All older doctors knew-know and adhered to the gold standard of knowledge about pregnant women which meant that you do NOT ever medicate a pregnant lady in any way as you do not know what the effects are on the unborn baby. And somehow this paradign was twisted to : every BODY is fair game, get the needle in. Where were all these doctors and nurses?

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When I was pregnant we were not even allowed to take aspirin. They knew it forever. This was intentional ignoring of medical knowledge and intentional harm. As you say, hang them high!

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I agree. Any doctor that injected a pregnant mother should be jailed for life or in a death penalty jurisdiction suffer the full extent of the law.

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Paul and all,

YES…the vaccines must be stopped!

Where is the substack talking about SOLUTIONS…stopping the vaccine???

Where is the substack highlighting which doctors and scientists have United with Janci Lindsay, PhD to STOP THE VACCINES AT THE STATES LEVEL TO SAVE HUMANITY???

STOPPING THE VACCINES at the state level is our ONLY HOPE for humanity!!!

Why? States Rights is where it is at! The vaccine evils CANNOT be stopped at the Federal or global levels!!

All so incredibly shameful Paul allowing 17 million continuing global vaccines to continue

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