Pence is worse than Benedict Cheney. Nothing more to say.

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

Trump made some poor decisions for sure. I don't blame him for many of these mistakes as he had no idea how deep the DEEP STATE really goes! That includes all the RINO scum that he later found out exists. He was in almost a NO WIN scenario with C19 frankly. He inherited a government with America haters riddled throughout it. No one person could have possibly untangled that disgusting web. Mitch McConnell is right there on the list as well. As are the heads of most agencies. An overwhelming task for anyone imho. But I am greatful for him exposing this for what it is. A literal COUP. NOW its up to us to remove as many of these people as possible from positions of power through voting and ensuring our votes actually count while reducing the fraud.

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I would top the list with bitch mc commie, the so called senator. Don't know who is more disgusting him or sanctimonious, holier than thou, pence. May they both rot in hell.

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You can add both Cheneys, W Bush, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Lindsay Graham, and John Cornyn to Pence and Mitch.

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

As Mike Lindell and others have pointed out, it is actually a GOOD thing that Trump had the 2020 election stolen. If he had won anyway (barely, because of the massive fraud), nobody would have put this much time and effort into investigating the theft of so many votes, and no future election in the United States would ever be valid, and we would never know why. But now we are aware of the extraordinary measures the Communist/Globalist Left took to pull off their steal. We will be watching them like hawks in every future election, which will make their thievery that much more difficult. And look at how many people have been educated as to the desperate shenanigans of the Left! How many people are now awake to the fact that the Left cannot win in an honest election, that they are so anti-American and extreme with their fanatical totalitarian platform that real Americans would never elect them!

And if all that weren't sufficient, anyone with a brain is seeing them in action now, and how the Left is doing everything it can to destroy our nation: pushing us into energy collapse (before their latest backpedaling since they went too far too fast), the illegal alien invasion of almost 5 million criminals across the southern border since Pedo Biden took office, the engineered destruction of farms and our food supply, propelling us into a famine like we have never seen before in this country, etc., etc !

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

They know time is running out for them. The Red Wave which overcame their attempted cheating in the AZ and WY GOP Primaries has forced them into more drastic action.

The Deep State need to both neutralize Trump/MAGA and somehow cancel the midterms at all costs. They know that no amount of cheating will save them in November so they need to bring down as much chaos as possible.

The FBI raid was supposed to weaken Trump and intimidate the MAGA base, the budget for 87,000 armed IRS stormtroopers was supposed to cause Trump's support to backoff with the "message" that the government is more than willing to unleash these stormtroopers to take out each and every Trump supporter through whatever means possible.

Instead Trump preempted the FBI and was prepared for their raid, having announced it himself plus having a brilliantly made video and prepared statement released within hours.

His support didn't diminish it increased. The America First PACT reported that daily donations went from $300K-$400K.day to over $1 million/day!

The Deep State misjudged just how much they pissed off the average American, the fence sitters jumped in droves over the fence. Moderate Dems and Independents saw exactly what the FBI and DOJ have become, the Gestapo of the Dems.

The corrupt criminal mafia that is the Deep State are no longer hiding, they've been exposed and so they're now operating openly to try and destroy the Republic as quickly as possible.

They had hoped to enrage the MAGA base enough to use violence so they could unleash their state thugs on Trump's base, this didn't work.

Look for false flag ops in the near future, they cannot under any circumstances allow the midterms to proceed, they would lose power, almost certainly they will never recover it for years and the investigations a MAGA dominated Congress would unleash will permanently cripple the Deep State.

This combined with the continuing downfall of the Globalists on the world stage has pushed the Cabal/Deep State into a corner, watch out for animals who are backed into a corner!

This winter for people around the world unfortunately, many will suffer because these psychos will never surrender or voluntarily give up their power.

They're trying to restart their pandemic operation plus trying to start a famine and supply chain breakdown.

The financial system will finally collapse and I believe be replaced by something not controlled by the Deep State Central Banks(and no not digital currencies issued by the central banks).

We are in the end phase of this confrontation, the clean up phase after this will take years but the DS won't have the power to pull off anymore of their shenanigans.

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Good points.

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Great assessment of the situation. Makes a lot of sense

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Excellent points! Let's hope that the efforts of those doing these investigations Alcan be carries through every state in the union. It's a huge feat for sure. Last thing we need is our poll watchers being assaulted at the polls. He'll, even though the police were present in Philly they did nothing to protect and support our poll watchers. In fact, they locked them out.

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Pence’s political future will hinge on him to find a senate seat like Romney’s to remain an R or else he will become a Democrat to save the nation or something ridiculous.

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Yep, always follow their actions! It's a sickness! They literally think they are the SAVIOR! Couldn't be more wrong!

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Yep great points. We are surrounded by lunatics.

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

Just the same brainwashed/ brain dead morons who voted for all the previous Deep State/Globalist operatives, including the Bushes, Clintons, and Obama. It has been a long time since American voters actually had a choice. Candidates on both sides have been hand-picked by the Globalist powers that be for many election cycles. And when someone slipped in that wasn't "approved", on their first day in office they got "read the riot act" and basically threatened into going along with the Deep State's plans, "or else".

Trump was an anomaly, the first one that they couldn't buy off or threaten into going along, so they just surrounded him with backstabbing and lying traitors to thwart his every move, and kept him off balance with the Russiagate B.S. and the impeachments, and tricked him into firing the people he SHOULD have been listening to, like Mike Flynn, and made sure moles like Kushner kept giving him wrong advice.

Trump is still too much caught up in his ego. He seriously needs to make an honest apology to Americans for letting himself get bamboozled into the "Warp Speed" poison shots fiasco. He must have known better from his personal experience with vaccine injury to his son, but he was surrounded by too many liars to be able to sort out the facts. I personally cannot support him until he comes clean that he made a terrible mistake, and tells people they need to stop taking the COVID bioweapon shots!

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Yes. To make matters worse, Trump was actually treated for Covid19 by the late, great, Dr Vladimir Zelenko. At that stage he should have known there were far better options than 'Warp speed vaccines' - as if thgat was ever going to work out. If someone told trump they were going to build a multi story hotel in a week he would have laughed at them. They tell him they're going to develop a 'safe and effective' corona virus vaccine in less than a year (normally takes ten years) and he falls for it. The fact that it was coming from people like Fauci makes it even more foolish.

He made a big mistake trusting these a-holes, and he needs to come clean and admit it. His failure to do so is a chink in his armor. Not an insurmountable one by any means, but it would be far better dealt with.

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

Maybe not. Allegedly Trump is already distancing himself from Kushner (we'll see. . . ), and realizes that he got conned into taking on purely Deep State operatives for advisors. And right up to the end of his Presidency he was being told by multiple Patriots that he needed to drastically change course but he wouldn't listen. He was just too confident that he "had it covered" and would win 2020 in spite of the massive Democrat push to steal it, as he was warned about repeatedly.

So he might have learned his lesson by now, according to some things Roger Stone has intimated. If so, maybe he would do better next time. Also, if he runs and takes DeSantis as a running mate, it would make a powerful force to take on the Deep State and maybe, finally, make a dent in it.

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The only reason why that weasel Kushner got as close as he did is because he's married to Ivanka Trump.


Apparently she's a dyed in the wool convert to the WEF cause.

Trump's one big weakness is his children and that he listens to them.

Ivanka was instrumental in convincing her father to listen to Dr. Birx's advice when it came to the pandemic and it's handling.

His mistake was turning his children into his personal advisors.

Watch the video coverage of Ivana Trump's funeral and watch Ivanka Trump's body language when shes with the rest of the family. You can see the tension there and the distance.

The only weakness Donald Trump has is that he trusts his family and it's why Don Jr. and Eric Trump are so prominent but you don't hear a word about Ivanka anywhere when Trump makes the news.

I think Kushner would've been pushed out of the WH much sooner(or never even brought in) had he not been married to Ivanka.

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Pence was one of the saboteurs in the administration.

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I’ve heard they found one of the boys he molested & may have been blackmailed . I can’t remember where I read it.

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I heard that too.

Hence , the selling out. Blackmailed

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I doubt it. Pence was above-board on everything. He ticked off some female journalists because he wouldn't meet without his wife present. This is just a smear campaign. You can easily claim some kid overseas was molested...very difficult to defeat this rumor.

Just because you like Trump...doesn't mean that you have to black-ball Pence.

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It’s not about liking trump. Swamp is real.

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Are you saying Pence molested a kid? I never heard that. That makes me sick. Isn’t there anyone decent in Washington?

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Lin Wood exposed Pence as a pedophile and was banned from social media as a result

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The young man is in Europe somewhere, late 20’s or early 30’s. Sorry I don’t have more details.

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I’ll see if I can find something. I used to think that all the pedo scandals were just political bullshit. Now I believe it-Washington, Hollywood, New York, and probably everywhere else. Sickening. But it makes sense with Pence always playing the virgin in public. Like saying that he couldn’t trust himself around another woman alone and that’s why he always brings his wife along.

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Wasn’t Pence in charge of Covid response?

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

If they remain silent then they are complicit. Very simple concept. There are laws to protect them if they come forward. Slowly, there are folks speaking out, but we need more. Same with Jan 6th setup. Maga supporters never ever wear riot helmets and carry batons folks, but Antifa and BLM clearly have and do wear the exact same garb. This is literally the largest coup in American History and we are living it in real time

Fight people Fight and take your country back. Not advocating violence, but you must get involved at the lowest levels of government and or contribute to those that are fighting on our behalf. Judicial Watch, Sydney Powell, Dr Simone Gold from FLCCC are just a few excellent examples.

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I served as a local government official for 18 years and have seen such a decline in accountability and all democrats are now corrupt. At least the democrats I served with had a conscious, but not anymore. They are the enemy! They fought to protect children at all costs, not anymore. We do need to take our country back! I thinks activating the national guard in all states is a start and having citizens join them. The three letter agencies no longer serve Americans, or our constitution, but are traitors!

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the idiot in charge of operation warp speed coronavirus task force

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Pence appointed Fauci and Birx to destroy the country. Trump should've put RFK, Jr in charge of the covid task force and he would still be POTUS.

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Maybe. But then the Rot slowly taking over our country and western civilization would be continuing. With all the insanity over COVID and it as an excuse for mass mail-in voting and drop boxes, etc., now the Rot has been exposed for what it is!!!!

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This is exactly what was needed to awaken the populace.

Had that not been exposed the AZ and WY GOP primaries would've taken a very different turn along with the other GOP primaries to rid the party of RINOs.

Had Trump won 2020 nobody would've been looking into the election system and seen how compromised it is and how widespread the corruption is.

There are still things which need to come out and are coming out such as proof that a foreign power(the CCP) are deliberately interfering with the elections not just in the US but in other G7 countries as well.

So painful as it is with Biden, think about 2024 and whomever would have succeeded Trump? or even the coming midterms, had the compromised election system been allowed to continue without investigation.

As it stands now it's going to be very difficult to cheat openly without a lot of eyes on the process, the AZ GOP primary showed exactly what happens when enough people have their eyes on the ball.

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Guess being closeted means you do EXACTLY what the Deep State tells you to. This smells of Hoover and his blackmail file doesnt it?

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Pence is just another member of the uniparty.

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He’s such a tool.

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Mike Pence is Not what he portrays himself to be. He backstabbed President Trump on Jan. 6th is what I saw. Mike Pence is a pedophile and veeery blackmailable.

We know there are some good men in the FBI, and that it is also full of corruption and used to cover up for the deep state. Aren't they getting rid of the Conservatives and Christians from the FBI?

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Could be. Same playbook as purging patriots from the military.

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How do you know there are some good men in the FBI? If there were, how could Russiagate have succeeded like it did?

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Well Brian...I don't actually know that. I feel there is always some men and women with morals and principles...a moral compass if you will. The nazi George H.W. Bush set up the CIA in this country and one of the past presidents set up the FBI. I do think they threaten the good ones that if they snitch on their corrupt doings they'll do something to their family members...so that keeps their lips sealed. I did hear recently that they are purging the FBI of Conservatives which would also mean Christians.

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The lower-level rank-and-file wouldn't have had any influence on Russiagate.

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When I think of the FBI, I think about disappearing evidence. Weiner’s laptop, Hunter’s laptop, Hillary’s server, etc. etc. etc. Don’t you think lower rank minions know what is happening when they collect evidence that keeps disappearing? Do you think they say to themselves, “well, we know our leaders upstairs are mostly all doing a good job. There may be a few bad apples, but who are we to investigate, charge and arrest a few bad apples? We are only the FBI, after all.”

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

No kidding!!!!

Welcome to Poice State U.S.A.!!!

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Sure some specific bad actors need to cut off there. However the FBI has been infiltrated by this totalitarian uniparty and weaponization ideology of the democratic party and being manipulated to become a tool for them to destroy the Republic. There needs to be a complete shakeup of this agency for this to never happen again. But Mike Pence represents the status quo and it wont happen thru him or anyone like him.

One thing about Pence as he led the congressional debacle on Jan 20 roll call, there is a video out there of some official coming up to him and slipping a gold-looking coin into his hand via a handshake. Its as clear as day. He then puts it into his coat pocket. I will not put any trust in the man.

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Are you sure it was a gold coin? I thought it may have been a silver coin as Judas took 30 silver coins to betray Jesus to the Romans.

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Might even have been a penny. After all, the man’s name is “pence.” (British plural for “penny.”)

Although, such a silly dance would have to be some kind of a small change humiliation joke, as everything is so well videoed that it was bound to be observed and anyway the value of a gold coin is preposterously small given the size of the crime and penalty for it.

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

Did you watch the video? It was in a plastic cover. It looked gold and was much larger than a penny. He made no attempt to hide it. --- Who's gonna penalize him?

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No, I did not see the video. Could be that it was a deliberate mockery of everyone, that is believable to me at the stage we seem to have reached. My normalcy bias, to the degree it exists, is pretty much in shreds at this point—you’ll get no serious argument from me, lol. I do get relief from watching Kyle Dunnigan political skits though, they are hilarious!

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The vid is in the comments of this post.

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Our founders resisted gifts. this is so blatant, its beyond the pale. Our founders would shudder if they knew what we did to their Republican experiment in self-government--we have squandered away our freedoms for trinkets selling it to the lowest common denominator of baseness and crudity. A far cry from give me liberty or give me death. Most of our leaders are in it for greed, plunder and furtherance of their power. The system is currently rigged that if you go along with the status quo, you will be rewarded. Our leaders have become in many ways no different than the Sirs, and Lords and Dukes of artistocracy that made up Great Britian when we parted company. It seems likely we are headed for splitting up of the country to be broken apart and likely ruled by an ethnocracy or strongmen. The elite of America do not deserve to be in postitions of leadership anymore.

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You shouldn't have to be an "elite" to become part of leadership. But, you do. That's the sad part.

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the reality is there is always going to be a group of people who excel in leadership and governance. its always going to be that way. some people are called to lead and to govern and they should lead and be held in honor and respect. the call to leadership is not one of lording it over others but as a biblical model of shepherding and humility and service. This is what it used to be in America, at least publically this was the model assented to. They referred to themselves as public servants.

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With inflation, it had to be upgraded to gold!

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I dont know if its a coin or "coin-shaped" medallion or whatever. It would interesting if someone can figure out what it is...


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That would fit Pence, IMO.

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Don't trust him. EVER!

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Thank you for for your service Joni. It's time for a new generation of fighters on the RIGHT. WE NEED folks to step up. I support what I feel are the best options both locally and federally. We are making gains no matter what the MSM tells their followers. Follow Sydney Powell and her Friday email details the GOOD NEWS. It's like wind in my sails!

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Do you have a subscribe link for Sydney Powell?

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We don't want the FBI defunded, we want it cleaned out of it's corrupt individuals.

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Is there a Constitutional authority for the federal government to have an agency called the FBI? Didn't think so... just like the BATFE... so, no, pence, it's not even comparable. It's actually correct to call for removal of ANY federal organization that's not authorized by the CONSTITUTION.

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More traitorous behavior from a proven traitor. What else is new?

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Once again, once revered brother Pence turncoats Trump. His Holy Spirit filter has been compromised for sins known to man since the beginning of time ... the love of Riches, Pride & Power.

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If you endorse this scumbag, you ARE NOT a conservative republican. I saw a very large yard sign today that said "VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT...THEY VOTE FOR YOU

Must be the home of a Democrat politician

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Pence was always the sleeper within! a traitor who always dreamed being put in charge by the DS. He has lost all credibility in our eyes

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