Judas Pence.

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Pence cannot untangle himself from that mess he enabled! Scott Atlas M.D. book told the stories! Pence has defended his "leadership" of the Task Force before as he is proud of everything and what they accomplished!

Ha ha ha!

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Thank you Dr. Alexander for posting this article and your comment about Pence who should be held accountable for his role as the leader of the pandemic task force. Pence was obviously in lock-step with Fauci, Birx and Collins accepting their devastating lock-down policies and obviously he must have persuaded to keep Fauci on-board the task force after Trump was warned about Fauci's nefarious past early-on in April of 2020 by Dr. Peter Breggin in a formal letter and we know that Peter Navarro also warned Trump about not trusting Fauci. I believe that Trump may have wanted to replace Fauci prior to the fall of 2020 but was likely pressured by Pence to keep him on-board. Until now, I have never heard Pence publicly criticize Fauci. Pence is forced to distance himself from Fauci if he is planning to run in 2024 as he is aware that conservatives despise Fauci and believe that he has committed crimes against humanity and should be prosecuted! Conservative also know that Mike Pence exposed himself as a sell-out to the DC cartel when he refused to exercise the authority he had as Senate leader on Jan. 6th to delay the certification of the electoral college votes with the challenges that were presented about the vote count from several state. These valid and substantiated challenges were being submitted before the Senate that day by Senators Cruz and Hawley and Pence was made aware of the legitimate challenges to the vote counts by Trump before Jan. 6th (Trump had ample evidence that was presented to him by Sydney Powell and Lin Wood and Rudy G). Mark Levin has stated on his radio show several times that Mike Pence could have delayed the electoral college vote to allow time for the state legislatures to do recounts and file legal challenges in their states requesting emergency judicial hearings to expedite rulings on the charges of manipulation of the vote count and out-right fraud with ballot harvesting and mail-in ballots delivered after the polls closed in some states,and of course, the infiltration of the Dominion vote tabulating machines! Mike Pence turned out to be one of the many traitors in Trump's White House.

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Good, I'm glad he's tied to them. We don't need that BS in the White House any more than we need the BS we already have.

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He cannot distance himself from his past working relationship with the list of same criminals. They were a team long before Covid. Pence reassembled his deadly team for the 2020 task force. He was always in on the plan-demic.

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Pence is toast

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Pence is useless and [DS]. He’s wasting his time to run as GOP since he is a RINO.

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Pence is not a conservative and tainted by Fraudchi. No thanks. We don't need a DS Rino.

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this traitorous, psychopathic Rino needs to be held accountable, just like Fraudci, Birx, Collins and all the other cretins.

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Pence was part of Bush’s Anthrax Killer coverup , Dark Winter and knew about Bush/Cheney giving the go ahead for Gain Of Function research and promoting Fauci to oversee the Pentagon/BARDA/DOD Biowarfare research at Ft Detrick and other biolabs in the US and elsewhere. Nuland, Gergen, Ashcroft, Kadlec , Pharma,Johns-Hopkins,Judith Miller we’re all involved, the hierarchy was taking Cipro beforehand, Mueller was sicced on Drs Hatfill and Ivins. And this took place months prior to 9/11. Because they knew damn well an attack was imminent.

Fuck Pence, Mitch, Burr,Graham, McShitstain, Petraeus, Liz Cheney, Condi Rice, Brennan, Cofer-Black,Colin Powell and the whole lot of them who kept quiet, including Leahy

And the UniParty apparatchiks.

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Pence was supposed to manage Fauci and Birx. HE FAILED. His grade is an F.

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Mannequin Mike was always a Bushy. I never, ever trusted him.

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Too late Pence! You should never have gotten on the elevator with the evil Elf.

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Pence is a professional politician. You have to go where the power goes. He was a follower not a leader and he followed the NWO money structure. Would have made a good veep for either Bush 1st or Bush 2nd. I think there is another Bush bro waiting but I can’t remember his name ...

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Pence didn't try to distance himself. As he correctly said, Fauci played a lesser role under Trump than under Biden.

The US is a republic. The federal government has no power nor authority to shutdown states. When the former wants the latter to do something, they use bribes. As controller of the purse strings, Congress authorizes and funds these. So, the GOP-controlled Senate and Dem-controlled House used taxed and borrowed funds to pay states, locales, schools, and the private sector to oppress us. More was passed when the Dems controlled both chambers.

During the 2022 cycle, the GOP and Dem bases allowed their elitists yet again to rig primaries and the general and did not purge the Congress creatures who were up for reelection and voted in favor of the oppression funding. These two bases have been programmed to spend (almost) all their time and energy attacking each other and punching bags.

I read a post today that the two monster bills Congress passed not too long ago contain funding to install more sections of the digital tyranny system locally that will be used to totally control us. Stop complaining about the clowns at the national level in DC, the CDC and other countries. Suggest focusing on trying to stop this issue and rigged elections locally and in your own state.

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