This film was released in the U.K. 2 days ago. It really brings home the unfolding scandal.


Nuremberg 2 cannot start soon enough.

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Paul, the corruption of peer-review is distressing. And it is not the only sign of demise. A couple years ago Science published a letter of mine decrying the abuse of p-values in research studies. I got quite of bit of email agreeing about the self-serving nature of the "p hoax". My final straw was the pervasive wokeness in Science & Nature the past 2 years. I canceled my 40 year subscriptions this year just as I cancelled my subscription to Scientific American 10 years ago when I could not take editor John Rennie's arrogance anymore. I am not confident the self-inflicted damage we see in the scientific community can be reversed in a generation.

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Nothing new! Been going on for decades! Read "Science in the Private Interest!" Krimsky

Read Dr. Angela. Two honest researchers analyzed the "research studies" and found that around 80% were deficient in objective honest analysis. Going back further:

All prescription products prior to Clinical tests done on humans need to be tested on lab animals for their potential side effects. In the 1970’s, a testing laboratory called Industrial Biotest Laboratories (IBT) of Northbrook, Illinois owned by the chemical company Nalco, was the première testing laboratory for herbicides, pesticides and pharmaceuticals doing an estimated 40% of the testing in the United States. Word got around that they valued their customers and gave them the results they needed.

Syntex had their Naprosyn tested at the laboratory and with out knowing submitted the phony results to the FDA. In late 1975, Senator Edward Kennedy began a series of hearings on Capital Hill investigating the fact that scientific research being done by the nation’s drug industry was being deliberately falsified. This event piqued Dr. Adrian Gross’s interest at the FDA, and he randomly decided to check recently filed test results submitted by pharmaceutical manufacturers. He pulled the Naprosyn study.

His review of the report elicited the following response: “None of the rats had developed cancer. Now, any pathologist knows that rats and mice on these long-term studies develop cancer naturally and will have a certain level of mortality. IBT’s study said the rats were all clean.”

On April 11, 1976, Dr. Gross visited IBT and quickly learned after reviewing the raw data that it had been faked. He saw rats listed as dead in one section of the data, and miraculously reappear alive in the next section. This unraveled IBT’s future. Syntex had to have the data redone at another testing laboratory, and they resubmitted the data to the FDA.

This is a excerpt from my book chapter on Nsaids..A class of drugs that have caused great harm. thomasabraunrph@substack.com

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The article in Nature may be dated Dr. Alexander but it is no less valid today. If anything the situation has only degraded further, and the CV full spectrum media psy-op provided the perfect opportunity, that plus the massive big pharma $$$ that has corrupted these formerly trusted pubs beyond any hope for their resuscitation. Stick a fork in 'em, like much of the med establishment as a whole they be done

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Wow! No wonder medical is rotten to the core, doctors have been eating their own bullshit years. COVID didn’t kill publishing. Doctors killed peer reviewed publishing years ago, probably need to count the corruptions by decades not years. The thinly veiled corruption is alive and well today. Nothing this corrupted happens in just a few years. How despicable does the doctorate profession get? This is catholic priest pedo bad! In a lot of ways worse, it affects more people and you don’t even realize you’ve been screwed. My empathy for good docs caught in a bad situation faded about half way into 2021. If you see a white lab coat and snakes wrapped around a flag pole, run and hide! Pretty soon and one day it will be shoot to kill. Truth, Justice and Jesus. The sun doesn’t shine on the same dogs ass forever. Despicable yet I still feel sad. God Bless you Paul A, you seem like a good doc, so sad your peers are such kool-aid drinking entitled crooks with a God complex. Like calling cancer an immortal gene.

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"The sun doesn't shine on the same dogs ass forever."

😂🤣🤣😂🤣 Thank-you! That tickled my funny bone!

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Thank you, Paul. They are SO corrupt!

Here is from last year, about the corruption in medical establishment (and a ton of links).


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The peer review process has long been corrupted. It has for far too long enjoyed an exalted position that it was simply not earning.

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