Dr. William Makis rightly reminds us that COVID-19 vaccines are banned for kids under 18 in Scandinavian countries & so why are they still mandated in Canada? Where are the Premiers? these jabs kill
I can't think of anything more vile and despicable than a child killer. Even in prisons these people rank at the bottom of the hierarchy and are despised by the other prisoners, just as they are in the broader community. And yet in the broader community they are the leaders at the top of the hierarchy. They get away with this and are never held to account.
I suspect that if an indoctrinated skeptic of the truth could see the nature of mind control and societal
subversion, it may help. We have all undergone such psyop teaching but some of us survived it intact. They can too. If encouraged to look at the evidence of it, which surrounds us.
Dunno, not all, but all is not needed. If just 10% of the jabbed become extremely angry, that is one hell of a pitchforked mob. And, once the truth trickles through it will be likely be somewhat more as the anger will spread far faster than any contagion.
I am visiting Canada and forced to interact with the Rat Juiced. They are not awake - they are not aware of the epic vax injuries... they continue to believe exactly what CNNBBC tells them to believe.
Check out the Canadian women. Is it true that they are enamoured of Justin Trudeau and would sleep with him in a heartbeat if he was into females or adults?
Indeed, Awake! Trudeau’s pencil neck would last about 5 minutes in the Fed Pen. Crunch! Snap! Done slowly, it would be a warning to would-be dicktators of Canada.
Why are leaders across the world killing their children ... injecting their military forces... running billion dollar campaigns to inject as many people as possible...
Maybe they know something we don't... and they believe exterminating us is necessary?
Of course nobody on SS wants to consider what is staring them right in the face. That would be even more horrifying than the current understanding of the situation
Emeritus Professor Guy McPherson says he has reviewed the data on Arctic methane release since 2009 again and again, hoping to find something that shows he'wrong and he cannot.
He says the conditions that were present in all of Earth's earlier mass extinctions are now present and that this is being covered up by governments, the UN and climate scientists.
He says the only reason our species is not extinct right now is because the pollution we produce has formed a protective shield in the upper atmosphere but it will not protect us for much longer.
An evolutionary biologist and species adaptation capability specialist, McPherson has retrained as a grief counsellor and has trained others.
He says no one here gets out alive.
McPherson predicts extinction well before the end of the decade and says that it is unstoppable.
Millions will die simultaneously in a single day.
When this happens, riots will break out.
This could be why governments and the WEF want to exterminates us now in advance of the mass extinction.
You know - back in the day when I believed man was burning up the planet -- I read Guy... and he said the permafrost was melting and would cause and explosive release of methane that would sink the planet... I bought into that...
But I waited .. and waited... and waited... and nothing happened...
Guy has fallen into deep despair because it's not happened... he needs counselling to deal with it
Global warming has been happening since the beginning of time -- man has minimal impact on climate...
Leo Dicarpio - a key spokesman for the global warming hoax... is building a multi million dollar resort in Belize... inches above the current level of the sea.
You'd think a Green Groupie would look at this -- and realize they've been played.
This is where we are. Impossibly. Children being killed via state sanctioned policies and we can't stop it. Twilight Zone could not have captured this level of atrocity. And that's how it continues - people won't believe it. God help us.
Blame the parents ! There is no helping them and don't forget these same idiots are the ones who enjoyed the fact that we couldn't eat with them in restaurants, fly with them on a plane and would have enjoyed turning us over to the covid squad for a one way trip to FEMA camps had we not stopped the first wave. Sucks for their children but the sheep will not wake up and are responsible for their own lambs at this point.
Agree, it only takes 5% to make that happen. The sheep will simply follow as they always do. Doesn't appear to be help or hope in voting, politicians, judicial systems, police , militairy and certainly not media. Everything that made a free society has in a few short years been corrupted and we are on a slippery slope that your option looks like the only way out sadly.
Aye Paul, agree on all points, including it's sad this is the only option. A decentralized strike on this system would work. Example,vwe choose a day and time. 5% is 15M people, working independently, doing as much damage as their conscious allows to the seats of institutional power. No police agency can fight that, no cabal can withstand it. Better the West is obliterated, than to be used as a giant prison with velvet bars. Hail Victory.
Problem is and will only get worse is that the system required to do this is absolutely corrupted and will not pursue this course of action. We are at the final stages of totalatarianism and he controls the law and order under his tyrannical rule. Canada is already a communist state and in a few short years our freedoms we remember not that long ago will be just fond memories of what used to be. Solution is just above these comments
Why waste time and money going to med school. If it's just following orders, install a computer in offices, no doctor needed. Punch in your symptoms. AI blood draw, body scanner. Print it out and go to the pharmacy.
So, in essence, everything is going to plan (if you are a despicable follower of the WEF, that is).
After all, the real goal of the jabs has been depopulation, right? Kill people directly (elderly, kids, athletes), render women infertile, and create enough false flag havoc (lockdowns, mask mandates) to raise the level of overall depression of the population such that more people are pushed to the edge of sanity and shoot others or kill themselves. And all while allowing Klaus & Co. plausible deniability.
That minions like the greaseball Fauci and most Democrat politicians need to be tried for treason (death penalty for that, right?) goes without saying; the mainstream media (and their ilk, like the bovines on the View) need to be similarly dealt with.
Look up "Nicolae Ceausescu," the former Communist dictator of Romania and his wife and read what happened to them. Trudeau knows what happened to them. He and his apparatchiks know what they are doing and are covering it up. That's why they are engaged in ruthless repression. That's why they shut down the truckers' protest.
I wish I believed that but most parents in this situation won't even acknowledge the possibility that the bio-weapon injections are to blame. Too much cognitive dissonance to bear and they are also partially responsible as I'm sure most of these parents willingly offered their children up as Pharma guinea pigs as they did themselves. Nothing will happen, there will be no justice and people will continue to inject and die and deny. The people reading this are a minute minority less than 10% of the population there's no way to reach the critical mass necessary for any kind of change or uprising. The vast majority of the population is fully vested in this system if not culpable in its propagation.
I have to agree. No parent will ever admit that they either allowed or even encouraged their child to be given these injections that then caused the death of the child. It's just not possible for most people IMHO. Yet, in one interview I'd said that vaccination of children for COVID (which was just being talked about at that point) would, sadly, only end once parents see that their kids either are injured or die. I was wrong.
Primarily because their doctors won't even suggest that the shot might have caused adverse events/death. This has been going on for decades with childhood vaccines. SIDS is never blamed on vaccination.
More than enough? Let he, or she, who has not vaxxed cast the first stone? Vaxxers, go and sin no more? Do you mean there should be no justice for those who have died and that the people should turn the other cheek? Grant amnesty?
No that is not what I meant. Unfortunately the system no justice from them. We all fall into the hands of God and he is just, most of us want mercy. These people may be beyond repentance.
I would recommend you and I both consider your question. It is a very good one. However, I would submit first that when God sent Jesus , that was His firm and final covenant that they who believe in Him would have the right to become sons and daughters of God (John 1). That Jesus was and still is the final fulfillment of the Law (multiple places in the Old presaging this and in the New staying it outright, e.g Galatians 2-3 and romans 8:1-5). At the time of Moses, the Israelites would have been under the Abrahamic covenant (Gen 12-15). They didn’t have the final fulfillment. Now we do. I’m rambling a bit just thinking “out loud” on Substack. Also , God Knew pharaoh’s heart just as he knows yours and mine. Many, including me, believe God only hardened Pharaohs heart after Pharaoh hardened his own heart and God did this with the purpose of saving Gods people in a unique and amazing way. The story of the Bible is the story of Gods Glory. Repeated over and over. I’m sure I’m not 100% answering your question as it was asked, I believe you were asking to make a point, is that right, not to really ask me. No worry. I believe in open dialogue with anyone willing to wrestle with (ie think about and try to recognize) the truth. But I still firmly believe that throughout history God has showed His prevenient grace (I hate spellcheck BTW as “prevenient” is an amazing beautiful word in this context that it does not recognize, as an aside, musing on this, society reject that truth) throughout His Word. God reached out to you and me before we ever reached out or cried out to Him by sending Jesus. I again repeat, with the final word of Tetelestai, “It is finished”, Christ paid for our complete sins on the cross and therefore, made it so that no man is too far from His love or His redemption.
In the event that the sheep rise up his thugs are unable to bludgeon them into submission then T will live out his days sunning himself on the beach in the tropical paradise of a non-extradition country, wearing black face while sipping pina coladas and surrounded by a bevy of beauties that he can grope to his heart's content? As opposed to going out like Gaddafi with a bayonet crammed up his arse? Sounds about right.
Good point! All those Canadian women who swoon over him and say how gorgeous he is and that they want to go to bed with him and to have his babies may be the norm but deeply disappointed.
When he first came on the scene I noticed his cruelty. I suggested after awhile he is mean to women. Everyone thought I was nuts. My rationale was he is rich and famous and was single for a long time. He must have bedded 100+ women. Why were none coming forward to talk about their times with Justin? My speculation was they were being intimidated. Like Clinton’s victims were. Since then i met two gay guys. One of whom claims to have partied with Justin and claims personally to have watched him snort coke off the bare bum of a drugged 14 year old boy, before having sex with the boy. I don’t know him well enough to know if it is true. I do know Pierre the Dad was into that. Very very credible source. My Mom knew An ex RCMP who was on Pierre’s personal security detail. He said Pierre would spend a weekend in a ski cabin on Whistler mountain every month or so holed up with a different 14 year old boy. He resigned from the RCMP as he wanted to arrest PET. His superior said ‘He is the PM. Your job is to protect him. Ignore the rest.’ He couldn’t, so he quit. The gay person I met says Justin currently parties at a gay sex and drug house in North Vancouver every six weeks or so. It is very debauched.
Canadians have told me similar things. One told me he personally knew the parents of a Yong boy who was molested and they went to the police but were blown off. I assumed it was bullshit. Another told me that he is what is called "pedophilic disorder, non-exclusive type, primarily attracted to boys." The non-exclusive type may be attracted to adults, but it's a weaker preference. I seem to recall that he apologised during an election for groping a woman. Maybe that was just to try to boost his popularity as he seems to hate straight men.
What parent would allow these shots to be given to their kids anyway? Canada is in the grip of a death cult run by doctors and public health (an oxymoron if ever there was one) in lockstep with the Trudeau Liberals and the CCP - there are no abortion laws; the expansion of assisted suicide (AKA MAID) continues; over 130 doctors dead in recent months, but Trudeau is busy "keeping Canadians safe" while he sells the country out to the WHO and the ChiComms.
And what will the future hold for the children ... While everyone was distracted, they added the COVID injections to the childhood vaccine schedule. And no liability.
Freedom of choice? Gone???glad I don’t have young children at this point. My youngest was covered in hives after MMR shot. Allergy to neomycin contained in the shot they said. Medical should be aware of what’s in these things and let parents decide. They need to keep their greedy hands off the children- off everyone for that fact!!!
I think, based on kid vaccine uptake that more parents are being cautious about it. Thinking it over more than before. If we’ve won anything in this fight, we’ve won a little tiny beachhead in that battle up the sand. I hope they don’t cave in when their stupid, asinine pediatrician recommends. just as a close relative had to fight both his wife and the peds MD to protect his daughters (11) life last year. The wife bought the koolaid. Literally took it herself. And having adverse events. Not sure if she’s connecting the dots yet, doubt it. But in general (my personal family notwithstanding) check the stats, except in certain jab hungry and authoritarian states (Commiefornia) , under 13 uptake is apparently low.
All involved in this operation, manufacturers, government, medical, media, all who pushed this, all who facilitated this, they all need remedial lessons in physics. Dirt nap. Assume room temperature. And the ones that took it who belittled those that did not, that wanted us dead, in prison, fined, yeah them too. Folks I have been telling you for a while now, YOU need to be making your local lists.
This makes me sick. I thought for sure the parents would push back when mandates started for kids sports. My daughter is a competitive dancer. I thought, we just all need to stick together!! Surely parents wouldn't subject their kids to this. Then before you knew it, our poor unvaxxed kids were kicked out of sports. It's hard not to be bitter about 80% of Ontario parents caving in the province and then not even sticking up for our little ones that were banned from all that they loved. 😭But I am devastated that this is the consequence. No one wants a child to suffer. Except the evil ones amongst us, clearly they don't care. I just wished more parents would've stuck together. Such a shame.
But my unvaxxed daughter lost to prime dancing years, but she's healthy. Praying for all the kids that got the poison.🙏
They don't care. The parents only care the child can compete. Rather than care for their child's well being another way, they emphasis the sports, and thus, the NEED TO JAB. Each parent has murdered their child. God have Mercy on their souls, if they have any left at this point.
I agree. They're brainwashed. They know not what they do. It's all very well to say they were reckless and should have done their research but the mind control of the modern totalitarian and secret police security surveillance state is strong. The parents would be grieving and deserve some compassion.
I can't think of anything more vile and despicable than a child killer. Even in prisons these people rank at the bottom of the hierarchy and are despised by the other prisoners, just as they are in the broader community. And yet in the broader community they are the leaders at the top of the hierarchy. They get away with this and are never held to account.
Not when the awakening sheep realise what has been done to them and their lambs.
The sheep and their lambs who are being led, sleepwalking, to the slaughterhouse? Do you think they will awaken before they reach their destination?
Awake, and you are!
I suspect that if an indoctrinated skeptic of the truth could see the nature of mind control and societal
subversion, it may help. We have all undergone such psyop teaching but some of us survived it intact. They can too. If encouraged to look at the evidence of it, which surrounds us.
Dunno, not all, but all is not needed. If just 10% of the jabbed become extremely angry, that is one hell of a pitchforked mob. And, once the truth trickles through it will be likely be somewhat more as the anger will spread far faster than any contagion.
Hopefully their hearts don't give out or have a stroke before they serve justice.
I am visiting Canada and forced to interact with the Rat Juiced. They are not awake - they are not aware of the epic vax injuries... they continue to believe exactly what CNNBBC tells them to believe.
There is no rebellion of the vaxxed brewing.
Check out the Canadian women. Is it true that they are enamoured of Justin Trudeau and would sleep with him in a heartbeat if he was into females or adults?
If people still bought this, why are they not all queuing for the latest shot? Most are not.
How do you know that?
Oh right BBCCNN + CDC say that.
Same folks who said getting the Rat Juice would stop you from getting Covid.
Indeed, Awake! Trudeau’s pencil neck would last about 5 minutes in the Fed Pen. Crunch! Snap! Done slowly, it would be a warning to would-be dicktators of Canada.
Yes, in prison they are at the bottom, outside prison they RULE THE PLANET.
Why are leaders across the world killing their children ... injecting their military forces... running billion dollar campaigns to inject as many people as possible...
Maybe they know something we don't... and they believe exterminating us is necessary?
Of course nobody on SS wants to consider what is staring them right in the face. That would be even more horrifying than the current understanding of the situation
Malthusian global agenda
Emeritus Professor Guy McPherson says he has reviewed the data on Arctic methane release since 2009 again and again, hoping to find something that shows he'wrong and he cannot.
He says the conditions that were present in all of Earth's earlier mass extinctions are now present and that this is being covered up by governments, the UN and climate scientists.
He says the only reason our species is not extinct right now is because the pollution we produce has formed a protective shield in the upper atmosphere but it will not protect us for much longer.
An evolutionary biologist and species adaptation capability specialist, McPherson has retrained as a grief counsellor and has trained others.
He says no one here gets out alive.
McPherson predicts extinction well before the end of the decade and says that it is unstoppable.
Millions will die simultaneously in a single day.
When this happens, riots will break out.
This could be why governments and the WEF want to exterminates us now in advance of the mass extinction.
You know - back in the day when I believed man was burning up the planet -- I read Guy... and he said the permafrost was melting and would cause and explosive release of methane that would sink the planet... I bought into that...
But I waited .. and waited... and waited... and nothing happened...
Guy has fallen into deep despair because it's not happened... he needs counselling to deal with it
Global warming has been happening since the beginning of time -- man has minimal impact on climate...
This is a massive hoax
Good to hear. I suspected as much. I am aware that global warming is happening on other planets and am not sure how "our emissions" got there.
I've never really bought into the bullshit but I keep an open mind.
It does seem to be getting progressively cooler where I am and Russian scientists predict the return of the little ice age.
That's due to a change in the solar cycle and I take no responsibility for that at all.
I do like to troll the global warming alarmists with Guy's arguments and to call them "denialists."
Leo Dicarpio - a key spokesman for the global warming hoax... is building a multi million dollar resort in Belize... inches above the current level of the sea.
You'd think a Green Groupie would look at this -- and realize they've been played.
But nope. Stupid comes in multiple flavours.
That comment is antisemitic...
This is where we are. Impossibly. Children being killed via state sanctioned policies and we can't stop it. Twilight Zone could not have captured this level of atrocity. And that's how it continues - people won't believe it. God help us.
Blame the parents ! There is no helping them and don't forget these same idiots are the ones who enjoyed the fact that we couldn't eat with them in restaurants, fly with them on a plane and would have enjoyed turning us over to the covid squad for a one way trip to FEMA camps had we not stopped the first wave. Sucks for their children but the sheep will not wake up and are responsible for their own lambs at this point.
God, helps those who help themselves. Guns, subversion and a true insurrection can overcome the jewish cabal destroying this world.
Agree, it only takes 5% to make that happen. The sheep will simply follow as they always do. Doesn't appear to be help or hope in voting, politicians, judicial systems, police , militairy and certainly not media. Everything that made a free society has in a few short years been corrupted and we are on a slippery slope that your option looks like the only way out sadly.
Aye Paul, agree on all points, including it's sad this is the only option. A decentralized strike on this system would work. Example,vwe choose a day and time. 5% is 15M people, working independently, doing as much damage as their conscious allows to the seats of institutional power. No police agency can fight that, no cabal can withstand it. Better the West is obliterated, than to be used as a giant prison with velvet bars. Hail Victory.
When tyranny becomes law revolution becomes duty, Thomas Jefferson on the right to prevent government overreach by the people !
While Trudeau's net worth went from 10 million to 350 million on a 351k salary.
Not if our police arrest him and he’s tried for treason and all his assets are seized .
Problem is and will only get worse is that the system required to do this is absolutely corrupted and will not pursue this course of action. We are at the final stages of totalatarianism and he controls the law and order under his tyrannical rule. Canada is already a communist state and in a few short years our freedoms we remember not that long ago will be just fond memories of what used to be. Solution is just above these comments
Pushing jabs with negative efficacy on children especially will be the down-fall of the Medical Cartel, but progress is much slower than hoped for.
Canadiaian doctors were "just following orders".
And indeed they were. They are low level functionaries, as Mengele was. The orders came from the top. But that is not a defense.
Why waste time and money going to med school. If it's just following orders, install a computer in offices, no doctor needed. Punch in your symptoms. AI blood draw, body scanner. Print it out and go to the pharmacy.
Your suggestion would improve the bedside manner element. It sounds like it would be more warm and caring.
Be careful what you wish for
Not wishing for it necessarily, but don't think it would be much worse than our doctorbots.
Grotesque. Outright murder.
So, in essence, everything is going to plan (if you are a despicable follower of the WEF, that is).
After all, the real goal of the jabs has been depopulation, right? Kill people directly (elderly, kids, athletes), render women infertile, and create enough false flag havoc (lockdowns, mask mandates) to raise the level of overall depression of the population such that more people are pushed to the edge of sanity and shoot others or kill themselves. And all while allowing Klaus & Co. plausible deniability.
That minions like the greaseball Fauci and most Democrat politicians need to be tried for treason (death penalty for that, right?) goes without saying; the mainstream media (and their ilk, like the bovines on the View) need to be similarly dealt with.
Bob, i have tried but cannot come to any other conclusion but the evil genocidal depopulation plan, just as you have.
When you look out the window and all the trees sway toward one direction, you know from where the wind blows.
At some point people will rise up and hunt down those who killed their Children, their Spouses, their Family Members, their Friends.
Look up "Nicolae Ceausescu," the former Communist dictator of Romania and his wife and read what happened to them. Trudeau knows what happened to them. He and his apparatchiks know what they are doing and are covering it up. That's why they are engaged in ruthless repression. That's why they shut down the truckers' protest.
I wish I believed that but most parents in this situation won't even acknowledge the possibility that the bio-weapon injections are to blame. Too much cognitive dissonance to bear and they are also partially responsible as I'm sure most of these parents willingly offered their children up as Pharma guinea pigs as they did themselves. Nothing will happen, there will be no justice and people will continue to inject and die and deny. The people reading this are a minute minority less than 10% of the population there's no way to reach the critical mass necessary for any kind of change or uprising. The vast majority of the population is fully vested in this system if not culpable in its propagation.
I have to agree. No parent will ever admit that they either allowed or even encouraged their child to be given these injections that then caused the death of the child. It's just not possible for most people IMHO. Yet, in one interview I'd said that vaccination of children for COVID (which was just being talked about at that point) would, sadly, only end once parents see that their kids either are injured or die. I was wrong.
Primarily because their doctors won't even suggest that the shot might have caused adverse events/death. This has been going on for decades with childhood vaccines. SIDS is never blamed on vaccination.
100%. Sad but true.
Refraining from vaxing would be more than enough. May God have mercy on this world. We have ignored for too long. Agape
More than enough? Let he, or she, who has not vaxxed cast the first stone? Vaxxers, go and sin no more? Do you mean there should be no justice for those who have died and that the people should turn the other cheek? Grant amnesty?
No that is not what I meant. Unfortunately the system no justice from them. We all fall into the hands of God and he is just, most of us want mercy. These people may be beyond repentance.
No one is beyond repentance. Think of the thief on the cross beside Jesus. No one.
What about God hardening the heart of pharoah?
I would recommend you and I both consider your question. It is a very good one. However, I would submit first that when God sent Jesus , that was His firm and final covenant that they who believe in Him would have the right to become sons and daughters of God (John 1). That Jesus was and still is the final fulfillment of the Law (multiple places in the Old presaging this and in the New staying it outright, e.g Galatians 2-3 and romans 8:1-5). At the time of Moses, the Israelites would have been under the Abrahamic covenant (Gen 12-15). They didn’t have the final fulfillment. Now we do. I’m rambling a bit just thinking “out loud” on Substack. Also , God Knew pharaoh’s heart just as he knows yours and mine. Many, including me, believe God only hardened Pharaohs heart after Pharaoh hardened his own heart and God did this with the purpose of saving Gods people in a unique and amazing way. The story of the Bible is the story of Gods Glory. Repeated over and over. I’m sure I’m not 100% answering your question as it was asked, I believe you were asking to make a point, is that right, not to really ask me. No worry. I believe in open dialogue with anyone willing to wrestle with (ie think about and try to recognize) the truth. But I still firmly believe that throughout history God has showed His prevenient grace (I hate spellcheck BTW as “prevenient” is an amazing beautiful word in this context that it does not recognize, as an aside, musing on this, society reject that truth) throughout His Word. God reached out to you and me before we ever reached out or cried out to Him by sending Jesus. I again repeat, with the final word of Tetelestai, “It is finished”, Christ paid for our complete sins on the cross and therefore, made it so that no man is too far from His love or His redemption.
You would hope so--I would. They are no doubt prepared for this. None of these people will ever be able to be found.
In the event that the sheep rise up his thugs are unable to bludgeon them into submission then T will live out his days sunning himself on the beach in the tropical paradise of a non-extradition country, wearing black face while sipping pina coladas and surrounded by a bevy of beauties that he can grope to his heart's content? As opposed to going out like Gaddafi with a bayonet crammed up his arse? Sounds about right.
A bevy of young boys though. He isn’t into adult women.
Good point! All those Canadian women who swoon over him and say how gorgeous he is and that they want to go to bed with him and to have his babies may be the norm but deeply disappointed.
When he first came on the scene I noticed his cruelty. I suggested after awhile he is mean to women. Everyone thought I was nuts. My rationale was he is rich and famous and was single for a long time. He must have bedded 100+ women. Why were none coming forward to talk about their times with Justin? My speculation was they were being intimidated. Like Clinton’s victims were. Since then i met two gay guys. One of whom claims to have partied with Justin and claims personally to have watched him snort coke off the bare bum of a drugged 14 year old boy, before having sex with the boy. I don’t know him well enough to know if it is true. I do know Pierre the Dad was into that. Very very credible source. My Mom knew An ex RCMP who was on Pierre’s personal security detail. He said Pierre would spend a weekend in a ski cabin on Whistler mountain every month or so holed up with a different 14 year old boy. He resigned from the RCMP as he wanted to arrest PET. His superior said ‘He is the PM. Your job is to protect him. Ignore the rest.’ He couldn’t, so he quit. The gay person I met says Justin currently parties at a gay sex and drug house in North Vancouver every six weeks or so. It is very debauched.
Canadians have told me similar things. One told me he personally knew the parents of a Yong boy who was molested and they went to the police but were blown off. I assumed it was bullshit. Another told me that he is what is called "pedophilic disorder, non-exclusive type, primarily attracted to boys." The non-exclusive type may be attracted to adults, but it's a weaker preference. I seem to recall that he apologised during an election for groping a woman. Maybe that was just to try to boost his popularity as he seems to hate straight men.
One can hope
What parent would allow these shots to be given to their kids anyway? Canada is in the grip of a death cult run by doctors and public health (an oxymoron if ever there was one) in lockstep with the Trudeau Liberals and the CCP - there are no abortion laws; the expansion of assisted suicide (AKA MAID) continues; over 130 doctors dead in recent months, but Trudeau is busy "keeping Canadians safe" while he sells the country out to the WHO and the ChiComms.
And this.
‘Keeping Canadians safe’? His words???😆😆😆
The sadness is interminable reading this.
By Dana Gioia
Echo of the clocktower, footstep
in the alleyway, sweep
of the wind sifting the leaves.
Jeweller of the spiderweb, connoisseur
of autumn's opulence, blade of lightning
harvesting the sky.
Keeper of the small gate, choreographer
of entrances and exits, midnight
whisper traveling the wires.
Seducer, healer, deity or thief,
I will see you soon enough—
in the shadow of the rainfall,
in the brief violet darkening a sunset—
but until then I pray watch over him
as a mountain guards its covert ore
and the harsh falcon its flightless young.
And what will the future hold for the children ... While everyone was distracted, they added the COVID injections to the childhood vaccine schedule. And no liability.
Jessica Rose Sub-Stack:
Freedom of choice? Gone???glad I don’t have young children at this point. My youngest was covered in hives after MMR shot. Allergy to neomycin contained in the shot they said. Medical should be aware of what’s in these things and let parents decide. They need to keep their greedy hands off the children- off everyone for that fact!!!
I think, based on kid vaccine uptake that more parents are being cautious about it. Thinking it over more than before. If we’ve won anything in this fight, we’ve won a little tiny beachhead in that battle up the sand. I hope they don’t cave in when their stupid, asinine pediatrician recommends. just as a close relative had to fight both his wife and the peds MD to protect his daughters (11) life last year. The wife bought the koolaid. Literally took it herself. And having adverse events. Not sure if she’s connecting the dots yet, doubt it. But in general (my personal family notwithstanding) check the stats, except in certain jab hungry and authoritarian states (Commiefornia) , under 13 uptake is apparently low.
May these innocents souls Rest In Peace.😔🙏
All involved in this operation, manufacturers, government, medical, media, all who pushed this, all who facilitated this, they all need remedial lessons in physics. Dirt nap. Assume room temperature. And the ones that took it who belittled those that did not, that wanted us dead, in prison, fined, yeah them too. Folks I have been telling you for a while now, YOU need to be making your local lists.
This makes me sick. I thought for sure the parents would push back when mandates started for kids sports. My daughter is a competitive dancer. I thought, we just all need to stick together!! Surely parents wouldn't subject their kids to this. Then before you knew it, our poor unvaxxed kids were kicked out of sports. It's hard not to be bitter about 80% of Ontario parents caving in the province and then not even sticking up for our little ones that were banned from all that they loved. 😭But I am devastated that this is the consequence. No one wants a child to suffer. Except the evil ones amongst us, clearly they don't care. I just wished more parents would've stuck together. Such a shame.
But my unvaxxed daughter lost to prime dancing years, but she's healthy. Praying for all the kids that got the poison.🙏
They don't care. The parents only care the child can compete. Rather than care for their child's well being another way, they emphasis the sports, and thus, the NEED TO JAB. Each parent has murdered their child. God have Mercy on their souls, if they have any left at this point.
I don’t think it’s it that’s they don’t care as much as they CANNOT BE WRONG. They love their beliefs more than their own children.
I agree. They're brainwashed. They know not what they do. It's all very well to say they were reckless and should have done their research but the mind control of the modern totalitarian and secret police security surveillance state is strong. The parents would be grieving and deserve some compassion.
The vicious murder of innocent kids makes my blood boil. Will fathers and mothers ever care enough to shield their own children?