Yes, agree. Biden regime keeps poking the bear.

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"Due to the frequency of human-bear encounters, the B.C. Fish and Wildlife Branch is advising hikers, hunters, fishermen and any persons that use the out-of-doors in a recreational or work related function to take extra precautions while in the field.

We advise the outdoorsman to wear little noisy bells on clothing so as to give advanced warning to any bears that might be close by so you don’t take them by surprise.

We also advise anyone using the out-of-doors to carry “Pepper Spray” with them in case of an encounter with a bear.

Outdoorsmen should also be on the watch for fresh bear activity, and be able to tell the difference between black bear feces and grizzly bear feces. Black bear feces is smaller and contains lots of berries and squirrel fur. Grizzly bear shit has little bells in it and smells like pepper."


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I have been on Putin's side thru this "war" which I like to call a money laundering scheme. Zelensky is just a comedian who was placed into power because he wouldn't rock the boat. I feel terrible for the Ukrainian people, they are being slaughtered and left with nothing, Putin has been more than accommodating with Biden and Zelensky but that could change on a dime.

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Russia is the decoy while China gets ready to move on Taiwan and Iran prepares for their own attacks on the United States. With our reduced military capacity (thanks to Joe Biden sending unrestricted levels of armaments to Ukraine and the draining of our strategic oil reserves) we are not positioned to fight a war on one front, much less three. Our adversaries know this.

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We haven't have a legitimate place in any of the unconstitutional acts of military treason committed since WW2.

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I really don’t think China is going to attack anyone in the near future, they just want to do business and make money. Chinese warfare is of the economic variety.

The same media who pimped the war on Middle Eastern brown people, the same media who is pimping this Slav war is pimping “China bad”. It’s a trap. It’s an excuse to get the public behind more investment into the military industrial complex.

And Iran is no threat to the US. The first place they will attack (if they ever do) will be Israel. Let the Israel deal with it...not my problem.

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CK, I don't necessarily believe China will attack us but they are currently poised to either invade or blockade Taiwan.

On top of the fact that either move would be devestating for our economy, would we stand for that? The other note would be that China would then control almost all of the shipping lanes, giving them economic domination. As far as Iran goes, anytime they speak of eliminating Israel, they also speak of destroying the United States. That would be our problem.

I agree with you to some extent about the military industrial machine and believe that is driving our investments in the Ukraine. There is a lot of money flowing and changing hands behind the curtains right now!

However, we can't ignore the actions of others and need to be prepared. An invasion or blockade of Taiwan would have a much more direct influence on the health of our country than anything happening in the Ukraine, which from a strategic perspective is more pivotal for Europe than the United States. Then, there is the fact that China's economy may need a war to save it.....

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Good comment. I think China is posturing and the US media is creating the issue. China has not historically been militarily aggressive like the US has been. Only time will tell.

The fact that Israel’s problems are our problems is a problem and lends credence to the ZOG argument IMO.

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Chicom Unconvential .Unrestricted Warfare on the USA seems to be working "just fine" into our conversion into the USSA. So perhaps the "hopefully Rational" Xi ChiComs will continue with their current Progoms of subversion and capitulation of the USA.

"Our" Feral DC Coup gov seems to be quite captured. The "good news" of this is the ChiComs may not resort to WW3 and just add/keep the USSA to/in their growing list of Economic Vassal Countries. I spit at the thought/reality.


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Do you happen to know why Moderna is going into China?

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I had not heard about that. It’s certainly good for Moderna...huge market.

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What do you think China or their people will be doing for Moderna there?

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I think you're right.

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Although if Putin did a "little" damage to the DC Swamp, we just might get our country back.

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Putin has no interest in our swamp. He is shrinking the same problem in Russia.

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and is the "same problem" Shrinking Here in the USSA??? and historically the Deep Statists Here Use False Flags to scare the sheeples into obedience.

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If you insist on demonstrating your break with reality by imagining there is a USSA, only psychiatric therapy can help you understand.

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The current Feral Coup gov is not the USSA??? Foreign & Domestic Traitors = USSA. my friend.

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Agree! The illegitimate gov wants you to think Putin-bad.😂😂 No, NATO , UN-bad!

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If all you know about the Ukraine is based upon the corrupt world wide main stream news then you are incapable of understanding any of this. Think human & child trafficking, big pharma bio weapons R&D, Biden crime family interconnections, adrenachrome production infrastructure. I believe Putin is waging a campaign to deal with the aforementioned issues and I salute him.

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Bannon on the "Warroom" today had ex-ambassador Rick Grenell who talked about the expansion of the Ukraine Biden War Machine into the Balkans. It's a big worry that the fighting will expand into that area as well. The DOJ Prosecutor, Jack Smith, the one that is going after Trump ran the international Court in Corsiva. Grenell had brokered a deal to get the International court out of the area and reduce NATO troops. He says "I made a mistake and told the DOJ what I was doing". The DOJ had Jack Smith arrest the President of Corsiva on false charges and he's been sitting in prison ever since so that the International Court and Nato could stop Grenell's plan to return their Country back to them. The DOJ recalled Jack Smith from the INternational Court to go after Trump.

Every facet of our lives and governance is corrupted by these people and their agenda for a New World Order.

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Saw that segment as well, it's a valuable sorce of info .......


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The Russian SMO would never have been required to enforce the Minsk agreements if the Ukraine had honored their agreed to commitments to them.

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Did someone hack your account? I thought you were a Zelensky shill.

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Zelensky should be in Gitmo instead of all the unprosecuted and innocent people being tortured there.

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Is the "Choice" a CW or a WW??? We/Me/You keep Hoping it isn't "the Choice", BUT How much longer can we put up with the Abuse of this Illegal Corrupt Feral Coup gov. ???

Thanks to Mr Putin for putting up with OUR Negligent lack of controlling Foreign Wars; ....... or Our Own Country. We just sit and allow ourselves to be Invaded over the southern borderless area, including 80,000 + trafficked children for sex and ritual abuse/deaths. We can't even impose Sanity. Need I say more? Words are wholly inadequate to stir the deadened souls of the USSA. I Spit.

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The crooks in D.C., both parties, have a dog in the hunt. They’ve been funding color revolutions, bioweapon labs, (along the Russian border), and money laundering through Ukraine. They can’t allow the truth to come out, and it would have if there hadn’t been the intervention.

Now the military industrial complex is happy and making millions, the politicians are getting their kickbacks, and the truth is what suffers. By the time that war winds down, people will be apathetic as to Washington’s reasons for getting involved.

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Assuming the UN-NATO Mother WEFers don't prompt WW 3. Which not to burst any "Normie" bubbled sheeples, will not be "far away" with 3rd World adversaries. Like the "good germans" perhaps We/Me/You will Need and Get a "SRA", Severe Reality Adjustment.

CYA, "conduct yourselves accordingly".


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Here’s an interesting substack writer who is an American living in Russia:


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Putin has shown restraint. But, he answers to Xi for a major escalation. Biden answers to Xi. Ultimately Xi gets what he wants.

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US is ringing the dinner bell for China right now. Saying they are out of 155mm shells, Javelin missiles and Stinger missiles. And "Woopsies" we just found out it will take 2 to 18 years to replace them. And we emptied the Strategic Petroleum reserve...and are Generals are mostly 2slgbtqia++. Come and get it!

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Yes, agree with Pennynp77. Sadly, my son has been deployed overseas to join with other countries and NATO. This is so annoying to me. Wish Canada had a better leader and I just pray that Putin has more patience.

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Eisenhower warned us to beware of the military-industrial complex. The M-I folks love a good war. It puts more money into the hands of the wealthy (which is why the WEF/globalist "elites" haven't said a word). Russia has its own M-I complex which Putin is feeding. As always, follow the money.

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Totally agree

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