blocked by one of the mods.
The psychologist came on and addressed me and told me, "You are not a bystander Edward." She came to understand me and became fond of me.
A few weeks later I was on that site but thoughts were running through my head about my four children and what would I do if one or more of them were attacked by a ferocious dog/dogs.
The next day was Saturday and I went to a sporting goods store and bought a K&R knife with a four inch locking blade that was super sharp. IF any of you have tried to fight a dog, you will find they are much faster and can outmanoevre a man easily. I learned that one day I was shovelling gravel and and an older man walked by but his dog took a dislike to me for some reason and decided to attack me!!!
I had the shovel and kept it between the dog's face and me but it was all I could do to fend it off.
Yet in talking to clients over a period of a few weeks after, I met a new woman client who raised Burmese Mountain dogs. They were docile but jumbo sized and petting one I measured the neck diameter and figured the knife would reach into the spinal area if I inserted it into the exact place where the back of the head attached to the neck. Thus if I ever came upon a bulldog or other ferocious type, that was attacking or had a child by the throat that I would apply the knife in that area to effect jaw release or else kill the dog
I was discussing that on the site a few days later and a twit came on and told me I would not do that to his dog. My response was I most certainly would of it was attacking a child. He remonstrated and we had words and the final word I got in was "if you tried to stop me from taking down a vicious dog attacking or with jaws locked on a child I would out of necessity probably needed to treat you as an accessory and take you down too whether it was my child or not being attacked. Words were spoken back and forth until a mod came on and told us to stop arguing. That was the solution as inserting the knife in the neck area from the sides or back of front would have the same effect.
I have never had to do that but I was and am desensitized by sticking pigs in the throat or steers destined for the freezer. But I bet you there are not one out of a dozen or more who have a plan that will work like I know mine will. That is the problem with people, they do not prepare themselves for emergencies or have a plan already thought out.
Most think it will never happen to them or theirs but that is where and why dog attack fatalities usually occur. I am looking at that knife now and maybe some of you might think of getting one too. As far as legality, I do not give a damn because it is an essential tool for those in my profession and could well save my life some day.
Human trafficking for sexual exploitation is big business, more lucrative than drug dealing. Alex Jones was on it for decades before I even knew he existed. BTY: Human trafficking is how the Saudi Arabian royal family became powerful and later “royal”. They were slave traders… and still are.
“After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the principles of rule of law and accountability
have not been institutionalized but instead, organized crime has become the dominant economic and political force that has prevented the development of democratic institutions.”
Translation? The Russian mafia became very powerful in Russia overnight after the “fall of the Soviet Union”. They still control a great deal even today.
One of the modalities of organized crime is a type of transnational, national, and local groups run by criminal authorities in the illegal activity of selling drugs and weapons, services of prostitution, gambling, money laundering, etc. Gangs are often referred to as a mafia, a criminal organization that operates "black markets" in the so-called "underworld" The Russian mafia, the Italian mafia (Sicilian Mafia), the Japanese Yakuza, Mexican
cartels are all involved in sex trafficking operations and forced prostitution due to the large profits and low risks.
Since the end of the Cold War, organized crime groups from Russia, China, Italy, Nigeria, and Japan have increased their international presence and worldwide networks or have become involved in more transnational criminal activities.
“Most of the world's major international organized crime groups are present in the United States"… That does not mean that the U.S. is the source…nor the number one child trafficker.
Trafficking is on a higher level in countries
of Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union (FSU), and South East Asia. Nations from these regions have the most frequently reported countries of origin for victims of sex trafficking.
By this period in history, the *fact* of child abuse (in many forms) is or should be *unquestionable*. Only ignoramuses, pathological liars, or those practicing the crime would deny that statement.
Therefore, the **ONLY** thing that matters now is, *WHAT WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT*.
You and I can only take actions within our small sphere of influence.
Those with LOTS of authority, resources, and power can do a great deal but - guess what? - those creatures are often the VERY SAME participants of that crime!!! (think Bill Clinton) What that means is that they (Fat Rats) will mostly do **NOTHING** to end that crime.
So for example, J. Epstein was a global-level pedophile - a fact known for decades. Heads of state (Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc.) often traveled to Epstein's "Pedo island" to do their dirty deeds with kids, but Epstein remained free as a bird despite all evidence. It was only *AFTER* things became too hot to remain under control that Epstein was 'offed' by "suicide" - otherwise, Epstein would still be supplying kids to Fat Rats around the world.
Epstein certainly kept the US in the world news and took the spotlight off advances in economic development, technology and human rights in other countries including protection of children in other countries but even more disgusting than the fact that Epstein was an American and that so many Americans including a former POTUS and other politicians availed themselves of the opportunties he created for them to f*ck kids is the fact that he spread this American depravity world wide.
What was the relationship between Zelenskyy and Epstein and how many of today's Ukraine supporters, hostile to Putin and his policies, which are very anti-pedo,and who have never forgiven the Russians for rejecting and replacing communism and for bringing in free and fair democratic elections, were at some stage on Pedo Island, whether or not they travelled there by Lolita Expresss or other means?
That's what we need to know.
Some of these people, within the US, may call themselves "Constitutional Conservatives."
They need to be reminded that although, as was determined by the SCOTUS in Lawrence v Texas, the US constitution, uniquely among the constitutions of all nations, confers on American men the so-called "right" to sodomize and be sodomized, this constitutional "right"cannot be used by them as a justification to f*ck kids.
I am SO glad that the movie, “The Sound of Freedom,” with Jim Caviezel, shed light on this crime. It took how many years after filming was done before they could actually release it, 5-6 years? I have to wonder if it’s because the rich who are involved in such horrific acts did not want it to be seen. Then we found out about Epstein’s Island… What is wrong with those people? Adults are supposed to protect children, not abuse them.
The Breggins are to be commended. This dangerous paraphilia occurs worldwide but the USA is the wellspring from which it originates. This American practice has for decades infected other countries such as the Netherlands etc. The Russians are currently defending their borders against it and other American imperialism in Ukraine.
Very upsetting to learn here that the U.S. is the wellspring of this depravity.
Supporting President Trump including WRT his foreign policy goals in Europe is one way to change things for the better. Also required will be to support President Trump in ensuring that the Vindmans, Kinzinger, Cheney and Zelenskyy along with the Bidens are brought to justice.
That was entirely unnecessary.
I'm confused as to how my post provoked your rant DS. It certainly wasn't directly toward you.
Everyone is welcome to express his opinion here.
Mr. "DS":
Any replies I may make are in response to the content of another commenter's post. I never make "accusations" and protest your false characterization.
You should be aware that I do not hold grudges against anyone or lash out at them with profanities for past remarks or perceived slights. Your behavior is unsettling and a little scary. Please don't do it again.
I'll make a mental note to ignore your future posts to avoid another similar personal attack.
Wishing you serenity.
I’m confused. So you’re saying there is not pedo ring in the US that blackmails our leaders into compliance?
And as for your Ukrainian flag on your profile, are you still ‘with’ them after hearing that 8 Ukrainian mansions burned down in the LA fires?
The country that our CIA preformed a coup in to oust the elected leader to give this suffering country the gay dancer/actor Z? - People v. Preds - They catch a LOT of pedosexual school employees
From 4 years ago - - A Call to Action: Stopping Sexual Abuse by School Employees - She did a report on teacher sexual abuse in 2004. No one listened. Liberal media kept this news about the liberal educational system quiet.
From 7 years ago: - A teacher exposes the LGBT agenda coming into in elementary schools
It’s discusting these people need to be burned to the stake
I’d prefer life in the general population with a sign on their orange suit giving details of their crime. Let the punishment fit the crime.
Peter Bregan, Dr. MD, is correct regarding health. All the sickos that abuse children, in my opinion, in a hypothetical would be dead. Too many around the world are trafficked for unthinkable crimes. The First Nation people have been abducted around New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada along the forsaken highways, leaving dead scattered. Sometimes, animals get to the bodies in shallow graves, if that. It doesn't matter the sex or the age of who gets taken. Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco are some of the hot spots of abduction in the state of California.
Nathan Reynolds not long time ago, revealed details on he rituals performed on children of the upper echelon families. I read it then but can't can't find now. Shadow-banning...
Nevertheless he described sexual 'initiation" not imaginable by the lower echelon....
As an adult he abandoned his family, is married, have kids and seems to be free and happy.
Here is another abuse but this one kills little children!
A few decades ago I was in a public housing area of a city of 100,000 people. I was waiting for a relative to meet me there after I had dropped her off to visit her mother who lived alone.
While waiting I noted some of the senior teens lounging on front lawns owned pit bulls and were setting them to attack trees. The trees were about a foot diameter and I watched one dog jump and bite the tree a good six feet up and locking its jaws, severed the bark and tore long chunks off.
This of course angered me because those trees were worth about $535 dollars each. My relative soon came out and we went home.
I was a regular on a site at that time as a member of a support group of abused young women. There was a psychologist on that site and her and I used to have disagreements. This went on for awhile until one day some sob came on and posted "All you women need is a good f*cking. That of course enraged me and I had course words for that fool and he was blocked by one of the mods.
The psychologist came on and addressed me and told me, "You are not a bystander Edward." She came to understand me and became fond of me.
A few weeks later I was on that site but thoughts were running through my head about my four children and what would I do if one or more of them were attacked by a ferocious dog/dogs.
The next day was Saturday and I went to a sporting goods store and bought a K&R knife with a four inch locking blade that was super sharp. IF any of you have tried to fight a dog, you will find they are much faster and can outmanoevre a man easily. I learned that one day I was shovelling gravel and and an older man walked by but his dog took a dislike to me for some reason and decided to attack me!!!
I had the shovel and kept it between the dog's face and me but it was all I could do to fend it off.
Yet in talking to clients over a period of a few weeks after, I met a new woman client who raised Burmese Mountain dogs. They were docile but jumbo sized and petting one I measured the neck diameter and figured the knife would reach into the spinal area if I inserted it into the exact place where the back of the head attached to the neck. Thus if I ever came upon a bulldog or other ferocious type, that was attacking or had a child by the throat that I would apply the knife in that area to effect jaw release or else kill the dog
I was discussing that on the site a few days later and a twit came on and told me I would not do that to his dog. My response was I most certainly would of it was attacking a child. He remonstrated and we had words and the final word I got in was "if you tried to stop me from taking down a vicious dog attacking or with jaws locked on a child I would out of necessity probably needed to treat you as an accessory and take you down too whether it was my child or not being attacked. Words were spoken back and forth until a mod came on and told us to stop arguing. That was the solution as inserting the knife in the neck area from the sides or back of front would have the same effect.
I have never had to do that but I was and am desensitized by sticking pigs in the throat or steers destined for the freezer. But I bet you there are not one out of a dozen or more who have a plan that will work like I know mine will. That is the problem with people, they do not prepare themselves for emergencies or have a plan already thought out.
Most think it will never happen to them or theirs but that is where and why dog attack fatalities usually occur. I am looking at that knife now and maybe some of you might think of getting one too. As far as legality, I do not give a damn because it is an essential tool for those in my profession and could well save my life some day.
Andrew Klavin had a great comment recently. He said God has been very consistent in HIs instructions and He has always said, stop killing the babies.
Then the people say can we kill just some of them? And God says NO! Stop killing the babies.
Then the people say how about if we just kill them at celebrations of deviant sexuality. And God says NO! Stop killing the babies.
It's been a consistent message of HIs from the beginning.
The child abuse begins at abortion but it does not end at abortion. Once you justify killing babies you can justify mutilating children very easily.
Human trafficking for sexual exploitation is big business, more lucrative than drug dealing. Alex Jones was on it for decades before I even knew he existed. BTY: Human trafficking is how the Saudi Arabian royal family became powerful and later “royal”. They were slave traders… and still are.
“After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the principles of rule of law and accountability
have not been institutionalized but instead, organized crime has become the dominant economic and political force that has prevented the development of democratic institutions.”
Translation? The Russian mafia became very powerful in Russia overnight after the “fall of the Soviet Union”. They still control a great deal even today.
One of the modalities of organized crime is a type of transnational, national, and local groups run by criminal authorities in the illegal activity of selling drugs and weapons, services of prostitution, gambling, money laundering, etc. Gangs are often referred to as a mafia, a criminal organization that operates "black markets" in the so-called "underworld" The Russian mafia, the Italian mafia (Sicilian Mafia), the Japanese Yakuza, Mexican
cartels are all involved in sex trafficking operations and forced prostitution due to the large profits and low risks.
Since the end of the Cold War, organized crime groups from Russia, China, Italy, Nigeria, and Japan have increased their international presence and worldwide networks or have become involved in more transnational criminal activities.
“Most of the world's major international organized crime groups are present in the United States"… That does not mean that the U.S. is the source…nor the number one child trafficker.
Trafficking is on a higher level in countries
of Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union (FSU), and South East Asia. Nations from these regions have the most frequently reported countries of origin for victims of sex trafficking.